However, at this moment...the closed door was pushed open.

——Senior, you are already the student council president, please don't always run away...

Although she was a child from a wealthy family, she never had the habit of knocking on the door. Iino Yako opened the door and walked in. While she was talking, she witnessed the scene that happened in the student council room. She was petrified on the spot and couldn't even say what she originally wanted to say. He forgot everything and just stared blankly at the two people who also stopped moving.

The folder that Yako always held in her hand also fell to the ground, leaving the unbound 4A files scattered on the ground.

You, are you doing in the sacred student council room!?

In disbelief, Yako's eyes lost their light, her hands trembled unconsciously, one hand pressed on her chest, and the other hand covered half of her face, making it difficult to look directly at the two people kissing in the student council room.


When he walked in, he didn't expect to do such a thing, so An Luo, who didn't lock the door, subconsciously wiped the corner of his mouth. For this aristocratic school where most people in Xiuzhiyuan are very well-behaved, and even boys usually say Gui'an when they meet. Here, the few girls who entered the house without knocking suddenly appeared and felt a real headache.

As for Hayasaka Ai, who had not changed from the clingy love girl state for a while, she blushed because she was witnessed on the spot and buried her head directly in An Luo's chest.

——You, you... you two... beasts!!

Before An Luo could think of what to say, Mizi's eyes were filled with tears, and she scolded her with a tearful tone. Then with an uncontrollable cry of Woo!, she turned around and stumbled around like running away in a hurry. , and disappeared from his sight in the blink of an eye.

As for An Luo, who remained on the ground and was still being held by Hayasaka Ai, he didn't know what expression to make. He also had no way to catch up, or whether he should catch up was a question for him.

To be honest, even if he was hit on the spot, I don't know how to explain it. It can't be said that he was giving artificial respiration, right? Although he felt that this kind of thing would happen one day, he just didn't expect it to happen at this time.

What happened next seemed natural and a little surprising. Yako, who had always abided by the school rules since she was a child and would always come to school even if she was sick as long as she couldn't get up, left early without even clearing the day off.

the other side.

Even if he didn't think that Iino Yako would tell this matter, it was still troublesome that the problem had no ending, so Anluo felt that he had to solve this problem.

Although he had thought about it before, and thought it would be a good solution, he found this solution to open a harem, but that solution also had obvious shortcomings, which made him feel that he needed to try to confess. ....It just so happens that Miko is a good match.

For normal people, life is not a game and cannot be paused, loaded, or archived. But for him...if it doesn't work, he cheats and goes back to the previous time. Although he doesn't like this method, This is a good idea when there is no other way.

If he could really convince Yako, he might just need to find a way to change the country's laws so that the laws support polygamy, so that he wouldn't need to go to another world for transformation. After all, the deep-rooted values ​​​​compared to the law are the most troublesome thing for him.

So...when Hayasaka Ai went back to class, he simply skipped class and went to Yako's house.

Although the security of the high-end apartment was very strict, the security at the gate could not stop him at all. However, when he arrived at the door of Yako's house based on his memory, he stood outside the door and wondered whether he should use flash again to go directly inside.

He wandered like this for a while, but he still pressed the doorbell in vain... Since the door was not opened, and after a little tangle, he did not use flash but Using telekinesis, the door was opened through the simulated key.

This living room, which he had visited several times before, was as deserted at this moment as in the scenes in his past memories. Only cold air filled the space. However, if you listened carefully, you could hear that there were constant sounds coming from Yako's room. A suppressed sob.



The moment before pushing out of the student union room, Iino Yako was still thinking about how to preach to An Luo. However, although she was preparing to preach to An Luo, there was a smile on her face that could not be concealed and her steps were very fast. Light and brisk, those who didn’t know thought they were going on a date.

The moment he opened the door and witnessed the unbelievable scene, all the good mood disappeared in an instant.

A tearing pain like a knife was born from her heart. When she subconsciously wanted to cover her eyes so as not to see the scene, her other hand pressed on her chest uncontrollably, trying to relieve the sudden heartbreaking pain.

