But I still didn't say that I was weak. After all, there is no contradiction between being strong and wanting others to protect me, right? And I hope you can protect me now.

Are you kidding me? If you are so powerful, what kind of protection do you need?!

Of course. Think about it. When something happens, wouldn't it be a loss of face for the boss to always take action? At this time, the younger brother needs to take action to solve the problem.

He gave a serious explanation, but the more he spoke, the darker Irena's face became. She slowly raised the wand in the direction just now, and said in a deep voice without any emotion: ...You... Do you treat me as your younger brother? But you are the boss who instructs me?

How could it be? I have always regarded you as my friend from the bottom of my heart. You have always taken the initiative to deal with others, but I have never ordered you, right?

To you! I am actually a useful friend!

How can friends talk about whether something is good or not? And... Halfway through the words, Irena thought about what she wanted Irena to do. Many times, Irena had to bargain with herself to get it done. Things were still going lazily, so he couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: ...After all, you are not easy to use...

Hello?! What did you just say?! I heard it!

...Don't ask if you hear it.

Are you sincerely planning to quarrel with me!?

He couldn't beat him even if he tried to show it, which made Irena so angry that she almost wanted to bite him, but An Luo just smiled and shook his head: How could...you think too much.

What do you want?!

It's nothing... By the way, the topic has been misled by you.

An Luo let out a long sigh, then simply sat on Irena's bed, and pointed to the only chair in the cheap hotel room: Irena, sit down, let's have a good chat. .”



Although the topic was distorted by Irena, An Luo still let her sit in her seat after using force to neutralize Irena's force and leaving her helpless.

However, he himself went out first to deal with the noise caused by the previous magic, and then came back and sat down again to prepare to talk about her.

But Irena didn't feel forced to sit down at all. Instead, she crossed her legs with her left leg superimposed on her right leg. She crossed her arms and said preemptively with a clear unhappiness: You said you wanted me to come back. Go home and see your mother, it seems that you are really considering her thoughts, but in fact you just want to see the two little children, right?

...How could you accuse someone so innocently? Although I do care about the situation of those two children, I am also worried about you, and you really have to consider the feelings of your parents, right?

I have plans to go back, but not now. Besides, I'm an adult, so you don't need to worry about me.

Isn't this just worrying? It's not normal for me to care about your affairs. After all...

As an elder? Irena suddenly interrupted him, staring into his eyes as if she wanted to see through his inner thoughts: Or as a friend? Or something else?

.....All of them.

Hmph, mind your own business.

An Luo's ambiguous answer obviously did not satisfy Irena, and she turned her head away angrily.

Your parents have entrusted me to take care of you.

That's just nosy. After all, a person like you who has no benefits and can't afford to be early, how can you be so concerned about my affairs without receiving any benefits?

Because I care about you very much...is it okay to say this?

...a little bit. This statement seemed to make Irena feel a little embarrassed, her cheeks turned slightly red uncontrollably, and she nodded slightly like her words.

A little bit? This statement feels quite strange...

What? Are you dissatisfied?

how come.

An Luo shrugged, not paying attention to Irena's habitual and condescending tone and remarks. After all, if they cared about this, their communication would soon turn into a debate.

So after thinking about it for a while, he corrected the topic again and said seriously: Although your character is not very good, I understand that you are very kind in nature. You are not the kind of person who rejects seeing your mother, and you are not the kind of person who refuses to see your mother. The person who cares the most is the most difficult to handle and cannot be ignored. You are definitely not avoiding this problem on purpose, so... can you tell me why you don't want to admit that Nicole is Miss Victoria, and why you don't want to return Is it a family matter?

....Don't act like you know me well.

What a coincidence. Apart from your parents and teachers, I'm probably the person who has been with you the longest. Even if I don't know you best, I can be said to be one of the people who knows you best in the world. I'm still somewhat confident. Yes, whether you are friends or something else, I think it is meaningless to deceive yourself by not admitting it verbally. It would be better for you to admit it frankly. After all, the facts will not change because you do not admit it. .”

...You are so annoying...

Frustrated with no way to refute, Irena glared at him fiercely but quickly looked away.

She was silent for a while, as if she wanted to rely on her usual silence tactics to deal with An Luo, but An Luo kept staring at her intently, making her finally unable to bear it and said with some reluctance: ... ...You also know, right? I have always followed Nicole's footsteps, feeling her presence while traveling...


But... my mother has given up traveling, married my father and lived in seclusion to be a full-time housewife...

Does it mean that you are worried that if you admit that Miss Victoria is the author, you will lose the reason to travel, and imitate her to get married and live in seclusion? Are you a non-marriage person?

I didn't say that!

That is?

...I just want to continue traveling, visit various countries, and continue to do the things I like leisurely. I don't want my travel to end as suddenly as Nicole's story...

