But compared to how moved he was, short-haired Irena threw the stockings into his hand with disdain.

...This can be regarded as an apology for wronging you. Anyway, I can't wear anything you touched, so I'll give it to you.

The short-haired Irena's eyes were just as contemptuous as Irena's at this moment, but her cheeks were crimson, and she didn't know whether she was looking down on him or being shy.

You are humiliating me!

Don't you want it? Then give it back to me.

Ahem...you gave it all, even if it's not a serious thing, but it seems even more impolite to give something back to someone else...

An Luo originally wanted to be angry that this thing was an insult to him, but on the stockings he had just taken off, the girl's body temperature was continuously transmitted to him, making him feel an inexplicable feeling of caressing Irena's thigh. I felt confused about whether to return it or not.

Just seeing the stockings taken off was worth the price of admission. Now if this counts as interest...am I committing a loan shark? !

The brainstorming An Luo inexplicably thought of some random things, and had an inexplicable urge to bury his head in the warm cloth in his hand and smell what it smelled like.

Of course, I don’t have any strange thoughts, I’m just curious about the smell on it. The smell of a girl’s thighs is irresistible to a healthy man. Isn’t it a perversion at all? .....Although he has felt that he has become a little abnormal recently.

...An Luo, why are you observing so closely? Sensing that the distance between An Luo and the black cloth in his hand was getting closer and closer, Irena frowned and kicked him unconsciously.

Ah, this... right! I'm observing the structure of this sock!

An Luo, who broke away from the male instinct, immediately raised his head and stopped looking at the warm and smooth black stockings in his hand. He subconsciously wanted to put the pantyhose into his pocket, but faced the cold gazes of many Irena across from him. , but quickly realized that he seemed really perverted like this.

So he took out the half-stuffed pantyhose again, stood up from the ground naturally, took out the pantyhose again and stuffed it into short-haired Irena's hand, and said seriously: It's really... ..If you want to apologize, why don’t you exchange it for something normal? Am I the kind of superficial person who would be interested in a mere piece of fabric?”

...So suspicious.

What's so suspicious? I just accidentally and subconsciously accepted what was sent to me. Please don't give me such strange things again! You are insulting me! I am not that kind of person!

While An Luo complained, he pushed aside the many Irenas who were surrounding him and casting suspicious glances at him. He walked out of the side hall and came to the throne room despite countless doubts.



In the spacious throne room.

The three gloomy Irena who had been hiding under the table before and looked like patients with severe depression all came out because no one was outside. However, when they saw him and returned here, they quickly retracted and got in. Bottom of the table.

An Luo, who didn't know what to do next, casually found a seat next to the round table and sat down. With one hand, he touched the head of the dark Irena sitting below like a cat, and with the other hand, he casually He took the dessert on the table and tasted it.

The dark Irena, who was hugging her knees and curling up and hiding under the table, was just found by An Luo. However, the moment she was touched by him, she couldn't help but trembled slightly: That... .What are you doing?

Ah, I'm sorry. Is it annoying if you don't pay attention?

No...it's okay...

so be it.

...it feels so strange.

Idiot, because you wear strange glasses, everything feels strange. Do you understand that you have to correct your mentality?

is that so?

Gloomy Irena was doubtful and couldn't believe what he said. An Luo couldn't help but pat her head gently and said very sincerely: Of course, we are friends, I won't lie to anyone. I will lie to you, and you still can’t trust me?”

Can't believe it...

Tsk...what you said is really hurtful. I'm about to cry...

He retorted. Since Irena didn't resist, he didn't say anything more. He just quietly enjoyed the pleasure that was far better than playing with a cat, so as to comfort himself after meeting many Irena. The ups and downs cannot calm down the heart.

To be honest, although he has known Irena for quite a long time and usually copes well with it, dealing with so many Irena at once gave him a bit of a headache, and the various accidents that followed were even more troublesome. He had a stomachache that made her feel like she needed to recuperate.

But his desire to let Irena heal his inner self was soon broken.

Other Irena was whispering and discussing something in the side hall, but the short-haired Irena and Irena had already walked out first, sitting on his left and right one behind the other, but they did not talk to him at all. The meaning of the conversation was just to taste other tea and desserts that Irena found from this castle.

This macaron is pretty good.

Well, this is not bad either.

As expected of the tea I made, it's great.

But this is probably just tea they made casually.

That's the tea you chose. It's really worthy of me.


The two Irenas spoke in a calm tone, but they chatted and praised each other harmoniously. The content was quite insignificant, and they were quite narcissistic as usual.

But what was different from usual was that these two people were staring at him, making it very difficult for him to ignore their existence and remain silent: ...were you two preparing to fight just now? Is it like that? Reconciled so quickly?

What do you mean? Do you want us to fight for you?

