Faced with the rebuttal of the girl whose eyes were mixed with anger, although he thought he could argue again, he still gave up the rebuttal and surrendered with a sigh.

As a member of the royal family, one has to be strict with oneself at all times. She is usually an obedient child, but Alice is actually very childish. She likes to act like a spoiled child, but because she is too sensible and not good at acting like a spoiled brat to others, this willful behavior is so rare that he can't help it. I just want to go along with it.

Of course, but he felt that it was not right for him to do this, but... he would not do many things unless he felt that it was not good in his heart. If he could really achieve that level, he would probably be as good as a saint... .Or no different from a robot.

So...he came to Alice's room anyway.

But the teaching incident she mentioned when she came did not happen. Alice got into the bed and lifted the thin quilt, silently patting the place next to her to signal him to come up.

....Okay, okay, I won't regret it now. You should have more trust in me.

At the girl's urging, An Luo could only smile bitterly and then got on the bed where the girl's warmth remained. Before he could say anything more, the warm and soft little hand of the girl next to him grabbed his left hand, like He murmured like a complaint: ...I also want to trust Lord An Luo, but An Luo has always lied to me.

But I haven't lied to you about anything I promised.

Just now, you agreed that you could listen to me, and then you want to go back on your word. How do you want to explain this?

After speaking, Alice seemed to want to punish him, and squeezed his hand a little harder. An Luo, who was really unable to refute this, could only pretend to be deaf and mute and stopped speaking, and planned to Seriously, he held hands with the girl next to him and slept, although the time now was not sleep time.

Alice also seemed to enjoy the feeling of not talking, and did not move closer for additional finishing touches. After pulling his hand away, she rested her head on his shoulder and pressed half of her body from the side like a bear hug. On his part, he closed his eyes and slightly raised the corners of his mouth, obviously satisfied with the current situation of being close to her.

But on the other hand... An Luo felt a little uncomfortable.

Although fortunately, Hayasaka Ai didn't smell of Hayasaka Ai after taking his clothes and letting him change into new clothes at some point, so Alice wouldn't find out the problem.

But the girl's soft and delicate body was close to his body. From such a close distance, not only the sweet scent, but also the body temperature higher than that of ordinary people could be clearly felt. Turning his head slightly, he could see the girl's delicate face. The golden hair scattered on his body also looked quite good. It seemed that he had taken good care of it. Of course, it might have been natural.

But that's not the point. The point is that at this moment, even the breath is brushing against his cheek repeatedly due to the close proximity, and the breath is almost close to his ear. It really... makes him feel a little erotic inexplicably.

No, no, no, this so-called color...qi itself is just a very subjective judgment without standard quantification, so...you don't need to think about it to know that there is something wrong with your own thinking.

It always feels... pretty bad.

As for what was bad, of course it was not that he felt bad about this wonderful experience, but that he felt very bad about being attracted to the child, which also caused him to fall into self-condemnation and self-reflection.

However, he felt that there was no way around it. After all, he was about to enter actual combat before but was interrupted, and now it has become such a situation. It is really difficult not to think about that aspect.

But he couldn't do it to a 13-year-old girl... In other words, if he didn't cherish the other person, he might just do it, but because he valued Alice, he couldn't do it. She was only thirteen years old. Alice's body has not yet matured, so it is too early to say so.



An Luo, who was suffering from mental torture in Alice's room, began to calculate the current global weather conditions by emitting telekinesis out the window and feeling the changes in the nearby atmosphere.

Theoretically, it is impossible to do this based only on the weather parameters of one place, but in fact it is not impossible, because as long as the air in the world is in the atmosphere, it is in a state of flow, that is, in a state of communication with each other. Of course, there are There are countless variables, but as long as there is communication, reverse deduction is possible.

This is not impossible when the amount of calculation is huge enough. Of course, even a supercomputer cannot do this. However, such a huge amount of calculation is not impossible for An Luo. It is just a matter of time; because any time With the continuous self-development and level improvement, the amount of calculations in the brain has long been so powerful that even An Luo himself does not know the extent.

Just like this, he was occupied with constantly calculating boring data. Before he could finish the calculation, Alice had already fallen asleep. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and very carefully removed Alice's hands and feet from his body and put them away. After putting it away, he came out of the girl's quilt that he was very reluctant to leave.

