A strange world

Chapter 47 Section 47. The surging undercurrent

The banquet hall became deserted as the guests left.

Exela Perez dismissed the servants, came to the table, picked up the empty glass and poured herself a glass of red wine.

"is it him?"

The young man next to me said, "It doesn't look like that."


"It doesn't look like that."

Exela Perez put down the wine glass on her lips: "What do you mean?"

"The Reeves family's motorcade was attacked, and the body of Levi Reeves was not found at the scene. A few days later, a boy with no memory appeared in a nearby town, and he had the same black hair as the Reeves family. .”

The young man who hadn't eaten yet tonight fiddled with the untouched food, "How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Then why do you say it doesn't look like it?"

"Because he has completely changed his appearance, and there are no traces of magic concealment..." The young man playing with the food revealed the magic ring on his index finger. "He did not inherit the family's talent for fire, but became a warlock."

"And the Reeves family won't hang out with the people in that association."

"Do you still eat pumpkin pie?" Axela Perez suddenly asked.


"I remember when you were little you would throw up in disgust whenever you ate pumpkin pie."

"As a child, I always hated some things for no reason... Is this related to this incident?"

"You change, so why wouldn't Levi's?"

"Maybe you are right." The young man threw the fork back to the table and did not eat in the end. "Suppose he is Levi's, what are you going to do?"

"do nothing."


This time Excella Perez took a quiet sip, and then said: "You said the reason, he is not like it."

"But the killer doesn't necessarily think so."

The young man stared at Exela Perez's face: "The murderer dared to attack the King of the North's convoy and killed everyone, except Levi's body. Then, a man who seemed to remember nothing A black-haired boy shows up in a nearby town...what do you think the killer will do?"

"It's none of my business."

Excella Perez twirled her glass and downed the red wine in one gulp.

"This is your town."

"My father was the chief guard of the royal capital."

"You want to say that your background doesn't scare you from murderers?"

Exela Perez put down her empty glass and shook her head.

“I would say it’s my family creed to keep your nose out of other people’s business.”

The mayor acted quickly. Early the next morning, his housekeeper came to Aunt Susan's house to pick them up and take them to their new residence - almost being kicked out by Aunt Susan as a liar.

When she learned that the mayor had given them a house, Aunt Susan was surprised and happy. While praising Annan, she asked Martin to call Uncle Huolin who was cutting firewood.

When Uncle Hollin came back, Aunt Susan put on the floral skirt Annan brought back from Breeze City last time, and the family followed the waiting housekeeper to a house on Rich Street.

This two-story single-family house is more than enough for Aunt Susan and her family.

"I want to live on the second floor!"

Martin ran upstairs, while Aunt Susan dragged Uncle Hollin into the kitchen.

"This is the house deed. This will be your house from now on." At the door of the house, the housekeeper handed the house deed to Annan.

Because it was given to an "honorary citizen", the house was nominally owned by Annan.

Annan thanked him and looked across the street thoughtfully. It's obviously no coincidence that Mr. Victor's residence is right across the street.

From now on, you don’t have to leave in advance to go to the library.

Annan could have woken up in the early morning, procrastinated to get dressed, sat up from the bed, and saw Mr. Victor just walking out the window slowly, then watered the flowers, fed the spiders, and returned downstairs to have breakfast. After washing up and going out, I finally caught up with Mr. Victor easily and opened the door amidst the cold snort of the old man.

"If you need anything else, you can find me at the mayor's manor." The steward left the carriage and groom behind so that Annan could carry the things from the old house.

Entering the new home, Aunt Susan had already arranged their accommodation: they lived on the first floor, and Annan had the second floor to himself.

Annan did not participate in the next move because he saw Mr. Victor going out. After casually placing the house deed on the table in the living room, Annan ran out to meet Mr. Victor.

"Take leave? Where are you going?"

"Tasia left me something at the Haunted Gold Mine, and I'm going to go take a look."

Mr. Victor said nothing and took back the key.

Aunt Susan stayed behind to decorate the new home. Annan, Uncle Hollin and Martin returned to the old house, took an oil lamp and set off.

Broken clouds cast broken tree shadows.

Annan wore the mage's robe presented by the Wine Lady and gradually approached the haunted gold mine that was abandoned as the last vein of minerals dried up.

The ghosts and kobolds of the haunted gold mine were not much of a threat, and Annan's current magic power could cast a low-level summoning spell once, followed by a second spell two hours later, although what followed was complete depletion and nearly a day's recovery.

But with Wood, he can escape even if he encounters a kobold warlock.

The camp outside the mine has been abandoned for a long time, and weeds have grown in some shacks. As humans fade away, nature takes over again.

Annan couldn't help but miss him when he was still young.

Although it has only been two months.

The strange yet familiar environment brings out more memories for Annan. Thinking about it carefully, after coming to another world, I didn't have much time to think. Like a ship drifting on the vast sea far away from the land, eager to drop the anchor.

But now, it seems that I can stop temporarily and enjoy the scenery on the sea.

Holding an oil lamp and a road map in the other hand, Annan entered the dead silence of the haunted gold mine and walked along the branches.

Oh, a withered skeleton, I don’t know which unlucky guy died here.

After a while, Annan saw the scattered pickaxes again. It can be imagined that the miners who fled in panic threw them away.

The body of the kobold...huh?

Annan suppressed the uneasiness caused by seeing the corpse and moved closer to the corpse. This kobold was hit on the head by a stone and was disfigured beyond recognition due to rot.

This type of attack reminded him of a ghost. Ghosts and kobolds aren't the same thing?

Annan summoned Wood and continued to move forward together, but an accident happened: In a mine without a body, he encountered a floating blue magic flame.

An ethereal voice sounded in Annan's heart, indicating that it could give him eternal life, strength, or resurrect a loved one.

Annan felt that the temptation contained a strong sense of trap: If you answer the question of immortality, will you become an undead? Will you lose yourself by answering the power? It is only the skin that resurrects the lover.

Thinking of Martin always wanting to open his can of spiders, Annan responded casually: "I hope spiders will automatically fly into people's faces."

As the words fell, the blue ball of light and the surrounding rock walls melted quietly, and a spacious underground cave appeared in front of Annan, who almost released the summoning spell.

Good news and bad news:

The good news is that there are countless treasures piled high in the cave.

The bad news is that there is a blue dragon lying on the treasure mountain.

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