Before An Luo could continue to ask what was going on, there was a sudden knock on the door in the living room.

Then, without waiting for a response, the door that had not been closed but was ajar was pushed open and soon the sound of someone's footsteps was heard from outside.

Estelle~ I heard that dad will be back today, but I have been waiting for a long time and dad has not come back. Can you go to the city with me to look for...

Wearing a light blue dress, she has waist-length azure hair that has been carefully combed, and white and tender skin that has nothing to do with outdoor work. Although she still looks a little childish, she is quite beautiful today. He walked in while talking with a troubled face, but before he finished speaking, he froze on the ground when he saw An Luo.


——Dad~! The girl ran over quickly with a gust of fragrant wind, and rushed up to hug him quietly as if facing a long-lost lover: Why are you here, Estelle? Really? Yes~! Obviously I have been waiting for you at home!

Well, I have something to do with Estelle.

Because he was hugged in public, An Luo seemed a little embarrassed.

Serena is not only a beautiful girl like Estelle, but she is not as slim as Estelle. Instead, she has about C-level perky breasts, and now she is so soft. Something pressed against his body, leaving An Luo with nothing but embarrassment.

But Serena herself seemed to be unaware of this, and asked with a smile: Can I also listen to it? Dad?

...Okay, I want to ask you too. An Luo nodded and pushed Serena away from her resentful gaze. He reached out and pointed to the pillow on the bed and asked, This... ..Can you explain it a little bit?”

Well, um~ I can't.


Does an explanation always need to be made if there is a problem?

Serena asked seriously.

Is it necessary to be ordinary?

But Dad, you said yourself that the world is irrational.

...As expected of the child I raised, he has skillfully used my despicableness...

After being speechless for a long time, An Luo could only hold back this sentence.



Irena, who once again felt as if she was being ignored, was once again confused by the strange development before she could feel unhappy.

Although through An Luo's previous explanation, he knew that An Luo had watched Serena grow up, he did not expect that it would turn into such a strange relationship. After a long while, he looked at An Luo blankly and asked: Dad? Are you... ...Same age, right?

The specific situation in this regard is a bit complicated... Well, it's almost time to eat. Let's eat first. After we finish, I will explain the situation carefully... Well, as much as possible .”

Because the person involved is here, many things are hard to talk about, so An Luo thought of cutting off the topic for now, but Serena looked at Irena and couldn't help but asked curiously: Dad, who is this?

Irena, witch, traveler. An Luo introduced the key points, but this did not satisfy Serena. Serena frowned slightly and narrowed her eyes warily and asked: I asked It’s the relationship with my father! Is it some kind of shady relationship? She can’t stepmother, right?

——How, how is it possible!

Irena subconsciously denied it without thinking, but because she was misunderstood, her face turned slightly red.

Hey~ Is that so? Serena didn't point out anything was wrong. She just nodded with a smile, then hugged An Luo's hand as if declaring sovereignty, and introduced herself: I'm Serena, daddy's daughter.

Everyone said... you are the same age, right? Irena emphasized their ages wordlessly, but Serena retorted with a smile: No, dad's actual age should be more than ten years older than me. Years old, but looks very young.”

No, in fact he is that young.

How is that possible~ Miss Irena really likes to tell jokes.

I'm telling the truth. Isn't it a bit strange for an ordinary daughter and her father to still have such a good relationship at this age? Why are they holding hands? Forget it, the useless fat on your chest is rubbing against others. Already,?

What does it matter? This is the daughter's privilege~


The two girls, Irena and Serena, got into an inexplicable tit-for-tat confrontation.

Because I understand that Irena will not talk about what happened in the previous timeline, after all, it will hurt people mentally to a great extent, and it is impossible for Irena to do such a thing.

This made An Luo couldn't help but pull him beside her, staring blankly at Estelle, whose eyes were red again and Serena seemed to be moved to tears. He interrupted her indulging in emotion and whispered. Asked: I don't stay long every time, so... can you tell me what's going on with Serena?

Ah, that... situation? It's no different from the one I met before, right? He's still a good boy with serious problems. If there's one change... Estelle, who was touched and interrupted, became a little complicated in her tone, hesitating as if she didn't want to say it out.

Hey, I've helped you to this extent, and you're still hiding it from me?

Yes, I'm's not that I wanted to hide it from you, it's's hard to say it out loud, especially in front of me...

