A strange world

Chapter 31 Section 31. Please choose your school of thought

Two wooden chairs face each other in the corner of the library.

Annan sat on a wooden chair on the edge of the sunny corner. Avoiding the morning sun, I put my hands on my legs a little cautiously. Mr. Victor sat opposite, his silhouette glowing hazy in the sunlight.

The library door was closed and no one disturbed them.

Mr. Victor first asked about the most basic knowledge: "There are several schools of magic."

"Six schools of thought, protection, prophecy, evocation, necromancy, conjuration, and summoning."

"Where's the spell?"

"Spells are divided into levels one to ten. Spellcasters at each stage can learn spells of two levels. Ordinary spellcasters can cast spells within the second level, elite spellcasters within the fourth level, and masters within the sixth level..."

"What are the steps for casting a spell?"

"Mage or Warlock?"


"First study the theory of spells, build a spell model in your mind, then memorize it, and finally use magic to release it. Some of the spells require magic props and special chants to assist in spell casting."


"Usually, as long as you have seen the process of spell release or know the principle of the spell, you can restore it by thinking... by thinking about the origin of the spell."

"What is the difference between mages and warlocks?"

"I haven't seen this part yet..."

Annan thought to himself, I haven't even learned single-digit addition in the four arithmetic operations, so why don't you ask me advanced mathematics... mathematics...

Annan's divergent thinking allowed him to capture the flickering aura.

"...because they use different tools?"

"Novel answer..."

Mr. Victor raised his head, his old eyes regretful and sad.

Annan guessed that Mr. Victor saw his past self in himself.

"So you also know the difference between magic and psionics?"

"Are they different tools?"

Mr. Victor nodded, seemingly satisfied with Annan's guess. Picking up the pottery red coffee cup: "Do you know how this cup is made?"

"Sand fired."

"Where's the coffee in there?"

"Ground coffee beans."

"Where are the coffee beans?"

"The fruit of the coffee tree."

Victor put down the cup and picked up the book next to him: "What about the pages?"

"Trees and plant fibers are used as raw materials to make pulp. The pulp is turned into paper, and the paper is used to bind books." Annan answered.

Victor put down the book again, narrowed his cloudy eyes, and searched the library for knowledge that could stump Annan.

"I don't know how water was formed." Annan immediately said humbly.

The old man didn't dwell on this issue and snorted coldly: "The Master knows."

"Magic is a tower of Babel built by infinite magicians over countless years. The first magicians laid the foundation, used knowledge as the stone, and extended their hands for knowledge to the stars."

"Warlocks are natural casters, so they never use knowledge as a tool to pry open the door to the unknown."

Mr. Victor once again committed the arrogant problem of mages - boasting about mages and belittling others. Fortunately, he did not forget what he was going to do today. "Your talent does not come from your bloodline, so you can only use six schools of magic to induce magic."

Annan sat up slightly and straightened his back. He had been looking forward to this moment.

Mr. Victor looked at the clock in the corner and said, "It's almost time." As he finished speaking, the shadows of the carriages parked on the street blocked the doors and windows.

"Go and open the door."

Annan stood up and walked to the door when he saw an unexpected figure stepping out of the carriage.

"Little Winchet?"

"Lindy Winchet." Little Winchet formally told Annan her name.

"Okay, little Winchet." Annan's eyes fell on the luxurious lacquered wooden carriage with the Winchet family crest printed on it. He didn't know if the wine lady was on it.

"Not here."

Little... Lindy seemed to know what he was thinking, holding a stack of scrolls and passed by Annan, came to the Sunshine Corner and said respectfully: "Teacher Victor."

"what are these?"

After closing the library door, Annan looked at the scroll Lindy had put down.

"It doesn't matter that you're not a mage." Mr. Victor suddenly sighed, "Your ignorance makes the mage from the evil camp want to dig out your head and study it."

Sounds like he's talking about Martin.

"These are five magic scrolls." Lindy said.

Victor glanced at the scroll with drooping eyes: "There is no necromancy scroll."

"It can't be collected in the town. But if the five schools are not activated, it can only be the necromancy school."

Mr. Victor was noncommittal, and Lindy took the test instead of Mr. Victor.

"What should I do?" Annan asked.

"These are the first-level spells of the five schools. I can use them, and you can observe, sense, and imagine that you can do it too." Lindy said, "This is the shield spell of the guardianship system."

She first tore open a scroll, and azure light flowed from the crack, turning into a shield-shaped shadow that enveloped her.

Annan has no special feelings.

"It seems that he is not a person who wants to protect others." Mr. Victor sarcastically said.

Lindy removed the shield and picked up the second scroll.

"The mount technique of the conjuration system."

A virtual brown horse emerged from beside Lindy with its hooves hoofing.

This lifelike horse is actually a magical creature. It will dissipate when the time limit is up. But the process of starting from nothing still amazed Annan.

Magic is so magical in every way…

"This won't work either."

Mr. Victor's sigh awakened Annan, and he knew the reason - the conjuration system was the most comprehensive among the six schools and the most suitable for combat.

The third scroll is a prophecy system for detecting undead.

However, there were no undead here for it to detect. The fluorescence after tearing open the scroll lingered around Lindy for several times, and was annihilated in the gap between light and darkness.

Annan still couldn't capture any inspiration from it.

Next is the evocation department. Mr. Victor suddenly said: "The library cannot withstand arcane missiles."

"Teacher, it's the floating disk technique."

Lindy prepared to tear open the scroll when a glowing disk floated beside her.

Annan could only think about "what it feels like to stand up there."

There is one scroll left.

Although Mr. Victor said that he had the talent of a warlock, Annan couldn't help but worry about it——

If it is not even the summoning system, the so-called talent can only be an accident, or it may be the undead system.

It's the kind of necromancer who stays in dark tombs with skeletons and ghosts and conducts unknown horrific experiments.

Lindy tore open the scroll.

The spatial rift of the low-level summoning technique appeared before his eyes, and an outline composed of water emerged from the rift that seemed to be beating against the tide.

Annan stared at the water element, and a strange feeling was about to come out...


Old man Victor's shout woke him up.

"Don't cast spells casually before you become proficient...unless you want to respond to the summons by an indescribable existence."

"Summoning system..." Mr. Victor failed to suppress the mage's thirst for knowledge, "Child, why did you awaken the summoning system?"

Annan blamed the door, but could not speak to Mr. Victor.

"I long for companionship," he said after a moment's thought.

"Don't say stupid things."

"Well, I like to bully the minority."

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