Without holding back, An Luo raised his hand and hit her on the forehead again, causing the girl to squat on the ground screaming in pain.

You idiot, keep this box for yourself and play with it slowly. An Luo casually took off the box from his head, threw it on the girl squatting on the ground, and immediately covered her, and simply ignored him. She walked away, planning to find someone to ask about the location of the palace, or simply fly away.

Now he completely understood that Avilia was immediately taken seriously in the orthodox knights because her talent as a magician was outstanding, but her personality was silly and a little out of line.

In this regard, they are very similar to Emnesia. The two sisters are a little dumbfounded. Should they be called sisters? ....He couldn't help but think so.


Although Avilia was stunned, the information she provided was very useful to An Luo, because in addition to telling Emnesia at the end of her execution, she also said that the perpetrator was not her, but Rose Witch Ai In addition to Miliya, she also revealed that Emnesia had gone to investigate on her own in the past, and the letter sent to the City of Faith by the Great Witch Ludra was about the harmful magic pollution emitted by the City of Faith.

Since the closed-door Faith City's national policy is to avoid disputes with other countries as much as possible, management in this area has always been very strict, so no one in the Orthodox Knights cared about the letter at all, and only thought it was the great witch Ludra who made a mistake. .

Avilia was also busy with the case of the witch being killed and also didn't think there would be pollution, so she rejected Emnesia's proposal to investigate the sewers. In that case, Emnesia went to the sewers alone. In this way, she was regarded as a criminal who killed witches and released magical pollution.

There are too many doubts in this matter. Only the citizens who believe in the Rose Witch and those who blindly follow the public will decisively believe that Emnesia, who does not even know magic, can create a device to capture the Witch's magic power, so she killed her. The four witches use this to improve their magical abilities.

I believe that Emnesia was wronged and found out from Avelia. Emnesia should have known the truth before she lost her memory. Therefore, it was only because Emnesia was willing to plead guilty and hope to be punished. An Luo, who agreed to let the knights take her with her, now naturally needs to lift the curse and restore Emnesia's memory.

He personally believes that in this way, all problems can be solved, and the best way to solve the curse is to kill the curse caster.

If he had any concerns about letting Emnicia regain her memory before, now she has completely disappeared. Anyway, her strength has been exposed, so he just needs to go ahead and do it. He believes that Emni has restored her memory. West Asia will definitely be able to find the evidence with his help.

Well...why do you trust your sister so much? Could it be that you are fascinated by her? Let me tell you first that your sister is mine, and I will not give it to you!

Avilia, who followed An Luo after taking off the carton, seemed to be losing her temper during the questioning, and also seemed to be jealous that he and his sister were traveling outside.

An Luo, who thought she was cute like this, couldn't help but laugh softly: You really don't feel nervous. It's obviously treason to you now, but you still care about this kind of thing?

Treason is treason! Anyway, I have been waiting for this moment to come!

Really? Even though he is an idiot, it's good that that guy has a sister like you. He should be happy, right?

Don't call me an idiot! ...But before the incident, my relationship with my sister was actually...

Avilia retorted loudly, but quickly fell silent. Her expression looked a little dark and she did not say that in fact, their relationship had reached a freezing point when she became her sister's boss.

An Luo didn't ask in detail, but just followed her guidance and stepped into the palace grandly. Surrounded by a group of knights, he headed towards the Rose Witch's residence deep in the palace.



The number of knights of the Orthodox Knights continued to increase, intending to form a human wall to block An Luo's way.

However, after experiencing the intimidation of the city gate, they just sorted out clutter and trivial matters all day long, and basically did not deal with criminal incidents such as fights and fights. However, they could not muster the courage to even raise the wand.

An Luo, who brought Avilia as a traitor, completely ignored their existence. According to Avilia, he walked unhurriedly towards the depths of the palace. Every step he took, the knights He would subconsciously take a step back, letting the funny scenes of two advances and countless retreats play out repeatedly in this palace.