After calculating and sweating profusely, he took out the chocolate he always kept in his pocket to replenish his sugar. He returned to his room with reluctance and relief, both of which seemed to be contradictory, but... ..The door was locked from the inside for some reason. I used a card to unlock it from the outside but unexpectedly it couldn't be opened.

...A thief? Oh, this... The fact that his room was locked from behind made An Luo a little confused, but he didn't think much about it and simply used the unlocking magic to let him The door lock opened automatically, and as soon as he turned the door handle, he walked directly into the room, but then he saw...

A silver-haired girl with a little water droplets all over her body and a very erotic feeling overall, Naruse Shiroha walked out of the bathroom holding the black and gray striped underwear that An Luo had seen in the past and the same color underwear.

This girl with a delicate and beautiful face like an angel and a petite but plump devil figure was almost completely exposed to An Luo's sight. However, the girl seemed to be frightened, and her eyes were wide open in astonishment. appearance.

Looking down, you can see that the clearly visible collarbone on the smooth shoulders is extremely slender, as if it will be hurt if touched. Then it is blocked a lot by the girl's hand, but because of the blocking action, it looks more attractive. Huge breasts that can make women of the same age cry foul and make men nosebleed.

Then what I saw was the smooth and flat lower abdomen that was still exposed to the line of sight, and then I looked at the mysterious area covered by the other hand. Finally, I saw it was completely... naked with water drops, full and lusty, Extremely attractive, graceful and round slender legs.

W-why, why...why! You, you are here! P-peeping? Or... a night attack?! After a brief shock, he subconsciously turned around and turned his back to His girl couldn't help but stutter and moan.

No, no, no, did you go to the wrong room? This is my room, right?

Glancing at the fair and beautiful back of the girl, An Luo looked away slightly and looked at the wall, counting pi in his mind, and even forcibly recalled the old ladies who had dealt a fatal blow to Bai Yin's father in the mixed bath not long ago.

B-but didn't your father say that our rooms need to be swapped, saying it was a matter of feng shui or something...and, besides! Didn't I lock the lock?!

I just turned it and it opened. Maybe you didn't lock it tightly? And... I've never heard of changing rooms.

Is it really Barnier who is messing around? That devil would occasionally do good things, but the timing was a bit inappropriate... As An Luo explained, he felt in his heart that if Barnier were a god, he would want to convert to him.

Do you, do you think I will believe you if you say this and put all the blame on Mr. Barnier...!?

If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it. Anyway, put on your clothes first and then we can talk slowly, okay?

Then you should go out first!

Yes Yes Yes.....


After honestly leaving the room, Bai Yu, who had already changed into pajamas after a while, opened the door again, stared at him with a red face and pointed to the tatami floor in the room: Sit down.

...Yes. An Luo sat cross-legged on the ground honestly.

Sit down!

don't want.

Why! You, don't you have any sincerity in apologizing?

That's not the case...it's just that I can't sit down.

There is no difference between sitting upright and sitting on the knees in Japan, but sitting on the knees can actually be regarded as a solemn expression, and there is no insult. However, even if An Luo feels guilty, it is really difficult to do that kind of thing. And... just sitting in the upright position made him feel uncomfortable, and it was almost the same as being tortured.

This resistance naturally made Bai Yu struggle for a while, but he still sighed and gave up letting him sit upright. Instead, he sat on the bed and took a relatively high position, staring at him with a straight face: ...honestly Admit it! What are you doing here so late!

What I just said is true. I never thought about attacking you at night. I just wanted to sleep.

...completely, completely...nothing...

An Luo's answer was very decisive, which made Bai Yu feel a little bit shocked. This made An Luo immediately change his mind: Well... Actually, it can't be said that I don't have any ideas, but I hope to respect your will. And if you attack at night without the tacit consent of the person being attacked, you will be sent to jail!”

Is it okay if there is no legal influence? Change, perversion...! Bai Yu shrank back unconsciously.

Don't just focus on the last sentence! I'm actually paying more attention to your thoughts! If you don't have any thoughts, you'll be angry, and if you have thoughts, you'll feel perverted. Girls are really quite unreasonable.

