——No, no! I don't have that kind of relationship with my brother and sister! And we are not brother and sister!

Saya, who was subjected to random speculation, understood that she was being thought of very strangely, and tried hard to explain that sleeping together was just a very innocent thing. However, this explanation made her forget for a while that she wanted to chase An Luo, and The sadness and regret of not being able to say goodbye yet.


the other side.

An Luo sat on Caroline, who had transformed into a broom again, and flew aimlessly into the distance, but she always felt a little weird in her heart.

Even if he wanted to convince himself that the person under him was a broom, he still couldn't calm down... And at this moment, a girl in a white cloak in front of him suddenly stretched out her hand to stop him: That, that... ..”


The absent-minded An Luo simply bumped into it, just like riding a motorcycle into a car fence. The girl whose strength did not match her petite figure was stopped. The broom under him flew out directly, but he himself was physically If you lean back, you will fall to the ground on your back.

However, he came back to his senses in an instant. He twisted his body in mid-air without any support, turned over and tried to put his hands on the ground.

But the startled girl subconsciously exclaimed —Yeah! and reflexively grabbed him to prevent him from falling to the ground.

It's a pity that the girl failed to calculate An Luo's reaction speed, and was driven by the movements he chose in the air. Her body was forced to bend forward, and even her legs were off the ground and she turned over directly, allowing him to be pinned to the ground. under.

Both of them fell to the ground, but the girl who blocked the road was pinned down and suffered all the impact.

...It doesn't hurt at all. Feeling the softness of the girl under him, he couldn't help but sigh in a low voice, but the girl behind him frowned and screamed in pain: ——Ugh, it hurts so much .....!

It's so pitiful, but there's nothing we can do about it. After all, you're below me.

...If, if possible...could you please get up quickly?

Of course.

An Luo placed his hands on the girl so that he would not keep pressing on the girl who almost caused him misfortune.

Just looking down at the girl who seemed to have been pushed down and pinned to the ground by him, he began to look carefully at her unconsciously.

The girl has shoulder-length white and silver hair like snow, a black hairband on her head, and very beautiful emerald eyes like flowers and plants in midsummer. She seems to be a little younger than Irena, and her face is more... She is a little childish but her facial features are very delicate and beautiful. She is a beautiful girl who needs no words.

After observing the girl from close range for a while, he stood up and stretched out his hand to pull her up from the floor when the girl started to feel embarrassed.

When the girl stood up and looked at him again, he found that the clothes seemed to belong to a knight of a certain country. In addition to fingerless black gloves, he was also wearing a white cloak and warm white, gray and gold clothes underneath. Line-embellished clothing.

Further down is a black short skirt, and under the skirt is a black silk suspender that looks a bit sexy no matter who wears it, as well as long boots that are black on the outside and white on the inside. In addition, it is also equipped with a saber. No surprise, he must be a knight, and judging from his previous strength, he should be quite powerful.

Then? What did you do all of a sudden?

Yes, I'm sorry... I, I just wanted to ask, do you know who I am?

The knight girl hurriedly bowed her head and apologized... Although in this accident, the ultimate victim was herself.

Huh? Who am I?

Yes, who am I?

This is the first time I've heard such a strange question. By the way, have you forgotten it?


That's right...

.....Is this kid kidding me?

As if he heard something quite funny and incomprehensible, An Luo, who was slightly twitching at the corner of his mouth because he was stopped earlier and almost fell to the ground, said maliciously and maliciously: You are my fifteenth wife. Remember it well.

Oh, yes, is that so? The girl covered her mouth with her hands in surprise.

...Why are you surprised?

Because, you actually have so many wives? Can you afford them?

...Isn't your focus on the problem a little strange?

I'm sorry... I can't believe it. It feels very inconsistent. Are you lying to me?

The girl whose tone was soft and weak gave people the impression that she was easy to bully. Although what she said was not very sure and she used questions, she looked like she didn't believe him at all.

And An Luo, who originally thought the girl would be angry, faced this unexpected girl who was not angry but just full of suspicion. However, he finally realized that she didn't seem to be playing tricks on him, and couldn't help but become curious and suspicious... She said Maybe he really has amnesia?