Although this is a palace, there is actually no king in this country. The country is governed by the parliament, and the witch who plays an important role in the parliament is the culprit of everything - the rose witch Emilia also learned about his visit. He didn't run away, but appeared majestically.

Emilia, who was wearing a red and black dress, stood in a well-arranged barrier, surrounded by cadres of the Knights who were assisting in maintaining the barrier.

The witch herself, who seemed to be no more than thirty years old, knew she had no way out and could only take a risk. She pointed her wand at Emnesia, who was brought here, and said righteously:

This matter is an internal matter of our country from beginning to end. We can make the greatest concessions and grant amnesty to life imprisonment for the heinous criminals who killed their companions. But if you continue to interfere in our internal affairs and act recklessly in our country, even if you die, the net will be broken. We will also let you understand that the City of Faith is not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others! And... this great sinner will also be executed on the spot!

Emilia, with the wand in her hand radiating light, narrowed her eyes and stared at An Luo warily, obviously planning to use hostages. An Luo retreated, but this attitude made An Luo couldn't help but sneer: Your threatening method, It’s really cliche. After all, shouldn’t I release the hostages right after I leave you at this time? Is there some shady secret that prevents you from releasing them?”

It doesn't matter whether you are old-fashioned or not, as long as it is effective, and... please don't talk nonsense, this is related to the majesty of our country's laws! How can you be allowed to trample on it alone!

Does it really work?

Even if you can break the barrier, I can definitely chop off her head faster before you break the barrier!

Seeing that An Luo had no intention of retreating, Emilia's eyes shone with cold light and the light at the tip of the wand brightened again, but the next moment... the wand she was holding tightly in her hand disappeared.




(PS: Recommended book I Really Don't Want to Burn Humanity

Introduction: I once had a verbal spat with someone in the Senate as a noble in Rome! I once followed the King of Knights in Britain and killed the Germans!

When I was in the Tang Dynasty, I simply wiped out the family and became the emperor myself! I was once in Greece, dancing with the gods on Mount Olympus as a human! Now, in Da Qin, I am assisting the First Emperor as a national advisor, so that Da Qin can be king for eternity.

As a time traveler, I have reached the pinnacle! I never expected that Chaldea would actually say that I created a singularity and destroyed human nature!

Facing Gudazi and the Chaldean Heroic Spirits who came to the door, senior time traveler Li Ang said that he was confused.

Listen to me, I really never thought about incinerating people!

Chaldea crowd: Do you think we will believe your lies?!)

I Really Don't Want to Burn Humanity

Chapter 20 Restoring memory and parting


Emilia, whose hand was suddenly empty, was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously lowered her head to search on the ground, but An Luo's teasing laughter came from the other side: What's wrong? How do you want to behead someone?

My wand...why? There is a traitor??

Emilia looked up suddenly and noticed the familiar wand that An Luo had casually thrown on the ground. She stood there in shock for a moment and couldn't figure out what happened.

She couldn't help but glance at the knights beside her with suspicious eyes, and couldn't help but suspect that the wand in her hand was disguised as magic after being dropped by someone. The actual wand was already in An Luo's hand.

But when I thought about it, it seemed wrong. The wand had always been in the portable space. It had never been taken out before An Luo came or even in the past few days. After taking it out, it was almost never removed. It was impossible for anyone to change it in advance.

Not knowing what was going on, she simply opened her palm again, preparing to pull out the spare wand.

But the light emitted from the palm of her hand, but before she could get the wand... her forearm suddenly bent and dropped without any warning, as if it were truly boneless, and the man's voice came from the opposite side again. A happy voice.

What I hate the most is someone threatening me with hostages. I should have said this at the gate of the city. Why do you still insist on being stupid?


Her right hand and arm became uncontrollable and she couldn't even open her five fingers. For a moment, she even lost control of her five fingers. This abnormal situation made Emilia stunned again, and then the drama almost made her faint. Pain came from the arm that had no wounds but was twisted and drooping strangely.