...Really? Bai Yu didn't quite believe it, holding the pillow in his arms and observing him carefully.

Of course.

...Then, then, if...I say if...if I acquiesce...?

The girl, who was as shy as if she was afraid of strangers, peeked at the situation on his side with only her eyes visible from behind the pillow, covering her entire red face.

...You are just playing with fire with this question.

No, don't you want to...?

I choose not to answer this question for now.

After saying that, An Luo stood up and prepared to leave, escaping from this room full of infinite temptations.



Although it would be bad not to answer, An Luo, who had just experienced the three trials, had a hunch that if he answered in the affirmative, he would be tempted to knock down the girl in front of him.

But after knocking down Hayasaka and now Bai Yu, he still felt that he couldn't cope with it mentally, so he chose to prevaricate and wanted to leave here first and calm down after returning.

But Bai Yu gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage, threw away the pillow he was hugging just now and rushed forward to catch him, which made An Luo reflexively reach out to catch her.

The surface of the body was immediately covered by a soft and warm touch, and the light fragrance couldn't help but make An Luo's heart beat faster and faster uncontrollably, but after a while he also felt a different rhythm from his own heartbeat. His heartbeat was beating faster than his.

...How, how is it?

The girl, whose neck was flushed with embarrassment, looked up at him and asked in a low voice. Because their bodies were so close to each other, her breath touched An Luo's neck.

Your heartbeat is very fast, don't force yourself like this.

I-I'm not forcing it, I-I just... Before he could finish his words, Bai Yu suddenly noticed something, sniffed his chest a few times and then straightened his face: An Luo. ....Why do you have such a girly scent?!

Although I want to deny it, it should be Alice's...

So...why do you smell so strongly of Alice?

Bai Yu frowned in extreme dissatisfaction and stared at him with eyes filled with murderous intent.

Alice is afraid of the dark... She doesn't dare to sleep alone in her bed. She's afraid that a wild boar will break into the hotel near this mountain forest at night, and then break into her room and attack her...

Chapter 6: What should you do if you kill the wrong person or marry the wrong person?

An Luo, who was being stared at closely, understood that if he dodges his eyes at this time, he will be regarded as someone who has a ghost even if there is no ghost in his heart. Therefore, even if he lies, he does not avoid Bai Yu's sight, and looks directly into the girl's blue eyes with the maximum expression. Sincerity to the limit, telling the lies from the heart.

After all, no matter what happened, he said it was impossible to say, because Alice found him staying in Hayasaka Ai's room, and then got jealous and dragged him away, which caused such a problem.

However, even though he was very sincere, Bai Yu still stared at him with an expressionless expression: This is an excuse. Are you lying to me? Are you lying to me?

No, how can you think of me so much? You are definitely overthinking, and you have definitely misjudged my personality. Look at my clear and clear eyes without any wavering. They look like those of a lying man. Eyes?

An Luo, who was as sincere as possible, looked at the girl's cold eyes and did not flinch at the director. Although this did not make Bai Yu believe him, it made Bai Yu purse his lips when they looked at each other, and gradually blushed again because of shyness. , lowered his head:

I, I can feel...what you said is absolutely impossible to be true. Your calm attitude looks very suspicious. It seems like you are hiding your true thoughts and like someone who is used to deceiving women. man......

What do you mean by being accustomed to deceiving women? This misunderstanding is huge. You have to take back those words! Although I want to say this... but your intuition this time is really terrifyingly sharp.

An Luo sighed slightly, then put one hand on Bai Yu's silver hair and stroked it soothingly, put one hand on her shoulder and distanced herself slightly, and explained: It just happened a little bit. Alice wanted me to sleep with her, but I escaped in the middle of the night. I can't explain the specific details. It's getting late now and we still have tomorrow...

——Why... why can you sleep with Alice! But you won't even let me hug you!

Before An Luo finished speaking, Bai Yu, who had been pushed away a little, stared at him with tears in his eyes, which made An Luo unable to push her away for a moment.

Faced with the crying look of a girl who was more than a friend but not yet satisfied with her lover, he could only persuade her with kind words: You misunderstood, I don't have any thoughts in that regard, but the situation is not very good now...

