Hey! Are you serious! This is too much! Are you really a good person like this?!


An Luo nodded subconsciously.

Huh? You... are definitely lying, right?!

No...I expressed my inner thoughts very frankly.

Ignoring the girl's dissatisfaction, An Luo pondered for a while and nodded to himself, then sighed to himself: So that's it... everyone's subjective thoughts are different, so they are all based on personal inner understanding. It is known as 'fact', so as long as you don't think there is a problem in your heart, then even if it is different from other people's values, it will be regarded as a lie, so it will be judged as fact, so as long as you don't think there is a problem in your heart.

Then I can only say that you are a terrible person! You actually think that there is nothing wrong with you...

Irena complained without hesitation from the side.

Originally, An Luo wouldn't care about such level of complaints, but in this country where one can only tell the truth, it really hurt him.

...So in your heart, do you really think I'm so bad?

Eh, no, no! Is this just your true thoughts on this matter?

Really? Then... It seemed to make sense when he thought about it, which made him curious: It's a rare opportunity. What do you think of me?

I reject!


--Prefer not to say!

I originally wanted to say that I was too lazy to say it, but I blurted it out unpreparedly. The lie I wanted to say suddenly turned into a blurt, which made Irena subconsciously stop her mouth in surprise.

Her behavior made An Luo suddenly feel full of bad taste. He smiled and cleared his throat: Cough, Irena.

...What? Why are you smiling so sinisterly? His sudden smile made Irena wary.

It doesn't matter if you don't have to be so guarded. I just want to ask you... I'm handsome, right?


the same as you.

I do not want to answer.



Hey, are you talking?

Shut up, don't talk to me! I won't answer anything you say!

Tsk...it doesn't make sense if you do this.

Irena immediately mastered the skills of living in this city, which made An Luo couldn't help but click his tongue, but after thinking about it, he showed a proud expression: But it doesn't matter even if you don't answer, because you don't want to answer. It means that the answer is positive, so because of your personality, you don’t want to answer...am I right?


Irena wanted to deny An Luo's understanding, but she was worried that she would say the wrong thing, so she simply turned away and ignored him, deciding to deal with him completely in silence.

The height difference and the wide hat made it impossible for An Luo to see her face, and he felt helpless at this reaction: I should just stay silent. This is very boring.


Stop it, Miss Irena?


Lady Irena?


Ms. Irena?

..... No matter what name he changed, Irena, who had already learned well, implemented the principle of silence, making the city that he found very interesting just now suddenly became boring... After all, it's harder to tease Irena here than usual.


Because people in the city are very quiet and use body language to communicate with others because they often say unnecessary words when they open their mouths. If you want to ask why they don't write, it's because... Writing is also out of control.

Even Irena understood that she would subconsciously reveal her true feelings when she opened her mouth, so she refused to give any answers to the dangerous An Luo, so as not to be teased as a toy by An Luo, who had a worse personality than herself.

However, Irena, who was accidentally misled by body language during this period, couldn't help but complain to herself after buying bread that was dry and hard overnight.

...It's dry and hard and tastes bad. It must have been sold overnight, right? It's an honest country, it's obviously a bunch of liars...

Hmm~ How about I help you eat half of it?


As soon as An Luo opened his mouth, Irena subconsciously moved aside and stared at him without saying a word, as if she was asking you what your conspiracy was. This made him smile bitterly and shake his head: Don't be like this. , I just want to talk to you, and I’ll help you eat half of it as a way of reconciliation and sincerity, is that okay? I promise I won’t tease you anymore, I swear!”


Irena hesitated for a moment and believed him since this city couldn't lie.

So, the two of them returned to their usual state, sharing some dry and hard food, maybe it was the leftover bread from the day before yesterday, and wandering around the city looking for interesting things.

However, it happened to be like this. An Luo didn't walk for too long when he noticed a group of people gathered in front of him, and a girl riding a broom wearing the same mage hat as Irena and dressed similar to Irena descended from the sky and rushed towards her. The two people who were fighting scolded and complained:

Don't fight for such boring reasons in broad daylight. Isn't this causing trouble to the people around you? Why didn't anyone stop them? Do I have to come forward as a passerby?

Eh, this person...Shaye? Before An Luo could wonder anything, Irena exclaimed in a low voice.

What? Familiar?

Under Irena's exclamation, An Luo couldn't help but take a closer look at the girl named Saya.

She wore a mage's black robe outside, but what she wore underneath was different from Irena's. It was relatively more neutral. Irena wore a short skirt while she wore shorts and knee-length black stockings.