She didn't remember very clearly what happened after that, but when she came to her senses, she had returned home in a daze, and her eyes were constantly overflowing with crystal liquid uncontrollably.

Hot tears flowed freely down her cheeks, but she didn't even have the energy to wipe them away. She just hugged her legs and squatted in the corner of the room, choking.

In a moment of anger and unwillingness, Mizi couldn't help but want to throw away the royal guard that Anluo gave her during the past typhoon.

I just took out the royal guard that I had always carried with me from my pocket, held it tightly and wanted to drop it to the ground, but... I slowly put it down even though my hands were sore.

I...I...I can't give's obviously me first! It's obvious that in the beginning...senpai and I The relationship is better! Why...why...!

Even though the guardian was just seeking money and not a token of love at all, she still couldn't make up her mind to throw it away. She choked and sobbed and slowly lowered her hands and even hugged it to her chest.

She just huddled in the corner and cried. The cold touch of being surrounded by two huge bookcases made her extremely familiar... Because in the past from elementary school to the third grade of junior high school, she had been coldly violent from time to time due to people. , while hiding in the house and toilet crying.

Of course, all of this suddenly disappeared during the summer vacation of the third grade. Although she didn't understand why An Luo took her place and fought with the users of cold violence, it just made everyone look different.

But...she knew very well what An Luo had done behind the scenes, otherwise she shouldn't have made her classmates give up bullying her.

Senior...Senior is obviously my hero, why, why didn't you choose me...Why can't you appear in front of me again now...

Holding the cold crystal guard in her hand tightly, feeling the heartbreaking pain that came over her, the girl curled up and squatted on the ground hugged her legs tightly, making her already petite body become even more petite.

At this moment... An Luo, who had been standing in front of her room door for a long time and hesitated, finally opened the door and walked in. With a troubled smile, he said cautiously: That... Mizi ?”

——Ugh? Senior, senior?!

The familiar voice made the girl in the corner tremble slightly like a frightened little animal and slowly raised her head. With blurred eyes soaked in tears, she looked at the person who should not have appeared at the door, with a face covered with tears. An expression of astonishment appeared: Why...senior will appear here?

Well, why? Well... let's put aside everything that's fine anyway? An Luo was a little worried about how to explain, but he simply copied Irena's movements, holding something with both hands. , making an action of putting things aside.

.....go out.....!

I will go out, but before that, can you please let me...

——Get out! Mizi didn't give An Luo a chance to speak at all. He raised his hand and took out the book from the bookcase behind him, and threw it away without looking at it: I, I don't want to see senior! Senior... ....This beast!”

I haven't said anything yet?

An Luo looked at the book that fell in front of him and couldn't help but sigh softly when he picked it up. However, the girl huddled in the corner took out the book again and threw it away without looking at it.

Get out! Get out... ugh... I hate senior! Get out!

The girl's refusal was very clear.

Even though An Luo tried to communicate several times, he was completely rejected, making it impossible to reach a dialogue between the two parties.

Although he wanted to communicate honestly, he couldn't even achieve the initial dialogue. He thought about many measures to force communication, but in the end, after struggling again and again... he temporarily gave up on communicating now. , preparing to wait until Mizi can calm down for a while before having a conversation.


In a furious mood, she didn't even understand what she had done. When she came back to her senses, she realized that Anluo, who didn't know how she came or when she left, had disappeared.

The gloomy sky outside the window seemed to sense her emotions, and as if to empathize with her, one, two, three... more raindrops began to appear on the window.

After a while, the increasing rain soaked the ground, but the girl squatting on the ground could not help but choke, and gradually strengthened her determination.

...I...I want to take senior...back!...Senior must have been that man who was obviously a student but always didn't follow the rules. I was deceived by a bad guy! It must be like this... I will never admit it! I... ugh... I... why would senior be with that person! I don't Accept it! I don’t want it! I...wu, wuwu...!

In the cry of reluctance, she tried to strengthen her will. Even though she was determined, the sadness in her heart kept flooding, making her unable to control herself from choking again. She even couldn't help but cover her face with her hands and burst into tears.

