Stop it, I won't attack the teacher.


Oh, you really don't trust me. It's obvious that I have always respected and loved you in my heart and wanted to get closer to you.

I won't trust you easily again, but... get close?

There is no strange meaning in it, please be sure not to misunderstand it.

Facing this woman whose vigilance was rising again, An Luo couldn't help but wave his hands with a wry smile, and then looked at the girl who was sleeping soundly on the bed, showing an expression full of care and affection.


After being silent for a while, Mafuyu Kirisu couldn't help but want to say something, and Anluo, who felt that it was almost done, slowly said in a heavy tone: don't know, right? This child...she actually suffers from a very serious congenital heart disease. She was diagnosed by the doctor in the hospital more than a month ago. If she doesn't have the right A heart transplant patient will not survive next year.

Hey...? You...what are you talking about?

The sudden change of topic was so bizarre that Mafuyu Kirisu doubted his own ears. At the same time, he couldn't help but stare at An Luo with a scrutinizing gaze, wondering if this was something he had compiled.

But An Luo faced this question sternly, unwaveringly and with deep sadness, whispering: I didn't want to say this originally, because I didn't want people to know her physical condition, and I didn't want her to be exposed. I look at it with sympathy, but now... for the sake of that child's wish, I can only confess to you.

Wait! Wait a minute! What are you talking about? Heart disease? Dying...dying?

The sudden news seemed a bit unreasonable and overly impactful, which immediately confused Kirisu Mafuyu.

She had no idea what the connection was between the two, but even so she did not forget to change her inappropriate wording.

...Even if it's me, even someone like me! I can't tell such a lie just to evade responsibility!

With a heart-wrenching expression on his face, An Luo suddenly stood up from his seat and punched the wall hard. He lowered his head as if he was extremely angry at his powerlessness. He took out his phone and swiped it a few times. He was left beside Mafuyu Kirisu, and turned his back to the woman behind him and scolded:

Teacher, if you don't believe it, just see it for yourself! But you must not understand, right? My current mood... I am helpless and helpless about my friend's condition. I can only... I can only use this method to realize this child's condition. My wish...! I will do whatever it takes to help this child fulfill her dream! Whether it is to have a lover or have a drink... I agreed to all of them! But I will never do anything sorry. It’s about this child!”


Kirisu Mafuyu subconsciously looked at Anluo's cell phone. The picture clearly showed Tachibana Kanade's condition, which made her freeze instantly. She opened her mouth to say something only to find that she was speechless.

He just stared blankly at An Luo, who was giving up on himself. He could no longer understand his words. He was just moved... and felt guilt overflowing in his heart in an instant.

After a long while, Mafuyu finally recovered from the shock and moved his lips again. Although he was unconscious, he still knew that the unpleasant-sounding sound came from his own mouth.

All she said was a small moan and an instinctive apology.

S-I'm sorry...I...don't know...

...Can an apology solve anything? No! So...forget it, teacher, I really didn't expect that you would actually listen to someone who doesn't know anything and only treats me as a bastard. If you are a bastard, treat me as a heinous sinner... Yes, it doesn't matter, I don't care! But why do you have to make me tell all these things? You can't maintain a state of knowing nothing! You can't just say it a little bit Believe me?! I just want to fulfill that child’s wish to get drunk, stay out all night, and be a bad boy for once! I have always just wanted to help Kanade! My only wish is this, I just hope to help myself friend.....!

It was as if the grievances that had been accumulated for a long time were finally vented all at once.

It was like a wailing accusation. Kirisu Mafuyu didn't understand what happened at all, or he couldn't turn his head around.

She didn't know whether to be angry or sad... The development of this matter was so fast that her thinking was completely unable to keep up with reality.

Just speechless, stunned, and confused... looking at the young man in front of him who seemed to have been treated extremely unfairly, but his eyes still contained strong will and hopeless sadness.

At the moment when An Luo couldn't hold it anymore and squatted down, covering her face with one hand to avoid laughing, she realized that she had been completely derelict in her duties as a teacher, and she also understood that this seemingly delinquent boy was actually the truly gentle one. people.

Even if he is occasionally cynical and bullies others, he has never really done anything that crosses the line, because it is just a superficial disguise.

In fact, he is a man who is willing to do his best for others, but silently endures all the condemnation himself.

Although he is still good at being young at his age, behind his cynicism, he hides a silent guard for his friends and calmly faces all accusations.

At this moment, Kirisu Mafuyu felt that he had truly gotten to know Anluo, and understood that he had a gentleness and strength that could not help but move people, and that he was a being worthy of his complete trust.



Ah~ It seems that I accidentally went too far?

An Luo, who was pretending to be sad, quietly observed the dumbfounded female teacher in front of him. He also felt that he seemed to be too deeply involved in the drama, which led to him accidentally exerting too much force and talking too much.

Originally, his goal was just to ask Kirisu Mafuyu to make a phone call and tell Kanade's parents that Kanade was staying at her place, so that Kanade's parents could rest assured.

