A strange world

Chapter 228 Chapter 81 Revelation

Chapter 228 Chapter 81. Enlightenment

"that's all?"

Ingrid blurted out and then tactfully corrected her: "I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the magic newspaper, but why would you use it instead of the magic image?"

Compared to cumbersome and weird magic newspapers, they clearly have more mature magic images.

"I guess it's because magic images require a lot of people to gather together, but a magic newspaper only costs 10 copper coins. Everyone can afford it and can read it by themselves." Francois looked at Annan, "I'm right. ?"

"Whatever you say is fine."

Annan expressed feelings of nostalgia.

People around him are almost used to Annan always bringing new ideas and things, and the magic newspaper is equally successful: "The magic newspaper was sold out after only two days of sales, especially the newspaper delivered to Breeze City."

"One more thing. Joanne told me that she has seen the same guy following the procession into the city every morning for three days in a row to buy a newspaper..."

Francois said: "Do you have any idea?"

"It's very common." Ingrid replied, "Our magic newspaper only takes 30 minutes to sell out."

“Why not do more?”

"Because a newspaper only sells for 10 copper coins."

A very real reason: "Xingyue Bay News" can't make money.

1,000 newspapers are equal to 1 gold nard, which is equivalent to 1 magic stone, and the manpower and expenditure for printing and sales are not included.

As for "why they are no longer sold more expensively", Annan thinks everyone should know the answer.

"Why not put the news of Xingyue Bay first?" Francois asked again.

"Why do you have so many questions?" Annan suspected that he was retaliating against himself after leaving all the port and shipbuilding matters to him, but he still replied: "Because I hope that everyone in the north will have a copy of the "Xingyue Bay News" in the future. People are more willing to care about things that are closely related to them.”

This kind of thing has already been reflected in "The Fall of the Mage Tower" and "Betal's Redemption".

"Why don't you sell it more expensively?"

"...Captain of the Guards! Captain of the Guards!"

Annan called the captain of the personal guard outside the door and asked him to drive Francois out.

Francois was kicked out of the house and replaced with Evelyn. She urged Annan to name the port and wanted to announce it in the next issue of "Xingyue Bay News".

In addition to her work at the Dawn Tavern, Evelin is now the owner and host of Xingyue Bay Newspaper, and Tina Wright is the vice president - the news images were "forged" by her.

But Annan was the real boss of the newspaper.

"Let me think again..." Annan, who is not good at naming, postponed.

"Whatever, but I want to remind you that there are only four days left until Monday." Evelin pursed her lips, and then suddenly exclaimed: "I thought of the popular science knowledge in the second issue!"

Facing Annan's questioning gaze, Evelin said cheerfully: "'Our breathing is natural, but if we think of this, we have to breathe actively... How about it?"

"Don't play with Martin all the time."

"But Mr. Fast is always busy."

"He's still practicing with Martin?"

"No, he fell in love with fishing. Just now he was carrying a 20-pound sea fish to the market."

This reminded Annan of the scene he saw early in the morning: "I remember he was hanging out with fish in the early morning..."

"Yes, he had just walked to Aunt Bronzebeard's place when I came."

Annan remembered that Bronzebeard's blacksmith shop was in the opposite direction to the market...

"I thought of it again!" Lively Evelin always comes up with new ideas. "Annan, can we do a special news?"

Evelin said that the Snow Mountain Fortress is both mysterious and sacred in the eyes of northerners. Why not let the newspaper record the true scene of the Snow Mountain Fortress? That will definitely cause a sensation in the north..."

"We can also use the process of the team's march as news, so that readers will have a sense of anticipation as they follow the team to the fortress!"

Annan was pleased that Evelin had become cheerful and smart, although Mr. Fast didn't like her appearance very much.

"How do we record the team's experience and publish it in the "Xingyue Bay News" every week?" Annan asked with encouragement.

Evelin crossed her hips: “I don’t know!”

"...For example, the Fire Crow can help, or the team can bring large creatures that can turn low-level summoning spells into portals." Annan said helplessly: "Let me ask Olmedo for you."

"Thank you Annan!"

Evelin hugged Annan and ran out happily.

Ingrid was about to follow her out, but Annan asked her to tell Fast to take the fish to the market quickly, otherwise it would be unsaleable if it smelled bad.

After restoring tranquility to the study, Annan asked Abby to prepare a cup of coffee and opened the portal to discuss Evelin's ideas with Olmedo.

Olmedo has no problem. As for how to continue recording... Olmedo will find a heavy-duty horse that meets the conditions.

"By the way, someone is looking for you."

Olmedo said the centurion was looking for Annan.

With the shadow of the rat man far away, Annan, the uncrowned rat hunting champion and the record holder of rat hunting in Xingyue Bay, has not been in contact with the scavenger for a long time.

The centurion was not the only one who came to Annan. The wine lady also came to Annan soon and asked: "Sweetheart, where is my advertisement?"

"Wait a moment." Annan said.

The advertisement was left by Annan in the Explorer's Weekly, a newspaper for professionals.

Previously conceived racial jokes would also appear in the paper. But there is no hurry. When the Adventure Association and the Mercenary Hall settle in Xingyue Bay, when businessmen and professionals reach a certain proportion of local residents, and when the southern route is stable, then the time for "Explorer Weekly" to appear - then this time will be launched A tool that can be grown by anyone will only become a second Susan spinning machine.

This day will not be far away. The shipyard has already built the keel in the past few days. It won't be long before Annan can see the sailboats belonging to Xingyue Bay floating on the bay.

Xingyue Bay is on the right track.

From cool to warm days in April, merchants arrive every day, refugees seek refuge, curious adventurers and tourists come because of magical images. The team heading to the Snow Mountain Fortress has also set off, and the sailboat is trialing sailing in the bay.

But it is extremely fragile. All it takes is one rat attack, one natural disaster, and the prosperity will be wiped out.

The town had yet to suffer a setback, and it needed a force to bring people together.

Annan wandered around the streets, responding to every citizen who greeted him. He saw a man who had been a hard worker leading a child. The boy looked at the goblins with curiosity and fear. It didn't take long before he started playing with the goblins.

Annan suddenly thought of what he should do.

While the druid was still there, Annan found Ingrid and asked her to notify all residents, including the druid, to meet in the square in front of the Lord's Mansion tomorrow morning.

"I have something to announce."

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