A strange world

Chapter 44 Section 44. Are you ready?

Annan thought Mr. Victor's "are you ready" was the same thing as Fast.

As a result, he was not woken up the next day and did not see a bustling crowd. Fortunately and regretfully: he was labeled as both Victor and Fast, and no fool wanted to seize the opportunity from the tiger's mouth.

Not even giving gifts to get acquainted.

Annan touched the dozen copper coins in his pocket, thinking about how many warlocks were as poor as himself, and came to the library.

Only Lindy nodded coldly when she came to the library to express her gratitude to Annan for becoming a warlock - aside from Annan and her aunt's "unfaithful love", wizards and warlocks themselves did not like each other.

Annan thought again that "are you ready" meant were you ready to become a warlock.

The answer is not yet.

Casting spells for a mage means breaking away from the magical apprenticeship because the spell model is absolutely accurate. As long as the spell is successfully cast once, it can be released even if you sleep the next time you cast the spell. This is not the case for warlocks. Their "thinking" adds a lot of inaccuracies, and a small change will cause the spell to deviate from expectations. Annan is a clear example.

A mage is like a meticulous machine, but it takes time to make a machine. Warlocks, on the other hand, are craftsmen who can make finished products with just one pair of hands.

The bard told him a story about a warlock last night: When a mercenary group with warlocks was fighting demons, the warlock cast a high-level summoning spell. As a result, the demon warlord who was blocked by the warriors suddenly disappeared and appeared behind him. In the summoning array of the warlock, he was surrounded by mages, priests, and rangers.

The final result was that no one in the mercenary group survived.

Annan asked him how the story of no one could spread, and the bard mysteriously said that the wind brought the story.

Because Wood no longer had to be exploited by Annan, he gradually became less weak, although relying on livestock blood made him recover very slowly.

The next day, Annan, who had not yet gotten rid of the shadow of "lower summoning" and turned into "vampire summoning", suspected that "are you ready" might mean that he would have to face Wood's ghost for a long time to come. .

The bard laughed at him that this was a good thing - the first-level spell "lower summoning" can only summon small monsters such as kobolds and lizardmen. Vampires are at least humanoids, and they are also magical creatures. In addition to being unable to be controlled as summons and not being female, the bard laughed at him. Vampires have almost no flaws.

Wood kept nagging in Annan's ears about when to bring human blood. Animal blood is like black bread. It only keeps people from dying, but disease and malnutrition will follow. For example, Wood now can't even control the retraction of his teeth.

He used the excuse that "drinking blood might be able to recall more past events." Annan had no choice but to ask Wood again during the day, but the stubborn old man still asked him to wait.

At dusk, Wood brought the news to the abandoned house. The vampire's abandoned look even made Annan feel guilty.

"Victor...is his name right? Doesn't he want my blood? I can give him a lot, as long as you bring me human blood...please..."

Wood's reaction reminded Annan of a sentence: I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

If a vampire had never smelled human blood, it could have feasted on animal blood.

"Okay, I'll ask you again tomorrow."

Arriving at the tavern, Annan and Fast went into the wine cellar and released low-level summoning spells in front of him and Soruman Bronzebeard. This is what Mr. Fast asks - don't cast spells without protection until you have mastered the correct spell.

Soon after, Wood, whose face was covered with black cloth, slipped out of the back door of the pub.

Wood appeared in the cellar of the tavern about twice a day. After six times of this, Annan got good news from Mr. Victor: the human blood Wood wanted was available.

Right in the dungeon.

Annan thought that Mr. Victor would coincide with his idea: to extract blood from normal people. I didn’t expect to use the blood of criminals.

Although there is no problem with this...

Fast had laughed at Annan for being stupid enough to let a vampire drink his blood. Blood is the power of vampires, and they can use it to curse and perform evil spells at will.

However, it also proves that Wood does not have any malicious intentions and that it does not know anything.

The death row prisoner was one of the bandits who robbed the passing caravan. He was captured a few days ago and will be executed today.

Punishing criminals is undoubtedly just, but using blood is slightly evil.

Annan waited outside the dungeon, and soon a guard brought a bucket of blood. Annan, who rushed to the abandoned house before his blood had coagulated, was too lazy to waste time looking for Wood and just cast a low-level summoning spell.

Wood emerged from the rift in space.

Annan avoided Wood's eating process, only knowing that the wine barrel was empty when he went in again. Wood looked tipsy, holding the wine barrel, and said drunkenly: "I really want to know what dragon's blood tastes like."

"I just know that you would not feel well if you drank dragon's blood."


"Dragon's Curse...it seems like there is a price to pay for killing such a powerful creature."

"Not even blood?" Wood woke up half full of blood.

"The village of a farmer who picked up dragon scales was destroyed by dragon magic the next day." Annan recalled, "The bard said it. But I guess unless you encounter a five-color dragon that will surely retaliate, having dragon skin and dragon scales is normal. It'll be okay...just don't get caught."

Then that night, in the tavern and cellar, Annan once again released a low-level summoning spell.

Generally speaking, Annan, who had just become a warlock, was unlikely to summon a more advanced magical creature like a vampire.

But he still summoned Wood again.

"I sometimes wonder if I signed a contract with you..." Wood couldn't help but say.

Wood and Mr. Fast chatted for a while before leaving that day. The next day, Annan heard an unexpected news: Wood replaced him as the new waiter in the tavern.

"I helped someone who took away my job?" Annan thought, "Are you ready?" is this?

"You can charge a commission." Mr. Fast said, "Wood earns one silver coin a week, one-third of which is yours."

Other than that, I still get the Annan share of "The Law Breaks the Sky" as usual.

Meditation will have no effect no matter how long it takes, so Annan has nothing to do when he has free time in the evening.

During this period, Annan took out the note given to him by Tasia and asked Mr. Victor, but even the knowledgeable old man did not know.

If he is a mage, he should be preparing a second spell model right now——

Annan, who thought the first spell was barely enough to count, planned to learn the second spell.

In the morning, when Lindi came over, Annan asked her the price of the low-ring summoning magic scroll.

Lindy casually mentioned a few: summoning lightning lizards, 56 gold coins, summoning monsters, 39 gold coins, summoning skeletons is cheaper, only 23 gold coins.

Annan finally realized what Mr. Victor meant by "are you ready?": Are you ready for the cost of the spellcaster?

When he was still struggling for money, an invitation letter was sent to Annan.

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