An Luo walked over and patted Luo Qixi on the head. From an angle that was invisible to the girl with her head hanging down, An Luo smiled as if she had everything under control.

In fact, even if Luo Qixi did not agree to his request, An Luo would not be so cruel as to drive her out, but would choose to change his strategy and pretend to be soft-hearted.

Although Luo Qixi may not have a good impression of herself in this way, is too simple to change a person's impression, or if it is not about appearance or physiological disgust, it can change from a bad impression to a good impression. It's actually the simplest.

It is very troublesome to try your best to be a good person from the beginning. If you want to make it simpler, you can play a bad person first and occasionally do good things when you are in a good mood. This is the best strategy. You can still gain the same favor as a good person, or even A higher social evaluation than a good person.

The reason is very simple. It is similar to the Buddhist saying: Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Stop doing evil and achieve righteousness.

A bad person only needs to put down his butcher knife to become a Buddha, but a good person needs to go through all kinds of difficulties to become a Buddha.

Because most people are very harsh on good people. If you fail to do it in the slightest, all your efforts in practice will be wasted, and you may even be regarded as a monster.

Everyone is strangely tolerant towards bad people, at least after they have done something good, they will appear to be very tolerant. No matter how serious their previous sins are, even if everyone has to punish them, but if one day they are ready to change their evil ways, in an instant His status will soar and he will be lifted directly to the sky.

In comparison, isn't it easy to be a bad guy and... unfair? Does it feel unreasonable and like nonsense?

However, in fact, this is really correct, just like the difference between losing your life in the later years and turning back as a prodigal son. No matter how many bad things you do, you only need to do one good thing in the end, and others will immediately change their views on him, and even do their best to help him. Whitewash.

Just remember his glorious moments, forget your past dissatisfaction with him, and rack your brains to explain to him. If you blame him for his past bad deeds, others will say that you don’t even understand forgiveness and growth. Why should you hold on to others’ past mistakes? Don’t let go of mistakes? Now that you have changed your ways, what else do you want? No matter what happens, you can't commit a crime that will lead to death, right?

On the other hand, if you usually do too many good things and do one bad thing at critical times, others will point at you and forget all the good things about you.

Human psychology is like this. If a good person does a bad thing, he will be overly criticized, while if a bad person does a good thing, he will be highly praised, and even the bad deeds of the past will be ignored.

Of course not everyone is like this, but there are really many such people, so when it's time to take advantage, he still wants to take advantage of him. He plans to be a bad guy for a while and then do something good.

Therefore, after going too far based on the cold setting, An Luo quickly added encouragement: Of course, I will pay the salary of seven silver coins a month. As a Water Saint level magician, this should be considered quite high. I believe that having such a high salary at the beginning definitely means that the teacher’s future is bright.”

Ha, haha... Yes... As a Water Saint-level magician, seven silver coins a month is indeed a high salary, but... the extra two silver coins can only be hired The cheapest nanny... As a nanny, I am really cheap, hehehe...

In the face of the cruel reality, Luo Qixi no longer had the strength to wave away An Luo's hand. She just pulled the corners of her mouth and forced herself to smile while squatting on the ground. It could be said that she was extremely decadent, holding her knees with one hand and one hand with the other. His hands kept drawing circles on the ground.

Looking at this devastated look, An Luo tried to persuade him as if he couldn't bear it: Please don't say that. In my eyes, family represents emotions and ties, and the weight of emotions is far greater than money.

...Then you should give me more...

Ah, yes, teacher.

Before Luo Qixi could ask for a salary increase, An Luo immediately interrupted her and reminded: It's dinner time now, please hurry up and cook.


Remember to wash your hands by the way. You just scribbled on the ground. To be honest, it's very dirty.


Luo Qixi understood that no matter how much she said, there would be no good results, and there was no way to say anything to An Luo, Luo Qixi simply gave up her protest and sighed forcefully with the greatest depression in her history.

The dinner in the cabin was not rich but not too simple, but it seemed very depressing.

