...It would be strange if a love letter sent by a passerby who doesn't know where it comes from can trigger a real sense of crisis. You have to find a heavyweight and real threat.

There is a real threat...

Feeling that what An Luo said made sense, Kaguya felt a sense of sudden enlightenment. She muttered these words seriously, and unconsciously looked in the direction of An Luo, and showed a meaningful smile.

This smile made An Luo, who was familiar with this, subconsciously distance himself from her: ...What are you looking at me doing?

There are many famous and popular girls in our school, but the only really famous boys, apart from the president who became the student council president and the past president, are you... right?

If you don't do it, I won't do anything like beating you to death. Putting yourself in danger and getting dumped for no reason is something only a ghost would do.

An Luo rejected the proposal without thinking, and walked quickly in front, leaving behind Kaguya, who still wanted to have a good talk with him about this matter.

If it were possible, Shinomiya Kaguya would not want to find a troublesome person like An Luo, but it is true that the boys in this school are not up to par. Even if there are some with relatively high family status, their personal abilities, appearance, study, sports, etc. are relatively poor. Inadequately, there are no particularly outstanding characters.

An Luo, who was walking in front, ignored Kaguya's pursuit. As soon as he opened the door of the student union room, there were three eyes with strong emotions locked on him.

...I heard that you and Sigong went to the rooftop together...Why did you go to that place alone? Baiyin Yuxing stood in front of him with his fingers crossed, his face full of resentment.

Senior... When did you and Shinomiya-senpai have such a good relationship? You went to the rooftop to talk alone? I've said it many times, right? The distance between men and women should be kept at 50 centimeters! Lying on the sofa Iino Yako, who was sitting on the backrest, had an expression on her face that looked like she was about to bite someone.

Kaguya-san and Anluo-san, you, you, you... go to the rooftop to confess your love! Fujiwara Chika, who was restless, rushed over with tears in her eyes and hugged Anluo, chasing after her. Kaguya arrived, crying and shouting: I don't want Kaguya-san to become someone else's thing! Don't, don't, don't leave me!

It's a really strange misunderstanding, but even if the world is turned upside down, it won't happen like you are worried about. After all, I have no interest in Shinomiya's character.

Although some people were concerned about who saw them going to the rooftop and told the students, An Luo still very clearly denied this possibility, and even asked very depressedly: On the other hand, I am very curious, why Do you think I will have an affair with Shinomiya?

Because you have similarities in personality! Qianhua hugged Kaguya and explained the reason for her doubts. Without waiting for Kaguya and Anluo to object, Yako nodded seriously: You have the same personality. There is a feeling unique to people who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.”

How is it possible? Forget about the fourth house, I am a symbol of love. If I am in a good mood and interested, I will do something good every day!

... I'm in a good mood every day. If you're interested... I don't think this happens too often. Ishigami Yu, who didn't know when he appeared in the student council room, complained skillfully while playing the game: And I have never seen Senior An Luo's kindness until now. It would be fair to say that it was done spontaneously. Under normal circumstances, he is just looking for fun, right? Senior Shinomiya also completely fits this... .”

...Ishigami-san, did you know? An Luo said with a cheerful smile: The Judo club has been trying to find new members recently, because they always like to use sleeping skills to teach newcomers endurance. What you say... .... Probably a good fit, right? Tomorrow I will help you hand in the application form and help you practice various sleeping skills to make your character as cheerful and uplifting as the members of the Judo Club!

Eh, no, no! Senior An Luo, what are you talking about? The application form cannot be signed by me, right?

It's okay. If I write it for you, no one in the judo club will care about it. They will also enthusiastically take the newcomers to participate in club activities.

This this......

Yu Ishigami couldn't help but tremble when he thought that tomorrow two strong men would drag him away from the class and take him to the club, where he would be hugged tightly by a group of men smelling of sweat and practice wrestling and ground skills. : ...Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong...Please, please don't do such a terrible prank...

Well, forget it if you don't want to, I'm not someone who will force my juniors. Considering that Bai Yu will come tomorrow, An Luo also acted like he cared for his juniors at the right time, and said worriedly for him: I sincerely For your sake, after all... if you criticize other people's characters without any consideration, it will definitely be difficult for you to get along in society.

It's fine in this regard! Although I have thought about whether to be the president or stay at home, my brother will inherit the company at home, so my goal is to stay at home without working!

