Although she was extremely reluctant, the anticipation for the Summer Festival still made Kaguya admit her mistake with humiliation, and tried hard to find his advantages, but for a while she was so angry that she couldn't think of it.

...Isn't your way of complimenting me exaggerated? It's as if I have no merits. Obviously you can say that I have good academic performance, I'm kind, honest, trustworthy and helpful. I'm not just talented. , handsome and righteous, he is simply the embodiment of hero and chivalry...etc.

...Yes, yes, you are not only good at studying, but you are also kind-hearted, honest, trustworthy, and helpful. Not only are you talented, you are also handsome and righteous. You are simply the embodiment of hero and chivalry!

No, you missed being helpful, do it again!

.....haha a??

What's wrong? Are you dissatisfied?

How, how could it could it be...I endure...I endure...endure...endure, endure, endure...endure...!

The long summer vacation was too lonely and empty, which made Kaguya's expectations for the Summer Festival so high that she felt horribly high. Even though her face was full of black lines and she wanted to kill someone like never before, she still tried hard to clenched her fists and endured the anger that was almost uncontrollable.

An Luo, who was lying on his back and leaning on the chair with his legs crossed, had thoroughly implemented it. He must make full use of the handle and gain every ounce of pleasure for himself.

However, Hayasaka Ai finally couldn't stand it anymore, and moved a step to the side to block Kaguya's front, looking down at him with a cold face: Although you did make a lot of contributions, I'll forget it...please don't be too... Is it okay to bully Kaguya-sama? And... Even if Kaguya-sama cares about the Summer Festival, I don't care... In other words, Kaguya-sama doesn't care about what happened just now, but I'm very angry of.

So what's the matter? You two are one and the same! Hayasaka praises me too! If you don't praise me, I won't leave today!!

——I want to say whatever I want, but since Hayasaka said so, let's do it. It's really late now. The joke has almost ended and we should set off. Miyuki has been standing for almost four hours now. It would be too pitiful not to go and see him.”

Knowing that if she continued, Hayasaka Ai might really be unable to bear it, so before she said a word, An Luo immediately compromised in a twist, took a sip of tea, stood up immediately, and walked towards the door. This time, no one stopped him, but... neither of them looked very friendly towards him.


The two deacons of the family originally wanted to drive with them to the agreed place, but due to An Luo's insistence, only Hayasaka Ai followed them.

While taking a taxi to her destination, Takeshiba Port, Kaguya, who had escaped the supervision of her family's butler, finally couldn't help but stare at An Luo who was sitting in the passenger seat:

It's really too bad... I was so looking forward to it at the beginning, but now I feel so bad that I can't describe it. An Luo, just wait for me... one day I will return all this humiliation to you. !”

If you can do it, then do it~

Anluo didn't care at all about Kaguya's declaration of revenge. After all, although this was a good thing among her peers, in reality, in his opinion, she was still just a girl who was inexperienced in the world. Wasn't it easy for him to deal with her?

However, being stared at all the way, and by two people, made him somewhat uncomfortable. When he arrived near Zhushi Port, he stopped the taxi and planned to change lanes to meet them.

...Your bad taste is really bad. After Anluo got out of the car, Hayasaka Ai also got off, speaking as ruthlessly as usual: I will definitely not protect you next time. is you.

Don't say that, Xiao Ai, can't I apologize?


Ah, forget it.

Hey! - Don't forget it! Are you sincere in apologizing?

Hayasaka was impatient and indignant, and took big steps to catch up with him.

Well... do you want to hear the truth or lies?

...Don't listen. If you say that, I know you are not telling the truth.

As expected of Xiao Ai, you really understand me. This is probably a symbol of a close friend, right? An Luo smiled and gave a thumbs up, without any remorse at all, which made Hayasaka Ai angry for a moment: Do you think How long have I known you? How many times have you tricked me?

Don't say the pit is so strange. It's at most just a little... spray on the road?

