A strange world

Chapter 692 Chapter 89 The Scarlet Witch is in jail

Chapter 692 Chapter 89. Scarlet Witch is in jail

It was a slightly changed story. Annan merged the experiences of the two Valencias together and merged them into a noble figure who loved his family and the church, and was finally willing to dedicate his remaining flames to Lost City.

"So, you not only slandered the sacrifice of the princess, but also tainted Valencia's loyalty to the princess..."

Annan pulled out the guard's sword.

Reiner in the cell did not hide, but closed his eyes and raised his head: "This is the guilt I should bear..."

The sound of the long sword piercing the air sounded——


Reiner received a heavy blow to the head, almost causing him to fall to the ground.

There was a burning pain in my head. Needless to say, my head was definitely swollen.

Reiner gasped and raised his head, seeing Annan returning the sword to the guard with satisfaction.

"You owe me this."

Annan can't continue to sell, he has to find the fake princess first...

Dozens of minutes later, Annan, who took the portraits of the princess and the Scarlet Witch with him, went to the hotel to look for strange things in the rat hole. Unexpectedly, he found a group of people hiding in the cellar of the slum.

What he was doing was looking for the princess, but what he was thinking about was how to lure Annan back to the city lord's palace through the rat hole and came outside the slum.

The slums are filled with sewage and gray, while the brightly colored flowers outside are like two worlds.

Annan was about to summon Mr. Swaro, who was still in Huadu, to help out, but unexpectedly saw Mr. Swaro not far ahead, holding flowers.

But Annan had already activated the talisman, and Mr. Swaro seemed to flash before appearing in front of Annan.

Looking at him expressionlessly.

"There's dog poop ahead, I'm afraid you'll step on it..."

"I've seen it." Mr. Swaro continued to look at Annan.

"Oh my God...are those Professor Annan and Snape...didn't you say that the magic image is fake? Why is Snape as stinky as in the magic image!"

The girls' exclamations came not far away, and they recognized Annan.

"What's up."

"There is a group of kidnappers in the slums, and the leader is either a red dragon or a red dragon warlock..."

"lead the way."

Sneij...Mr. Schwarro spoke concisely and concisely, like a ball of flying bats.

Annan and Mr. Swaro, who was holding a bunch of flowers, walked into the slum. The girls who wanted to follow him hesitated and stopped in front of the slum. Not long after, they saw a blazing red light suddenly rising from the slum——

Blooming red light breaks through the cellar. The strong men hiding in the cellar were burning and howling in the flames, and the fake princess in the corner was no exception, but the vampire's resilience meant that the damage caused by the flames was not as great as the sunlight that poured in.

These have nothing to do with Mr. Swaro... but were done by the Scarlet Witch floating in the air.

Annan watched those strong men turn into charred smoke and fall to the ground. It was really miserable for the Scarlet Witch's subordinates...

"Mr. Schwaro, catch her."

This time Annan watched carefully: Mr. Swaro released the high-level spell he envied to seal the space around the Scarlet Witch. Flame wings appeared behind the Scarlet Witch, running rampant in the shackles of the refracted light, but he was still unable to escape.

Mr. Swaro held flowers in one hand and waved the staff in the other. The power that restrained Scarlet Witch became narrower and narrower, turning into a complicated arcane rune engraved on Scarlet Witch's body.

She struggled a few times and couldn't move.

"You old bat, what have you done!?"

Unexpectedly, the Scarlet Witch actually watched "Annan Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

Mr. Swaro would not blame her for anything, he would only remember these words on Annan.

"Aren't we accomplices!" The Scarlet Witch lost her temper at Annan again, "You actually betrayed me..."

Annan first looked around in silence at the burned corpses: "I just did what you did, eat black and white."

The Scarlet Witch opened her mouth in disbelief: "How dare you use my method to deal with me!"

Mr. Schwaro narrowed his eyes slightly.

Annan approached the Scarlet Witch and bit her cheek with a vengeance.


Snape looked away, his unhappy eyes turning into dead fish eyes.

Today is also a day when stereotypes deepen.

Annan's revenge was useless. The Scarlet Witch's face was like rubber. He bit it for a long time, but nothing was stained except saliva.

Annan rubbed his sore face and looked at the guards approaching from a distance. But for this incident, they would not have entered the slums.


The Scarlet Witch is still smiling proudly, how to deal with her is a headache...

Annan revealed his identity to the cautious guards and asked them to take away the Scarlet Witch: "Send her to the dungeon first."

"You can't do this to me! You are my accomplice——"

The Scarlet Witch shouted like a mad woman, while the guards looked at Annan hesitantly.

She seems to be afraid of being caught in a dungeon?

Annan noticed something and said to the hesitant guards: "There shouldn't be a clause in your training about 'believing what the prisoner says', right?"

The Scarlet Witch was taken away, and Mr. Swallow also left here. He just wanted to give flowers to his daughter and tell her to stay away from Annan.

The slum residents were driven away by the guards who maintained order. Annan walked to the broken cellar, lowered his head and said, "Come out."

The fake princess stood up, and the surrounding soil and wooden boards were carbonized, but she was fine. Only her skirt was burned off, and a large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed.

Annan took out a gray robe from the magic ring and threw it to her: "The people who kidnapped you were Count Turner's people."

The fake princess in gray robe was stunned.

Annan looked at the face that was exactly the same as the princess's but completely different: "Can't you believe I know, or can't you believe it would do this?"

The fake princess reflexively put on a miserable expression and did not put on the gray robe. Instead, the white greasy on her chest became clearer. She begged: "Don't tell the princess... I am willing to do anything."

"I don't need you to do this." Annan hid his pity. There are many people in this world who deserve sympathy, such as the poor people outside...but that definitely does not include the beautiful betrayer standing next to a pile of charred corpses. "The princess already knows."

The fake princess showed real fear this time... She was not afraid of Annan, but she was afraid of the Crimson Princess - she would really punish herself.

"You still have a chance to atone." Annan's tone softened.

The fake princess raised her head with hope: "I...what can I do?"

"Continue this show..."

The Scarlet Witch was sent to the dungeon, and Reiner was replaced.

He didn't expect that he would have a chance to come out.

The morning sunshine shines on the shoulders, and it seems like a long time has passed...

"How could I..." Reiner asked the dungeon guard.

The guard told Reiner that it was the Queen Knight who approved his release. He said that Reiner was being teased by traitors just to maintain his justice in his heart. It's not the weapon that's wrong, it's the person holding the weapon. "

"Annan Reeves..." Reiner whispered.

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