Ishigami Yu proudly stated his choice, which made everyone present feel ashamed. An Luo wanted to agree and suggested: I personally think that even if you don't want to work, it would be better to at least find a job. It’s okay if you can’t find anything soft.”

——Senior, do you want to be a pretty boy? How is that possible! Wouldn't senior's talents be completely wasted in that case?!

Without waiting for Ishigami to express his opinion, Yako listened to his words and immediately stood up and expressed her opposition fiercely.

No, that's just a suggestion to Ishigami. I personally...have never thought about being a pretty boy!

Ah, Anluo-san hesitated! Qianhua, who was still crying, immediately pointed out the problem. Mizi also lowered her face and asked: ...Senior, why did you hesitate?

This is a misunderstanding, I...

——An Luo classmates hesitated entirely because of me!

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was still silent, suddenly raised her hand and attracted all the attention of the surroundings to her. The moment she spoke, An Luo knew that she had misunderstood her suggestion. Now prepare to drag him into the water by force.

As soon as Shinomiya Kaguya spoke, the entire student council room fell silent.

W-what's going on?

Baiyin Yuxing, who was staring closely at An Luo, clutched the lunch box in his hand, and his voice trembled.

But Anluo didn't answer, just shook his head as if he couldn't be taught, Shinomiya Kaguya didn't even look at him, and announced: .... Just now, I actually threw the question at Anluo-san. An olive branch came out! That’s why Anluo-san hesitated due to the Shinomiya family’s huge financial resources!”

How, how can this be like this! Senior! Cheer up! How can you be a pretty boy! Mizi stood there as if struck by lightning, then grabbed An Luo suddenly, looked at him as if he was about to cry, and said He kept rocking him back and forth.

An Luo, who let her shake him, skillfully diverted the trouble away: Ah~ Actually, I refused outright. It was Si Gong who kept pestering her. We don't have any improper relationship.

...Senomiya-senpai! Yako immediately shifted the muzzle of the gun and stood in front of An Luo and stared at Kaguya: As a member of the disciplinary committee, I cannot sit idly by and ignore your entangled behavior! Please give up An Luo immediately senior!

No, as a member of the Shinomiya family, I will absolutely...

...I suddenly have something to do, so I'll leave first. If anything happens next, you can send me an email to tell me. I'm very curious. That's it, goodbye.

Just like Kaguya interrupted her before, Anluo also interrupted her deliberately, and before he was involved in the dispute again, he rationally left the student council room, which would become a place of right and wrong.

He understood that Shinomiya Kaguya had once again lengthened his love route. It was originally a straight line, but these two people insisted on playing with themselves. They could run out of a straight line. Nine twists and turns.

Kaguya does have the sense of crisis he mentioned before, but the problem is... there is a big difference between this sense of crisis and the sense of crisis he mentioned. To some extent, it may not be true. It can make Baiyin Yuxing jump out anxiously and use her confession to divert her attention to him, but there are also cases where she is so shocked that she gives up.

Hmm...wait, if you think about it differently, maybe this is also a pretty good idea?

An Luo walked out of the student union room and was about to leave school and go out to eat when he suddenly thought of another situation that this approach might cause.

The essential reason why Shirogane Goyuki wants Shinomiya Kaguya to confess is that although he is not very confident, he still thinks that Kaguya likes him to a certain extent, so he tries in various roundabout ways to get the other party to say that he likes him. Things, in order to make others misunderstand, will eventually become a fait accompli.

But Shinomiya Kaguya said that she wanted him to be the sweetheart of her family, which cut off Shirogane Goyuki's fantasy from the root, and made Shirogane Goyuki understand that Shinomiya Kaguya actually didn't like him, and that everything was just his own passion. .

This might also allow Shirogane Mikado to give up his illusions, stop using all the previous roundabout ways, and even take offensive actions that are actually useless, and find ways to actively express himself, and even use a very sincere confession to make Kaguya Shift the goal to like yourself.

No, no, no, it's impossible, it's impossible. If Shinomiya Kaguya could have reached this point, then her matter would have been settled long ago. There is no way it could be delayed until now. Moreover, this move is extremely dangerous. Maybe if Baiyin Yuxing gives up on her completely, she won't be able to use it.