In addition, this girl also has neat and gorgeous shoulder-length black short hair. She is petite and looks younger than Irena. Her face is also very pretty, but it feels a bit androgynous and cute. If you divide the race by region, and He's a kindred spirit, and...

I always feel like Megumin! Could it be that she is Megumin's sister from another time and space? Even though she is a little older than Megumin, she is still a child. Apart from her hairstyle and lack of breasts, she is exactly the same!

There were so many similarities that An Luo couldn't help but complain, and he accidentally spoke a little too loudly due to the influence of the barrier.

What are you...what are you talking about? Irena looked speechless and subconsciously, like him before, kept distance from each other in order to avoid being regarded as acquaintances.

The short-haired girl happened to hear the complaint, but Shaye angrily ignored the two fighting people, pushed aside the crowd and glared at An Luo, who was looking at him from two people away: ——Hey! You are Are you talking about me?!

——Yes! I'm talking about you!

Subconsciously shaking his head, he wanted to deny it and avoid getting into unnecessary trouble, but without raising his magic resistance, he reflexively admitted it frankly while shaking his head. Irena looked at it and covered her face with her hands and turned away, as if she didn't want to care. He didn't want to get involved with him, the public enemy of poor-breasted women.

Chapter 12 An Luo who beats the mandarin ducks and Saya who wants to elope

Realizing that he seemed to have inadvertently said something quite outrageous and extremely sarcastic, An Luo was first stunned by the true words that he blurted out involuntarily, and then realized that in this city, subconsciously denying this must be Things you can't do, because subconscious denial will turn into subconscious positive force.


While thinking about the troubles of this barrier, I glanced at the gray-haired girl who had left and hid in the distance. I sighed at the reality that they would fly away when disaster strikes, and the ruthlessness of this girl who doesn't care about friendship at all. While acting, he couldn't help but pretend to be thoughtful:

Um...what did I just say?

——Asshole! You just admitted what you said! Now you want to pretend you don't know anything? Do you look down on me! Saya, who was so angry that he was about to explode, strode forward and grabbed his collar, Staring at him from top to bottom: You look down on people, don't you! Do you want to fight? Ah? Come on!

No, I didn't mean that.

What does that mean! If you don't explain it clearly to me today! Don't even think about leaving!

I originally felt that no one in this city was talking to death for no reason, but two people who were talking were finally fighting, and one of them even opened his mouth and laughed at his breasts. He was unhappy because he couldn't find the mission client. Now Saya is full of dissatisfaction. At this time, it almost broke out at once.

As for the girl who suddenly glared at him angrily, An Luo, who inexplicably thought of Huihui, couldn't help but smile and reached out to touch the head of the short-haired girl who was grabbing his collar: I think you are cute. The child is just like my sister.

——Hey, hello?! What are you doing?! Why are you touching my head?! Are you a pervert? A crazy person who was fascinated by me as soon as we met?! Saya stepped back reflexively, scolding, showing a far more hostile attitude than before. , what he said was also merciless.

No, I just suddenly thought of my naughty sister I haven't seen for a long time.

Sister? Speaking of which...looking at you, you are also from the Kingdom of the East?

Um...this lovely young lady, please forgive me for meeting a fellow countryman with black hair here, thousands of miles away. I really can't help feeling homesick and missing my sister. After all... ..This is how my sister and I often chat.”

He didn't use his trump card to lie so quickly, or Irena was nearby, so he didn't tell lies that would be exposed. He just pretended to be nostalgic and said words that could easily misunderstand the girl opposite, intending to make the fellow countryman cry when he saw the fellow countryman. Wangwang's fellow card to solve the problem.

Is he actually a fellow countryman? I'm really lucky to meet a fellow countryman in a place like this. Shaye was a little surprised, and the expression on his face relaxed a little. An Luo immediately added in time: Right~ How about we Why don’t you go have a few drinks? I’ll treat you to pay for it!”

I pay for your treat?? Why do I pay for your treat??

Well, don't worry about the details.

Isn't this a detail!? No, wait, are you...are you changing the subject? Shaye wanted to emphasize the importance of this matter, but suddenly thought that she had no intention of going to dinner with him at all. He came, shaking his neat and gorgeous short black hair, and took another step forward to glare at him: Even if you are a fellow countryman! This is not the reason for you to look down on me!

Tsk, so I don't look down on you. What's going on with you kid? Do you have such low self-esteem?

Did you just smack your tongue?!

