After slapping his face with his hand, he took advantage of the opportunity when Irena was tired and fell asleep, and quietly left here to buy medicine on the street. When he was ready, he helped Irena up again, and put her on the bed. A lot of sugar was added to the soup, and a magic spell was used to turn it into milk and feed it to her.

...What a weird milk...has it gone bad? I don't want it... Irena frowned and turned her head away, seeming very reluctant to take a second sip.

You'll feel better after drinking it?

Liar! I'm obviously terminally ill... and will die soon!

...If you were going to die soon, you wouldn't be able to speak now, would you?

I don't care...I won't drink...!

Don't be willful. How can you do this? Drink it quickly?

An Luo, who had experienced the feeling of raising a child in advance, could be said to have coaxed and deceived Irena into drinking the anti-cold potion he got from another witch, only to feed him another one after finishing it. She simply lay on his lap again and even wiped her mouth with his pants.

This child's behavior made him speechless, but he could only accept the situation with a wry smile.

At night, thanks to the efficacy of magic potions that far exceed those of modern society, Irena's fever has basically subsided. However, when she woke up, her head was dizzy because she slept for too long. However, she still had more or less understanding of what happened when she was sick. There was some impression, but the more I thought about it, the hotter my face became, as if I was going to have a fever all over again.

After a while, she suddenly looked at An Luo and opened her mouth to say something, but in the end nothing came out. She just closed her mouth repeatedly like a fish that was beaten to the shore by big waves.

What's wrong? Do you want to thank me? Come on~ I'm ready, thank you to your heart's content...

An Luo, who had been in this room basically all day, smiled and spread his hands, but before she could finish speaking, the diary beside the bed was thrown away by her.

Then, before he could complain, Irena let out an indescribable cry of Ouch!, buried her face in the pillow and got into bed again, saying ——I won't be grateful to you! You pervert who takes advantage of others! Get out of here quickly! I'm going to sleep! You are not allowed to step into my room or knock on my door before dawn! These somewhat incomprehensible words were kept under the quilt. It was squirming and making strange whimpering sounds.

Oh, isn't it just that you acted stupidly for a while when you were sick? You don't have to be like this, right?

An Luo casually put down the diary he had just caught, and reached out to poke her quilt, but Irena showed no sign of coming out, and even kicked her over, allowing him to catch her feet at the same time. , I couldn't help but sigh in my heart that I had saved a white-eyed wolf.

Although he originally wanted to stay here and tease this young girl who had just recovered from a serious illness, the other party seemed to have expected what he would do, so he completely refused to communicate from the beginning, and there was also a vague He felt like he was about to break the pot, and maybe everyone wanted to die with him, so he could only retreat temporarily before Irena became completely embarrassed and angry.


And the other side......

After the door was closed and the footsteps outside the corridor faded away, Irena finally got out of the quilt, stared in the direction of the door for a while, and then slammed her head against the pillow.

——Ahhhh! I really want to die~~~!

The behavior she did when she was sick made An Luo take pictures to commemorate it, and she also had a good time, and even cried and asked him to marry her, which made her feel so embarrassed that she had no face to see anyone. , the mood at this moment can almost be called grief and indignation, and the urge to die is also spreading in my mind.

In addition to the unbridled words that made her extremely ashamed, the coquettish behavior towards An Luo when she was sick made Irena unable to accept it no matter how she woke up, and she felt that she had been caught.

The more she thought about it, the more dizzy her head became. Showing such a shameful look to herself, she couldn't help but start to want to hit the wall and lose her memory.

The pain caused by hitting the wall made her decisively give up the self-mutilation behavior. She could only express some emotions by hitting the pillow, and by the way, she tested the possibility of amnesia by hitting the pillow.

She just made noise in the room alone for a while. She was tired of tossing herself after just recovering from a minor illness. She lay on her side on the bed and looked in the direction of the door. She was silent for a long time before murmuring: Although that guy His behavior is indeed excessive, but...he has taken care of me here for a whole day. If there is a chance...if there is a chance...if he admits his mistake to me first, I will just say thank you. Bar.......

