A strange world

Chapter 377 Section 35 Ten Children from the Bottom of the Nest

Chapter 377 Section 35. Ten children from the bottom of the nest

"Wild Dog, do you still know the next way?"

Some ashes fell on Annan's black hair, highlighting the gray. If there is a seemingly nonexistent burning smell, it permeates the surroundings.

"As long as there is light, there are people..." The wild dog got out of the range of the illumination spell and turned into a blurry shadow in the distance. Not long after, he came back and pointed to the left: "There is light over there!"

"Then let's go."

The words of the old witch doctor, "Stay where there is light," came to Annan's mind.

Leaving a row of black footprints in the gray snow, they walked towards the gathering place not far away without wasting the remaining magic power.

Sparse lights dotted the distance. It was a town about the same size as Dark Light Town, flickering in the snow that set all the time.

They are getting closer and closer, but there is no warmth from this town far away from the penal colony...

The silhouettes of people lying outside on the street made them feel ominous, and the corpses everywhere made their ominousness even more intense.

There was no living person in this town.

The pervasive smell of blood even covered up the burning smell brought by the ashes, and the empty houses glowed with an eerie light. Because of the ashes, the people here planted fluorescent fruits in the houses.

"It's the same academy that killed the Queen Ant's stronghold."

Annan said after checking the wounds on several corpses.

The dead include old people, women, children, and even more men. Many people who deserved to die, and those who did not deserve to die, died in silence along with this town.

"They went a little too far..."

Amy whispered, representing the thoughts of others.

Although they are aloof and indifferent to the life and death of the people in the bottom nest, they will not take the initiative to kill innocent people in the bottom nest. Now, an academy has massacred the Queen's stronghold and then massacred the town...

A sound of footsteps suddenly came from the darkness.

They knew the academy that appeared, the girls from Freya's Holy Academy.

"not us!"

Raising his staff and alert, Theophilus explained, "We've just come here too!"

At this moment, the little rat-man girl on Annan's back woke up and moved a little.

"She's awake."

The young female mages noticed the little girl and then saw the wild dog. Finally, they frowned and examined the wounds on the body: "They are all weapons wounds, made by those mudbloods."

An elite mage couldn't do it even if he wanted to slaughter the town and squeeze it dry, but an elite warrior could do it if he was so tired that he stuck out his tongue.

In addition, Annan was carrying a "rat man" on his back, so they lowered their guard.

"Theophilus, just talk to them and tell the truth." Annan said, "Let's find a 'clean' place first."

The purpose of letting Theophilus tell the truth is to arouse the other party's greed, and letting Theophilus communicate is to facilitate his resistance when being kidnapped. If Alice is caught, she will have no choice but to give in.

They found a room without bodies, and Annan put down the weak little girl. She immediately rushed to the fluorescent fruit and ate it, indifferent to the food Alice took out. Then she stopped when the transparent abdominal cavity was emitting fluorescent bulges. Like Lily, she squatted on all fours in front of Annan, covering her eyes with cloudy eye masks. His eyes were directed toward Annan, but he didn't feel like he was being watched.

"Can you understand me?"

When there was no response, Annan asked Amy to use her last magic power to release Common Language Mastery.

The spell fell on the little girl, flickering into annihilation.

"Common language proficiency has expired..." Amy was stunned.

It's not that the spell casting failed, but that proficiency in Common Language has a prerequisite - it can only be effective on intelligent life.

This means that the little girl has transformed into a pure beast.

When Annan and the others fell into silence, footsteps sounded from outside the house, and Theophilus came over with the girls from Freya's Holy Academy.

"Annan Reeves, we want to cooperate with you."

Their captain, a girl with a side ponytail, stared at Annan's face with bright eyes.

"I do not want."

Annan declined her proposal: "I know what you want to do...I will find them and punish them."

"I wish you success."

The girl with side ponytail just said blessing and looked at Annan a few more times before going out.

"What the hell...what did I see? A warlock actually rejected a woman..." Amy muttered.

"If it were from other races, they wouldn't refuse." Alice replied, looking at the little girl who tilted her head and seemed to be listening: "What should she do?"

"If she's still with us, take her with us first."

Annan and the others left the house, and the little girl turned around a few times, picked off the fluorescent fruit, and then crawled over.

The girls from Freya's Holy Academy had already left. They came directly to the edge of the town, but the messy footprints left on the snow could not identify the murderer at all.

"Who knows the tracing technique?" Annan asked.

"I can use Labyrinth," Alice said.

"Can you still find someone with the Maze Technique?"

"I just changed 'exit' to 'their target.'"

This is useless to a group of mages. They will notice when the prophecy appears, but the mudbloods are so stupid that they can't even feel the goddess of magic touching her face.

Alice began to cast a spell, while Annan wondered if the goddess of magic could feel it when she touched her.

"found it."

Alice's staff pointed deep into the ash layer.

"Then let's go. Amy has no magic power. Theophilus, you come to cast the spell."

"Do we really want to catch them? I'm not refusing, but it will cost us a lot of time..." Theophilus hesitated.

"Don't worry, the golden invitations on them won't waste our time."

Annan picked up the quiet little girl, and the team with the light feather technique set off following Alice's guidance.

It was difficult for the bottom nest to tell the time. They didn't know how much time had passed before they saw a standing wooden sign with disturbing graffiti painted on it.

"Ahead is a small town!" Wild Dog suddenly exclaimed.

"you know?"

He said that Lilliputian Town is full of children, but Amy didn't believe it: "How can a group of children survive in the bottom nest?"

As the words fell, the echoing song came from the depths of the falling ashes:

"Ten people from the bottom of the nest are running around for food; one chokes to death and cannot be saved, and only nine out of ten are left."

"The nine people in the bottom nest were so sleepy late at night that they fell asleep and died. Only eight of the nine were left."

"Eight people from the bottom of the nest went hunting for strange things in the thick fog; if one was left behind, there would be only seven left of the eight."

"Seven people from the bottom of the nest made trouble and broke through the wall; their heads exploded and they died, leaving only six out of seven."

"Six people from the bottom of the nest were playing tricks on the evil spirits to make them angry. They flew in and gasped for their lives. There were only five left out of six."

"Five people from the bottom of the nest were afraid of the thick fog and went to warm themselves by the fire; they were haunted by the flames until they died. Only four of the five were left."

"Four people from the bottom of the nest went out together and met with disaster; the monster swallowed a bloody one, and only three of the four were left."

"Three people from the bottom of the nest, disaster occurred in the school building; dead bodies suddenly fell from the sky, and only two of the three were left."

"Two people in the bottom of the nest, sighing under the rafters; hanging ropes from the sky are sad, only one of the two is left."

"A person from the bottom of the nest will only come back; Xuanliang will commit suicide in this life, and there will be no one left."

Amy turned her head stiffly, there were eight of them, the wild dog, and the little girl... exactly ten of them.

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