But that's...

Forget it, now that it's happened, I'll tell you the truth.

Feeling that the topic was a bit long if it continued like this, An Luo simply took out the trump card he had thought of in the past, put his hands on the table with a serious look on his face, and Concubine Shijo couldn't help but swallow nervously: Wh-what. ....?

...Although I want to hide this matter as a lifelong secret, now I really can't bear to keep hiding it from you. In fact...Tanuma Tsubasa not only had an affair with your friend, he also A...g(Min)ay! In layman’s terms, he is a gay, so what he really likes is to have sex with men, or to have sex with men. You’d better find someone normal and worthy of you.”


The sudden information made Concubine Shijo stunned. It took her a while to recover, but she suddenly stood up: Wha, what?? g (Min) ay??? Liar! How is that possible!!

Really, I have proof.

...What evidence?

Pictures of him making out with other men.

I do not believe!

I'll have someone bring it to you later.

——I don't look! I don't believe it~~~~!!!

An Luo's calm and affirmative words instantly made the four true concubines run away in tears, unwilling to believe this too cruel fact.

.....Of course, this fact was fabricated by An Luo. He is going to ask someone to force it out through dislocation later. Although he is thinking now, is it necessary to get such a thing? Anyway, Shijou Maifei has already believed it and doesn’t plan to read it.

But before he could think of the answer, the door was suddenly opened from the outside. Unable to accept the reality, Shijo Maifei, who was crying, hit her head against the suddenly opened door.

Amidst the muffled sound of Bang!, she lay on her back on the ground and fainted. This tragic scene made An Luo unable to look straight. He covered his face with one hand and shook his head: Wow. .....What a poor child. She must have discovered accidentally in her previous life that Lady Luck was at the airport and publicized it widely...

Ah...Zhenfei-san? What should I do now? What a loud noise just now? Zhenfei-san is not dead, right?!

Shinomiya Kaguya, who suddenly opened the door, looked at the body of Shijou Concubine lying on the floor. Because the sound of the impact just now was too loud, she was frightened by the inexplicable Shijou Concubine who was lying motionless on the ground. She was so confused that she was at a loss and subconsciously turned her eyes for help. He turned to An Luo, who was covering his face with one hand.

An Luo, who was about to think about how to deal with his own affairs, waved his hands very simply: That's right, I can't tell from the sound that she died on the spot and couldn't be saved, so drag her out quickly and do whatever you want. Find a place to bury it, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Liar? Really dead? Then... you should contact the bodyguards to take the body away at this time, and... no, in short, seal the scene first, and then... Under normal circumstances Shinomiya Kaguya, who would not listen to An Luo, subconsciously obeyed and thought of the teachings at home in a panic, and instinctively took out her mobile phone to call the bodyguard.

The two of them had such a tacit understanding and unexpectedly incompatible conversation that Hayasaka Ai, who was following Kaguya, couldn't hold back and immediately snatched her cell phone and shouted: —Wait! Kaguya! She Did she just faint?! And regardless of whether she was saved or not, she should be rescued first! By the way, are you two taking things too seriously? Those who don’t know, would think you really murdered her?”

No, she committed the murder and it has nothing to do with me. An Luo, who lay back and turned the seat into a recliner, pointed to Shinomiya Kaguya.

Hey! Classmate An Luo! Don't sound like I'm really going to murder her! This is just an accident at best! Who knew she would suddenly run over and open the door?

That's your responsibility too. It has nothing to do with me anyway.

She obviously ran out crying. There are only you and her in this room. This is definitely your fault, right?! After all, it was you who sent me an email asking me to come over. The root of all this evil lies with you. !”

Kaguya, who noticed the tears on the true concubine's face, seized on the doubt and immediately refuted it. She wanted to clearly distinguish the responsibilities with him, and by the way, she planned to turn the blame on An Luo.

But An Luo is not a fuel-efficient person either, he is even a master in this field. He plans to use his 99-1 method when he changes hands and transfers 99% of the responsibility to Kaguya. Principle, when adhering to the humanitarian spirit and assuming 1% responsibility...