After all, Kanade's parents had met Kirisu Mafuyu once, and seemed to know that she was a teacher. The fact that she was a teacher plus a woman was enough to reassure them... It might not work, but at that time, let's consider other methods.

However... An Luo was so eager to deceive people that he accidentally forgot his original purpose.

Ah, that's not right, because he wasn't lying, he was just telling people what happened in the past.

And at the beginning, he planned to wait for her to finish the phone call and tell her that the heart disease had actually been completely cured, so as to tease her hard for believing in him.

It's just that the situation now makes it difficult for him to confess... What should I do? You're not going to ruin yourself again, are you? ——Looking at Kirisu Mafuyu, whose face was full of guilt, through his fingers, An Luo also felt a little worry in his heart, and couldn't help but worry about how he should end it now.

Kirisu Mafuyu, on the other hand, went through a series of rapid reflections in his heart that were unimaginable to ordinary people. He endured the pain and stood up and walked towards him.

Mafuyu mustered up the courage to stretch out his hands, gently hugged An Luo, who was close at hand, and unconsciously turned his lips while stroking his hair, and uttered the words of apology again with uncontrollable trembling.

...I'm sorry...I'm really sorry...I should have trusted you more. I...actually, in my heart you have always been a good child.

Huh? Teacher...?

His face was immediately buried in Mafuyu's proud body. Those plump breasts almost made it difficult for Anluo, who was suddenly baptized by facial cleanser, to breathe.

But even though this facial cleanser makes you suffocate, its amazing softness makes you want to indulge in it and try to see how long you can hold your breath.

...I have decided, although it may be a little late, that I will stand by your side and be your companion. You will protect Kanade, and I will protect you.

Kirisu Mafuyu's maternal instinct was completely aroused. The maternal instinct that all girls have has been overflowing uncontrollably.

While the corners of her eyes were burning, she even forgot the difference between men and women when she was lost in maternal instinct, and even said words that made An Luo feel that she was assimilated by Hui Hui.

But An Luo, who was in this soft paradise, didn't know at this moment whether he should be happy or continue to be worried. This situation that accidentally got out of hand and was completely beyond his control, how to resolve it peacefully later. .

Chapter 5: Confession to no avail·Kou’s liking

An Luo, who was both happy and troubled, not only felt sincerely troubled by the current situation, but also couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this teacher... was still too naive after all. Of course, it might also be a problem with his excellent acting skills.

But compared to this, An Luo, who was suffocated on Kirisu Mafuyu's chest, could only nod her head when faced with her sudden decision, and made an indistinct voice from her chest: Thank you, thank you, old man... ..Teacher, can I trust you?”

Foolish question! Of course! Although I am still an unreliable teacher, I am still an adult after all. I should be able to protect you more or less... I will trust you unconditionally, so please You should also trust me, teacher.

Well! Thank you, teacher!

An Luo, who had no way out, once again nodded touched. This made Mafuyu finally smile again and stroke his head lovingly.

At this moment, the two seemed to have no longer any barriers, and they completely opened their hearts to each other...Wrong, it was Kirisu Mafuyu's heart that was opened unilaterally.



While enjoying the facial cleanser, An Luo, whose eyes were blinded by the inexplicable huge thing, had realized that there seemed to be no turning back when things had developed to this extent.

If the truth is known, Kirisu Mafuyu will probably kill himself physically at all costs... He has almost made up a concrete picture of this future in his head.

what to do? How will this end? I just wanted her to make a phone call. Why did it develop into this weird hatchet incident?

Sure enough, we should restrain our bad taste in daily life? You shouldn't be too involved in your acting...but you won't be able to deceive people if you don't act more realistically, right? And I can’t just give up so easily with such a small entertainment, right?

After being released from the state of facial cleanser, An Luo helped Mafuyu, who was blushing and speechless, and returned to the sofa after realizing what he had done. He couldn't help but struggle with what to do next. In this way, this farce that accidentally got into trouble ended.

Of course, there is also reflection on one’s own behavior.

Before An Luo reminded her to make a call, Kirisu Mafuyu suddenly became nervous again when An Luo's eyes touched her.'s almost time to take a shower. You can move around freely as appropriate.

Mafuyu stood up quickly despite the pain. After saying these words in a stiff tone, he quickly walked to the closet and took out a change of clothes, and immediately got into the bathroom, obviously trying to avoid being alone with him.

But... she realized when she entered that her behavior of letting a boy stay in her room while she went to take a shower... seemed to be very problematic.

——Mistake, mistake! Big mistake~~! What on earth did Is this something only lovers do?!

Mafuyu, who subconsciously leaned against the glass door of the bathroom, kept muttering to himself.

Her heart was beating uncontrollably, and her legs suddenly became weak, causing her to collapse on the ground uncontrollably.

The excessive shame made her cover her face with her hands in the bathroom, but even this could not stop the screams from escaping from her fingers.