The girl who was talking to herself like this actually didn't think that day would come at all, because she knew better than anyone else that she couldn't help but shrink back at critical moments.

At the same time, for her who had slept all day, tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

the next day.

When An Luo saw Irena again, he could clearly find that her cheeks were still slightly flushed. He wanted to tease me a few words, but Irena ignored him completely. After saying that it was not a cold problem, he tried his best to Avoid yesterday's topic, and even throw water jets at him whenever he brings up yesterday's topic.

This extremely resistant behavior made him have no choice but to put the matter aside for the time being, and the country where he was originally scheduled to stay for three days immediately left the country because Irena did not want to return to the hotel room that could be called a sad place. Off to the next country.



It only took about two days. After passing through an interesting village, the next day they arrived at Kunoz, the free city that Irena had always longed for.

Wow~ We're finally here~! This is the place that was highlighted in Nicole's Adventures~~!

Irena, who was in a high mood, forgot about the depressing things that happened when she was sick. She looked at the city of wishes from her broom and started looking around even before she entered.

But there was nothing around, just swaying flowers and grass.

In the distance, there is a vast green grassland on one side, and on the other side, there is an endless ocean where the water and sky are mixed.

This kind of scenery is indeed a beautiful scenery, but because it is too common in this world, there is no way for An Luo to resonate with Irena's move.

The Free City of Kunoz itself is relatively new compared to the surrounding scenery. For example, its biggest feature is that it is a coastal city, and some buildings in the city are built on small islands very close to the coast.

When you step into it, you can clearly feel the faint smell of sea filling the whole city. The walls of the streets are colorful and you can find them in any color. Although the walls are a bit old, they have a simple flavor, which really makes people feel quite good. Suitable for traveling, just...

I always feel a little uneasy...Did something happen?

When Irena was muttering like this, the two of them discovered that in the streets, alleys, every shop, and every corner of the country, as long as two or more people met each other, they would talk about something as if they were discussing the weather. , and if you get a little closer, you can hear that their words are surrounded by the three words Antique Hall.

[Is the magician’s life in danger? The evil deeds of Antique Hall return! 】

There was a title like this on the newspaper at the door of the bookstore. An Luo subconsciously wanted to buy a newspaper, but Irena rushed over excitedly, grabbed his newspaper, paid for it, and quickly read through it.

She kept nodding as if she saw something she was very interested in. During this period, no matter what An Luo asked her, she always asked him to wait, wait.

When An Luo was really depressed and couldn't wait any longer, and wanted to read the newspaper by himself, Irena suddenly grabbed him, her eyes were shining and she said with an enthusiastic smile: An Luo, have you heard of the Antique Hall? Are you interested in Antique Hall?

Well...the aunt on the roadside just said that.

Does this mean you're interested?

If you have to say whether there is, then it should be yes.

Very much so!

No, seeing how enthusiastic you are, I suddenly lost all hope...

Don't be so shy~ Just say very interested if you are very interested, and I will tell you carefully~

Uh, do you understand human language? I mean...

——Since you are so interested, let me tell you the rumors about this antique hall!

Irena interrupted An Luo's retort with a smile, and regardless of his reluctance, she pulled him away from the bookstore and towards a deserted corner.

Even though An Luo clearly expressed his refusal, Irena acted like a fanatic who wanted to preach, and ignored his opinions and asked him to talk about the Antique Hall.


According to Irena, Antique Hall is a criminal organization in this country, which mainly carries out robberies and thefts. It is an organization formed by the gathering of criminals who are not uncommon there.

Since none of them can use magic, they also particularly dislike magicians with special powers. Twenty years ago, they first harassed and slandered magicians, and then simply launched a large-scale crusade against magicians, dedicated to bringing down magicians. The magicians were driven out of the country.