A scream like a slaughtering pig came from the opposite side, but An Luo casually used the magic of plundering, and after taking it out directly from her arm, he used telekinesis to instantly crush the two forearm bones, the radius and the bones into powder. ulna.

What...that thing? What happened? Avilia, who just saw An Luo casually sprinkled the strange white powder, also couldn't figure out what happened, and why she was clearly getting married. Emilia in World Protection will suddenly scream.

Children, don't ask if you don't understand. By the way, bring me some water to wash my hands.

Oh, oh... no, I'm not a child!

Yes, I understand.

After clapped his hands nonchalantly to wipe off the remaining bone powder, An Luo washed his hands with the water created by Avilia as if no one else was there, and looked at the painful embrace in the barrier again, which was as soft as if there were no bones. She is a woman whose right hand is truly boneless and can’t stop whining.

But soon he was no longer interested in the deposed woman, and looked directly at the knights maintaining the barrier. However, he did not bypass the barrier again to launch a space attack, but smiled and said: I don't want to be there unnecessarily. I'm wasting my energy on things, so do you want me to help you break your bones, or do you want to surrender on your own?

I, we...we...surrender...surrender...

The knights who turned their shocking eyes away from the whining witch already understood that their defenses could not prevent An Luo's strange attacks, and they did not want to have their bones shattered into ashes after being taken away.

Although they did not want to surrender out of the dignity of knights, their instinct still made them surrender in the face of an impossible enemy. After all, the attack at the city gate still made them tremble just thinking about it.

The barrier automatically collapsed when the knights put down their wands. Emilia, who was so painful that she shed tears and was now grinning, glared at them, but they could only turn their faces away and pretend not to see it and hid aside.

You, you...you losers! Are you going to watch this...

——The curse of Emnesia has been lifted now! And you are the real criminal, right? Before Emilia could finish speaking in pain, An Luo casually grabbed her collar and pulled her She lifted it up and forced her to look at her.

...You are a guy who is shielding a great sinner...and helping others commit evil!...I am one of the leaders of this country! How could I possibly do that kind of thing...! Not even a little bit The evidence slanders me! Do you know the consequences of this! You...you are the enemy of the entire city of faith! It is impossible for us in the city of faith to succumb to a devil like you... .....!

Why do you have to be brave when things get tough? Are you acting tough for me here? Evidence is just for convincing the public, and I don't want to convince the public. In the end, the devil will fail? Do you think I'm here? Do you want to play some heroic story with you?

An Luo threw it coldly, causing the witch in his hand to be thrown to the ground. He groaned in pain and looked behind him at Avilia who was still in a daze: You should know how to lift the curse. What.

Ah, well, in addition to killing the person who cast the spell, getting on the beheading platform will also solve the problem.

Hurry up to the beheading platform and remove the curse from this silly boy first.

Hey, but we're not here...

If I come here, they will definitely bring Emnesia, and there will be a bonus... Isn't this convenient for me to find?

Stepping on the hand of Emilia who had just quietly taken out the wand with her good hand, An Luo looked down at the woman whose face was wrinkled again, smiled and shook her head, silently warning her not to do it again. Meaningless action.

Because he doesn't want to see blood in front of children if he can, and so far he has been very restrained and has not produced any blood.

He didn't even plan to spend time on the interrogation. At least he didn't plan to waste the time now, nor did he want to appear cruel in front of others.

Anyway, since we all know that Emnesia was unjustly accused and was framed when she accidentally witnessed the scene, then everything can be dealt with slowly according to her expectations after she regains her memory. This is much better than him solving everything at once. Now, with the support of his force, no one can ignore Emnesia's testimony.



Holding Emnesia, who had been knocked unconscious by his sleep magic early because he probably didn't want him to solve the problem with violence, An Luo followed Avili who was dragging Emilia. Ya, heading towards the beheading platform with special magical effects.

...Why should I be with this old woman! Obviously I also want to hold my sister! Avilia followed behind, dragging Emilia who was tied up with a rope, and couldn't help but Complaining about this completely unfair treatment.

