A strange world

Chapter 338 Chapter 191 Rat Disaster Demonic Tide

Chapter 338 Chapter 191. Rat plague and demonic tide

At the foot of the snow-capped mountains, an unimaginable scene is happening in the camp.

When the sentry on the watchtower saw the black tide of rats emerging from the snowy forest and ringing the rapid bell, the people who hurried out of the house looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Who can tell me why the rat tide came here!" The disheveled camp leader ran to the watchtower, "Where is Breeze City! How did they get around Breeze City!"

No one answered him, only the desperate scream of the young sentinel echoed over the camp: "We are going to be finished! They are coming like a tide!"

"Shut up!" the person in charge yelled, looking around at the dozens of people in the camp, and made a decision: "Old man! Take your gryphon to the snowy mountains and bring the news to the fortress!"

"I'm too old..." The old man shook his head.

"Shut up! This thing only listens to you!"

Three people can sit on the Griffin. The person in charge threw the young sentinel and a boy up and watched the gryphon take off. at this time,

A streak of fluorescent green evil energy suddenly emerged from the rat tide, tracing the outline of the gryphon, getting closer and closer.

"Betty...send them to the fortress."

The old man reluctantly patted the griffon's back, and the haggard figure climbed up, actively rammed into the evil energy chasing the griffin's tail, and melted into green liquid.

The person in charge looked at this scene with both sadness and joy. His eyes returned to the rat tide shaking the earth, and his sweaty hands held weapons.

The rat tide climbed over the low wooden wall, and the person in charge roared to suppress his fear:


Their outlines rushing into the rat tide were like splashes of water, disappearing in an instant.

The rat tide that flooded the camp continued to surge, turning into a black line spreading towards the towering snow-capped mountains.

An hour later, the sentry and the boy, who were about to lose their will in the cold wind, were sent to the fortress by the griffon.

As soon as the gryphon landed, a crack exuding an evil aura suddenly opened in front of the two frozen boys. They had just escaped from despair and were seized by despair again. Before they could react, a holy light was like a sharp sword that wiped out the evil. Demonic purification from the rift.

"Those demons are restless again... What happened to the camp?" A master spellcaster wearing a mage robe asked with a frown.

"Rat...rat...the rat tide is coming up the mountain!"

Bang bang bang bang bang——

The sound of musketry echoed continuously off the city walls.

Olmedo handed over a defense line of about two hundred meters to Annan's two musketeers, and also asked a new guard captain to follow them to prevent the rat tide from being cleared too slowly and allowing the rat men to climb up.

"Can you believe them? Have you seen the graffiti on the plate armor?" Olmedo said at the time.

The captain of the guard seemed to have heard about the achievements of Xingyue Bay, and asked the Lord of Olmedo: "Does this mean they have all killed ratmen?"

This is nothing special. They have killed eight if not ten ratmen these days. If there weren't too many ratmen to leave the city to eliminate them...

"That's bright red blood, which means everyone has annihilated more than a hundred ratmen."

"How is this possible!" The guard chief lost his voice.

"Why is it impossible? There were 800,000 rats in the first wave of Xingyue Bay at that time, and more than half of them were eliminated by them." In order to eliminate the pride of the new guard captain, she added: "They were killed by two thousand musketeers. "

What appeared in front of the new guard chief was that these musketeers prevented the rat tide from even touching the city wall! He even wanted to suggest that Olmedo also equip his soldiers with magic muskets. Two thousand musketeers would be responsible for the two-hundred-meter city wall. He only needed... more than 800,000 musketeers... Forget it.

Watching the fireball spell exploded in the rat tide, several ratmen were blown into pieces, and the flames ignited dozens of ratmen. The new guard commander thought that magic was better... but he was still very envious.

When they want to kill a rat-man, they don't just raise their hand and pull the trigger. Even if the archer pulls the bow dozens of times in a row, it won't be able to hold on...

The movement of the musketeers also attracted the attention of the mages who were helping everywhere on the city wall.

"Is this a new invention of the King of the North? Can I try it?" A mage approached Losi curiously.

"why not?"

From a refugee to a guard, to a soldier captain commanding 1,000 soldiers, to killing hundreds of ratmen, these experiences have transformed Losi.

Losey handed his gun to the mage. The mage imitated the other musketeers and raised their muskets, aimed at the rat men under the city wall, and pulled the trigger - nothing happened.

"You have to load the bullet first, and then..."

Losey taught the mage how to use it. He pulled the trigger again, raised the muzzle slightly, and smoke rose. Unfortunately, the mage missed the chosen rat man, but luckily got into the head of a rat man a few meters away.

There was no loss of magic power, and there was no unsightly swing of weapons like a warrior. The mage and his companions exclaimed: "Ryan, this thing is better than magic!"

"How to sell!"

"10 gold pieces, starting from 10 pieces for sale!"

Losey's straight waist bent a little.

"Well...but it's no use if I want so many." The mage said awkwardly.

"You can give it to your friends, they might be interested."

"good idea!"

The atmosphere on the city wall was no longer solemn, and even a little relaxed, but the Lord's Mansion in Xingyue Bay and the City Lord's Mansion in Breeze City were gloomy and gloomy.

"The Rat Man's goal is the snow-capped mountains..."

Annan was thinking as he spoke... This explains why the Stun Rat Man is also here.

"The Stun Rats have been dormant underground in Breeze City for hundreds of years, just to remove the biggest obstacle to the snowy mountains. But their plot failed, so the McKeon Rats came..."

"Why does the royal capital do this?"

Yes, there is a plague of rats in the south and a demonic tide in the north. Are the royal family tired of living a crooked life... The sacrifice Mrs. Winter talks about will not be the sacrifice of the royal family itself...

"The eldest prince is a rat man!"

Annan exclaimed, before Olmedo gave him a "What the hell are you talking about" look.

"That means the eldest prince has been corrupted!"

"The capital is full of legends and epics. If you want to corrupt the eldest prince, you must first deal with them."

"Maybe they have also been corrupted. The death of the two Holy Grail Knights..." Annan said while looking out the window: "I have left people in the Snow Mountain Fortress. I will let my people remind the fortress first..."

As Annan looked out the window at the snow-capped mountains, he suddenly froze there.

"Olmedo, look out the window."

Olmedo, in his magical glow, couldn't work, so the curtains were drawn in the office. Olmedo walked around the desk and was about to open the curtains when rapid footsteps came from outside the corridor.

Her guard appeared outside without knocking: "Lord of the City! Snow Mountain..."


Olmedo opened the curtains, and a group of pedestrians and nobles on the street looking north were whispering to each other. She looked into the distance and saw a black line rising from the foot of the mountain, painting the snow-capped mountains with a dirty color...

Annan was right. The real goal of the McKean clan was the snow-capped mountain fortress that resisted the demonic tide.

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