A strange world

Chapter 301 Chapter 154 The seventh day finally arrives

Chapter 301 Section 154. The seventh day finally arrives

The old aristocracy hates the new aristocracy. The old aristocracy and the new aristocracy hated the aristocrats from the outer city. The old nobles, the new nobles, and the nobles from the outer cities hate the nobles outside the royal capital.

The "arrogant" King of the North who has been hotly discussed recently exists at the lower level of the contempt chain. You rarely see nobles so united - even if the ratmen invade, there will be a few guys who take refuge.

"330 gold coins!"

A nobleman gritted his teeth and raised the price for the "Elven Calendar Dwarf Wine Barrel" with a starting price of 30 gold coins. This is the limit. If he bids any more, he will...

Annan's "furious" voice came from the VIP table: "How dare you steal something from the King of the North!" and then stopped talking. The auction hall echoed with the name of the winner, Ellis.

They told the King of the North with their true aristocratic background that you are just a country noble from the countryside in the north.

The nobles who bid gained vanity, the cheering guests boosted morale, the auction received commissions, and Annan earned the bounty, so who lost?

Paola Sylma may or may not know, but that doesn't matter.

The important thing is that today's auction sales exceeded the monthly large auctions.

"I apologize for my bias..."

The young noble who originally only wanted to make up for the gap of 500 gold coins now not only filled the gap, but also earned more than 200 additional gold coins. The power of the goddess of wealth made his reason extremely clear: money.

"It's a pleasure to work together," Annan said.

The young noble hesitated and nodded: "Happy cooperation."

Before going out, the owner of the Black Gold Auction House invited Annan again, but he refused: "The nobles are just stupid, not stupid..." If you use it too many times, they will become suspicious.

Annan was a little regretful. If he could sell magic images and magic newspapers in the royal capital, a magic image recording stone could be exchanged for 500 gold coins from the stupid noble.

"What about the large auction house in a week? There will be many precious treasures then." Pola Silma lowered her voice: "If you like anything, you can tell me individually."

"If I were still in the royal capital."

Watching Annan get on the royal carriage and leave. Pola Silma recalled a story she had heard before: beekeepers would regularly release a natural enemy of bees near the hive, which would create a sense of urgency in the bee colony, keep the bee colony alive, and accelerate honey production.

Not long after Annan returned to the princess manor, the carriage containing his share of reward arrived. Two treasure chests contain 1,500 gold coins, as well as a statue of the goddess of wealth with "501 gold coins." The young nobleman also gave the statue to Annan.

Asking the guards to help move the boxes and statues into the bedroom, Annan opened the portal, first handed the gold coins to the ogre, and then asked the ogre to find Olmedo.

"Thank you, Annan."

Olmedo surprises you with this beautiful and exquisite statue of the Goddess of Fortune.

"You ask how much this statue costs? It's not cheap, it costs 501 gold coins." Annan said.

"I'm not... it's so expensive, can I still return it?"

The gap between Olmedo and the nobles of the royal capital is wider than that between elves and dwarves.

Annan added that she had no money to let Olmedo accept it - hoping that she would not sell the statue out of frugality, which would only be worth a few dozen gold coins.

The old maid who brought the dining cart noticed that the treasure box and statue had disappeared, but didn't ask anything. Annan also has his own secrets.

In the early morning, there were many fewer students in the etiquette class in the outer courtyard of Odgers College than yesterday. Because their parents were worried that their children would come into contact with Annan.

However, the teacher was much more serious and frequently corrected Annan's movements. Fortunately, the tormenting etiquette class was only one hour.

The first thirty minutes teach the interests of the nobility, and the second thirty minutes correct the accent of the royal capital. The teacher said that Annan's Northland accent was particularly severe - Annan didn't realize it, but he understood it because he learned his lingua franca from Aunt Susan's family.

Moreover, the tall girl also had a Northern accent. When the teacher corrected her, her voice was familiar to Annan.

After the etiquette class ended, Annan wandered around in front of the girl for a few times. He saw her holding a book and ignored her, and ran out of the class. Not long after, Annan came back holding a big sword that was almost as tall as him.

The girl raised her head because of the broad-bladed sword, and Annan asked her: "Klein?"

Klein remained indifferent: "When did you know?"

"I just found out." Annan put away his surprise and said with a big sword, "I was thinking about a girl who is loyal to the knight's creed, has impeccable noble etiquette, is a strong shield for her teammates, is as strong as a warrior, and also likes to read books. Sample?"

Annan smiled and said, "That's what it looks like now."

Klein's ice gradually melted and he put down the book.

When Michael transforms from a battle mage to an alchemist, his mercenary team falls apart. Francois followed Annan and traveled across the ocean to Catalina to continue working as a mercenary. She was unwilling to join Xingyue Bay because the beauty of Xingyue Bay made her sick. Klein traveled far away a few months ago and unexpectedly came to the royal capital.

"Aren't you from the royal capital?"

"Not really."

Klein comes from a family of knights. Her family had high hopes for her and hoped to join the Knights, but Claire wanted to become a Knight of the Holy Grail, so she traveled around the kingdom and met Annan and the others.

Annan did not think that Klein was pretending not to recognize him because he was worried that getting close would cause trouble. Asked her why, Claire said it was not necessary.

Annan, Michael, and Catalina are just people she met along the way, and they will never meet again in the future...

But for Annan, who likes to make friends, if you catch my breath, it means we know each other. We know each other, which means I can summon you. If I can summon you, it means we are friends.

"Do you know what happened in the south?" Annan asked Klein. But she knows no more than herself. Annan had no choice but to tell Klein what he knew: "What do you think?"

"The rat men are not that scary, and the kingdom is not that weak."

"I originally thought so, but the Violet Kingdom was destroyed, the three southern counties were occupied, and one-sixth of the kingdom fell to the rat people."

The price was too high, just like Augusta sacrificed himself and reputation, but he did it for his daughter Olmedo... Annan suddenly vaguely captured something, but the inspiration flashed away.

"The royal capital will not be peaceful recently. You'd better leave and go north or east." Annan and Klein said.

"I am a knight, Annan." Klein simply replied.

Annan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the noisy movement outside. While Annan was still looking out the window curiously, Klein's eyes fell on the stone sword Annan was leaning on:

"Where did your sword come from?"

"In the hands of the statue outside."

Annan realized what caused the movement.

After returning the sword and expressing his apology, Annan pretended not to recognize Klein. Amidst the whispers of ridicule and sarcasm and Klein's gaze, Annan left the outer courtyard, got on the carriage and returned to the manor.

At noon, an arrogant palace guard came to the manor and informed Annan to go to the Huanshan Palace Garden to meet the king tomorrow.

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