A strange world

Chapter 769 Chapter 166 Premiere of

Chapter 769 Chapter 166. Premiere of "Five Hundred Years of Love"

Haier City

The Stewart Theater was packed.

Annan, Scarlet Princess and the crew were sitting in the front row, and the seats behind them were all the big shots in the Land of Evernight.

This is the suggestion from the Free City: send invitations to all councilors and nobles.

Whether they come or not is their business. If they stand firmly against the Scarlet Queen...then they won't be blamed for what the Stewart family does.

And if they come...then there's no reason to limit magical images anymore.

After all, even MPs, princes, and grand dukes attended the premiere in person. Are you questioning their behavior?

This can be regarded as Annan's parting gift - those who come may not necessarily be friends, but those who do not come must be enemies.

Annan turned around and saw that there were many unfamiliar faces in the seats, but he did not see the figure of Grand Duke Borodiya.

As the enemy who had concocted the split of the Stuart family, he was the only member of Parliament who had not received an invitation and could not appear here.

Five councilors and a dozen people from ancient families came, as well as countless minor nobles.

As the seats filled and the lights dimmed, the theater gradually returned to quiet.

Patterns for a new world appear on the curtain, and magical images begin to play.

Count Dracula was betrayed by the Kingdom of Recaner and made a deal with the devil to become a vampire and kill his enemies. Five hundred years later, when he woke up, he still maintained his aristocratic elegance and knightly faith. He is unwilling to kill innocent people. Even if he needs to suck blood to maintain his strength, he will first conquer the opponent with his temperament, and then take some blood after obtaining consent, because he believes that such blood is rich in life energy, and he is different from those who suck human blood like beasts. Draw a clear line between similar people.

As a result, Isa was immersed in the beauty of Count Dracula and awakened the memory of her past life...

The plot of "Five Hundred Years of Love" has little depth, and the story it tells is like a child's play in the eyes of a group of antiques who have lived for thousands of years... but it brings a long-lost sense of novelty.

There are very few new things in their lives. So after the screening, these old guys applauded "500 Years of Love" without hesitation and encouragement - although it was somewhat inconsistent with the tragic ending.

At the following banquet, many guests left, but more stayed. While drinking and drinking, the crimson princess in a red dress restrained her liveliness and looked elegant and reserved.

Because the burden of reviving the Stewart family will be on her... and Annan is leaving.

The premiere is not limited to Haier City.

Dozens of theaters in the Land of Eternal Night, Les City, Phil City, Huadu, Steel Duo Territory, Port Tuos, as well as Middle-earth and the North, as well as the Myron Kingdom of Khamis VI, are all synchronized. "Five Hundred Years of Love" was screened.

Compared to Haier City, audiences elsewhere focused more on the touching love between Count Dracula and Elizabeth, as well as Annan.

Annan looks nothing like a middle-aged man in this magical image. Even with the mature make-up, which made him look haggard and bearded during the war and in prison, he was still a young and outrageous boy.

It does look a lot taller...

Fans of "Annan Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" can't help but wonder if Annan Potter will look like this when he grows up.

Then, as "The Voice of Liberty" revealed the inside story, fans learned that the identities of the male and female protagonists were interchanged: Annan, who played Count Dracula, was human, while the heroines who played Elizabeth and Isa were actually the queen and princess of vampires. , and some of the vampire supporting characters are actually played by vampires.

The most profound changes in "500 Years of Love" are the vampires.

They used to fly around like gutter rats hiding in taverns and chaotic places in human cities, behaving rudely, swearing a lot, and immersed in the joy of chaos. Abduct, seduce, kidnap humans, and create crimes.

They are even compared to Skaven in some places.

Nowadays, they imitate human etiquette, put on formal clothes, and comb their hair in an exquisite way to make themselves look elegant. They no longer suck the blood rudely like wild beasts, but put wine into wine glasses and hold the wine glasses like gentlemen and ladies. Take a sip.

The evidence is that there are frequent news about vampires attacking residents in various places, but the number of missing people suddenly dropped sharply.

It is said that some nobles in the southern countries also invited vampires to banquets or raised them.

Elves are stylish, ratmen are cost-effective, and now fashion-conscious nobles have a new choice: vampires.

As the only villain in "500 Years of Horror", the Kingdom of Ruikan angrily criticized Annan for colluding with vampires and beautifying vampires. This magical image will make many people lose their wariness against vampires and pay a heavy price.

Annan said that with the exception of the Kingdom of Ruikaner, there are no other plots that glorify evil in "500 Years of Love."

The vampire in the magical image is still evil, but he wears a coat of elegance. The Kingdom of Rekaner, which betrayed tens of millions of its people, only betrayed Count Dracula.

Isn’t this considered beautification?

"Five Hundred Years of Love" is still fermenting, and the most popular one is Philosopher's Stone. Regular edition, signed edition, collector's edition... followed by stone statues. Yili led the construction department to rush to make more than 200 stone statues of Dracula. The price was the same as the magic stone, 100 gold coins. As a result, demand exceeds supply...

Annan gained wealth and the Stewarts gained support.

As the magical images were released, there were more visitors around Stuart Manor and Haier City, including some young heirs of ancient families.

Some of them came for Annan, and some came for the Crimson Princess.

As June 16 gets closer, Annan is preparing to end his trip to the south.

It's time to go home.

The proceeds from this period fill the magic ring. Annan told Haier City and Rice City to kill all human traders who dared to sell humans and send the rescued humans to Haier City.

It turned out that it was not just humans, but also elves, halflings and other alien races who were caught here...

They were full of wariness and hatred towards anyone, including Annan, but when Annan took out the leaves of the World Tree and expressed his friendly relationship with the Elven Court, their hatred disappeared.

After sending the money and rescued people back to Liberty City, Annan summoned Dean Blehim to come over and say goodbye to Lina and the others.

The Skeleton King will not leave with him. He will stay with the Stewart family for a while to prevent the Scarlet Queen's enemies from jumping over the wall.

"Remember five years later..."

"It won't take so long. Maybe you will come to Liberty City to play in a few days." Annan smiled and corrected the vampire's world view - years are like days to them.

Finally looking at the Scarlet Queen, Annan said: "I hope it won't be too long before I receive the good news that you are back in Parliament."

The Scarlet Queen lowered her arrogance floating on the clouds and looked squarely at Annan:

"You will be a forever friend to the Street family."

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