...It's better for you to be a little apologetic to the person you tricked, otherwise you will really be hacked one day. This is a piece of advice.

It's okay, I believe you will protect me. After all, we are friends, right!

With a sunny smile, An Luo stretched out his hand towards Hayasaka Ai, but Hayasaka slapped his hand away and glared at him viciously: Don't say nice things to me at this time, you let Kaguya Sir, there was a strange misunderstanding and you mistook me for a frivolous woman. I still have the urge to punch you! Then... would you mind punching me twice? We are friends, right? How about letting me vent?

No, fistfights between friends are too harmful to friendship! An Luo rejected the option of using violence to solve the problem, but saw the blond girl in front of him squinting at him and approaching him eagerly, as if she really planned to After the order was given, he immediately said as if he had thought of something: Ah, speaking of which, I actually have some other things to do. I'll wait until the stalls start opening. You can fulfill your promise on the island! Goodbye!

After saying that, he immediately ran away, and his escape speed was so fast that the girl behind him couldn't even pursue her. She couldn't help but smack her lips at his effortless and obviously over-skilled escape.

Chapter 4 A perfect and dirty battle? ·Lonely Li Hua Zuo

Speaking of summer, of course, fireworks, food, yukata shows and other beautiful things are indispensable. Together they form the most dreamy and romantic summer festival for ordinary people.

The mirror-like exterior wall reflects light, adding to the brilliance of the sunset several times, and also makes people who are looking forward to the opening of the event even more excited.

Although it is only about six o'clock and there is still an hour before the fireworks are set off, a lot of people have already gathered in the recommended viewing areas around the fireworks display area. It is obvious that the scale of this display is very large, not only in Tokyo. People come from other areas.

Walking on a street full of pedestrians, he planned to wait for Hayasaka Ai's anger to subside before letting her go. An Luo, who followed the previous agreement, was also looking at the crowd with interest, and saw various girls in the crowd. The colorful yukata fully satisfied his curiosity about the yukata, a simplified version of the kimono.

There are all kinds of stalls along the road, including takoyaki, okonomiyaki, fried noodles, apple candy and other stalls. Even nearby convenience stores and pubs sell their products outside, and restaurants even use Appreciating the fireworks is a gimmick, and many staff are vigorously promoting and soliciting business.

Just when An Luo was worried about how he should spend this time, he could only kill time for the time being, wandering among the crowd to the food vendors, because he had a hunch that he might meet him here. who.

And just as he expected, after walking two more times in this temporary food street, he accidentally discovered a petite and particularly cute person with two low ponytails tied around his shoulders and wearing a The brown-haired girl in a blue yukata was staring at the food on the temporary vendor.

This made him feel that the long-lost girl, Iino Yako, would appear on the street in the food district. For him, it could not be called a coincidence, but a simple inevitable result.



In the food street, common items such as okonomiyaki and takoyaki exuded enticing aromas. Anluo even found a sweet wine stall that usually only appeared in winter to warm people up.

The discovery of sweet wine made An Luo's eyes wander between Mizi and sweet wine. He didn't know whether he should find a way to persuade the stall owner to sell him the wine, or whether he should talk to Mizi.

Just when he was struggling, he found that Mizi stopped in front of the fried noodles vendor for a long time. For some reason, she just stared at the fried noodles, wanting to buy but making no move to buy.

This made him temporarily give up buying wine, and instead observed this girl who made him feel like a cute little animal that could endure her appetite.

Just waiting like this for about ten minutes... The girl changed from the fried noodle stall to many stalls, but for some reason she just didn't eat. However, she made obvious swallowing movements from time to time, and there was a feeling that her saliva was about to flow out. Feel.

An Luo, who was very patient, continued to observe like this. He was bored and wanted to see when Mizi would buy Shi...

He suddenly noticed that there were three men walking together, and their attention was focused on Mizi just like him. It was obvious that... just like what he said when he came, he was looking for encounters at this fireworks display. To be more precise, I just want to strike up a conversation with a pretty girl.

