A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 988: Tower of annihilation

The Tower of the Sorcerer, the five-year term of protection ended.

After that, the annihilation tower sacred sorcerer became the official registration mark of the Second Ring Santa, the source of magic stood on the mainland of the sorcerer, and received corresponding responsibility for protecting the source of its magic power, sheltering many human civilians in the territory of the sorcerer tower, the sorcerer Civilization is passed down.

Second Ring World, inside the Santa.

In general, the first thing about every new sacred sorcerer is to carry out the sacred mark dedication, exchange the resources from the book of the tower with his own knowledge, and use this as the first time to start the hunter expedition to start the fund, with magic The source is the foundation, and the journey of the holy mark road is opened.

However, as a powerful resource wizard, Green has started the hunting expedition career during the period when the source of the magical power of the wizard tower has not been completed, and even organized a large-scale cross-border invasion based on personal power. Dedication to resources is not very concerned.

What Green is concerned about is the ritual of the inheritance of wizards.

"The Idea of ​​Time and Space Sealing in the Desire", "The Four Layers of Human Cell Evolution", "The Formula for Calculating the Attack Power of the Enthusiasm", "The Copy of Grimm's Fairy Tales", and "The Titan Xia Civilization" are all quite equivalent. Since the knowledge of the high-grain system, since then, he has left his own mark in the history of the wizard."

Green stood on the balance of the knowledge trading of the second ring, and wrote a book of his own elements of sacred marks. With the increasing number of writings of Green, the level of the balance at the end of the green is getting bigger and bigger. It's not a casual little project.

Five years later.

After spending five years in full, Green just finished his sacred mark as a book of elements and calmly walked down the balance.

"Received the concept of "Speech of Time and Space Sealing", "Verification of Four Layers of Human Cell Evolution", "Calculation Formula for the Attack of Force of Eviction", "Copy of Grimm's Fairy Tales", "Titan Xiahe Civilization", Value Evaluation, you will get 171,233 witches, 24,464,50 witches. One 10,000-meter-diameter floating island. The annihilation tower sacred sorcerer, will you confirm this holy mark dedication?"

As a result, Green was amazed and even higher than his own estimate.


The book of the Santa is in value assessment. Is the value of practical knowledge higher, or is the value of novelty knowledge higher?

Left all kinds of conjectures. Green got up and went to the second ring of the Santa Claus transmission array, passing through the second ring Santa tower to the sorcerer's annihilation tower.


The four deans of Varo, Cappuccino, Salalin, and Millie have already attended with more than 1,200 college tutors on the ninety-nine floors of the Tower of Eternity. The wizards are somewhat crowded and revered. Looking at the flow of the colorful runes, the mysterious, strange, powerful wizard with three different colors on the gray mask.

"I have seen the great annihilation tower sacred wizard..."

Many wizards are saluting.

A very important day for Green and the College Wizard. For the wizard apprentices in the college, it is still like nothing happened, still living day after day to explore the truth and the rules of life.

In addition to the fascinating horror of the top of the annihilation tower's magic source, the cloud vortex of the element that wraps around the top of the annihilation tower is faster, and nothing else.

After a few hourglass hours.

Hosted a wizarding conference, Green gave a speech, and the college wizards who had their duties went away. With several deans and many college guardians, Green took the gift from Salatin.

In the five years of the Green St. Mark's dedication, some deans of the Wizarding Academy visited one after another.

The ceremony is marked with the Wizarding Academy. In Green's eyes, it represents the various holy sorcerers behind him, a total of thirty-seven.

Naturally. Green looked at the other six colleges in the 22nd district of the Second Ring Santa in the Tower of the Desolation.

Free Dandelion Wizarding Academy, Flame Holy Grail Sorcerer's College, Arc Thundercloud Wizard Academy, Hoaring Sorcerer's College, Weild Isle Wizard School, Rainbow Pharmacy Wizard College.

"The tower school that was originally thought to be annihilated will be divided into the 63rd district of the Second Ring Santa, and the result will be divided into the 22nd district with stronger strength and farther distance. It seems that this thundercloud arc mark After the sorcerer understood his rarity, when the Santa area was divided, the 22nd and 63rd districts made a result of the competition."

As the sorcerer, the Second Ring Santa Claus has the most resources in the mainland and the most powerful area of ​​the wizarding tower system. There are a total of 156 districts and more than a thousand sorcerer towers.

To know the last time the Greens participated in the Wizards' Union Conference, not all the Holy Mark Wizards and the Lord of the World participated.

Green's two-tone gaze constantly looked at the gift list. There are familiar, strangers. Green suddenly surprised the big handwriting ceremony of the **** battlefield and the hurricane corner.

These two ratios are enough to match the other six wizarding colleges in the 22nd District of the Second Ring Road. Unusual.

"Well, it should be after the rotten world, when I pointed out that the machine was a black terminator, so that the two got the reward of the first precious specimen task that should belong to them, and made some compensation."

Green guessed.

Following a few low-keys, the dean simply traveled through the annihilation tower wizarding school, and then stopped at the college's special open space for Green.

“The School of the Tower of Destruction is committed to cultivating the apprentices of the Ming Dynasty. It is to aim to unite, trust, and focus on the truth, and to cultivate a powerful wizarding corps suitable for the development of the wizarding world, rather than the dark wizards who are alone. www.novelmtl .com~ Several deans heard the teachings and nodded.

Green has already prepared for this. A piece of the vine that was pulled down by a willow will be thrown on the ground, and the magic source will be used to seal it. After some elements are wrapped, it reveals a long rope.

“Every time a new student comes over, he will come over for a tug-of-war. According to the results, the college will give corresponding rewards as an enlightenment education. During the apprenticeship of the Wizarding Academy, due to the number of apprentices, the average resource of each wizard apprentice is far away. Less than the Dark Sorcerer apprentice, in addition to more focused on exploring the truth, it is to ask the apprentices to unite!"

After a pause, Green continued: "I also know that it is very difficult for the Ming Sorcerer to win the victory during the regional college war. You must try your best to overcome these difficulties. I don't want to annihilate the tower. Figure."

Hunting Dark Dark Wizard is born, Green knows the advantages and disadvantages of Dark Wizard and Ming Wizard.

As a sacred sorcerer, Green knows more clearly that the so-called Ming sorcerer and the Dark Wizard are just a process, which is a means of exerting greater potential for the wizard's world combat potential. (To be continued.)

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