Hayasaka Ai, who knew both of them had very bad personalities, sighed heavily and interrupted:

...I mean, you two, can you stop showing each other's ugliness and shirk responsibility at this time? Are you doing this kind of thing when someone is really dead? Save this poor child first, right? She There's still hope, he's not dead yet, don't start shirking responsibility at this time...Really, why do the people I like, are all such weird people...

At the end of the words, Hayasaka Ai's voice was obviously much softer, but both of them heard it clearly.

Kaguya, who was not good at dealing with good intentions, calmed down even though her face was slightly red. An Luo suddenly remembered that in Hayasaka's words just now, he did not add any honorific to Shinomiya Kaguya.

But this is not too unexpected. After all, it is her wish to end the master-servant relationship with Kaguya and become equal friends and sisters. Now that she is out of the status of a maid, this will naturally happen.

However, she was knocked unconscious for a while on the floor, and she woke up vaguely from the pain. She reflexively covered her head. When she heard these words, she felt that cold dog food was being forced into her mouth. He was stuffed with blood, and his mood suddenly collapsed even more. He got up, covered his head, and rushed out crying.



In the student union room.

The three of them watched Concubine Shijo who was presumed dead but got up again and continued to cry. It took a long time before Hayasaka Ai closed the door silently and looked at An Luo lying on the chair again.

Before she could speak, Shinomiya Kaguya helped her sister with raised eyebrows and asked, What happened just now? Please explain.

...I can only say that I didn't do anything bad, I just told her the truth, and that's how she ended up.


Well, it's a slightly twisted truth, but trust me, I'm doing good things.

real or fake?

.....Is it so surprising that I do good things?

An Luo seemed to be really speechless, but Hayasaka Ai also stood on Kaguya's side at this time, complaining: Is there anyone in this world who is further away from the word doing good things than you? Even if you can do good things , they basically ask for something in return, right?”

Don't just judge others by yourself, okay? Looking at the typical hot girl style girl in a short skirt with blond hair in a side ponytail and a jacket tied around her waist, An Luo shook his head, sighed, spread his hands, and said frankly: I But I have persisted in doing one good deed every day for many years, and every time I do one good deed every day, I do not seek rewards. I do it as long as I am in a good mood, and I can do it if I am not in a good mood. The people I have helped can basically surround me several times. .”

Walking around you several times...isn't this metaphor too subtle?

It's not important. What's important is that I'm doing good things. After all, you all know that Concubine Zhen likes Tsubasa Tanuma, right? But she has no chance at all. She often follows her stupidly and is shown off by Nagisa Kashiwagi and Tsubasa Tanuma. The act of love made her burst into tears, so I was always worried about her mental breakdown... So the long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain, so I simply helped her cut off this thought.

So what method did you use?

I said Tsubasa Tanuma is gay.

She believed it so easily?

I also said there was photographic evidence.

...Is it really true?

Not yet, but I can have this one, but she ran away crying before she really looked at it. Of course, just in case, I will have someone prepare a few explosive ones.

...You are really a devil...

Hayasaka Ai shook her head speechlessly. In her heart, she was really depressed about why the people she liked had such bad personalities... Although she didn't think her personality was that good, even Sometimes even I don’t understand what my personality is like.

Ahem, anyway, let's deal with official business first. Zhen Fei-san probably won't be able to deal with things during this period, so I'll leave her work to you these days.

I see...you called me here because you wanted me to help you with your official business? These Kaguya finally understood the reason why An Luo sent him an email, but at the same time he sighed helplessly: You How lazy are you? If you don’t do this yourself, it’s okay. Zhen Fei’s classmates are so emotionally broken that they can’t handle official duties, so they just tell you the fabricated facts and send us an email at the same time, asking us to come as soon as possible? By the way? Why do I have to do things for you for days at a time for nothing?

Aren't we friends?

...Do you think friends are free labor? You should do your own thing!

Shinomiya Kaguya, whose character should be considered pure and kind, but whose family education is quite poor, did not accept his offer and refused without thinking. But Anluo was not surprised and said preparedly: Don't worry. , I won’t let you do your work in vain. The Baiyin family will go out for a dinner in a while, and I will invite you to have a dinner together.