After hearing that Yako skipped class and gave up her date after school, Daibutsu Xiaobo used the spare key of Yako's house to open the door. When he heard the wailing inside, he stopped in front of the door and let out a long sigh: ....Sure enough, will it turn out like this in the end?”

She was not surprised by the current situation, or she had expected it a long time ago, and she also thought this was an opportunity.

Yako, who always retreats at critical moments and is easily ignored by others, might be able to use this blow to strengthen herself and launch a desperate counterattack.

..... With such expectation, Big Buddha and Xiaobo patted their faces to cheer themselves up, and then slammed open Mizi's bedroom door:

——Miko! The special training has begun!



About a week has passed since the incident happened.

During this period, Iino Yako was avoiding An Luo and completely refused to talk to him. She had an undisguised hostility towards Hayasaka Ai... In this regard, it was no different from the past.

After all, the serious Yako, as a member of the ethics committee, had already fallen in love with Hayasaka, the hot girl representative of the academy, but every time she tried to restrain her, she was easily fooled.

Therefore, Yako's hostility towards Hayasaka did not arouse people's confusion, and even felt very normal. On the contrary, it was even more confusing that she did not address the problem during this period and put forward rectification suggestions that were unlikely to be accepted. However, she could also see that she It seems that it is very difficult to bear not to express opinions.

During this short period of time, Xiuzhiyuan also ushered in its annual school trip, to be precise, it was the school trip for the second grade.

Private Shuchiin, like most private schools in Japan, conducts study tours every year, and these study tours are carried out according to different years.

Because it is the best aristocratic school in Japan, it usually travels to foreign countries. However, at the suggestion of Fujiwara Chika, they voted to decide the destination this year. As a result, Kyoto won by a narrow margin among tourist attractions around the world. As the chairman behind the scenes, An Luo saved a lot of money.

Of course, An Luo is a third-year student and cannot participate, but second-year students such as Bai Yu, Hayasaka Ai and others will go to Kyoto for school trips.

Therefore, during this school trip, the student council was basically composed of second-year students. The first-year members were only Yako and the third-year student was Anro. However, Yako has not been to the student council room these days. As a result, after all the second-year students went to Kyoto, the entire student council The room suddenly became quite empty and quiet.

...Although this is the environment I expected, was noisy and now it is suddenly so quiet, which in turn makes me unable to sleep.

An Luo, who was lying peacefully on the sofa, looked at the ceiling that had been renovated and installed soundproofing cotton inside, and let out a big sigh because he was the only one left.

But at this moment, the door was pushed open again without warning... There were too few people in Xiuzhiyuan who could do this, so An Luo knew who was coming without even thinking about it. who is it.

But before he could wonder what Yako would do to break the pattern of ignoring him and come to the student union room, Yako had already walked to the sofa.

The girl standing in front of the sofa looked down at him expressionlessly. After taking a slow breath as if preparing for something, she tightened the blue file box in her arms and said in a stern tone:

——Senior Anro! As an honorary member of Shuchiin and the student council president respected by everyone in Shuchiin, you blatantly violated Shuchiin's rules prohibiting impure heterosexual interactions by dating Hayasaka Ai. Now, as a member of Shuchiin, I The Disciplinary Committee hereby formally lodges a protest!

Chapter 7 Attack of Xiao Mizi

The second-year students all went on a trip to Kyoto, but the only member of the first-year class did not come. As a third-year student, An Luo was left alone in the student union. He looked blankly at the girl who suddenly broke in. He could only react to her sudden and incomprehensible words. I feel like I can't turn my head around.


Yes, a solemn protest! Yako Iino, a girl with two short ponytails on her shoulders, a cute appearance and a height of only 147cm. She does not look like a high school student and looks like a lolita. She nodded vigorously with a straight face. : President Anluo, please correct it immediately, otherwise even if you are the student council president, I will take any necessary means, including suing the teacher, to maintain the discipline of Shuchiyuan!

...Is that so?

An Luo nodded silently.

He always felt that he had heard this method mentioned by Baiyin Yuxing before. Baiyin Yuxing seemed to have prepared to use school rules to attack possible love rivals, but such a vicious method was actually used by Mizi... It should be the guidance of the Great Buddha, right?