Or do you want to be beaten by seventeen of us?

The calm gaze of the two gray-haired girls suddenly became sinister, and could even be called a glare, which made him sigh helplessly: ...Two ladies, Irena, please invite me. Don't stare at me yet, I just want to ask why you are sitting next to me? There are obviously empty seats everywhere beside this round table, and... why are you staring at me like this?

Are you pretending to be stupid? Short-haired Irena tightened her grip on the small cake in her hand, crushing it into tiny pieces and bursting with juice. It looked unexpected... but it wasn't too disgusting.

It's obvious that you want to fool around, oh~ Haha, I understand, so you want me to pour this black tea on your face? Irena smiled mid-sentence, her smile was the same as usual It's the same as usual, but he has already raised the black tea in his hand a little higher.

Wait! Did you two go too far?! Why did you two bully me like this when I was obviously wrong? One of you threatened me with your eyes, and the other went too far and planned to pour black tea on me?? Isn’t this too much to say the least?!”

Am I the one who went too far? Are you sure? Or do you want to pretend to be stupid to the end?

The short-haired Irena was so angry that she directly pressed her sticky hands on his coat, and used his coat as a hand towel to smear cream randomly to vent her direct dissatisfaction.

The other Irena simply said nothing and stepped on his heel so hard that his painful hand trembled and he almost couldn't hold the black tea in his hand.

But with such an obvious attitude, he couldn't pretend to be stupid. He could only wave and push away the leg that was stepping on his instep. He took another sip of tea to collect his thoughts and planned to talk about it. However, before he could speak, another man on the other side came across. The door of the temple was suddenly opened.

——An Luo~~! Those things are too much for me! Give me a loving hug~!

Irena, who was in love, was sitting on the broom. Although she looked a little aggrieved, her red cheeks had a cute expression like a girl in love. After rushing out of the side hall, she jumped directly from the broom the moment she approached. Then it flew towards him like a hunting falcon.

The next moment... Love Irena threw herself on him violently and hugged him tightly, causing him to fall to the ground again with the chair under the force of the momentum.

...Such a strange hug, even if it's a beautiful girl, I don't want to bear it a second time...

It's obviously a beautiful girl's hug, but why is it so hard for people to feel happy frankly? Slightly raising his head and glancing at the gray-haired girl who was holding him and rubbing against him, An Luo couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Are you in love? Hurry up and get off me! Irena, who has short hair, wanted to drag her up again with a cold face, but this time Irena hugged her tightly. Holding An Luo, he let her drag him without intending to let go, and loudly revealed his old background: Why am I so infatuated! It's obvious that we both have someone we like! I've liked An Luo since before. Yeah! What’s wrong with wanting to get close to the person you like the most, the person you love!”

No, it was just a normal liking four years ago. Please don't spread rumors in my name. She retorted in a calm tone, but Irena's cheeks turned red again and she glanced at An Luo several times in embarrassment.

Irena, who was in love with An Luo on the floor, didn't care at all about her adorable appearance behind her. She twisted her body and buried her head in An Luo's chest. She didn't hide her inner thoughts at all, nor did she save face for herself. Retort: ​​But normally, I like it very much, right?

...That's just because I didn't have any other friends at that time, so this guy who was suspected of being a lolicon just happened to take advantage of it! Assistant Irena with short hair retorted, glancing at Yi who was aside. Reina motioned for her to come and help and drag away this guy who kept blowing himself up.

But before Irena could help, Irena said shockingly: Since we have both admitted and not denied it, that means you and I... No, we are not thinking the same thing. Is it the same! Just like it if you like it! Why are you so hesitant! You losers who can't muster up the courage at critical moments!

We are all you! You are us too! If you say we are not...

When Irena's sore spot was mentioned, her face became quite gloomy, as if she was desperately resisting the urge to beat herself up. But Irena, who is in love, knows herself very well, and interrupted as if she was focusing on the sore spot: It's different! I have escaped from the realm of you losers! I am a frank adult! I will soon spend a lot of time with my An Luo. Life has turned into a corrupt adult relationship!

——No, shameless!

When did An Luo become yours?!

Both Irena and short-haired Irena seemed to be much more innocent than themselves when they were in love. With a blushing face, they dragged themselves holding An Luo tightly, and couldn't help but glared at An Luo: You too! Why not Talk! Do you really want to be with this guy?!

Hey, why do I get shot just because I want to see how the situation develops...

An Luo, whose face was full of innocence, didn't have a chance to explain properly. He just complained, but Irena quickly came over.

The noisy Ireenas filed out of the side hall. The leader, the Taimei Irena, looked ferocious, let out a terrifying laugh and put her arm on the shoulders of the love Irena: ...bastard ! He actually ran away!

As expected of me! At least in terms of escaping, no one can match me!

