But these two witches are also young girls who will not kill people unless necessary. If they propose to kill each other outright, it will conflict with their own values ​​​​and Irena's, which makes him unable to help but feel a little bit. I was distressed and finally chose to shut up.

In this way, when he was thinking about ways to completely solve the problem, Estelle also led them. Before Serena returned home, she called Serena's parents her sister in this timeline. I wanted to discuss the matter with them and deceived two people.

An Luo and Irena, who were preparing to ambush the robbers, were in a nearby alley, watching Estelle leave with a man who looked gentle and good-looking, and an equally good-looking young woman, Serena's parents. After that, they all entered Serena's house, which was opened by magic.

Do you think the robbers will come? Irena looked around and couldn't help but poke An Luo, who seemed to be in a daze.

Who knows? Just keep an eye on the entrance here. If someone comes, tie him up with magic. If I say so, just go to the room above and have a look.

Don't send me casually! ...By the way, what are you doing up there?

I'm worried that someone might have ambushed me in the closet above. If there really is an ambush hiding inside, wouldn't it be a waste for us to wait here and Estelle to protect Serena's parents outside? Time, when the time comes and everyone goes back to the past together, won’t this action become meaningless?”

Hmm~ It is indeed possible. Irena nodded, but quickly narrowed her eyes: But... you won't steal that wife's underwear and panties while checking the wardrobe. Bar?

Even I can't do that kind of thing, right?!

Just kidding~

Seeing An Luo's depressed look, Irena laughed, which made An Luo even more depressed.

...Even if it's a joke, it's still very hurtful!

Well, actually, I'm more worried about Serena's underwear than my wife.


Ah, this is also a joke~ Probably...

It's probably redundant! I won't do anything to a child's underwear, and I've never opened your closet before!

But you once squatted on the ground and meditated in front of my underwear.

Irena suddenly cited an incident that had happened in the past, which made An Luo so depressed that he almost shut himself up: So! I have already said it, I just saw the wind blowing off your underwear, and it happened to be It was blown quite far away, so I was thinking about whether to pick it up or not!

If that's the case, why don't you just pick it up? Why are you staring at my underwear?

Then you'll think of me as a pervert! Think I'm stealing your underwear?

No~? The girl definitely denied it, but he couldn't believe that the girl had such trust in him: Really? Why?

Because I know that if you want to steal underwear, no one will find out.

...Is this a blind spot? Are you praising me?

Irena's words made An Luo stunned for a moment. He was reminded that he seemed to have discovered an unexpected path. Irena herself nodded matter-of-factly: Of course it's a compliment~ After all, in crime You are very talented, and no matter what kind of talent it is, talent is still talent after all.

...I couldn't be happier to be praised like this by you... The corners of his mouth twitched slightly and he became depressed again, but An Luo quickly thought of an idea as soon as he turned his head and put on a smile again: Putting my affairs aside for now, you are also a genius compared to me, and to this day you already have a talent that I can't compare to.

No, you are better at this, or you are the best at teaching.

No, no, if you don't have talent in this area, no matter how much I teach you, it won't help. It's your own talent that makes you the invincible person you are now.

No, no, no, no matter how much I compare with you, I will...



An Luo and Irena either praised or complimented each other on their criminal talents, and they slandered each other under the ice.

But they didn't talk for too long but they also discovered that neither of them was a good person, and they were both well-informed criminal partners. In this way, hurting each other not only hurt each other, but also hurt themselves.

It happened that at this moment, the ring on Irena's hand emitted light, and the light formed a line that quickly connected to the distance.

Is this Miss Estelle using magic? An Luo looked at the ring curiously and stopped continuing the previous topic. Irena nodded without any nervousness: It feels like the magic power is being sucked away. It's probably because Miss Estelle is fighting the robbers. Let's go and take a look, too? Well...but... We must have solved the problem by the time we get there, this commission is really profitable~

Estelle is a witch after all, and she is another genius who has developed the magic of time retrieval. When she is on guard and has entered a state of combat, the robber cannot be her opponent at all, unless the meteorite hits the earth. It was on her, so the two of them walked in the direction of Estelle, following the magic power as if they were on an outing.

Just when he walked out of the door of this room, An Luo suddenly thought of something and asked: ... Speaking of which, if you suddenly lost one of your underwear before and there was no evidence, what would you...

——Then it must be you who did it, right? Do you still need to think about this? Irena rolled her eyes at him and walked out of the house without looking back. The road that was opened up behind her was immediately blocked. The dead An Luo was temporarily confused in the wind.

An Luo, who was left alone for a long time, couldn't help but click his tongue: Tsk...I knew it would be like this.

He couldn't help but feel lucky that he had not done anything in the past.

Ah, of course, he had no intention of taking action, so he never took action.


An Luo, who was a little behind, and Irena, who was half-heartedly expecting that the matter would be resolved when he passed by and didn't want to work at all. The two salary thieves strolled through the dimly lit alley under the sunset, as if they were taking a walk after dinner. They also chatted about some rather insignificant things.