The reason was that Luo Qixi kept sighing, and the sighing was naturally because of... An Luo.

As a teacher, she became the target of being exploited by students. This situation made her feel incredible. To be honest, because of An Luo, she even began to fear the profession of teaching.

Yes, fear.

Although her original dream was to become a teacher because she likes to teach others, and now she has become one, she found that there is a huge gap between reality and ideal.

The student is not cute at all, and his respect for himself is limited to words and cold... Of course, this is actually nothing, and it can be tolerated to some extent, but...

...Seven silver coins allow me to be a teacher and a nanny. Isn't it too much? This guy is not a little cold at all, but cold-blooded!... He won't do it from the beginning. You're plotting against me! But it doesn't feel very similar...after all, that guy doesn't look like the kind of person with scheming intentions...

Luo Qixi, whose mind was in chaos, was hoping and thinking, trying to figure out what the current situation was.

But An Luo's voice soon came from behind, directly interrupting her thoughts: Teacher, can you tell me what you usually teach students at night?

What are you talking about...popularizing science, magic and social common sense? Luo Qixi sighed while washing the dishes: But you are already so old and you still have money to hire me, so you shouldn't need it, right?

No, although I did borrow my money based on my strength, it does not mean that I have common sense. After all... I have a relatively cold personality. At the same time, the teacher should feel that I am not very good at asking questions. If someone likes me, people around me will say very unpleasant things, and my cognitive bias makes people around me always hate me.

After finishing speaking, he paused and showed a sad expression. Then, as if he wanted to bury all the bitterness in his heart, he turned to look out the window to contain the sadness that was accidentally revealed, and said slowly:

To be precise, except for the teacher who tolerated me in this way, no one in the past tolerated me. They always isolated me, which made my understanding of common sense deviate more and more from that of ordinary people... So, in fact, in When the teacher agreed to my conditions, I was really happy. From the bottom of my heart, I felt that it was great that the teacher was my teacher...

Is that so? Thank you...that me...I'm actually very happy too!

It felt pitiful that An Luo was always misunderstood because he was not good at speaking, but he was obviously relied on and trusted. This made Luo Qixi finally change his previous sad look and show a happy smile, and she also looked a little shy.

Being a teacher is actually not that bad, and so is this guy, just a little bit weird, but essentially he is also a good kid!

Luo Qixi, whose previous dissatisfaction with An Luo disappeared in an instant, with a sense of accomplishment in being relied upon, respected and affirmed, decided to teach An Luo everything she could!

In the future, I will try my best to understand his words as well as possible, so as to avoid misunderstanding my poor disciple who is not good at words and is always misunderstood like others.

Although she still doesn't quite understand what the money borrowed based on strength is, but it should be just a matter of expression. Others' long-term investment in his sword this what it means?

The girl who seemed to be able to enter the normal path of a teacher thought about her behavior in helping An Luo for a while, and she turned it all positive. After quickly finishing the dishes, she sat on the chair, cleared her throat and told him about magic. .

The magic in this world is similar to that in Irena's side. There are also magic to control wind, fire, water and even healing. Although compared to Irena's side where there is no chanting at all, most of them here require chanting. This is probably is one of the most obvious differences.

As for the rest, Irena can use magic quickly, and she can also use it roughly as telekinesis, curse, change other people's perceptions, create a different dimension, turn people into monsters, create all kinds of things out of thin air, and so on. It can be said to be omnipotent, and its versatility is much higher than that of this world. It can be said to be truly omnipotent, but it has a fatal flaw that it can't do anything without a magic wand.

On the other hand, the applicability of magic in this world is relatively low, but you can still use magic without a wand, but the power will be reduced with bare hands.

In the cabin, Luo Qixi gradually let go of her dissatisfaction under An Luo's guidance. He even pretended to be pitiful and showed trust and affirmation, which completely reversed the bad impression. She also started to be happy while talking about magic. , and even talked about what he had experienced when he was an adventurer in the past.

This made An Luo realize that she seemed to have run away from home and had not been home for a long time.