Since the last person with amnesia was a madman, he subconsciously used Insight out of caution.

[Name: Amnesia

Race: human

Characteristics: A knight with magical talent and excellent swordsmanship. He is cursed and loses his memory when he sleeps. 】

Sure enough, the limitations of insight are not small. It can only find out what the subject under observation has done, and only major events will be recorded, but no one else has done anything to her.

While being surprised that the girl really had amnesia, An Luo was also a little depressed that the half-baked information was so incomplete that he could only guess the remaining half.

Did you say something?

The girl... Emnesia heard his whisper and asked in a cautious voice.

Ah, it was just a joke. Your name is Emnesia, and you actually owe me ten gold coins. Do you remember?

...I always feel so suspicious...

Okay, actually we are best friends, you are going to lend me ten gold coins.

...My best friend was lying to me from the beginning? Even though she had no memory, the girl's vigilance was suddenly on full alert, and she asked suspiciously: You are trying to defraud me of my money, right? I But you don’t have any money?”

This is also a joke. Has it become so troublesome to entertain a child these days? But...you should be in a state of amnesia now. Even so, do you know that you have no money?

You don't want to rob, do you? Amnesia held the handle of the knife vigilantly and warned: Although I don't know who you are, if you come close to me casually, I will chop you!

I'm really vigilant. Do I look like a bad guy? Well, even though I haven't done anything good since just now...

After sighing a little, An Luo looked around in search of a topic. After a while, he found a book that seemed to have fallen to the ground not far away. He couldn't help but curiously asked: Is that your book?

Book? The girl looked over and shook her head in confusion: I don't know.

He casually stretched out his hand, and the book flew over automatically. The cover of the book said Please read this book after you wake up in the morning.

Chapter 16 An Luo is forced to take a job·Friendship is reduced to zero

The book with the words Please read this book when you wake up in the morning on the cover clearly belongs to the girl in front of you, Emnesia, but she seems to be sleeping nearby and wakes up with a blank mind and doesn't know anything. She starts reading before she can read the book. I found him wandering around, so I subconsciously wanted to find someone to ask and stopped him.

Is this... mine? Amnesia saw a book flying near where she was sleeping just now, and subconsciously wanted to get it, but An Luo quickly reached out and pressed it on her face. ——Uh-huh? The girl stopped her actions amidst the cute moans.

No, this is my book.

But, isn't this the place where I just slept?

Amnesia took a step back to escape from his clutches and looked at the book he took away with some aggrievedness.

No one picked it up on the ground just now, so it is an ownerless thing. So now that it is in my hands, it is mine.

why is it like this....!

That's all I am.


Thank you for the compliment.


Amnesia's eyes were full of mist and she was about to cry with grievance, but An Luo flipped through the book nonchalantly, wanting to understand the contents of the diary before returning it to the other party.

I don't know why, but he feels guilty when he forcibly reads other people's diaries, but he enjoys this feeling of guilt... Who made her fall down first?

An Luo, who was as unreasonable as ever, bit his lip with the pleasure of revenge. Under the reluctant gaze of the girl who was hesitating whether to take action, he flipped through this book, which was more like a diary than a book.



What is written in the diary is this girl's journey so far...roughly.

The content of the diary is quite long, probably only about half a year. Because she forgets things every day, the girl is quite disciplined and writes down what she encounters that day every day. However, the content is quite boring. Most of it is Where the scenery is more beautiful, where the scenery is better, where the people are kinder.

However, the handwriting of what was written at the beginning did not match the content of the diary, but it did record the girl's name, and said that she had a strange disease that caused amnesia after she woke up at night.

[Your name is Amnesia, you will be seventeen soon, and you suffer from a disease that causes you to lose your memory when you sleep at night.

I don’t know the real reason, but the clothes on your body and the saber on your waist seem to be products of a certain country. That should be your hometown and the place you should go to, so please travel back to your hometown.