The fake chatterer met the real one, which made An Luo a little depressed. When the three people gathered around him and didn't know what he said to Miazi, who also acted like a little hedgehog with spikes all over his body, he gave up and continued to observe. stepped forward with interest.

He was not surprised that a beautiful and solitary girl in such a place would encounter something if she was not careful. He naturally put his hand on Yako's shoulder and looked at the three people opposite.

Ah, senior? Mizi looked subconsciously and immediately showed an expression of surprise.

I have an appointment with this kid, you go find other targets.

...Well, that's really unlucky.

The three of them did not continue to entangle, but just looked at him and Mizi a few more times. They clearly saw that he was not just a passerby who was meddling in other people's business, so they opened their mouths and went to find the next target.

To be honest, this made An Luo a little disappointed, because if they were like this, wouldn't they have no way to beat up these people who harassed his juniors openly? But this is probably normal. After all, it is the minority who will continue to pester others when their friends come over.

An Luo, who quickly put aside his disappointment, turned to look at the girl wearing a yukata, who gave off a different atmosphere than usual. He smiled and patted her head: Yiko, it's been a long time since we last seen each other. How about it?

That, something is not good.

What's wrong?

It's a little boring to read at home all the time.

Doesn't the Buddha normally accompany you? By the way, don't read all the time.

Um... Speaking of which, why did senior's face look like this? Mizi observed the scars on An Luo's face and subconsciously showed a worried expression: Did you get caught by a wild cat?

It should be considered a house cat?

Senior, do you have a cat?

To be precise, he was raised by my sister, but compared to this, hmm~~~

Halfway through An Luo's words, he carefully observed the girl wearing a blue yukata in front of him. If he looked closely, he could see that there were many white flowers on the light blue yukata, and the girl's partially exposed snow-white neck, paired with this outfit, revealed A little sexy overflowing from cuteness.

S-Senior? Why do you keep staring at me? The girl felt a little uncomfortable being looked at. When she couldn't help but twist her body to make him stop staring at her, An Luo withdrew his gaze with satisfaction, nodded and praised: This yukata suits you very well, is very cute, and has some special features that you don’t usually have. In short, it’s great!”

Thank you, thank you...

The girl whose pretty face turned red immediately lowered her head in embarrassment. At this time, An Luo's eyes turned to the vendors on the side and suggested: Speaking of which, you are wandering here because you want to eat? Can I treat you to it?

No, no, this is not good! I'd better ask the seniors!

Hearing that Anluo wanted to treat him, Mizi immediately shook his head, and even wanted to treat him to dinner, which made him speechless for a while.

You're welcome. There's no point in asking the younger generation to treat me. I'm not really a pretty boy. I'm really... What do you want to eat? Fried noodles? Okonomiyaki or takoyaki?

Well... I'm very happy that senior can invite me, but if we continue like this and meet everyone, won't there be no way to eat together?

Everyone? Thinking that Shinomiya Kaguya must be eager to kill him now, and will definitely find ways to cause trouble for himself, he said: I think they must have eaten before coming, so we still eat ours Bar?

Mizi, who originally wanted to wait for An Luo to come and eat together, chose to leave everyone behind after hesitating for a moment. She couldn't help but nodded her head slightly and vigorously with joy, raised her head and looked at him with almost radiant eyes. : Then... let's make Okonomiyaki!

Okay, just Okonomiyaki.


In his previous life, An Luo had no memory of watching fireworks. The only fireworks show he attended did not have any street vendors. It was a strike-up activity with his classmates in the name of seeking encounters.

But it's a pity... When he was a student, he didn't have the courage to strike up a conversation, and those memories basically became a shadow in his life.

This made him look at the gradually crowded crowd near the Okonomiyaki stall, and then looked at the expectant girl next to him, looking at the cute girl on the iron plate, and he felt infinite emotions in his heart at the changes that had occurred at this time. .

