A strange world

Chapter 328 Chapter 181 The approach of the blizzard

Chapter 328 Chapter 181. The approach of the blizzard

Abby held a kettle and stood in the sunflower field watering the flowers.

A caterpillar emerged from the lush but yellow leaves, startling her. Just as he was about to pick them off and stomp them off, a crisp cry came from the street: "Why are you still watering them? They are about to wither!"

Abby and Evelin waved their hands: "The Druid said to water it every day and remove the flower plate after it wilts completely, so that it will bloom better next year."

"Oh..." Evelin ran away amidst the residents' greetings.

Abby continued to water the flowers. At this time, the door of the city lord's mansion suddenly opened, and an angry Gema rushed out. Before Evelin could put down the kettle and go over, he had already gotten into the car and drove away. Annan, who was even angrier than him, stood in front of the window.


Itilia, who was looking through Xingyue Bay's past finances in the bedroom, raised her head due to the vague movement. Not long after, chaotic footsteps appeared outside the door, and then there was a gentle knock on the door.

Knock knock knock——

"come in."

Itilia saw Annan carrying Leila in, and she realized that Annan was almost as tall as Leila, whom she hadn't seen for nearly a year.

"Tell me in front of my eldest sister why Gema is a boy!"

"That's why I came to see my eldest sister..." Leila thought she had been caught stealing honey, so she muttered and felt confident, "Isn't Gemma a man!"

"Didn't you mean a woman?"

"I also said I remembered it wrong!"

"What happened?" Itilia stopped Annan and Leila who were about to quarrel.

"Gema came just now, and then he didn't know that Olmedo was..." Annan closed his mouth.

Olmedo's gender is a secret, especially to protect Leila from theft.

"Don't say anything if it's difficult." Itilia said softly.

"Well, I'm going to go to the watermill." Before going out, Annan didn't want to let Laila go easily. He pointed at her and said, "After Laila came to Xingyue Bay, no one dared to control her and made trouble everywhere. People hate dogs. , the goblins will run to the dwarves for help when they see her."



Annan closed the door and ran out.

"You are actually afraid of Annan?" Itilia looked at Layla in a funny way.

"If it weren't for..." Leila paused and hummed: "If it weren't for the fear that he would lose face in front of the people, I would have beaten him long ago."

On the other side, Annan came to the Waterwheel Mill, which was still in full swing, with a banner "50 Days Countdown to the Rat Man's Coming" hanging on the wall.

Annan has been coming here every day these days to urge the progress of the magic artillery. But today, he found that the sound of forging hammers around him was missing a deep and heavy knock.

Arriving at the magic cannon workshop, a complete magic cannon that could fit into Aunt Susan's forearm stood on the ground.

"It's improved! This time it will be successful!" Bronzebeard's shout was as powerful as a forging hammer.

Murat stood by tiredly but energetically.

This is the seventh version of the artillery... The previous ones all had shortcomings of one kind or another, such as the bore not being smooth enough, the gap between the shell and the shell, and the horrible explosion... If Annan hadn't asked to use fine steel as the bore and body, the workshop would have The elite mage, Bronzebeard, and her apprentice are still being pieced together.

They were going to move to the city wall to try out the magic cannon. "No need to bother." Annan opened the portal and sent the artillery to the New Initial.

The trial in Yongye Port ended three days ago. But the Musketeers' trials have just begun. They followed the New Initial and dropped them when they spotted a small rat tide on the shore.

Some of the musketeers were injured, some died, and some lost their courage and quit the musketeers. However, more and more musketeers had graffiti on their plate armor with meritorious deeds. A "centurion" also appeared. Annan personally decorated this musketeer named Fermi. Soldiers are awarded meritorious service. There was also an interesting question during the period: "Will I be a hero? My friend said there is no hero named Fermi."

"Then make this name a hero yourself." Annan answered him.

The New Initial found a group of ratmen along the coast. The magic cannon was pushed to the side of the ship and fixed. Elite mages, Bronzebeards, apprentices, and everyone involved in the magic cannon boarded the deck. Even Annan opened a portal.

The Skaven who spotted the sailboat ran to the beach and hissed, giving them a chance to take aim.

With everyone waiting nervously, Murat lit the fuse.

Annan covered his ears and watched as the fuse burned to the end. The violent airflow suddenly dispersed with a thunderous sound, and the dark shells turned into afterimages.

As long as it doesn't explode, it's considered a success.

Annan stared at the cannonballs as they struck the rat men in a beautiful arc, touching their edges and exploding into a cloud of sand and blood.

When Fast complained that "the fish were scared away by such a big movement," the New Initial moved closer to the shallow sea. The large water element held up the musketry team to approach the shoal, and then there was a continuous and intensive sound of musketry.

Ten minutes later, the musketeers who had finished clearing the rat swarm reported the results: three ratmen were killed by the shells.

Everyone was cheering, Bronzebeard and Murat were hugging each other, only Annan frowned: "Is that the only way?"

"We are almost 200 meters away from the shore, and the rat men are scattered. This one launch code placed on the city wall will kill thirteen rat men."

"Almost equal to my fireball technique." The elite mage said with emotion.

The power of the spell increases as the caster's magic power increases. The fireball technique that Michael used was really just a fireball, but Agarwal's fireball technique could probably destroy the lord's mansion.

He hasn't realized what the magic cannon will change, or he has realized it but doesn't care... As a producer, he knows that ten thousand magic cannons can't destroy a single brick of the mage tower.

As for what the warrior thinks...he's a mage.

But Murat frowned, and he remembered the words in an ancient book: Weapons are just weapons, just like bows and arrows and swords. The person holding the weapon is the one who is really useful.

But the Magic Cannon changes this narrative... Is it an unportable but cheap magic item?

No... Magic items can only be activated by people with affinity for magic. It is closer to a magic weapon that can be driven by ordinary people.

"You succeeded, boy!" said the happy Bronzebeard. A magic cannon is equivalent to an elite mage releasing fireballs continuously. No elite ratman dares to get close to it.

"The threat of the rat tide has never been the elite ratmen mixed in... but their number." Annan was not so satisfied: "A hundred magic cannons fired a volley of only 1,300 ratmen. And 1,300 ratmen. The Skaven are just leftovers from the Rat Tide.”

Bronzebeard saw through Annan and said, "So what other evil ideas have you come up with?"

"What if we replace the cannonballs with hundreds of iron beads?"

Annan asked Bronzebeard to imagine a scene: the magic cannon was fired, hundreds of iron beads shot out, and the rat tide was cleared instantly...

Double the cost, but ten times the damage.

After confirming that the magic artillery was stable, the Waterwheel Mill entered the mass production stage, and Bronzebeard also began to study the howitzer shell proposed by Annan.

After closing the portal, Annan came to the terrace. The snow-capped mountains in the distance were shrouded in clouds and mist, as if a snowstorm was brewing. Looking to the south, it seemed as if I could see a black tide of rats approaching.

The first snowstorm in the North is approaching.

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