She no longer knew whether she should take a shower or not. Although she really planned to trust An Luo completely now, An Luo would do strange things outside without realizing it.

But the sound of her bathing was heard by people of the opposite sex who were not relatives, and she couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of shame.

The state of being alone, a man and a woman, always makes it easy for people to think about it. Kirisu Mafuyu is in this state now, but when she calmed down a little, she found...

Mistake...I am a teacher, and the other person is still a student, just a child, not a man...I don't need to feel nervous!

Mafuyu, who suddenly understood the logic, felt a little more relaxed, but then he changed his mind and thought of another question: But... I am so nervous, does it mean that I subconsciously regard him as a human being? The opposite sex? No, impossible! Ridiculous, this is impossible, I am a teacher! This is not normal! Flirty... too frivolous! As a teacher, you must behave like a teacher!

While muttering to herself, she suddenly shook her head violently and kept trying to object to this idea.

However, the conflict between the negative image of the past and the positive image of the present brought a strong contrast to her. She subconsciously thought that An Luo was all gentle in the past. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that An Luo was extraordinary, kind, gentle and excellent. Forbearance.

I am willing to be misunderstood for the sake of others, but even if I am misunderstood, I will not clarify, explain, or care. I will only bear the burden to protect the people I value.

This completely activated her maternal nature, and she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She wanted to do her best to make up for her past mistakes, and she wanted to love and pamper An Luo.

And she couldn't figure out what the purpose of such emotions was, but her face couldn't help but become more and more rosy.

at last.......

What, what, what, what, what, what should I do?! I, it seems... I really think that a student-year-old boy is a man?!

The screams that could not be suppressed even if she tried her best leaked out from her fingers again, causing her heartbeat to speed up uncontrollably. For a moment, she felt that her heart was beating so fast that it was about to explode.

..... She was really worried that if An Luo heard what she said, how would she face him in the future?

On the other side, in the tidy living room.

An Luo, who has extraordinary hearing, heard almost all the sounds coming from the bathroom clearly... although this was not of his own free will.

However, he has long been used to hearing the sounds in the bathroom, and he is not a young boy who would be shaken by it at all, so compared to the fanciful sound of running water in the bathroom...

The call hasn't been made yet... As expected, the teacher will come out later. Please ask her again.

While muttering to himself, An Luo turned his attention to the girl beside him again. While relaxing with the cute sleeping face of the girl, he thought about how to remind Mafuyu later.

But just when he was relaxing with the girl's beautiful sleeping face, he suddenly stiffened and his expression turned bad, because he felt...

The girl, who was sleeping peacefully, suddenly raised her head without warning, staring straight at him with some confusion on her face.

...An Luo, why are you lying again? The girl lightly opened her cherry blossom-colored lips, and her voice was as sweet as a silver bell, but to An Luo it was like a bolt from the blue.

For the joy of life, he did not use his superpower to observe anything, and deliberately ignored his keen sensory abilities to avoid discovering unnecessary things and reducing excitement.

So when he was admiring the defenseless sleeping face, he noticed that Tachibana Kanade had woken up again at some point and seemed to have been listening for a long time?

However, Kanade, who has little reaction to external stimuli, is indeed very suitable for playing the role of a wooden person. Just lying on the bed normally can pretend to be asleep to a real level, so even if no abnormality is found, there is nothing that can be done... .Bar?



Using other people as material to deceive another person, but the person involved was still there and heard the truth. It was basically a public execution, which made An Luo speechless for a moment.

He had no choice but to turn his face away silently, looking at the floor in an attempt to implement the concept that silence is golden.

But in the past, the girl who always responded to everything with silence, this time rarely asked: ...Don't you want to explain?

Well...well, I don't think this is a lie. It's just an unfinished narration. The last part of the story hasn't been finished yet, but I do plan to talk about it properly?

Under Kanade's gaze, An Luo carefully explained himself.

Although Ke Zuo was simple but not stupid, he silently patted the seat next to him and motioned for An Luo to sit next to him.

This made An Luo subconsciously take a step back and said cautiously: You are not thinking of slapping me again, are you? I really planned to explain it clearly just now. You can't be so unclear again... .”

sit down.

...Okay, I admit that I want to condemn Teacher Mafuyu first, and then tell her the truth of the matter, but in terms of the order of things, it is normal to talk about the illness first and then the cure, right?

sit down.

No matter what An Luo said, the girl who stared at him with amber eyes would always just pat the sheets beside her and respond to all his explanations with two words as precious as gold.

Faced with such a girl who refused to accept hard and soft excuses, An Luo had no choice but to lower his shoulders and let out a big sigh: ...Okay, you are cute, you have the final say.

Cute? When An Luo sat obediently beside him, Tachibana Kanade just looked at him troubled for a moment, then tilted his head slightly and let his silver hair fall down his shoulders and asked: ...Am I cute?

Huh? How should I say...

How to say?

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