Although she was loved by children, she was not favored by men. At least the person Luo Qixi thought was good would never treat her as a woman, which made her very depressed.

But to be honest, An Luo was not interested in these things. He just wanted to ask her what she thought about polygamy in a world of polygamous values.

No, we should ask first, is she a follower of Milis? Because when he came to the city, he immediately discovered a religion in this area called Milisianism, whose doctrine stipulates monogamy.

..... After thinking carefully, An Luo was silent for a while and finally slowly asked: Although it is a bit abrupt... Teacher, are you taught by Milis?

Miris Cult? The really abrupt question made the confused Luo Qixi shake her head subconsciously: No, it's not...what's wrong?

Well, can I ask another abrupt question?


...No, I'd better forget it after all.

An Luo wants to ask: What do you think of polygamy? .....However, I felt that this question really ruined my character, so I struggled to ask it over and over again.

What's going on? Teacher is a teacher, right? No matter what the problem is, just come here! The teacher will help you solve it all~!

Luo Qixi, who hoped to show her side as a teacher, smiled and patted her chest, which was not rising, hoping that An Luo could rely on her own abilities.

Thank you, but... let's forget it for now, but I believe that one day, I will be able to ask this question. It's getting late now, so let's go to bed quickly.

Really? I'll be looking forward to your questions then.

Luo Qixi, who only thought it was some growing troubles, didn't care and just nodded with a smile, then separated from An Luo and went to their respective rooms.

This single-story wooden house has only two rooms and a living room, surrounded by a small garden. There seems to be no bathroom.

To be precise, in this world that is similar to medieval Europe, it is strange to have toilets in the countryside.

Normally, you need to find a deserted corner to fertilize. There is even a saying that you need to go to the toilet within a stone's throw of your home to avoid inhaling yourself. However, it is definitely not allowed to go too close to the neighbors, as it will be regarded as provocative.

An Luo, who was lying on the bed, couldn't help but think about this problem when he thought about it. If he went out and wandered around tomorrow, would he be able to see a beautiful girl going to the toilet... Of course, think about it carefully. I thought that women would definitely choose a hidden place, and if they really went to look, they would definitely see men going to the toilet, so they gave up the plan of wandering around.

Just thinking about the toilet, I couldn't help but think about how to wipe my butt in the toilet here... Although I cared about this problem, I felt sick, so I immediately gave up thinking and sat up from the bed in order to divert my overly active thoughts. He got up and took out the crystal ball given by Barnier from the different space.

Hmm~ Can this magic tool really find the time traveler?

It was originally a treasure for looking for time travellers, but under Barnier's bad taste, it turned into a strange prop, which made him very depressed, but he could only treat Luo Qixi as a victim.

Thinking like this...he used invisible magic to hide the crystal ball, and used telekinesis to lift it out of the house, lift it into the air outside, and input magic power to activate it.

——Ahh~~ahhh~!...I-I'm going to die! No, slow down! Ah, don't~! Good, great! ~ Good, so great!

....The female cry immediately spread in the air.

Although he was prepared for this, he was still surprised because... the language of this voice was still the language of this world.

...Barnier, this guy wants to destroy my society. He really has many deliberate intentions.

He let out a big sigh, and just when he wanted to observe the situation on the crystal ball, the door was slammed open with a bang!

——An Luo! Where did you go to find a woman in the middle of the night and come back?! Just find a woman and come back. I'm not an unkind person, but no matter what you say, your voice is too loud!?

The blue-haired girl in thin pajamas just opened the unstable wooden door and pointed at him with a blushing face.

Originally, she could have endured it if the voice was lower, but such a loud voice was really unbearable, but...after she finished speaking angrily, she discovered that there was no one else in An Luo's room except herself and An Luo. people.

Chapter 3 The correct way to use the universal Loli teacher

In the middle of the night, although An Luo confirmed that Luo Qixi was asleep before using it, he did not expect that the volume was not low at all. Even if there was no one else living nearby, he forcibly woke Luo Qixi up.

