Alice curled her lips and asserted without hesitation, showing no mercy to him, which made him a little hurt for a moment: ...I feel like I have heard a lot of similar words recently.

So Lord An Luo, do you think you can be trusted?

Of course, do you need to say this??

Just like Alice's assertion, An Luo also answered in the affirmative without thinking, which also made him instantly receive the expressionless gazes of the two girls beside him.

The behavior of both sides suddenly standing on the same front made him couldn't help but look away slightly. He thought quietly for a moment before muttering in self-reflection: ...I suddenly realized that I am not qualified to say a lot. Sure enough, this Don’t you pay attention to cultivating a trusting relationship in your daily life?”


Breakfast was embarrassing, but the obsession with being a well-fed man still made An Luo try his best to ignore Alice's suspicious eyes and finish his breakfast.

He stayed up like this, until after Alice finished breakfast while observing him and eating, he signaled Luo Qixi to stay in the living room with his eyes, and semi-forcibly pulled Alice away on the pretext that he had something to discuss in detail. Si, went straight to the cabin where he lived before... When he confessed, there was a commotion in the city and unnecessary casualties.

And it was completely destroyed just last night, but after being repaired by An Luo, who was basically like a god in the microscopic realm, the cabin was exactly the same as before...



The two looked at each other in the living room wordlessly.

After a long while, Alice, who was sitting upright on the sofa as if she were a queen examining the prisoner, raised her hand slightly and made a gesture of invitation to signal him to speak.

Well...what should I start with?

up to you.

...Okay. He took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions, and after a final debate in his mind, he slowly said, Actually...I, that one? How should I put it?

....How do I know what you want to say?

The sudden rhetorical question left Alice speechless, but An Luo, who finally made up her mind, swallowed and said with an air of breaking a can, Actually, I did it with the teacher, and so did Bai Yu and Kei.

Before she finished speaking, the girl who was still shaking her head in depression froze. She stopped moving and lost her voice. She seemed to be holding her breath subconsciously.

Well... what does 'did' mean, do you understand? Now that it has reached this level, An Luo feels that he has to explain the matter clearly. He is worried that Alice will not understand this statement, and can't help but Ask cautiously and cautiously.

...Is that so? I've done it before.





...Princess? Are you okay?

Seeing the girl lowering her head with a sullen face and losing her voice again, An Luo, who felt increasingly uneasy, asked again in the gentlest tone possible.

Alice didn't reply, but she suddenly raised her head and glared at him fiercely. She stood up with a ghostly expression, raised her hand and slapped him down.


The crisp slaps resounded throughout the entire wooden house.

An Luo, who did not dodge, was hit in the face, and he was even prepared to have his head smashed into pieces and have to rely on telekinesis to get a new one for himself later.

However... there was only a slap mark on his face, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth at most, and his head was still on his neck. Overall, he was fine and nothing serious.

...Why don't you hide! Alice scolded with a livid face: If I hadn't stopped, you would be dead now!

I know, do I put it...feeling guilty? That's probably it. An Luo said hesitantly, and a death-like silence enveloped the wooden house.

Alice, who stared at him without saying a word, took a long breath and tried to calm down her inner emotions before muttering as if to herself:

Are you feeling guilty?... Mr. An Luo, how long do you think I have been waiting for you to confess?


Do you think I'm stupid? Bai Yu's abnormal behavior is so obvious, but I can't tell the difference at all?

The girl's tone contained bottomless anger, but what she said surprised An Luo, or even he didn't expect that Alice had already known about it.

But if that's the case...why didn't you show it at the beginning? While An Luo was wondering about this matter, he didn't ask about it. He just kept quiet and didn't say any unnecessary words.

...Lord An Luo, what do you think of Bai Yu and the others? The girl who unexpectedly did not take out the holy sword sat back on the sofa and stared at him with cold eyes and asked a strange question.

A girl you like?



An Luo, who was a little uncomfortable with being stared at, nodded bravely.

I'm curious why I resisted asking at first?


Because actually I'm not sure.

...Uh? Is that so?

I'm still young, you keep saying is it because I'm too young that you find someone else to vent your desires?

...I don't think so, and that's not the case either.

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth for a while, An Luo showed a rare seriousness from the heart. He no longer avoided the girl's cold gaze, and said with a complicated mood that he could not understand: You are the one I care about most in this world. One of the people, but I don’t know if this is love. To be precise, I don’t have a clear definition of love... Well, to be honest, when I said this sentence, I felt goosebumps all over my body. Got up, but I didn’t lie this time...

...One of them? I want to be the only one...

The girl pouted as if she was hurt inside, and at the same time she was deeply dissatisfied. The expression on her face seemed very complicated.

This made An Luo feel a particularly strong sense of love and guilt in his heart, but he didn't know what to say at this time, so he could only lower his head again with a guilty conscience: ...I'm sorry.

...Why can't I...I've been thinking about this issue. Wiz said that you didn't attack me because you cherished me. Is that true?

Alice ignored his apology and just stared at him expressionlessly, hoping that he could give her an answer.

In his heart, he was grateful to Wiz for speaking kindly to him. An Luo, who decided to build a demon palace for her in the future, suppressed his inner gratitude for the time being and thought about the question seriously, and gave the answer in a positive tone: I'm not sure How do I feel about you, but I definitely don’t want you to get hurt.”

....But I'm very, very hurt right now! Do you understand?! How I feel now!!

The girl's words became more and more intense as she spoke, and her voice was trembling with her. She even couldn't control her emotions and directly crushed the wooden armrest of the sofa.

The sawdust all over the sky made it impossible to open one's eyes, and he couldn't find a reason to defend himself. In other words, An Luo, who had no way to defend himself, could only apologize repeatedly.