It was only later eradicated by two of Nicole's disciples. Now, according to newspaper reports, those people seem to have been released from prison recently after serving twenty years in prison.

But 20 years in prison did not make them repent. As soon as they came out, they launched another attack on magicians, so that no magician in the city dared to show up... at least not in the disguise of a magician. body.

Since the two of them were just travelers after all, not heroes or mercenaries, they immediately found a hotel to change their clothes... Of course, it was Irena who changed clothes.

Which one do you think is better, blue or red?

While An Luo was waiting for Irena at the gate, Irena's questioning voice suddenly came from the room, making him confused: ...What is this problem?

I'll choose a color that you don't like. After all, you have always had a problem with your vision.


Very well...then I'll choose red, please wait for me a moment.

Not long after she finished speaking, Irena opened the door.

The girl took off her robe and tricorn hat, the magician's signature accessory, and didn't even wear the brooch that symbolized the witch. She appeared in front of him in a simple shirtless and red skirt.

The girl who was somewhat conflicted with him at first came to this city as if she were on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Her mood was so high that she was still spinning in front of him, letting the hem of her skirt flutter slightly, and asked with a smile. : How about it~ Now no matter how I look at it or from any angle~ I don't look like a magician, but just a beautiful and cute girl!

No... From my point of view, no matter how you look at it, she looks like a narcissistic girl.

No, no, no! My beauty and cuteness do exist! I'm just confident!

After correcting him casually, Irena closed the door and walked ahead, rushing to go sightseeing in the city, a scene described in Nicole's Adventures.

An Luo was a little frightened by this excited look. He felt that if he followed her, he would be constantly told stories about where and what scenes appeared in the book.

This made him hesitate for a while, and finally he simply slipped away in different directions while Irena was not paying attention, planning to visit the city quietly by himself first. Wait until Irena's stimulant wears off before looking for her.

However...even if he successfully separated from Irena, he was not able to travel peacefully as he wished.



Seagulls were flying in the sky. Many of the broken bricks and stones on the ground had not been repaired. At best, they were quaint and at worst, they were dilapidated. On the streets, An Luo walked aimlessly.

Since he didn't take any money from Estelle, his pocket was already a little short of funds, which made him walk to the alley unconsciously, hoping to meet people walking around with their wallets to add to his wallet. A little financial reserve.

And walking in an uninhabited alley, there was no one on the road in front of him. This was a suitable place for crime, which gave him a hunch that he might be able to make a fortune, but at this moment... the street A girl with short hair flew over from the other end.

This girl with shoulder-length black hair was obviously a magician who was targeted in this city from the way she sat astride the broom, and from the brooch on her chest, she was even a witch.

However, this girl showed no nervousness at all, and she even showed a surprised smile when she saw An Luo:

--elder brother!?

Huh...Saya? Why are you here?

Yes~! It's me! Saya! Why is my brother here? Ah, my brother is here, which means - Wow?!

Before Saya could finish her words, she was halfway through the speeding flight when she was suddenly pulled off the broom by a hand stretched out by the roadside, and with a scream, she was dragged directly to the branch road in the alley.

This unexpected situation made An Luo, who was about to say hello, a little surprised. At a sudden glance, he could only see that the hijacker had a piece of cloth covering his face and a peaked cap on his head. It looks very suspicious.

Although he felt that the accident was too coincidental, he still ran over there immediately. When he saw Saya was still struggling with her hands and feet while making a sound of Uh-huh! Uh-huh~! He rushed forward in one stride.

The kidnapper who caught Saya opened his eyes slightly and wanted to say something when he noticed him. However, in the next moment, he only felt the world spinning, a cold touch on his face, and a heavy pressure behind him. He wanted to take out the wand, but his hands failed. He was pinned behind his back and unable to move at all.

Are you okay? Saya.

