A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 985: Sea gods

"Time should be enough, then check it out."

Said, Green sighed to the depths of the sea, the wind and the wrath could not form any obstacle to this tyrannical life, the sky "bomb rumbling" thunder and disappeared in the dark sky.

Seven days later.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

At the full speed of the magic, even the Green of the Stigma Wizards could not afford to eat, and finally arrived in the sea of ​​the sea king altar in such a short time.

The tens of thousands of meters of tornado waves flocked to the sky, casting into the rules of the wizarding world, the roots of the power of the eternal sky, magnificent and magnificent.

"Witcher, here is the altar of Neptune, please leave now!"

In the wave of the tornado that fills the water curtain, the four sea creatures fly out, one and a half meters of prawns, one two-meter sea snake, one more than 30 meters of giant tortoise, and a nearly 100-meter giant chapter!

The vitality is 3359, 3940, 4548, 6629!

As a world of wizards, they are all three-level creatures, and there is a stronger presence than the strongest third-level creatures of the wilderness.


Green's colorful rune self-seal reveals a trace of the sorcerer's breath, as if swept by an invisible sound wave. Several guards suddenly settled in midair, while the tornado wave was "噗", "噗", "噗", "噗" has drilled tens of thousands of sea creatures, all kinds of strange, different, vitality is above 1000!

It is no wonder that this is the entrance to the Sea King altar, leading to the real underwater world, too weak guards have been eaten by the stronger sea monsters.

"There is such a slow way to come to the wizards, give me away!"

In the tens of thousands of meters of diameter tornado wave, a translucent sea bream appeared. Open a big hole from the tornado vortex.

Under the face of truth truth, the two-color light looks out and gets 44357 vitality numbers.

Although it is only seven or eight meters, it is a true four-level creature. In addition, the sorcerer world's sea creatures usually have the ability to induce sea water blessing, and their true strength should be stronger.

"Oh. The noble sacred sorcerer, don't pay attention to these vulgar and ignorant surface seas. I don't know what happened to you when you came to the Neptune altar?"

In addition to the endless sea area spliced ​​with the mainland, the wizarding world also has a deep sea that represents elegance and richness. The ancient sea people like to call it the sea **** world. Except for some sea kings who have the ability to independently break the space, they only have the altar of the sea king. Connected to it.

In fact, this sea **** world is just one of the largest subsidiary spaces born in the evolution of the wizarding world. The altar of Neptune is the base of the medium, and many worlds will have more or less similar natural phenomena.

"I am the Holy Worship Wizard of the Second Ring of the Tower of the Tower of the Towers, and I am here to ask for the king of the great Nubuat Coconut Mermaid!"

After the sea otter was silent for a while, he said nothing: "If this is the case, come with me."

The situation of the lower mark of the sacred sorcerer is very rare. Suddenly he came to the altar of Neptune. It is likely to come from a higher will. The owner of the sea otter did not dare to ask and agreed to Green's request.

Green entered the tide of the dragon roll opened by the sea. The sea of ​​water in all directions whirls toward the sky, above which is the source of the water curtain, and below is the altar of the sea king. The world altar, built with the heart of a mountain of water, is the manipulation of the power of the ocean that Green cannot understand.

"If you go to the sea **** world, you don't want to go away. I am escorted directly to see the great Nubuat Coconut Mermaid King. There are still some old guys in the sea **** world who still stay in the sea race, you It is also known that some sea creatures have a long life span and have received the influence of their ancestors, and they have almost never left the sea **** world. Well, of course, most sea people are peace-loving."

"Oh. Good."

Green followed the sea otter and continued to sink, after a short moment. It seems to break through a certain media compartment and suddenly the gravitational reversal. The power of the special ocean around the sea is several times thicker, and it has become warm and violent.

"The sea **** world is here, and the master of the tower of annihilation comes with me."

Sensitively aware of some **** smell in the sea, it is the taste of the Kraken, and the various forms of sea guards around it are also mostly murderous, far from the surface of the sea version of doing nothing.

Lin didn't say much, and followed the owner of the sea otter to swim far away.


Gorgeous palace, elegant music, jewels and brilliance.

Standing on the floor paved with pearls, in addition to sitting high on the Nubuat coconut mermaid, which is so suppressed that Green is almost difficult to look directly at, the two sides of the world are the lords of the nine mermaid. Only these strong people can form a team. The big world, however, in the wizarding world, it can only live in the corner of this sea god.

A total of ten powerful mermaids appeared, and nearly half of them looked at Green's eyes, which seemed to be less friendly, including the highest lazy, noble, beautiful Nubuat Coconut Mermaid King, the seven-level master.

These are the real mermaids, the pure mermaid that lasts forever in the world, and not the half-mermaid that is praised in human poetry.

"Witcher, I think... I have not dealt with the peace treaty in dealing with the family, so I refuse your request, please come back."

When I was doing it, Nubuat, the king of the coconut, who was silent for a while, looked down at Green, and said in a majestic manner.

The oppressive atmosphere, Green seems to be a mountain, no doubt.

"The great king of the mermaid of Wiener, maybe, can we solve this problem better in a transactional way?"

Green looked up, and the three different colors of the face of the truth looked directly at the king of the mermaid, especially the gray eyelid in the center of the forehead, like a dark whirlpool from a dream, a mysterious mystery.

Persuade or pray.


Nubuat Coconut does not have the beautiful and kind appearance of other mermaids that Green has seen on the surface. The face is cold and unmasked, making it easy for people to read her seriousness and to compromise.

"Well, use your mask as a price, I will return the half-mermaid to you."

After the eighth phase of the truth, the light of the righteousness that it holds has gradually emerged. This is no longer in the category of ordinary witches that ordinary people understand. Even if it is dominated, it has a strong interest.

This time, it was Green's turn to be silent.

After a while, Green finally shook his head and said: "Sorry, I can't trade with the face of truth."

"see a visitor out."

Nubuat Coconut did not care. The short contact with this little wizard did not affect her mood. Compared with the wizard, she really hated those Krakens.

The owner of a male mermaid world came to Green, and his three-meter-high body was beautiful and strong. He did not show any dissatisfaction with Green. His manner was elegant: "Please."

Vitality ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ five mermaid!

Already expected to think of such a result, Green nodded and turned and slowly left, however, after walking to the entrance of the hall, he suddenly stopped.

Oh la la...

The response of Green's left hand, The Book of Truth, is exceptionally striking, as if cheering and pleasing, seems to be strongly attracted to something.

This unprecedented feeling, Green suddenly felt that he was not holding a book in his hand, but the skin of a powerful female sacred sorcerer, gentle and smooth, full of elasticity, the ancient wizard of the black sorrow! ?

"The king of the great mermaid, since I have come, can you visit them?"

The male mermaid around Green also stopped and looked at the king of the Nubuat Coconut Mermaid on the Supreme High Seat, waiting for the order.

"Take him."

Nubuat waved his hand at the king of the coconut, and did not do anything at all. It was just a trivial level of semi-mermaid. (To be continued.)

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