A strange world

Chapter 659 Section 56 is worse than a gold digger

Chapter 659 Chapter 56. Worse than a gold digger

"I didn't expect to see you in this place, Teacher Leoneffa..."

The old epic mage bowed his head to the Skeleton King.

"You don't look good." Skeleton King said to this student from more than two hundred years ago. He looked older than himself.

The epic mage sighed: "There is no hope of being promoted to Legend, and the gods no longer respond to me..."

"You came to me because you wanted to be like me?"

"On the contrary, I never want to become an undead creature. Liches will lose their emotions, and undead souls need luck..." The epic mage looks like an old man who no longer cares about death.

"They asked me to come. Those guys wanted to test why you were with the princess's knights."

"I owe him a favor, but the mysterious nature suppresses the undead..." Skeleton King replied, "That's why I came to you."

"They won't take action, teacher." The epic mage said, "An empty city is not important. We just need to keep an eye on it and prevent the weirdness from overflowing."

The Skeleton King had a reason for them to take action, but it promised Annan not to tell it.

"I have a question..." The Skeleton King's soul fire burned faintly.

"Who spread the news that the princess came out?"

Stereotypes are incorrect, but they usually represent a large number of people.

For example, Tatun people are barbarians because they have a tough attitude and like to fight, but many Tatun people Annan knows do not have this habit - can you imagine Dean Blehim having a wall of enemy skulls in his home? ?

For example, speaking of elves is associated with arrogance. Annan has seen two waves of envoys. There are very few elves who have higher eyes than the top. Most of the elves have integrated into Liberty City as soon as they arrived. They play on the beach in cool clothes during the day and go to the tavern to watch the succubus dance hotly at night.

For example, warlocks are associated with scum - if you dare to say that to Annan in front of him, the angry Free City people will tear you apart.

So when Annan asked about the goblins, even though their giant goblin golems exploded with epic power a few days ago, the girl still showed disdain and disgust: "Those annoying guys got out together with their rotten machines."

Even if they are allies.

"Do you know where they gather?"

"What are you doing with them?"

"I'm interested in that giant goblin golem."

"What's so good about that kind of thing? It's ugly and bulky. It only looks good when it's destroyed." The girl was puzzled. Her thoughts represent the majority of Allen people: In this world where you can release magic with a wave of your hand, break stones with a raise of your hand, and where power belongs to individuals, why waste time inventing such a cumbersome machine?

"Because most people don't have great power."

But Annan would not say what he thought deeply in his heart.

See, the gods have left this world... so what if magic has left too?

It sounds unbelievable, but it is equally unbelievable that the gods have lost contact...and those children born in the turbulent years are already running in the streets.

Human beings are not immortal species. Their lifespan of only a few decades means that knowledge is difficult to retain... As long as another ten years pass, young people will stand up and question it, saying that gods never existed.


Annan raised his head and looked at the epic mage who came out of the wooden house.

"Volna, we are going back."

"I don't know your name yet." The girl looked at Annan with bright eyes.


"My name is Volna, goodbye." The girl named Volna and Annan waved and followed the epic mage away.

The Skeleton King looked at Annan: "You seem to be in a bad mood."

"Just thinking about some pessimistic future..."

"This is really rare." Skeleton King whispered, "You have always been optimistic and positive."


Annan exhaled and calmed down his emotions: "Are they willing to send troops?"

"Unless you tell them that the princess is in the city."

"Forget it... now we can still try our luck with the gold diggers and goblins."

"Goblins? They've returned to the swamp."

"Oh, bad luck." Annan had to postpone his plan to introduce talents to Liberty City. "Then gold diggers."

Facing the gold diggers, Skeleton King Leonefah no longer has to pretend to be the same person he used to be.

Annan agreed, fearing that the gold diggers would pounce on the Skeleton King... Pumi would certainly dare to do so if he dared to snatch the weird one.

He also brought the weirdos with him. They are more of a threat to gold diggers than Skeletor.

The gold diggers' camp was right next to the camp of the southern countries, and they had no problem with it - having a camp nearby would make them feel safe.

But compared to the next door, there is only a low wall made of crooked tree trunks. You can see beyond the low wall and see a simple hut and bonfires burning everywhere.

Candlehead and the others frightened the gold diggers, but Annan calmed them down and said that he was just looking for someone.

Amid the shouts of the gold diggers, "Weirdos are here to claim their lives!" a voice asked tremblingly: "Who are you looking for..."


"Which Pumi?"

So the name is so bad that it's like Jack from Liberty City.

They refused Annan to go in, but they didn't dare to disobey, so they kicked out Lao Dal and Pumi.

"Master Weird!"

Pumi greeted humbly, while Old Dar looked at the weirdos, showing a kind of... excitement.

Annan continued to shout to the gold diggers that he was willing to hire them, but the gold diggers were unwilling to be hired-only Pumi and Old Dal were willing.

Annan took them back to the tomb first and asked Old Dal about the situation of Swan Lake.

Old Dahl said that he did know a powerful monster that lured people on the lake with money and power, but if that person resisted the temptation, his wish would come true...

Annan felt that this was not true, that it was weird and not the Lady of the Lake...but Old Dahl firmly believed it. He said that he had been observing for a long time and was willing to explore the road. He only needed to send ten gold coins to an address and give him a boat.

The southern countries are worse than an old gold digger.

Pumi said he wanted one too, but he had to pay ten gold coins first.

The boat problem was easily solved. The Skeleton King sent a few skeleton soldiers to cut down some dead trees, and soon they came back dragging two small wooden boats.

The next thing is to wait for the dawn to come.

The next day, they dragged two small wooden boats to the lake.

The weather today is a bit gloomy, with fog floating on the lake... the visibility is only three to four hundred meters.

This was not conducive to their observation. Annan tilted his head and asked the painter: "Can you draw them?"

“I can draw what I see.”

"Must be kept in view?"

"As long as I've seen it."


If Weird didn't have those terrible sequelae and side effects, it would be like mass-producing Warlock...

Annan originally wanted to wait until the fog cleared, but the impatient Pumi had already boarded the small wooden boat, and Old Dal also got on the other.

The oars pressed against the shore, pushing the two small wooden boats into the lake...

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