Of course it's because I contribute more. If you can defeat the person you're dragging behind, how about I give you a hug?

——Well... no, right?! Who wants to hug you! I can't possibly hug you, right?!

If you try harder, maybe you can hold it...

An Luo, who didn't care much about Avilia's rebuttal and replied casually, had already seen the guillotine that was always fixed in the city square because it was a special magic device.

The great criminal who was originally punished by forgetting to return home could be prepared for execution on the second day after returning. However, due to An Luo's relationship, he has not yet installed a beheading knife. On the outside, it only looks like a high platform standing on it. On the edge of the square.

He led the girl up to the high platform, and according to Avilia's instructions, he injected magic power into the instrument hidden below, and at the same time released the magic of sleep.

The next moment - Emnesia's eyes suddenly opened wide.

Ah...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Staring up at him blankly.

An Luo, who was holding her in his arms and standing in the center of the high platform, did not say anything strange this time. He just smiled and joked: Our Miss Knight, who has a very poor memory, still remember who I am?

...Liar? The girl, whose brain was confused by the sudden surge of memories, blurted out these words subconsciously, making An Luo's mouth twitch slightly and said dumbfounded: Uh, this is... from your hometown. A cold joke? Or a greeting?

I... never promised to give you ten gold coins as a reward...

...Is now the time to talk about this topic?

I don't have the habit of wearing cat ears either...

...That happened on the third day. I apologize for this.

I do not have either......

——Ah! Wait a minute! You can go on and on endlessly! Can you wait a while to settle accounts with me, such as after autumn?! How about taking a look at the atmosphere now? ?

Feeling that the girl in his arms was no worse off than her sister, An Luo couldn't help but immediately interrupted her execution and put the girl with a naughty smile on the ground.

Okay, let's talk about our affairs later. Amnesia looked around with a smile, standing blankly, and her smile quickly turned bitter: I'm all, all, all, all, all... I remembered everything.”

Really? Tell me?

I am a member of the orthodox knights. I have parents who have a bad relationship and a sister who is silly and a little out of line, but has excellent magic skills. The girl closed her eyes to sort out the memories in her head, and narrated bit by bit: I am Amnesia, Avelia’s sister, An Luo’s fifteenth wife...

——What?! Avilia was furious in an instant. She rushed forward and grabbed the clothes on An Luo's chest. She raised her head and stared at him at close range with a ferocious expression as if she wanted to kill someone: Boy! What do you mean?! What did you do to my sister when she had no memory?!

Calm down, that was a joke! By the way, Emnesia, why are you mentioning what we just met at this time?

I always feel like I've been bullied by you since we met, so I'm a little bit unwilling. This is my revenge~ The darkness on the face of the girl dissipated a little, and she stuck out her tongue cutely, which made An Luo lose his temper.


After fighting back against An Luo for a while, Emnesia also recovered from the chaotic memory with the help of An Luo's depression and told the truth about what she had witnessed.

It was basically what Avilia thought. After receiving the letter from the great witch Ludra, she went to the sewers and found the corpse of the murdered witch in the sewers. It was just natural for Emilia to find out. He was framed by Emilia.

An Luo basically knew what happened after that, but he was exiled to the outside world and continued to lose his memory every day.

...Speaking of which, why do this woman's hands become like this?

After Emnesia finished telling what she knew, she couldn't help but look at Emilia, whose face was still very ugly. It could be said that she was filled with pain and unwillingness, especially her weird right hand.

Well, it's better to go to the crime scene than this. It's easy to turn the object into a person and then conduct a consultation.

Without explaining the cruelty of this magic, An Luo dragged Emilia towards the palace, and soon took the members of the City of Faith Council who were forced to follow him, as well as the cadres of the Orthodox Knights to the scene of the incident. Let the objects there truly speak.

Although Emilia refused to betray her personal belongings, she also wanted some items that were not taken seriously and could be regarded as neutral, but she chose to tell everyone the truth of the matter, letting everyone follow the clues given by the items and learn bit by bit. The whole picture.

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