Just when she was about to arrive at the scene, the ring in Irena's hand suddenly went out. She couldn't help but feel a little happy and trotted in front, urging An Luo who was still slow behind him: It should be over. You should hurry up and catch up, otherwise I won’t give you a single gold coin, okay?”

So you had plans to give it to me in the first place?

Although you haven't contributed much, I will still make a fortune with one or two gold coins... Huh?!

Irena, who did not look back, had not finished her teasing words, but when she saw the three people who had left before at the corner, she stared at the figure in front of her with her eyes wide open as if struck by lightning.

After exclaiming, she seemed to be unable to accept the scene in front of her and didn't know what to do. She just reflexively stepped back step by step to escape reality.

What's wrong Yi Lei... the smell of blood is so strong.

The smell of blood combined with Irena's strange behavior gave An Luo an ominous premonition.

And while he took two steps forward and caught the girl who fell back and bumped into his arms, he also witnessed a bizarre scene happening in the open space at the corner of the alley.

Even he, who thought he had experienced hundreds of battles and had seen all kinds of bizarre things, was a little suspicious and his eyes froze in surprise.

In the dark alley, three people fell in a pool of blood.

Even the witch Estelle, whom they thought was impossible to defeat, was one of them, but the murderer standing next to these three people was... a little girl of only ten years old, Serena.

.....It seems that the time-traveling magic that I just learned from my master will be put to use soon.

Surprised, this idea flashed through An Luo's mind reflexively, although he was still not sure what the time and space of this world looked like.

Chapter 25: Girls who are desperate for everything and look forward to destruction

Although it took Estelle three years to transform from a witch apprentice to a witch, which seemed much slower than Irena's one year, in fact, all she needed to get rid of the word apprentice was the teacher's approval.

Therefore, the criteria for promotion can be said to be very subjective, and the difficulty design for obtaining approval is also very different, so it basically cannot be used as a criterion for evaluating a witch's ability.

In the final analysis...a magician only needs to stand out in a country to become a trainee witch, and the countries in this world are just cities, and the level of each country can also be very different; it is precisely because of this that even if they are just graduating The difference between witches and witches is even greater than that between witches and magicians.

An Luo himself feels that the power level of this world is very unreliable, and the flexibility is too great.

But what is certain is that even if the average level is difficult to predict, the witch can still be regarded as an outstanding talent in a country. Estelle's genius can be reflected in her reproduction of the magic of time retrieval. It is in this way that An Luo and Neither Irena was nervous about her encounter with the bandits.

However... they never thought that Estelle would actually capsize in the gutter.



The dark corners of the city where the setting sun cannot shine, and the depths of old alleys feel dark and damp.

The sunshine is hard to reach. People usually avoid going to the messy but quiet alleys, but the spring wind brings the smell of blood.

A large amount of blood was splashed around, and there was also a large pool of blood on the floor. The three people lying in the pool of blood were motionless and seemed to be dead.

The only little girl standing was covered in blood, and she was holding a knife that was also covered in blood. The existence of this knife made both An Luo and Irena clearly aware that the blood on her body was The blood did not come from herself...but from the three people lying around her.

The little girl wearing a black cloak at this moment is none other than Serena, who was gently embraced by Estelle not long ago, and is undoubtedly the murderer.

Such a situation was almost like that of a murder scene. Irene, who couldn't believe that the murderer was Serena, simply forgot that An Luo was behind her, blocking her way back. She just stood there blankly, looking at The little girl holding the murder weapon.

But she can be in a daze, but the little girl opposite can't...

——Sister, did you come here with this woman? It's really troublesome. Someone actually saw it... What should I do? Should I kill you, eldest sister too~

Serena spoke in a voice that was completely innocent and indistinguishable from ordinary children, and even made people feel very cheerful. The smile on her face was not as cute as her age, but extremely twisted and dark, and there was no trace in her eyes. The hint of a smile was just pure coldness.

.....how so......

Irena still couldn't believe this scene, and she felt unreasonable fear about facing the murderer head-on for the first time. She only felt as cold as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

As for me, I have grown up under the abuse of my father and mother since I was born. About half a year ago, when I was only nine years old, my father always wanted to do something to me and looked at me strangely. My mother was jealous and violent towards me, but even so, they insisted on saving face and behaved harmoniously in front of outsiders. When they hit me, they would choose a way that would not be easily seen and would not leave any traces. , these two are really people that I admire.

At the end of her calm narration with no emotion on her face or even her eyes, Serena said with a smile as if she was very happy: Anyway, it was broken after I was born, or even before I was born. It’s my home, so I just broke it and forget about it...Hmm~ Can I be forgiven for saying that?”

——How, how can it be possible to forgive, even if...

Irena denied it without thinking, and this denial was not beyond Serena's expectation. She smiled and stepped forward to interrupt: That's right~ But it really shocked me~ Big sister You are so good at choosing time to interfere with my plans. You are not really from the future, are you? Now, if you are really from the future, can you tell me what I am doing in the future?