I pray that you can return to your hometown safely. The name of your hometown is - East, the city of faith. 】

.....Is the curse being treated as a strange disease or something? Who is this person who helped the girl write these words and let her go to that place? Why not leave your name? And why let her go to East, the capital of faith?

An Luo held the book in his hand and was confused. When the girl beside him couldn't help but pounced on her, he handed the book to her: This is a gift for you. Remember to be grateful to me?

Oh, oh...thank you? Emnesia reached for the book and thanked her honestly, but she also felt a little unhappy.

You are welcome.

...You forced me to say thank you, right... The girl, who immediately flipped through the books after seeing the cover, muttered in a low voice: If I was forced to say thank you, this thank you Does it really still make sense?”

What did you just say?

No, no, I have something else to do, so I'll leave now! Goodbye!

When An Luo reached out to take back the book, Amnesia ran out in a panic. After only taking a few steps, she was stunned when she flipped through the book. She turned back cautiously and said in confusion: .....Who are you? Why do you know my name before you even read the book?

Turn the latest page.

The latest page?

That's the diary you wrote yesterday.


Amnesia hurriedly flipped through her notebook, and immediately discovered that in the diary updated yesterday, she recorded the scenery on her journey, as well as her encounter with An Luo, a magician, and her offer of food and accommodation after returning to her hometown. Ten gold coins were hired as a reward and asked to take him to the nearest country.

Ten gold coins...

The girl, who had no idea about her own financial resources, subconsciously searched around her body before she found her purse, took it out, opened it and couldn't help but frown, because she only had three gold coins in her purse.

That, this... was it really me who wrote it? The anxious girl showed the latest page of the book to An Luo.

Of course, is it possible that it was written by me? Is that your own handwriting? Yesterday you were holding my thigh and begging me to give you a ride. Who knew that you just went to the river to wash your face in the morning and came back? I can beat you down after you wake up.

——Lie, lie! I won't hug my thigh or anything! Probably... Amnesia puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, firmly opposed this rumor and said angrily: You... They are clearly bullying me into not remembering what happened yesterday!”

Then just pretend it never happened. You don't remember it anyway.

An Luo shrugged his shoulders and said in a tone that didn't sound like lying at all and said he didn't care. This made the girl who was still firmly opposed, her confidence somewhat shaken: It didn't happen in the first place! Ken, it definitely didn't... ..Bar?


Ah! You really lied to me? That's too much!



The frank admission made Amnesia feel like she was holding back her anger and couldn't let it out. She could only bite her lip and stare at him full of anguish.


In fact, An Luo certainly didn't know Emnesia before yesterday.

From a normal perspective, he just read the diary before, and was still in Emnesia's sight during the process. Therefore, under normal circumstances, he did not have time to imitate Emnesia's handwriting.

But...he is not an ordinary person.

In the short reading time, he used telekinesis to mobilize some ink from the storage space, imitating Emnesia's notes and writing about himself... Of course, he was not satisfied with the final reward of ten gold coins. It doesn't matter if he accepts it, he just wants to go to the City of Faith to eat and drink, because he has also heard the name of the City of Faith, so he is a little curious about that place.

The country called East, the City of Faith, is a very closed country. Outsiders are basically not allowed to enter that country. If Amnesia is a citizen of the mysterious City of Faith, then he might also be considered a traveler. Admitted to enter.

At that time, he can show off to Irena that he has been to the City of Faith. The most important thing is that others will treat him on the way, and he can live a life of feeding on beautiful girls like his ideal in the past.

But normally it is a very cost-effective thing to hire a magician to take a knight who can only walk across the mountains. The cost is only food and accommodation. After all, a magician can take people flying much faster than walking. .

.....Although this is a deal he made without authorization, and there is still a reward that he should get when it is completed, depending on Emnesia's family situation.

An Luo, who knew that Amnesia liked to stay up late because she didn't want to lose her memory, sat next to her and asked casually: Speaking of which, it's already noon. Have you eaten?


You brought food...well, it looks like you just didn't.

Glancing at the girl who had nothing with her but the diary, An Luo quickly came up with the answer. The girl was holding her stomach in frustration while looking at the diary.

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