Ahem...since it's an invitation from a friend, I'll definitely go, but at home...

I'll have someone call your deacon and ask him to let you out.

Classmate An Luo! Talking about remuneration is too outsider~ Just leave all the work to me! After all, we are best friends! Hmm~ Lifelong friends~! Friends' matters are my business~! Ah! , But it is absolutely impossible for me to miss your invitation!

Kaguya, who didn't give An Luo a good look and even lectured him, instantly put a smile full of friendship on her face and went to help him work with 200% motivation.

...How should I describe your friendship? It's so ugly...

Hayasaka Ai, who witnessed the friendship between the two, was full of thoughts that she couldn't complain about this excessive material friendship. She sighed and sat next to Kaguya, but she glared at him and complained softly. : ...Obviously I'd be fine if I was alone... It's a rare opportunity to be alone, you idiot...!


Shinomiya Kaguya, who was immersed in work and fantasy, did not hear Hayasaka Ai's dissatisfaction with the existence of her light bulb here. Although Anluo heard it clearly, he could only pretend that he did not hear it.

Because he brought Shinomiya Kaguya here, he specially called a light bulb to avoid being alone. After all, when alone, Hayasaka Ai can't help but want to be coquettish and want to kiss him, and then he can't help but do the same. Things not suitable for children.

..... He found that he was less resistant to beautiful girls than he thought, or that he would become very honest about his desires now. However, he had just come back and wanted to calm down for the time being so that he could properly solve the problem first. .

And not long after, members of the student union, Iino Yako and Fujiwara Chika, also arrived at the scene, joined and actively participated in the work, and Naruse Baiha also came here to play soon.

.....If he did something inappropriate for children in a place where people always come, I'm afraid it would cause quite a commotion, so he wanted to live in peace for the time being.



Behind the calm surface of the school, the turbulent life makes An Luo miss the ease and ease when he first traveled with Irena from time to time. Even if he intends to restrain his desires, he still makes mistakes occasionally, which makes him helpless.

So on another weekend, on Saturday, he came to the church he founded.

Although in the past it was he who asked others to confess, and he was the priest responsible for hearing confessions, today he brought a wild cat caught by the roadside and placed it in the priest's listening room while he sat in the confessional.

Lord Muse, today I want to repent for my actions. I...

An Luo, who had never used an honorific title for the muse, was very respectful after locking the church door. He was taught simple cat language and controlled the wild cat obediently lying on the seat in the listening room opposite with the devil's whisper. , treating it as a clone of the muse and began his own confession.

Although the other party is really just an ordinary wild cat who cannot understand human speech, Muse himself is not a serious god in the other world, and he does not even believe in the other party even if he is an evil god.

But this does not prevent him from giving formal warnings, which are basically tantamount to self-deception as a way to alleviate guilt.

Using the Devil's Whisper to lower the base of luck instead of tying him up is considered a part of his self-punishment. Even if someone hears him, he doesn't care. He just treats it as an atonement and spends his time to make the other party think it's nothing. I heard that even though he locked the door, he didn't want anyone to know... He was also very conflicted in his heart.

But... when he finished his confession and pushed out the door, he saw that in the church where he had locked the door and confirmed that no one was there before, there were two girls standing there who should not have been there - —The expressionless Matsuzaka Satou and the complex-looking Tachibana Kanade.

Chapter 2 Frankness and Showdown

In a general sense, in addition to fooling the people, the church also provides psychological comfort to people, at least for a world without God. Therefore, An Luo, who has been tortured by guilt, thought of coming to the church.

Confession is a private matter. In order for the penitent to repent and clean his heart, the secret of confession is a necessary condition. According to the canon law, the secret of confession is absolutely inviolable. The church does not allow priests to violate this code.

Not long ago, the Vatican officially reiterated that the Catholic Church will never reveal the secret of confession, but even so, An Luo cannot trust humans, nor can he trust demons, gods, or anything that can understand human speech, so he chose his own church and controlled it. A wild cat represents the priest and God.

