A strange world

Chapter 603 Section 260 Declaration of Freedom

Chapter 603 Section 260. Declaration of Freedom

There are only a few days left until the end of the year.

Residents are still overflowing with joy that the New Year is approaching. Suddenly, news came from the city lord's palace that all permanent residents would be registered as citizens. Starting next year, becoming a citizen will require meeting conditions, except for old citizens.

Those residents who have become inseparable from Liberty City have no problem. This place is so good, there should be some requirements.

The lively citizen registration begins, with almost no conditions: as long as you are willing to stay in Liberty City and intend to protect Liberty City, you can become a citizen of Liberty City.

In less than three days, the City Lord's Mansion had registered 46,000 citizens, not counting the miners in the nearby mines. Francois has already taken people there, and the final number of citizens should be more than 50,000.

That night, Annan went to the Crystal Lair. While Ilimayas was still sleeping, Annan took it upon himself to write her down on the parchment. The three young dragons easily agreed to become citizens of Free City. They also coaxed them to bring their parents and elders over - for every blue dragon they let join Liberty City, they would get 100 gold coins.

People who become citizens are just issued a piece of parchment with their name, gender, age and number on it. Their lives seem to be no different from before, but this means that the Free City has taken the final step towards becoming a formal independent city-state.

The old embassy was turned into a public residence, and a new embassy that could accommodate more envoys from different countries and territories was built opposite the city lord's palace.

However, Liberty City is still a bit "small" now, about one-tenth the size of Breeze City. This still takes up a lot of space in the Wonder Mage Tower.

There is no manor in Liberty City. The largest mansion is only a three-story single-family house and a small garden. The largest building is the mage tower, then the park, then the city lord's palace, the crystal lair, etc., and one mansion can fit in it. Population of more than 50 households.

This will save them a lot of arcane energy core money.

Annan stayed in the city lord's mansion and didn't go anywhere. During the day, he built spell models, prepared the New Year's declaration of freedom, and meditated at night. He was so hardworking that he hardly looked like a warlock.

On the penultimate day of the 1000th year of Saint Laurent's calendar, the elf mentor returned.

She first went to the city lord's mansion, and then there was a 1483-year-old master female elf mage citizen in Liberty City.

Strangely enough, Irelanzer is older than the entire Montreal Golden Family, but Annan regards her as a peer and considers her ancestors who are over a hundred years old to be their elders.

The investigation team disappeared, and the nobles still couldn't discuss anything. Only Liberty City, the Tatoon Empire, and a few places began to mobilize their people unswervingly.

Annan contacted Mount Montreal once, and Princess Sales recovered a lot, but her haggard face still looked like she was more than ten years older.

The phylactery handed over to Mount Montreal was also inspected by the royal mage. It contained two souls - Asimov's soul was protected on the outer layer, and the soul of the second prince was sleeping on the inner layer.

No wonder Asimov’s soul is always elusive.

On the last day of the 1000th year of the Saint Laurent calendar, the Liberty City awarded the Liberty Cup Award for the first year in the square outside the City Lord’s Palace:

Focusing on forging, alchemy, and living, the best-performing citizen is given an honor: a solid gold trophy.

Representing the dwarf award of forging, Soruman Bronzebeard deserves the honor.

The alchemy prize was pocketed by Michael, who asked Annan if he could sell it but got no results and then went back to the alchemy room.

The Best Warrior Award will not be given to Fast, so just like the Best Mage Award, it will be given to the two people who performed best during the expedition with Mad Dog Archduke: Swain and Henry Burt. The former is the knight commander of Olmedo, and the latter is an elite mage who joined the Mage Association of the Principality of Montaburro in Liberty City.

The Druid Award was awarded to Da De. She seemed caught off guard - no human had ever given an award to a druid before. Holding the solid gold trophy in the shape of a sapling, a strange seed sprouted in Da De's heart.

The Guard Award was presented to the Guards.

The Expedition Award went to Hellfire.

Strictly speaking, all the third teams they participated in participated, but there were three teams and only two awards... They held their breath and kept working hard.

The Peace Prize Annan was given to our ancestors.

Originally, everyone was somewhat divided on whether to add the ancestors. They thought it was an honor, but the Montreal Mountains might think it was a humiliation... As a result, the ancestors happily agreed to join in the fun.

Everyone felt that their ancestors were too kind to Annan, so much so that their rewards were far less than what their ancestors had given.

"Can I speak?"

The ancestor smiled so hard that he narrowed his eyes and held the trophy like an old lady next door: "No one has ever given me something like this... It feels very special. I want to thank you for giving me a different and fresh life."

Maybe this is why our ancestors are willing to stay in Liberty City?

Then there's the award for Best Interracial. Elimayas did her part. Regardless of the importance of Ilimayas in Annan's heart, the time she spent following Annan, or her contribution, they were all better than those orcs from the Timber Wolf tribe.

Critalia, Ymirs, and Grasty received the award for their sister.

Finally, there is the Liberty Award: the person who has contributed the most to Liberty City.

Annan deserves the Freedom Award.

A new day has arrived, time to hit the year 1001 of the Saint Laurent calendar.

The first millennium calendar belonging to mankind is over.

On January 1, Annan came to the square and told the "Declaration of Freedom" to the citizens who crowded the square and nearby streets.

The old residents of Xingyue Bay are crying, and the citizens of Free City are boiling with blood.

"I want to tell another story from the past."

"I just came here at that time and didn't know anything. Aunt Susan and Uncle Hollin took care of me... I made many friends. They taught me a lot. Fast and Soruman Bronzebeard taught me to be kind. Others. Mr. Victor taught me the Wine Lady and taught me how to get along with the nobles of Breeze City, Tasia and Wood taught me that other races are not as rigid as the rumors say, and the blue dragon Ilymoas gave me greed..."

The citizens who were listening quietly suddenly felt that something was wrong...

"From this moment on, you are the great citizens of Free City!" Annan suddenly shouted.

"We have done a lot of things this year. We have a new home, new companions, new residents, and new walls -"

"But the crisis has never gone away. The claws of Chaos have reached the north again, and the nobles outside are still fighting for their own interests, not the future of mankind."

Evelin ran around holding the magic stone, looking for various angles.

"We are different. We carry hope and we will do what they can't."

“Remember, when the sun rises in the east, it’s time for the lighthouse in the west to go out.”

That morning, Annan, Water Elemental, and Klein boarded the waiting merchant ship.

Because they can open the portal at any time and have magic rings, they didn't bring anything with them.

Annan told everyone to take good care of Lily and the others, and told Lily to take good care of Silly Cat and the others. He said goodbye to everyone and boarded a merchant ship heading south.

On the third floor of the City Lord's Mansion, the little spider in front of the window quietly looked at the merchant ships leaving the port.

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