My face?

Well, because... her only change is... Estelle hesitated for a while, then sighed deeply: A very, very Electra, right?


I will not do anything to damage the reputation of my friends! By the way, I also want to ask you what exactly you did and why Serena became like this?! Everything is normal, but things that involve you change You have to be weird! You didn't...brainwash her, did you?

Estelle stared at him suspiciously, as if she wanted to see through him.

An Luo was about to explain that the problem was caused by problems with the people he hired, but before he could say anything, Serena had already looked over and said with a bit of dissatisfaction: Dad and Estelle, you guys Why are you whispering at this time? Is there some secret??

No, we are just chatting about trivial things... An Luo said casually, then put his hand on Serena's shoulder, helped her turn around and pushed her while saying: Compared to For these small things, let’s go out to eat, I’m hungry.”

I feel so suspicious...but you don't have to go out to eat. It's a rare opportunity so I'll cook for you!

That would be too troublesome...

No trouble, I think it is a very common obligation for a daughter to cook for her father~!

.....Although she wanted to object, Serena looked so motivated that An Luo had no choice but to follow her in the end.

At this time, the two girls next to him looked at him with such cold eyes that it only made him feel that he was wronged and panicked, because this situation really had nothing to do with him, at least it was not something he did deliberately.


Although they wanted to object, they finally went to Serena's house, and Serena cooked for them. The succubus Yuris, who had a devilish figure, walked out of the house with a charming smile. Invite them to sit down and wait.

The appearance of this young and beautiful strange woman made the two girls look at him strangely again. Irena asked quietly in a low voice and with a straight face: What is your relationship with this woman? It can't be Se Lina’s stepmother, right? No way!”

No, no, I'm just a helper. We don't have any strange relationship.

An Luo couldn't explain the succubus thing, so he could only drag Julis upstairs. The contract had expired, but Julis still hadn't said goodbye to Serena, which made him very confused.

However, after talking for a while, he realized that Julis was not planning to leave.

...I watched that child grow up, and I have already seen emotions. How could you ask me to go back like this? Julis crossed her arms to support her already huge breasts, and made it clear Said: I won't go back until I see the child you get married to Serena is born, the child grows up and gets married!

No... do you really think you are Serena's mother? Why should I get married?

It's all up to now, why are you so embarrassed to speak directly about such things even though you are clearly the future Grand Duke? Juris seemed a little confused for a moment, but An Luo was even more confused: What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand it at all??”

What are you talking about...? Don't you just want me to help you raise a child to be a child bride? I've heard too many things like you who want us succubi to help you raise a child from an early age!

Huh? Did you misunderstand something weird? I'm not...

If you want to raise a good child and admire you at the same time, doesn't that mean you want to raise a child that you like and who is very obsessed with you? Don't worry! I won't ask for excessive compensation from you who will become the Grand Duke in the future. , I don’t want the fiefdom of hell, I just want to be with this child now, and I want to be satisfied with watching her fulfill her dream... Please agree to my wish as a mother!

As he spoke, Julis was already kneeling on the ground, pleading deeply in the hope that he would let her stay.

At this time, he finally understood what the problem was that had never worked... It was because many of the people who signed contracts with the hell succubi were not serious people. People's behavior was so strange that the succubus also had strange misunderstandings about him.

Although the contract was signed in black and white, the succubus did not violate the contract. She did not teach any strange things, nor did she cultivate Serena into a strange person. She only sublimated the understanding of respect and worship, or It is said that it is indeed respectful and understanding, but it also adds some other strange elements.



Although he had a headache due to the strange misunderstanding, An Luo still agreed to the succubus's request. He originally wanted to explain his reasons, but after thinking about it, it was pointless to explain it now.

Children should be educated from an early age. Nature is easy to change but hard to change. It means the nature cultivated in childhood. It is impossible to change it easily when a person has grown up. This made him sigh and go downstairs again.

During dinner, Serena kept picking up food for An Luo, causing him to keep being stared at by Irena during the meal. She could only find an excuse to sneak away without eating much, and returned to the place where, for him personally, he had just gone to bed not long ago. Yes, but actually I should have left my bed for three months.

However, even if his room has been away for three months, it is still very clean. When lying on the bed, you can still smell the faint fragrance residue. In other words... after Serena grew up a little, his bed Basically, the fragrance will remain like this.