But fortunately, he was not unprepared for this. He was even paying attention to Luo Qixi's condition. When Luo Qixi suddenly opened his eyes and got up from the bed, he immediately lay down and turned off the magic input to the crystal ball. .

Even in order to completely disassociate himself from this social death thing, he pretended to have just been woken up. He sat up from the bed again depressedly, glanced at the cheap door that had fallen on the ground and frowned slightly.

Then he raised his head and looked at the girl who was standing on the door, looking a little confused because she didn't find anything. He rubbed his eyes and pretended to be sleepy, and sighed: ...Teacher? You are so late at night What are you doing? Why did you tear down my door?

Hey, where is that...person?

Luo Qixi, who couldn't stop looking around, didn't think this room could hide anyone, but she couldn't find the owner of the voice she heard before.

An Luo also pretended to be confused and confused, and asked puzzledly: Who is it?

Just, just, just...the girl who did that kind of thing with you! Where are you hiding?! Luo Qixi, who was blushing, tried hard to make a stern expression, pursed her lips and glared Looking at him: You tell me honestly now and promise not to mess around here again...or, or...if, if the voice is lower, I can pretend that I didn't hear it. It's not like I don't hear it. Reasonable people!

Haah...Teacher, what are you talking about?

Hurry up and tell me the truth! Otherwise, teacher, I will be really angry!

...I have been sleeping, what do you want me to explain?

Although looking at the girl opposite, she was not very confident because there was no evidence, but she still tightened her little face and made a stern expression. An Luo could not feel the majesty of a teacher from her body, even because her cheeks were red. I feel so cute that I can't help but laugh.

But after all, he was also professionally he endured it, and still stood up from the bed with his usual indifference and a feeling of being wronged, and directly opened his quilt, feeling depressed He sighed: Look, where is anyone here?

Under the bed!

....Look. An Luo opened the bed.

Then, that's outside!

Luo Qixi, who did not believe in evil, rushed to the window sill, chanted and shot a pillar of fire into the sky, directly lighting up the entire small garden near the hut.

However... there was no one in the garden. The endless wheat fields outside were still rippled with green waves by the breeze, but there were no traces of the presence of anyone or any living thing.



When Luo Qixi was so angry with her unabashed scream that she got up from the bed and rushed to her room without even putting on her shoes. An Luo, who had been observing her movements, naturally put the crystal ball away faster. rise.

Therefore, even if Luo Qixi climbed out of the window and walked around outside to illuminate the surrounding area, he still couldn't find anyone at all, let alone the culprit of everything, the magic item made by the Duke of Hell himself.

Although she wandered around for a while without giving up, she could not find any clues no matter how hard she searched, so she could only return in frustration.

As soon as she came back, she saw An Luo already in the living room, and when she noticed the depression written all over his face, her face immediately became full of embarrassment.

The atmosphere was consistent with the change in her face, and it became awkward, causing Luo Qixi's steps to stop for a moment.

Thinking of her previous behavior of breaking into the door, she couldn't help but lower her head and scratch her cheek in embarrassment, and then whispered to him as if she was embarrassed: I'm sorry, I may have made something wrong... .”

Forget it, it's okay... I'm a teacher after all, so I won't mind.

An Luo, who was not only cold-hearted but also planned to cultivate some teacher-student relationship, even though he deliberately acted depressed, he still did not argue with Luo Qixi. This very generous look also made the Loli teacher even more worried about the previous one. I felt guilty for doubting his behavior without even thinking about it.

But...even if she was forgiven, she still couldn't figure out what the previous situation was about.

Just when he was about to speak, An Luo pretended to be confused and said, I just slept too deeply and don't understand what happened. Master, since you remember it very clearly, can you tell me in detail? ? What exactly did you hear just now? It would be better if you could imitate it.

How, how can it be possible!

Just thinking back to the overly intense voice before, Luo Qixi felt her cheeks and eyes on fire. Without even thinking, she got into a tantrum with a child, waving her hands and loudly denying this unreasonable request. that so?

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