Are you sure you're not mistaken? Didn't you accuse me wrongly? Did I really smack my tongue??

Huh? No, not sure...

An Luo's words were almost negative but not really negative, but they made Shaye subconsciously think that he was actually denying. Therefore, he suddenly became less confident in his hearing and memory, and wondered whether he had made a mistake. In fact, just now He wasn't smacking his tongue, was someone else smacking his tongue?

Seeing that although the topic was not successfully changed, this time it succeeded in making her anger waver, and An Luo immediately said: Not only do I not look down on you, I actually think you are very cute!

...Is this sexual...harassment? Are you an idiot?

Saya suddenly became alert again.

Hey! Don't take other people's compliments as obscenity, okay? What's wrong with just saying you're cute? It's so rude!

Then please explain first, what do you mean when you say my breasts are small!? Do you want to say that my breasts are cute? Isn't this just a moron?!

Put this aside for now. An Luo stretched out his hand as if pushing something, pushed it to the side, and said seriously: Have you ever heard that the essence is the concentrated one?

What is concentrated is the essence?....I've never heard of it.

Then you should know which one is more valuable, ordinary gold ore or the small gold coins refined and minted, right?

Of course this is a gold coin.

So it's not obvious? There are advantages to being small. From this reason, we can think that small is good. To sum up, this is not looking down on you, this is a compliment to you! How can you treat me like this? Do you interpret your praise as contempt? This is too sad, right?

Is that so? Small is the best. Saying my breasts are small is actually a compliment... An Luo had no evil thoughts at all and spoke with a serious face. Shaye couldn't help but believe him for a moment. , or maybe she also understood that in this city she could only tell the truth, so she couldn't help but seriously understand the sentence young is the best, and subconsciously looked down at her chest, and couldn't help but put it on it and muttered: ...Miss Irena's is also very small. Sure enough...they are all the essence, right?

The small ones are the essence, for sure!

Yeah! The little one is great, and Miss Irena is even more so!

Small is great! Nothing wrong with that!

You know it very well!

Although An Luo never admitted it from beginning to end, saying that he had small breasts that were great, he just responded with ambiguous words and added a general prefix, but Shaye didn't think too much and took it for granted that he was agreeing with her.

It's okay, it's okay, but I probably don't understand it as well as you do. I feel the burning love from your eyes. I'm really ashamed of myself in this regard... My name is An Luo, my knowledgeable companion. What’s the name?”

Did you actually discover my love for Miss Irena? What a discerning eye! I suddenly like you! - I am Shaye! Mr. An Luo! I can see you treating my little girl like this in this strange city. 'How lucky are those who have such insights!

Sha Ye, who was finally relieved, raised her head and looked at him, grinned with one hand on her hips, and reached out to hold An Luo's hand.

At this time, the conflicts between them became a thing of the past. Not only did the two sides put aside their dissatisfaction with each other, but a touching friendship was born out of their common love for poor breasts.


——Are you two perverts!?

The gray-haired girl who was hiding nearby and took off her hat to cover her face and turned her back. The person at the center of this topic finally couldn't bear it any longer. She couldn't bear it and shouted angrily. At the same time, she raised her hand and a gust of wind came, staring at the hand that was holding the other person's hand. The two people who were looking at each other were blown away at once.



At the beginning, Irena felt that An Luo, who spoke freely, would definitely be taught a lesson by Saya.

She felt that she should not intervene in the matter of An Luo being taught a lesson. After all, she had known An Luo since childhood and had such a good relationship that she could not get angry properly. Therefore, she should let others teach him a lesson and let him understand what is okay. It is obviously necessary to say what words cannot be said.

But...she found that she had far underestimated An Luo's nonsense ability, and she still made trouble without lying, constantly confusing the audience with specious and similar words. This nonsense ability and Shaye's strange habit made her She could no longer sit back and watch.

——Are you all perverted companions released from some perverted prison? Are you attending a perverted industry exchange meeting!

After forcibly separating the two of them with magic and knocking them down, Irena quickly stepped forward with an almost black face, came to the front of them and looked down at the two of them with disgust.

No, you misunderstood, I don't have that kind of sexual fetish! I just feel that size doesn't matter, and I'm encouraging you!

The familiar look of disgust made An Luo feel a little nostalgic, but he was not a person with strange hobbies. He immediately stood up and explained it at the same time, but... This made the temperature of Irena's eyes suddenly rise again. Jiang: Shut up, you pervert! You are discussing breast matters with girls in public... If you are not a pervert, who else is a pervert?

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