What's going on? What Mr. Barnier said is indeed true! You simply like children! If I were five years younger, would you care about me more than Alice!

How is it possible? I don't have such a weird sexual fetish. You're going too far in assuming that it's weird. Besides, you really misunderstood me. That guy Barnier can't be trusted. He just said random things because he thought it was interesting. And I and I Alice didn’t do anything! It’s just that she didn’t do anything so I ran back and planned to sleep alone.”

If...if this is really the case...prove...prove it to me!

Whether out of anger or unwillingness, or out of fear of being upstaged, Bai Yu raised her head and moved her face closer. Her sweet breath and cute, sweet and shy look made An Luo feel like his sanity was about to collapse.

He wanted to look away, but he noticed that the girl's pajamas rubbing against him were scattered, making the charming collarbone that had forgotten to breathe clearly visible. It could even be easily seen from directly above him, the plump and attractive upper part Xue Bai's pajamas were messy and the gaping neckline was exposed to his eyes.

The plump bulge that was usually not conspicuous when wearing clothes pressed against his body. It was as soft as melting. The touch of the sweet girl's softness made An Luo couldn't help but become anxious. He felt that he couldn't do this. As the situation continued to develop, but the more anxious he became, the more blank his mind became, and the more he was attracted to the sweet and lovely girl in front of him. He couldn't help but kiss her naturally.

He kissed the girl in front of him as if he wanted to eat him. After a while, he couldn't bear it anymore and came to the bed with the girl. The girl who was lying on the bed but still hugging him seemed to understand what would happen next. , although he was so shy that he was at a loss for words, he whispered in his ear the words of love that he had never said before:

...I, I...I have liked you since I was on the island...I really, really like you. I definitely like you more than you like me...

I always feel a little heavy all of a sudden... But I also like you, but... I'm a little worried that you might regret it if you commit yourself to me. Bai Yu's words made An Luo's hand suddenly stop, and he Time became distressing again: Because...I...

-No matter what, if it's An Luo, I won't regret it even if I give everything I have... I'm confident in my own vision of people!

Even though he was confused and confused, Bai Yu still interrupted him and gave him confidence in a very confident tone, making An Luo unconsciously kiss the girl's pink lips again.

The night gradually became longer, and the girl's uncontrollable panting filled the entire room wrapped in a soundproof barrier.



After a long time, it was still dark.

...What did I do again?

Glancing at the silver-haired girl lying on his chest with tears still remaining in the corners of her eyes, while subconsciously stroking the girl's silver hair to enjoy the aftermath, An Luo couldn't help but want to hold his head in distress.

Although it feels great to hold a beautiful girl to sleep, and I can't help but want to do it a few more times, but Bai Yu's body is just an ordinary person after all, and it is impossible to withstand his physical strength... even if it should under normal circumstances Women are invincible, but unfortunately he is not a normal person.

But that’s not the point. It’s that even if he went to another world to calm down for a month, as far as this world is concerned, he pushed Ai Hayasaka in the afternoon and Shiroha Naruse in the evening. Even if he was called a scumbag in the future, he didn’t seem to have it. Way to refute.

Jing Yijing's mood, which he originally wanted to clear up, suddenly became more confusing. He felt bad about meeting Alice and Hayasaka Ai, and he even felt like the holy sword was about to hit him behind his back.


The next day, An Luo and Bai Yu were still lying on the bed at dawn.

An Luo... so nasty...

After waking up, Bai Yu, who shyly buried her face in his chest, complained in a dissatisfied voice, which made An Luo feel a little embarrassed and stopped stroking the girl's elastic thighs and playing with the side breasts that were pressed against him: Ahem, we are all like this. Just touching the thigh a little bit is normal, right? And I just feel that the touch feels good. Bai Yu is very beautiful and so on. I can't help it.

..... He can only say nice things to coax people.

I can even hug people.

While speaking with a smile, An Luo hugged the girl who was still lying on top of him. The hot feeling of their bodies being completely pressed together made the girl shy and wanted to hide but couldn't. She could only hug him with her backhand: An Luo Luo... is indeed a bad person who likes to bully others...

Yeah, you like a bad guy.

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