But isn’t it a bit too extreme to just use such a method? Is it normal for me not to worry about the possibility of being disliked?

While thinking about this problem, An Luo noticed that Mizi's hands holding the blue file box were obviously holding it too tightly. The tension that was about to emerge made him think of many things at once.

Just like the Iino Yako I knew in the past, there is no difference. Under the seemingly strong surface, she is actually as sensitive and fragile on the inside as most girls.

Thinking about it carefully, if there were no accidents, she should have thought that she was forced into a desperate situation, so she was forced to adopt this very extreme method for a student.



In the student council room where the two of them were alone.

Iino Yako, who looked expressionless on the outside and seemed to be taking care of business, had similar thoughts to what An Luo had guessed.

Faced with someone she had always wanted to be grateful for, doing something similar to repaying kindness with revenge put her under tremendous psychological pressure, and her palms were constantly sweating.

But even so, she still accepted the Buddha's plan and used extreme means to remove obstacles. Although such extreme behavior could easily arouse resentment and make her reluctant to implement it, she could not think of a better strategy. Accept opinions and put them to death.

.....The Great Buddha who oversees the war situation believes that An Luo has always been very kind to her, so even if she is really angry and apologizes properly, it can be forgiven without any accidents...or maybe getting angry is part of the strategy. .

After getting angry, the impression will naturally be reduced. At this time, you can use this guilt to continue to express yourself, express yourself, and show sincerity, so that the image of a child in the past can be reversed. The entire impression can be broken through this turning point.

For this large-scale reversal and counterattack strategy that can be described as not breaking but building, breaking and then building, putting it to death and then surviving, the risks naturally exist, but the rewards are equally attractive.

Eliminate the opponent by rules and then quietly harvest the fruits of victory. It was the Buddha's constant encouragement that Mizi reluctantly agreed to in sadness and unwillingness. This plan would make most people feel that it was quite despicable.

Every time she thought about the scene she witnessed a week ago, her chest would continue to feel cramped. Even though she didn't want to retaliate, Mizi still relied on this to strengthen her determination and accept this deviant strategy.

.....For me...senpai is a must...

Holding the file box in her arms tightly, repeating and recalling the heartbreaking scene in her mind, Yako strengthened her determination and closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and became quiet when An Luo was silent. After a while, he leaned down and patted the coffee table in front of him:

President An Luo! Don't be silent! This is a very serious dereliction of duty! Silence will not solve the problem! Please give me an accurate reply immediately!

Let me tell you, Yako...I am the student council president, don't you think a disciplinary committee member wants to restrain me...

——Even the student council president should abide by the school's discipline! If President Anluo is going to do anything wrong with the president's power, I will report all your gaffes as student council president to the Federation of Clubs! Request the Federation of Clubs Conduct impeachment and re-elect a new student council president!”

Yako interrupted him with a wave of her hand, determined to fight against the power to the end, and moved out of the VIP class that stood at the true top of the Shuchiin pyramid.

...A federation of societies?

An Luo nodded slightly. He thought that the real method Mizi would use would be to sue the teacher like before, threatening to suspend or drop out of school. He didn't expect that at the beginning, he would just go to the Federation of Clubs. For him, Impeachment as Student Council President.

Although the Federation of Clubs can actually do more, the Federation of Clubs normally does not interfere in matters of love. Unless the student president who is supposed to set an example is not doing his job properly, then the result of Yako's report will probably be that of the student president. Being deprived of it has little impact on anything else.

Yiko, although your threat seems to have some meaning, do you really think I will be afraid of impeachment by the Federation of Societies?

An Luo sat up from the sofa, spread out his hands, and crossed his legs. He observed with interest this girl who appeared to be committed to maintaining moral order, but was actually self-serving.

President An Luo, don't you care about the identity of the president? Or...because of the existence of Her Royal Highness Alice, you are not worried about the VIPs of the Federation of Associations making a ruling?


The name that was suddenly mentioned caused An Luo's calm expression to freeze instantly.


To An Luo, the group of children in the Association of Clubs were completely irrelevant, although they did have considerable authority in the past. To be precise, their authority was much greater than that of the student council president.

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