To be honest, the situation was very different from the expected development.

Even when this matter came to an end, Alice did not pull out the holy sword. She seemed to acquiesce to the current situation to a certain extent.

And her acquiescence was not only a result of past education, but also seemed to be the moment when the two made the engagement, not because they were in love.

In the past, An Luo had always only treated her as a younger sister, which made it impossible for her to completely stand in the position of the person who was cheated on. In the past, An Luo also rejected her confession, hoping to wait until she grew up before talking about it.

It was difficult for her to stand on the position of the ultimate victim, and she even felt that she was just taking advantage of An Luo's preference and being very nosy as her nominal fiancée.

But the emotion of liking made her want to do drastic actions uncontrollably, but her past education also made her work hard to suppress this impulse.

But no matter what, An Luo is willing to make any compensation. Alice's request... is to stay with her here.

But it seems that this is not the beginning of the decadent harem life. To be precise, it should be a companionship for growth, because he was asked to accompany her here for two years as compensation, and was not allowed to be intimate with Luo Qixi in any sense in front of her. .

Naturally, he could not refuse such a request.

Alice originally wanted to return to China, but there was a troublesome father there, which made her hesitate and gave up the idea of ​​going back.

Of course, Luo Qixi had quite a few complaints about this, at least a lot about Alice's control... But An Luo was very skilled in underground activities and occasionally being sneaky.

After all, they were all in the same apartment, and being sneaky for so long was quite a skill for him, but this time he wanted to keep his promise to Alice, even if two years of abstinence was difficult.

at the same time.......

Master An Luo...if you continue to mess around behind my back, I won't be polite if I find out.

Alice, who obviously didn't trust him very much, made a scissor motion while speaking, which made him unconsciously feel a chill in his lower body and he could only nod with a wry smile.

But when Alice was still awake the next day, Luo Qixi suddenly pulled him quietly and whispered: It will be okay even if you are discovered! I can heal magic, so as long as the severed limbs are still there, it will not be a problem!

Uh...why do you assume that I am castrated...

——Don't think about it! I have to keep the cut things!

Alice, who seemed to have appeared late on purpose, pushed open the door with a red face and made an aggressive declaration of keeping it.

This made An Luo not know how to comment on this strange speech for a moment, but Luo Qixi glared at her angrily, very dissatisfied with her overbearing restraint.

In order to avoid a fire in the harem, he could only immediately intervene between the two girls and face them with his palms: Calm down, calm down, everyone, calm down, what can't you say properly?

Lord An Luo! What do you mean? Are you planning to violate our agreement?

An Luo! We don't have a shady relationship! What does it matter even if we do something!

Well...well, how should I put it...I personally am...

Being surrounded and stared at by two petite beautiful girls who refused to give in, even An Luo couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

For the first time, he experienced the trouble of sitting on the same side of the family, but in the face of the fire incident in the harem, all he could do was try his best to put it out.

One by one, they tried their best to appease each other, and soon reached a compromise point with each other.

To put it simply, Luo Qixi stayed here for a while, and An Luo took Alice to another world where Sugar was originally intended to be placed.

The controllable speed of time in the world has become the biggest project this time, allowing Alice to continue her dream of going to school, and at the same time, she can supervise him not to mess around when she has him all to herself.



Another world, Britain two years later.

Under the dual guarantee of Alice's supervision and his personal consciousness, An Luo did not increase his harem, but spent two years with Alice while studying.

Time is indeed good medicine. In the beginning, Alice always kept a straight face towards him, but gradually her face softened to almost the same as before, and she once again became able to act coquettishly with him without hesitation.

One day when Alice is about to arrive in two years' time and she is already fifteen years old.

The past two years have not brought any changes to An Luo, but Alice has transformed from a pink little lolita into a regular and beautiful girl. After looking in the mirror to confirm this, she went to school after school. Shi took brisk steps and arrived at the college library occupied by An Luo.

After swiping her card to open the door, she ignored the complicated looks in the eyes of the surrounding students and quickly entered the silent library. After a while, she found An Luo quietly reading a book in the depths of the library.

And when An Luo opened the book casually, she suddenly rushed forward and pressed on his shoulders, and looked at him very seriously: Master An Luo, please read the book later and look at me. .”

??What's wrong?

The girl's blond hair that suddenly rushed over fell like a drizzle, and a lot of it fell on An Luo's face, which was concentrating on reading. It made him feel itchy and raised his head subconsciously, not understanding what happened to her suddenly.

Am I pretty?

Huh, huh?? You're very cute and beautiful. What's wrong? Who dares to say you're not beautiful? It must be jealousy. Can I help you beat them up?

While responding to the question in confusion, An Luo, who was confused, couldn't help but cast his gaze on the girl's delicate and lovely face.

...Is this all you want to say?

The girl wrinkled her little nose slightly, obviously not satisfied with the answer.

very beautiful?


Sorry, what exactly do you want to say? Can't you just say it directly?

...Lord An Luo, have you forgotten the purpose of our coming here together?

Huh? Ah, oh...of course I remember...

He instantly thought that he was here with Alice, accepting the punishment of two years of abstinence and waiting for her to grow up. For a moment, An Luo didn't know how to talk to her.

Two years passed in a blink of an eye, leaving him without much sense of reality, and it would not be good to say strange things at this time...


He stretched out his hand, placed it on the girl's blond hair, and said seriously: You have grown up.

——That's not right! Alice was a little angry for a moment and waved his hand away: Are you my father? What did you say all of a sudden!

No...actually I don't know what to say...

An Luo, who was blamed, said a little embarrassedly, and muttered in a low voice: And we have been together all the time, even if you do grow up, it seems to me that it is not a big deal...

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