An Luo shook his head violently and threw this possibility away, treating it as a coincidence.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who really didn't expect this at all, finally realized what stupid thing she had done after being talked to by Hayasaka Ai after returning home.

An Luo doesn't care at all about Kaguya Shinomiya's situation. The two of them are just temporary partners with the same interests. To An Luo, Kaguya Shinomiya at this moment is just an action representative running errands for him when running for student council president.

However, when he passed by the atrium on the way out of school, he unexpectedly saw the second coolie he had booked, a girl with brown hair and twin tails who was hiding in the bushes and observing the couple in the distance.

Although it is not obvious from her character, this girl is the only girl in Shuchiin who has the same status as Shinomiya Kaguya, except for the daughter of another four major chaebols - Shijo Maifei.

This girl, who was supposed to have a very noble status, was still playing the role of best friend and crush's stalker as usual, and her expression was so tearful that she looked like she was about to cry.

....What a great opportunity. I was planning to have a meal and wanted to talk to her.

Anluo, who basically regarded his success in being elected as the next student council president, regarded it as a fait accompli. He muttered to himself, quietly approached, and leaned down and said, Shijo-kun~ What are you doing?

Who, who?!

Concubine Shijo, who was hiding in the bushes, was so frightened that she fell to the ground and suddenly looked up in the direction of the sound.

It's me, what's wrong? Don't you recognize me?

...What, Shirogane, are you trying to scare me? Really... Shijou Zhenfei wanted to complain, but An Luo interrupted: Now is my question time, what are you doing? ?”

Me?...Yeah...what am I doing here...

Shijou Zhenfei, whose momentum disappeared in an instant, lowered her head with a gloomy face, and forced a smile with the corners of her mouth pulled up.

Well, you don't have to look at it to know this. Rather than what you are doing, now that we are destined to meet each other, why don't we go have a meal together outside the school?

Huh? Who do you think I am? Why do I have to eat with an unfamiliar guy like you for no reason? I am the Shijo Princess! The third-ranked genius in my grade! I am the legitimate heir to the Shinomiya family!

Shijo Zhenfei patted her chest, raised her head and proudly declared her identity, but An Luo patted her head nonchalantly: I'm sorry, I have always been the first in age, and then this unimportant matter can be Put it aside for now, you know? I...actually have a lot of experience in prying corners.


Concubine Shijo changed her previous dissatisfaction and looked at him with bright eyes, as if looking at the savior.

Although I may have been a bad person in school, my motto is 'honesty is the foundation and trust is the foundation'. I have never tried to lie to anyone in my life.

——Where do you want to eat? I'll treat you!

Very good, but first, why don't you get up first?

.....Wow, this guy is too easy to deceive, isn't he? Now I have some fun.

An Luo hid his thoughts, smiled, stretched out his hand to pull her up from the ground, and led her towards the outside of the school, convinced in his heart that his No. 2 coolie was in place.

Outside the school, in an ordinary Western restaurant.

An Luo ate slowly, being deceived by him that it was the steak that was served by Shijou Zhenfei and cut and handed over by his own hands. He enjoyed the treatment of the ultimate pretty girl being served by the beautiful girl patron in turn, and said unhurriedly: First, let’s talk frankly, do you like that Tanuma Tsubasa?”

Ha——? I don't like it! Please don't make such a joke! Did I just say that? I am the blood heir of the country's new Shinomiya family! Do you think a tiger will fall in love with a mouse? !”

No way? Shijou Zhenfei, who gave An Luo an inexplicable strong sense of déjà vu, put on a reluctant look after the haughtiness ended: Well, well...if the other party confesses to me , it’s not out of the question to have a relationship with him.”

...Then why do you come over here with me and cut my steak for me after just a few words of coaxing? Can you leave now? Go pay and get out of here.

There was no attitude that a treatee should have. An Luo instead expelled the other party like a treater.

It was such a tough attitude that made the girl lower her head and put her forehead on the table. After a long silence, she whispered pitifully: I'm sorry, I actually like it. Winged...

I just said it, right? You are really a troublesome person, and then? How were you planning to get it back?

——What a cunning idea! How could I do that kind of thing shamelessly? A love like playing house between students cannot last long. Anyway, the two of them will break up soon. I just want to Just drink tea leisurely and wait.”