Brother, you are so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend to watch the fireworks with you! The uncle who looked more energetic than An Luo, perhaps because he was chatting a little too much, was frying eggs on the iron plate. Cabbage and other ingredients, while winking at him, interrupting his memory of the past.

——No, it's not! Senior and I don't have that kind of relationship! ..... It's not this kind of relationship yet...

Without waiting for An Luo to answer, Mizi immediately denied this speculation, but in the end the voice suddenly became quieter, even so small that it was completely submerged in the noisy noise nearby.

But if we watch the fireworks together, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later, right? The uncle said with a smirk. This made Yazi blush with a straight face and said in a stern manner like a disciplinary committee member: Uncle! Don't say such disrespectful things. If you are responsible! Even ordinary friends will watch the fireworks together!

That's right, we actually made an appointment with several people, and now we meet by chance.

Is that so? But I think you two are a good match.

Very, very suitable?! How, how is it possible!? Senior and I are not worthy of each other!

Mi Zi... do you think I'm not worthy of you, or are you not worthy of me? An Luo directly put his hand on Mi Zi's head, and said with a wry smile: This is just a simple guest. To put it bluntly, there is no need for you to panic or deny it to this extent.

No, I'm very serious. While putting the fried Obanyaki into the box, the uncle sighed with a weather-beaten look on his face: Like the wife I met through friendship, although she seemed pretty good at first, she In fact, they are just making do, but now they are completely unwilling to go out with me, and they sleep on the sofa when they go home at night, so don’t wait, you will miss your youth and have to go out to socialize, and you will have to compromise your emotions just to make do. If time could go back, , I must...

——Ah, please have my condolences. Although I sympathize with your situation, we have to meet up with others and leave first.

Not knowing what to say to this uncle, An Luo could only interrupt him and took the carton, then took Mizi who was listening with interest and slipped away from the stall, leaving behind him and still telling them to seize the moment. uncle.

The two of them walked through the increasingly crowded crowds and arrived at a park near Zhuzhi Port where there were still relatively few people. They found a bench under the shade of a tree and sat down.

As time goes by, the sun has set, and the world has been dyed golden by the setting sun.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines in through the gaps in the trees, and the pleasant sound of rustling makes the air that should be hot in this summer afternoon exude a refreshing atmosphere, and even the hustle and bustle in the distance becomes much quieter. Felt very comfortable.

Mizi, who was sitting next to An Luo, picked up the chopsticks with bright eyes. She seemed to notice that An Luo hadn't bought anything and seemed a little concerned. She asked: This is a rare summer festival, don't you want to eat something, senior?

I'll forget it, I just had dinner.

That's really a shame.


No, no, it's nothing. Hiding the regret of not being able to eat together after a long absence, he picked up the food with chopsticks and asked curiously: What did senior do during the summer vacation? Did anything interesting happen? Tell me about it. Sample?

Anything interesting? Saving the world from war?

This... the topic of the game?

Mizi's face stiffened slightly, but An Luo said seriously: No, it's about traveling to another world. By the way, I also met a very interesting headless horseman and a lich who is easy to bully. He wants me to be Heir to the Duke of Hell.”

——Senior! You are already in your senior year of high school. Even if you have good grades, it is indeed a holiday, but you cannot indulge in games!

An Luo's words made Mizi suddenly turn on the disciplinary committee mode, raising her little head and staring at him angrily... Because she looked cute, she had no deterrent effect at all, although she

Really angry.

While he suspected that it was a bit inappropriate for this girl to be a member of the disciplinary committee, and he couldn't help but want to make her angry, An Luo could only smile regretfully: Well, actually, I went abroad, and I still want to make her angry. By the way, I met a lovely princess, and accidentally made an engagement, and almost had the king controlled by her daughter beheaded.

...Senior, be more serious, I will really be angry.

....No, aren't you already angry?

This is senior's fault! Please reflect on it!

How about I treat you to takoyaki later?

Don't try to bribe me!

Don't call it a bribe. I just want to enjoy the summer festival with my lovely junior.


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