That's right...but I think you are wrong. It doesn't matter even if you admit it. Nicole's story is not over. It just changed from a travel story to a heartwarming story. And since you have this idea, then you won’t give up traveling just because you know who the author is. Your future is controlled by yourself, instead of following Miss Victoria forever. If you feel comfortable staying at home after you go back, then in Peace and quiet at home is not an option or an option.”


Wait, listen to me. You seem to have made a mistake on a very important issue. The purpose of travel itself is not to go to a strange place, but to experience all kinds of unknowns on the road. The road is full of all kinds of possibilities. The dangers you retreat from and the beauties that make you marvel, so that the return home itself is entirely equal to the scenery on the journey.”


You can go home and experience the beautiful warmth that is unknown to you now, and you can also face the unknown truth that may scare you... If you are afraid of going home and the truth, you can still be called a qualified person. A traveler?


Think about it for yourself, is there anything wrong with what I said? Is it really okay for you to stop moving forward in front of the truth? Can you still be called a qualified traveler like this? After all, this does not mean that you have In the face of this unknown, did you cowardly choose to give up?


An Luo's earnest persuasion made Irena waver in her previous thoughts, but no matter how much she thought about it, she could not deny that what An Luo said was indeed very reasonable.

If she was afraid of the risk and held back, then she would not have become a traveler in the first place. In that case, why should she be afraid of the truth? This was already a definite thing, and there was nothing wrong with admitting it, and she was indeed a little homesick herself.

Of course, there is still hesitation, but in the end...

Ah, by the way, I almost forgot to say it. In fact, I can use the magic of space teleportation. It only takes a moment to reach a thousand miles away. If you decide, it only takes a moment for me to take you home. It only takes a moment to come back here again, faster than walking to the bathroom to go to the bathroom.

What An Luo said suddenly seemed to make her dumbfounded for the first time by his abnormal abilities. At the same time, it was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, making her blame him for why he had never done anything before. After saying these things, he nodded and agreed to go home.



During the time when Emnesia and Avilia were separated from An Luo, they had already apologized and thanked the people who had worried about Emnesia and caused a lot of trouble in the past, so now they have given up going to Wanwu. They who are looking for their hometown can go to the Peaceful Country at any time.

The four of them packed their luggage for a while and then came to An Luo's room. After he reminded them not to resist, to avoid the magic failing, or to send them to a messy place like a volcano crater, he stretched out his hand to let the magic The formation wrapped them up.

Then, in the next moment...

The surrounding scenery changed drastically, and a group of people suddenly appeared on a hillside without warning.

The winding road is surrounded by large expanses of naturally growing flowers and plants, and a slowly flowing river can be seen in the distance, which is full of tranquility and peace.

Looking at the town further away, along the gentle winding streets, there are houses and shops of different sizes and shapes built side by side. The architectural style and trees interspersed among them, as well as the ocean and the sea not far away. The lush mountains and forests on the other side give people the idea of ​​witnessing a paradise.

Okay, so awesome!

It really came in an instant...

The knight sisters couldn't help but look around. Compared with the scenery of the Peaceful Kingdom, they couldn't believe their eyes. After all, they had never even heard of such magic in the past, so they couldn't help but let out a sound of exclamation. .

Irena also looked blankly at the natural environment and street scenes that she had not seen for a long time but was quite familiar. She couldn't help but look at An Luo as if looking at a monster and muttered: Unbelievable... Such a long distance can really be crossed so easily. How much magic power is required to achieve this magic? Even a normal witch cannot withstand such a high-intensity instantaneous consumption, right?

Don't look at me with such admiration~

...It's not worship, okay? How narcissistic are you?

In terms of narcissism, I feel it's not as serious as yours, but in fact, this magic consumption is not very large, and it is more than enough for you to use it. It's more than enough for you to use it... It's hard to explain specifically. Anyway, why don't you go home first?

No, no no... let's take a stroll first, right? Let's take a stroll first! It just so happens that this is my home, so I'll be my tour guide and take you around first!

Irena, who was obviously shy about being close to home, maybe not mentally ready to go home yet, so she rejected his proposal in a slight panic.

However, this reason made An Luo stunned: ... Let's go shopping now?

He raised his head and glanced at the beautiful starry sky painted on the canvas of the sky, and then looked at the quiet street with few pedestrians. His expression was as strange as the Emnesia sisters.

Although there are dim street lights to provide lighting on the street, there are not many people there anyway. Would you take people shopping in the middle of the night? After all, this is not a modern day where the night can be the same as the day, even though it has only just fallen into the night.

The uncomfortable looks from the three people made Irena's expression become a little embarrassed, but before she could find a reasonable excuse, An Luo also noticed the second floor of a two-story Western-style building on the edge of the town, right by the sea. On the rooftop of the first floor, there was a familiar figure.

The black-haired girl with one eye covered by long side bangs was drying something on the rooftop at the moment. This made him think about it for a moment before walking over and waving to the three girls behind him.

Follow me, I found a free hotel.

Free hotel? It can't be a bridge, right? There is no bridge near here, it should be an open grassland, right?