As for the concubine Shijo who was instantly resurrected with full health and instantly changed back to her duplicitous appearance, An Luo even doubted whether she had a dual personality, but he still resisted the urge to slap her to death, tried to calm down his mood and asked : ...Then why are you following me every day?

I, I am observing! I believe that he will definitely come back to me in the end... This way... This is enough... Shijo Zhenfei was once again poked at a pain point , while wiping away tears, he said: Nagisa is a good friend of mine. Although we occasionally quarrel, he is also an important friend of mine...

But the two of them have been showing off their affection in front of you? And it doesn't matter if they did such and such things behind your back during the summer vacation? Let's not talk about whether you can really wait until that time, even if you really It’s time to wait, but by then the boy you like should have been tired of playing with you and don’t want him anymore. Doesn’t it matter even if that’s the case?”

W-What?!...That, that woman...is simply the embodiment of selfishness without caring about other people's feelings! The girl with a protruding belly button hairpin has no merit except to deceive men!... ....Cannot forgive...Absolutely cannot forgive...!! After An Luo said this, the real concubine quickly stopped crying and raised her head stiffly like a robot: ——Don't say it What nonsense, it doesn’t matter if he is trying to steal love or whatever! I just do it!...Can you really help me?

At the end of her speech, the Shijo Shinobi, who was almost turning black, became pitiful again.

In his heart, he was amazed at her excessively rich and even more exciting emotional changes than Hayasaka Ai, but An Luo smiled disdainfully:

Of course, who do you think that person is sitting in front of you?

I'm sorry...Senior Silver?

Stupid! I have been in love since the fifth grade of elementary school. To date, I have been in love 37 times, 28 of which were love poaching, super high-quality beautiful girls and royal sisters. , Loli! I can guarantee that there is no one in the whole school or even the whole world who is better at poaching corners than me! In the past school and the entire region, I have always been called the God of Corners! If you ask me, Ask the right person!”

Uh, um... is it true? I feel like this is a bit exaggerated... and aren't you single now?

I'm just tired of playing these games now, so I didn't talk about it again in Xiuzhiyuan. If I get serious about it, there won't be any corner in this world that I can't dig down!

There is indeed no corner that cannot be dug down. He did not lie on this point. Of course, this premise requires unscrupulous means.

Really, really?!

Don't you understand my popularity in school? That's all the result of my careful design!

I see, you are worthy of being the god in the corner! I understand! Can I ask you for help? But... can you really help me? The relationship between the two of them is very...

Foolish question, there is no corner in this world that I can't dig out. In the final analysis, as long as I swing the hoe well, there is no corner that I can't dig out! Because the other party is so easy to deceive, An Luo pretends to be addicted if he is not careful. He smiled incomprehensibly and mysteriously, and then made a request: First of all, after changing your title, call me master.

Master? This...is a little bit...

No, it means master.

That's no problem! Master! Please guide me!

Concubine Shijo stood up and saluted An Luo energetically.

Then, as the eldest daughter of the Shijo family, I think you should also understand that nothing in the world should be obtained by anyone. If you want to get it, you have to pay, and you should naturally pay the corresponding price to get me. s help.

...Money? How about one million?

Are you humiliating me?! How could I care about money?... After all, your bid is too low!

Yes, I'm sorry, those five...

Enough! Shitiao Zhenfei! Are you a fool?! In order to avoid being tempted by money accidentally, An Luo immediately interrupted: I told you that this is not a question of money! You are using money to blaspheme my love for Emotional respect and sincerity!

Then, what should we do?

It's very simple, show your sincerity! But...even though I say that, there is actually nothing I need you to do.

How could it be...! Then what should I do? Please give me some guidance. I really need your guidance and experience, Master! Concubine Shijo prayed in a panic, and Anluo also shook his head. , then said: Oh, who makes me too soft-hearted, I can't bear to see you pitiful like this... First of all, you should give up tracking first, and don't respond to that male classmate's requests, and learn to keep a distance from him, do you understand?

Keep your distance? Why?

The easier something is to get, the less it will be cherished and valued. Whether it is people, emotions or items, it is the same. There is no way for you to get someone to poach you, so the first step is to let others understand your value. ah.

I see...what you said makes sense...what about the second step?

Shijo Zhenfei thought about it seriously and thought it was quite reasonable. Her trust index for An Luo increased significantly, but An Luo shook his head: Let's go here today, and I will tell you when the time is right. What’s your next step?”

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