You... were killed by your best friend...

Irena, whose voice couldn't stop trembling, was very nervous about Serena's approach, and her voice was trembling when she answered questions.

A close friend? Do I have any close friends? Ah~ you mean Estelle?

... Irena nodded slightly in a cold sweat. Serena, who was wearing a black robe and covered in blood, stood there without moving, just tilting her head as if thinking about something.

An Luo, who was behind Irena, also observed Serena, whose eyes were as emotionless as those of a dead person. He looked at the black robe on her body and got a different answer than Irena.

Parents in this world are similar to those in the European Middle Ages. They have absolute authority over their children. Fathers can kill their children at will without taking any legal responsibility. Child abuse was extremely common in Europe in the past, but now in this world It's almost the same.

It is precisely because of this that from the perspective of the morality of this world, neither Irena nor the people in this world feel that Serena's behavior is forgivable, but An Luo feels that it is excusable.

As for the possibility of lying...does this obviously crazy kid need to lie? After all, under the thinking of this era, there is no need to panic.

Judging from the way Serena is wearing a black robe and preparing to blame the robbers, she has a better back-up plan, instead of trying to win the kind of sympathy that she can't win.

Even a person like Irena, who is shameless on the outside but quite kind on the inside, did not hesitate to deny the legitimacy of this kind of behavior with a reason. There is no need to say more about what will happen to others. The death penalty is almost certain. Argumentative.

..... Parents are not guilty of killing their children. On the other hand, it is a capital crime no matter what the reason. This is the tradition and the law. However, Anluo's own values ​​are different from this era, at least... abuse There is really no way to ignore children's affairs easily.

But he seemed to have appeared too late, and it would be difficult to achieve any results if he tried to do anything now, so he was prepared to make a decision based on the situation.



An Luo looked at the little girl covered in blood as if he were a bystander. Serena curiously asked about her future affairs from the frightened Irena, and she was thinking in her heart.

When she felt about the same, Serena, who had been standing there for a long time, suddenly laughed and rushed towards Irena.

This was the first time she faced someone else's naked murderous intention head-on. She felt a chill running up her spine, and her hands were trembling with unfounded fear.

Although she subconsciously took out the wand and pointed it at Serena, her hesitation restrained her body tightly, causing her to panic and forget to attack when the opponent was approaching two meters away. She reflexively held her head with both hands to defend herself against the opponent. The knife that was stabbed. :


...You are obviously still a witch, why do you have to be killed by a child?

At the critical moment, An Luo wordlessly grabbed the girl in front of him who was screaming in fear for the pain that was about to happen. He picked her up by the collar and threw her back.

About the moment her butt hit the ground, Serena was already in front of her, but at the same time... Before Irena screamed out in pain from the pain in her butt, the ring on her hand started to shine. .

A pile of debris suddenly flew over from the side.

——Bang! The figure of the running girl disappeared with a muffled sound, and soon fell against the wall with another muffled sound, and slid to the ground against the wall.


There was a low roar from the pool of blood.

The short-haired girl with blood constantly overflowing from her mouth, Estelle slowly stood up from the ground, covering her bleeding abdomen with one hand, and pointing the wand at Se who was lying in the garbage heap with one hand. Linna direction.

She took two staggering steps in the direction of Serena, but quickly stopped again. As a large amount of magic power was output, a large number of blue and white magic blocks appeared around her.

Ahaha! He's still alive! If I had known better, I should have stabbed him more seriously—!


Estelle didn't listen to what she had to say, and let out another low roar, letting the magic power beside her fly out quickly and hit Serena's head, who was obviously very used to pain and didn't care about the pain at all.

In bang! With another heavy impact, Serena's head tilted back sharply, but she quickly lowered her head and looked over again, laughing and wanting to say something, but Estelle didn't want to listen to her anymore. , just gritted his teeth, held blood in his mouth, roared and activated the wand again.

——Serena!! Have you been lying to me?!!

Haha! Estelle is killing me! Ahaha!! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! But it's so fun! Hahahaha!

I regard you as my best friend! As my biological sister!?! But you have been lying to me all this time!!

Haha! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! It hurts! Hahaha! Estelle is going to kill me! I will become a murderer, so... Estelle is going to kill me! !Ha ha ha ha!

Serena's petite body continued to burst out with blood under the impact of the magic block, and her voice became hoarse and difficult, but the twisted smile on her face never changed, and neither did the radiant pupils of her body. Any emotional upheaval.

Answer! Answer me! - Serena!!! Facing Serena who had no fear at all and even ignored her question, Estelle bit her tongue with an expression of collapse and even despair. Ya suppressed the pain and screamed: You——devil...!!

——Miss Estelle! This is not allowed! Please stop! Even if the other party is a murderer, but...such...this kind of thing...!

Irena, who realized what Estelle wanted to do, didn't want things to end like this, so she stood up. However, she was struck by the huge change in the scene, and her legs weakened and she collapsed on the ground again.

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