An Luo, who was sitting on the back of this suspicious figure, clasped the other person behind his back with one hand, but in a relaxed and natural manner, reached out and knocked Saya on the head, causing her to make a painful sound, Ah~! Then he said with a sneer: It's okay, but I didn't expect that when I finally met my brother again, he would see his embarrassing side... But I am also a witch after all. If it is a head-to-head fight with such a little person, There is no way a thief can touch me~!

...Life is not a arena. How many people will fight you head-on? By the way...don't you know that this city is currently hunting witches?

Eh? I really feel like everyone is looking at me... So isn't that because I'm too cute? Shaye asked in surprise, making An Luo's mouth twitch slightly and he was speechless.

When did you start learning bad things from Irena and become so narcissistic...

He casually complained that these girls are often stupid, so he didn't want to pay attention to this narcissistic girl who had a rivalry with Irena. He looked at the gangster below him and squeezed her arm slightly, and couldn't help but She showed a surprised expression: Oh~ she is still a woman, but are you from the Antique Hall?

——No! You made a mistake! The girl robber, who was pushed to the ground and used as a cushion, gritted her teeth and scolded: Get out of the way quickly! Otherwise, I will never let you go!

How can it be wrong to see it with your own eyes? Do you think I'm a fool? How can you not let me go? Now you are under me and you still won't let me go? Come on! You don't want to let me go and let me see.

While speaking, he was not polite to the tough-talking guy An Luo, and casually slapped her on the butt.

Accompanied by bang! There was a sound, and the girl robber also exclaimed Huh?! Saya looked at the masked girl with a frown and said in confusion: Why does this voice feel so familiar... ..?

Enemy? seems to sister's...

Although they were separated by a layer of masks, the familiar voice gave Shaye an ominous premonition, and she felt like running away for no reason.


To be precise, Saya was convinced that this was her sister who had abandoned her and seemed to hate her when she spoke to her.

Just because her sister didn't seem to like her relationship, she didn't know how she would end the current situation, and her words became uncertain because her inner expectations were wrong.

It is precisely because of this uncertainty that An Luo doesn't think this is her sister. After all, there is no need for a sister to do this, right? And dress up like a robber to kidnap your sister?

Especially if your sister is wearing a mask and hat in the car, you should be able to confirm it immediately by the sound. How come there is no way to confirm?

Due to Shaye's uncertainty, An Luo believed based on common sense that the real answer should be someone who is more similar. The possibility of being her sister is not high, especially...

Didn't your sister return to the Kingdom of the East? How could she be? He smiled and shook his head at the uncertain girl, and An Luo couldn't help but sigh: Well... speaking of this The butt is quite elastic and feels great when spanked.”

As soon as the words fell, before Saya could stop him, he actually didn't want to care about her sister even if she was really her sister. He just thought it was to help Saya discipline the sister who abandoned her, and casually slapped her again.

——Ugh?! The girl cried out in pain again, her eyes almost as dark as those of a female ghost, her face under the mask was almost distorted, and she let out a low growl like a ghost filled with murderous intent: .....Kill you...I will definitely kill you...

Ha, you've become a prisoner, and you're still so arrogant that I won't beat you up.

Seeing that this girl who was suspected of being a younger sister was dishonest and even dared to threaten herself... the most important thing was that it felt good in the fight. An Luo had always been soft-spoken and not hard-hitting. He kept beating gongs and drums from left to right. Like, Pah, pah, pah! and kept slapping the girl's plump buttocks.

Ah! You, how dare you hurts! You bastard! I will never! - Ugh! I...will never forgive you! Ugh...! Wait! Here...I will never let you go...!

The girl's ferocious voice gradually became choked with sobs, but she was still crying and refusing to admit defeat. She endured the humiliation and spoke words of refusal to admit defeat to express her determination to fight.

This was the first time she heard her sister, who had always been mature and reliable, cry in her voice. Saya couldn't help but panic: Ah, ah ah~ What should I do? Brother, this is probably really my sister. .....

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