Oh... is this all about something? Obviously I just want to do something good this time...

An Luo let out a big sigh and simply thought of taking a nap first and waiting to think about the rest until tomorrow and later.

But before he could fall asleep, there was a knock on the door.

Since this was not a sudden attack in the middle of the night, he could only remove the locking magic and let the door be pushed open.

The girl in light pajamas walked in quickly with a smile, and enthusiastically handed An Luo a glass of milk. She said playfully: Dad, does drinking a glass of milk before going to bed help you sleep?

Sleep?... You didn't add anything, did you? An Luo, who felt that he had caught the key word, turned his head and stared at the milk warily.

I hate it. How could I do something like that?

Then take a sip first.

Dad, how can you doubt me like this? No matter who I drug, I wouldn't be able to do that to you! Really! After complaining, Serena suddenly thought of something, and then showed a sly smile: Ah~could it be that~Dad wants to kiss me indirectly? He’s really a pervert, but I don’t hate it.”

...I'm not that boring!

I won't do that kind of thing! So...Dad has wronged me, and as compensation, he will sleep with me at night!

While she was talking, she got into his bed without waiting for An Luo to object. She didn't even take a sip of milk to prove her innocence. This probably... can also be regarded as the result of An Luo's own personality. Is there any adverse effect on the child?

And realizing that he had accidentally taught the child something wrong again, he could only face the ceiling and sigh deeply, but before he could say anything, the girl next to him turned over again. On him.

Hehe~ I really still like being on top of daddy~ The girl pressed her hands on his chest and showed a naive smile, which made An Luo, who smelled a soft and sweet fragrance, feel uncomfortable for a moment. After driving her out, he just said depressedly: Seriously, can you stop calling me daddy? I feel like this is very disrespectful...

Why? We haven't done anything yet?

Not yet...what do you mean?

Everything is possible, so you can't say anything to death. This is a very important thing... This is what you taught me in the past. I will keep every word of my father's teachings in mind~

...Is this a compliment?

Of course he is. He is strong, gentle, handsome, a little despicable and has a rotten personality to the core. I like him the most~?

The girl who simply lay on top of him whispered in his ear with her breath like blue, and couldn't help gesticulating on his chest with her fingertips.

...So are you scolding me or looking down on me? If you can, don't talk in my ears...

This is a confession.

Does anyone usually confess to their adoptive father? Is it a matter of family affection?

Don't ask knowingly~ It must be love.

The girl coquettishly hit him lightly with her small fist, but An Luo just felt a headache: Um, Serena... we can't get married in our relationship, right?

It's okay. My father is not my biological father anyway. The four of us can leave here together and live in other countries far away. Ah~ the peaceful country that my father mentioned before is good. I like it very much.

Wait a minute, this topic is getting weirder, right? Where did the four come from??

Me and you, and Estelle and Juris. The girl counted her fingers to him, and finally shook four fingers in front of him and said with a smile: Four is just right, isn't it?

Why do the names Estelle and Julis appear here??

Because... I don't want to be separated from them, and I don't want them to be snatched away by others. In this case, it's better to let dad marry them all~ so that we can always be together~

Serena clasped her hands together and shook her head slightly, nodding to herself as if she was satisfied with her decision, and proudly said: In order to enhance their relationship with their father, I also specially gave Estelle a treasured pillow. With Julis.

...So the pillow on Estelle's bed was given by you?

It's me!

...Can you please stop infringing on my image rights?

How much does a family talk about portrait rights?

Normally, no one would take out underwear photos of their family members, right? To be honest, that's weird. Please destroy those pillows.


Huh? Really?

But I have a condition~

What conditions?

I can't sleep without a pillow at night, so~ Serena smiled playfully and put her hand on his body, moved it up a little bit, then bit his ear and murmured: Daddy, come be my pillow. Right~?

Wait! If you have something to say, please say it. Don't bite my ear! An Luo, who was so excited that he couldn't stop shaking, tried to push the girl away, but the girl hugged him and refused to let go: Dad is excited. Yes, it’s so beautiful.”


But, hit me.

With a charming smile, the girl licked his ear again, and then kissed his collarbone and kept going up. An Luo, who was worried that too much force would hurt her, but couldn't bear it, could only resort to enforcement measures.


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