Let's stop boasting at this time!

Is this a boast?

Ouch! Don't worry about these things, drag me away quickly!

So do you two! Men only affect how quickly we use magic! Drink with us!

An Luo, hurry up and hand over all the stolen wine. I stepped on all of it. You are not allowed to swallow it alone!

No, no, no, it's too weird to drink from the bar you stepped on. It's the same bar where Estelle and Serena were stepped on by his orders when they were kids.

That's right, then it's the bar where Estelle and Serena are being manipulated by him!


Irena and the others were so noisy that they took the wine he had collected from An Luo and shared it equally among seventeen people. They just paired it with the desserts in the palace. When An Luo returned to the past, the two girls went from lolita to beauty. At every stage of the girl's life, she was coaxed and tricked into drinking wine once a year.

However, although there were a lot of people drinking, on average each of these seventeen people had not even had a drink before they went crazy one after another.

This made An Luo himself hide in the corner, watching seventeen gray-haired girls go crazy with alcohol. The situation was so complicated that he didn't want to pay attention to it. He could only sigh and be glad in his heart that this was not reality, otherwise he would have been killed. He doesn't even know how to drink, and he prays that tomorrow will come soon.



The drunken Ireenas made a scene in the throne room and fell down within a short time.

An Luo, who had escaped from the throne room, was resting his left leg on short-haired Irena and his right leg on Irena. He was sitting cross-legged in front of the castle gate, looking at the sunset in the sky, stroking the same beauty with both his left and right hands. The girl's gray color often laments that having more beautiful girls is a good thing, but why has it become a troublesome thing now?

It was at this time...

The short-haired Irena slowly opened her eyes, turned around and looked at him with a shy smile. This smile was almost like the cute smile of a girl in love like the one she had been in love with before.

...So you didn't drink, were you just pretending to be asleep? It seems like you are more scheming than the others.

Of course~ I'm very confident that I can deal with the group of people inside who only look serious on the outside, but are actually just Ma Daha themselves.

While speaking, under An Luo's touch, the short-haired girl who had always looked like a well-behaved cat turned over, put her hands on his legs and sat up, leaning forward to look at him closely.

At a distance where he could almost feel his breath, An Luo subconsciously leaned back and hid a little, and subconsciously complained: ...You said you can kill fifteen of yourself, are you too confident? .....Although that's generally how you are.

Hey... I'm cute, right? The short-haired girl stared closely at him. The sudden change of topic made An Luo stunned for a moment: Uh, cute is indeed cute, but you suddenly say this at this time? You have a narcissistic problem. Suddenly...

You admit my cuteness, right? the short-haired girl interrupted.

...There is nothing wrong with that.


Then? What do you want to say...

Before An Luo could wonder what she wanted to say, the short-haired girl in front of him suddenly kissed him without warning, like a dragonfly touching water.

——This is my formal apology~

The short-haired girl showed a shy smile, her shy and rosy expression was too cute, but after she finished speaking, she stood up immediately, turned around and let her skirt rise slightly.

Just pretending to be calm and leaving a sentence I almost want to taste it seriously, your daughter is drunk~, the girl with crimson cheeks quickly reached the depths of the palace accompanied by the sunset.


An Luo slowly withdrew his gaze wordlessly, glanced at the sunset and then looked at the other gray-haired girl who was still on his lap. What the short-haired girl said before was just to get rid of Irena inside, which also means...

..... Are you really pretending to sleep?

Although he was so suspicious in his heart, An Luo, who was even convinced, did not tell the truth. Even though the girl lying on his lap had actually opened her eyes before, and even froze for a moment due to excessive shock, by the way, her face was Hongxia also thought it was Wanxia's fault, and once again combed her scattered gray hair with her five fingers.

Irena herself, who was lying on her side pretending to sleep, was also frightened and confused by the sudden kiss of herself who should have been serious. She was obviously confused about the situation in this country, and she was constantly asking questions that she couldn't find answers to. One, but his heart was still pounding endlessly.


late at night.

An Luo put Irena, who was pretending to sleep, on the bed, and began to worry about what would happen if she would retain the memory of this dream after she went out.

And in theory, this should be a simple dream, but in reality it's too much... Maybe this is a special alien space? Or is it composed of special dream abilities?

While he was thinking this, Irena, who had horns and wings that looked like a little devil, flew into the room through the window and smiled at him like a little devil.

Chapter 37 Leaving the Land of Desire·Meeting the Silver-haired Knight Sisters Again

There are two small curved horns on her head and small bat-like wings on her back. She looks like the little devil Irena. After entering An Luo's room, she stood up indoors and smiled and lifted up her skirt. Performed a ladylike ceremony.

Good evening~

Well, good evening.

An Luo nodded subconsciously, then looked at the little devil Irena from top to bottom in confusion.

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