Avilia and Amnesia followed subconsciously without knowing why, but they felt a little regretful that they set off immediately on a whim and wasted a night's hotel money, but they both felt a little distressed.

Irena, who did not speak, was also a little distressed about the unrefundable room fee, but now she was so distraught that she had no time to care. Although she also saw the figures on the building, her eyesight was not as good as An Luo's, so He just walked over with doubts.


It didn't take long for some people to arrive outside the building.

Surrounding this Western-style building, there is a solid stone wall over three meters high that was obviously made by a magician. Judging from the atmosphere of this wall, it is incompatible with this country. One can basically judge the owner of the house in the center of the wall. , must be very insecure or have a stubborn pursuit of security, so they built such a wall in this peaceful and peaceful country.

After looking at the metal gate that was small but sturdy compared to the tall wall outside the building for a while, An Luo knocked with the iron ring on the door to make a heavy and sharp sound, and then that was it. Waited for a while...

The sound of footsteps soon came from inside, and then the alert voice of a girl came from above: ...Who?

Looking up, he could vaguely find that the sound came from the hidden shooting hole above the door... This excessive obsession with safety made An Luo speechless. He had to take two steps back and raised the oil lamp to let the light shine. Know your face.

it's me.

Oh... Master An, An Luo?! Just wait a moment! I'll open the door right away!

Well, there's no need to rush, just take your time.

An Luo, who suddenly became anxious when he heard the footsteps, subconsciously wanted her to slow down. But almost as soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of metal friction coming from the door.

Soon a girl wearing simple home clothes, with shoulder-length black hair, a pretty but fragile look appeared in front of everyone.

But what is completely different from her soft and frail atmosphere is that she also carries a single-shot rifle on her back that is quite advanced in this era... Of course, this is a self-defense weapon given by An Luo.

——Well, well, long time no see! Lord An Luo! Ah, yes! Please come in! Have you eaten? I'll prepare dinner for you right now!

Different from the warning voice before, the girl looking at An Luo with sparkling eyes seemed to be very happy, and her face was flushed with excitement.

Calm down, Nino.

Yes, yes! Are you going to eat fish or meat? Or, or me, me, me? I, I'm going to take a bath right now!

I've eaten... By the way, I'm not a cannibal and don't eat people. Besides... Nino, who had always been very melancholy in the past, suddenly said strange words that made An Luo instantly feel the presence behind him. Three cold eyes stared at me, and when the depressed leader walked in, he said without looking back: ...Can you stop staring at me with strange eyes? I have never done anything wrong. .”

——Miss Y-Irena?! Are you here too?

Nino, who had only been staring at An Luo before, found someone behind him when she heard his words. She was at a loss and turned her eyes to An Luo for help, which instantly made Irena and Amnesia furious. Even Avilia, who had just become friends with him, looked at him with the same disappointed look.

Nino...are you deliberately making people misunderstood?

Understanding that she probably had no such scheming, and was simply afraid that Irena would be angry, An Luo stopped and sighed with great depression: You should also calm down and don't rush to misunderstand me. Just believe that I am a good person. Come and talk about it, I will explain it carefully, and things are different from what you think.

...Really? So suspicious...

Amnesia and Avilia were doubtful, but Irena remembered Bai Huanxi, who was tricked by An Luo when she met Nino, something that made her angry just thinking about it, so she just said coldly: It's just because it's you that I can't believe it!

...I think so.

An Luo knew that the money being taken away would come to mind again when he saw Nino, so Irena would definitely lose his temper. He just dealt with it casually and walked towards the building with the inner door open.


There are not many decorations inside the building, but the layout is surprisingly comfortable, giving it the feeling of a little girl's boudoir.

After explaining that he was simply helping Nino, which made Emnesia breathe a sigh of relief, An Luo and Nino chatted with each other and soon found out what happened to Nino after she separated from him.

After all, she did not return to the Kingdom of the East but chose to settle here. It seemed that she planned to wait here for An Luo to come back when he was tired from playing outside. Naturally, she did not have the money to build such a building. The funds for this new residence naturally came from The money given by An Luo.

And Nino, who has been here for a while, used the remaining pen to open a snack shop here. She sells snacks from her hometown and also buys bread. The business is surprisingly good.

She also met Irena's parents. Because of this connection, Alijie and Milina also helped in her store out of their own desire to be independent. The three of them often chatted together, but the chat was The topic seems to be An Luo's...

Other than that, her life in this country is very peaceful. When she was resting in the store, she would practice shooting as An Luo taught her in the past. It was smooth and without any irritation, but it also suited her very well. Just like it.

When An Luo suggested that she could temporarily stay with Amnesia and Avilia, Nino agreed without even thinking about it, but soon she showed a somewhat troubled look, which An Luo couldn't help but Ask: What's wrong?

Well...it's just that I only have one bed here. Nino said hesitantly: If five people sleep together, it would be a bit too crowded...

Uh...why do you think we want five of us to sleep together?

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