So far, this church, tentatively named Zanguang Church, still has no one joining it except those who are greedy for petty gains and have been deceived. Therefore, it is no different from the past. It is so quiet that except for the aunt hired to guard the door, he is the only one. I have no other visitors, so it can be said to be a fairly safe place.

Although the person who confessed was a cat, he confessed in the church after all, and the cat also represented God. He believes that he is the founder, pope, and priest of this church. With so many identities, God can definitely forgive his sins...even if this God is an evil god.

In the locked church, even the aunt got permission to leave work early. No one should have appeared here, but...

After he endlessly elaborated on his spiritual journey and inner struggles, he ended his confession and walked out of the confession room refreshed. When he stretched, he found that the situation was stranger than he had imagined. few.

Nothing seemed impossible... The moment he saw the pink-haired and silver-haired girls, he understood this truth, and he understood very clearly that his already unstable daily life was over again.



Um...what should I say better...?

The silver-haired girl with a complicated expression stood at the entrance of the church, which had been closed for some time, and looked at him with confused and complicated eyes.

.....so bitter, so bitter, so bitter, so bitter... There is a bitter taste in my mouth and in my head...!

The pink-haired girl stared at him expressionlessly, biting her lips without saying anything, but countless thoughts were already flashing through her mind like waves: Why? Why do all the sweet tastes turn into bitter ones? I don’t know...I don’t know, what is this? Why does sweet love sometimes become so bitter...?

And An Luo, who stood there as if struck by lightning, first looked at the church door that strangely disappeared as soon as he came out for some reason, then looked at Tachibana Kanade and then at Sugar.

Although Sugar looked calm on the surface, judging from her widened eyes and the blood flowing from her lips due to excessive exertion, she was definitely not at peace inside.

But just like these two girls, An Luo, who also didn't understand why this situation happened, and couldn't even figure out why the door of his church suddenly disappeared, was also uneasy inside.

An unspeakable atmosphere of tension enveloped this doorless church.

None of the three said a word, but the two girls stared at An Luo wordlessly, while An Luo looked in the direction of the disappeared door to avoid their sight, thinking about how this strange and bizarre thing happened. .

...Sigh... After a long while, he sighed deeply, and walked to the bench for believers sitting next to him. He hunched over and crossed his hands against his chest. He holds his chin like a meditator.

This person seemed not to take the initiative to explain, which made Tachibana Kanade, who was supposed to be a Sanwu girl, couldn't help but walk over, showed a puzzled expression and asked hesitantly: ...An Luo, don't you want to explain? ?

No, I have nothing to explain until now, so I will confess...

He can cope with the past. Even if he just thinks about it, he can think of many excuses. The most common and acceptable one is to help the performing arts department with drama exercises or something. He is experienced in lies and has full confidence that he can deceive these two people. She can be called an innocent girl in different senses.

But... there are times when he doesn't want to lie to others and wants to be honest. Of course, there is also the element that the other person is not someone who will kill him in an instant, so he has a sense of relief, guilt, and a little bit of self-abuse. With mixed emotions, he said slowly: As you have just heard, I am a scumbag who has three interests, and I am also determined to open a harem.

Yes...that's it...

I thought he would make some excuses, and subconsciously thought that this was just a drama rehearsal or something. I was surprised by this overly candid statement. I didn't know what expression to make for a while, but I just said subconsciously: Okay. To be honest...you are a little bit scared...

Well...are you complimenting me?

No...I feel like this is a very bad behavior, right?

That's true, but I didn't commit a crime.

...Aren't you planning to have a harem? That means everyone gets married? Isn't that a crime of bigamy?

Hey~ It turns out that you also know about the crime of bigamy. The revelation of the crime of bigamy from the mouth of Tachibana Kanade, an unworldly girl, made Anluo raise his head and look over in surprise: But this kind of thing can be passed It’s not a big problem to solve it by changing nationality.”

...I always feel a little unhappy.

Because I always thought you had no common sense? Or...

Probably...all of them...?

I am not good at answering questions in this area, so I lowered my head and thought for a while before giving an unclear answer.

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