A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 979: Phoenix egg

With a bang, the crack in the space on the altar stabilized.

"The shadow of despair, long time no see, this time you actively communicate, what surprises would you bring me?"

The whole body is covered with gray-white thorns and barbed, and it is surrounded by black poison. I don’t know how many kilometers of super-caterpillars have a large body and only one head, overlooking Green.

Nowadays, I haven't seen it in the millennium. This bone-devil, who used to be the third-level creature trader to take the shofar magic wand, has already advanced to the world's lord, and his life is not low.

Through the altar projection, the bone demon also noticed the unfathomable energy intensity of Green, and the two groups of amazingly intense soul fires in the eye socket broke out of the light, and the surrounding space fluctuations still subsided.

"I thought that these years have been my harvest, the evolutionary speed has been very amazing, I did not expect you to be equally good, it is a wonderful world!"

The bones can't help but sigh.

Green's colorful runes linger on the specially built kilometer altar, less than two meters in a small figure contrasted with the bones, with the extreme abyss magic wand, the skull and the hand holding the blue cold ice cubes The magic is lingering.

However, when the bone demon saw the extreme abyss magic wand in the hands of Green, it was difficult to remove the line of sight.


this is……

"Three souls collapsed, my old friend, I haven't seen it for millennia. I have changed my name. You can call me the tower of annihilation. This time you summon you want to complete a big deal with you, now I am There is an urgent need for some equivalent energy trading items for higher organisms."

After Green finished, the face of truth looked up to the two-color light from the distant alien world, and noticed that the other side was staring at his arm of the extreme abyss magic wand, knowing the other’s possession of high-order biological bones. Shake his head and look at the extreme abyss magic wand with a layer of elemental light.

The three souls collapsed. It is the name of the other party.

In the center of the blue-green disordered silk, a small piece of bone consumes the inner energy, which is the communication medium given by the first three souls. Today, Green calls the other party with this huge altar that he has cast, and summons the altar to the captain of the cappuccino in Bisser. I don’t know how many times it is stable.

"Eight, eight creatures... eight-level creature's arm bones!?"

The roar of the three souls and the bones of the bones almost made the altar of the altar stable again unstable. The sound was so hard to add, and it was desperately trying to squeeze it closer to Green.

However, the two worlds are too far away, even the neighboring world communities are not. It is difficult to locate accurately in the distance.

Such a distance from the cross-border needs of the summoning energy, endure the time and space squeeze, even if the world's Lord is not casually able to complete, is a very large project.

"Sell this bone arm to me! I agree with all the conditions! I have a soul of 13.5 million Boren here, a nucleus of the five-level world that holds one-half of the energy, one Bottle Tian Yuhua honey, a world of violent leprechauns occupied by my private Scourge sacral corps, one liter of spring water from the Well of Eternity, oh, yes, and..."

Said. The three souls collapsed. The many caterpillars were generally hand and foot. From the black air behind them, they picked up a soft thing and screamed in this unknown creature. It took a lot of energy to throw it on Green's altar.

"There is also a whole enchanting goblin team, which can evolve into various forms of life according to the life form of the servant, and wholeheartedly provide pleasure to the host."

The soul of the three souls collapsed, this jelly-like creature that fell on the Green altar, slowly slowed down into the shape of a human girl, and looked like a slap in the face.


Under the face of Green's hole wearing the truth of truth and truth, the other side is still only a translucent soft body creature. This level of appearance change is not meaningful to Green.

In the face of the three souls, the eyes of the bones are expected. Green sighed and shook his head, and euphemistically refused: "Sorry. Your conditions are far from enough to exchange my magic wand. I have not prepared to trade this magic wand for the time being."

The soul of the three souls has gradually calmed down.

Eight-level biological bones, this is the first time it has been seen in his lifetime, no wonder so dying.

"Yeah, my insignificant conditions, how can you agree to exchange."

After returning to God, the skull demon disappointed and said: "I can take the liberty to ask, how is your arm of the eight-level master?"

Green laughed and threw the altar out of the altar after he was stunned by the enchanting goblin. "Of course, it is the trophy that the ancestors got after they conquered the weak world. Is it that the slaves they cultivated are not good? Well, this bone arm We will talk about it later, this time to show you some of the other high-end goods I have collected in recent centuries."

Said, Green cut the gap between the dimensions, oh yeah...

The seven skeletons of the world of dinosaurs in the balance seal space, a glacier summoner excavated by the parasitic spore world, buried the icy giant beast bones, and some of the older and smaller sacral bones found in the abyss of the world. Dozens.

"How are you interested?"

Weak world! ?

This exotic world creature, which claims to be the tower of annihilation, will have a world of eight-level creatures called the weak world! ?


The tremor of the fire of the soul, what kind of horror world is this, the world in which the self-proclaimed tower of annihilation is trading with itself, how many world masters and even endless masters, is it that those legends ruled the whole? The super world of the world community?

Frightened, the three souls collapsed, but they laughed: "The bones and the world will never reject the trade of the bones of any foreign strong. The quality of the bones of these worlds is not bad. I can give you satisfactory value, but Those words, because of the age,..."

Green looked at the sacral bones collected by the abyss of the three souls.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, those are all casually coming, the depths of the earth are very much, the world's strong people are not interested in these bones, I am too lazy to move."

Come here!


The three souls are looking at the four-level and five-level bones of these ages. I really don’t dare to say anything more. The world where this tower of annihilation is located is probably beyond the imagination, far from the bones that have now declined. The magic world can match!

"Well, remember that your world does not use the soul as a trading unit, then I will use this one-half energy five-level crystal nucleus, half a kilogram of eternal spring water, and 30,000 charms and fairies in exchange, how? ?"

The value of the five-level crystal nucleus need not be said.

As for this half kilogram of Eternal Spring water, it can be used as a consumable item, temporarily blessed on the lower level, like the effect of the element.

You can also try to summon the eternal spring to dominate.

However, if it is only half a kilogram, it is difficult to communicate directly to the eternal spring, but it is likely to communicate indirectly to several of its descendants, as well as very powerful five- and six-level life.

However, in the heart of the three souls, the value of these two things is only 20,000 less than the charm of the goblin. The real big head is the 30,000 charms and goblins, so many shots at one time, this guy is still very painful inside. .


However, these charms are here in Green, but they are worthless.

"Sorry, my world is not interested in these lower creatures. Except for the exploration of knowledge, everything else is just an embellishment in the course of life. Maybe... you can still use the exotic strongs like extreme ice crystals to fall behind. Falling in the bones of the world, as a transaction."

Some reminders of Green's expectation ~www.novelmtl.com~ After the silence of the three souls for a while, it seems to suddenly think of something, a black and red head-sized bird eggs appear on its caterpillar bone.

"Rarely bloody, able to freely transform between fire and flesh and blood, with the ability to regenerate twice after a devastating blow. According to the World of the Devils, this is a creature from the distant world named Fire Phoenix. I can get some of the reborn resources that it needs, resurrect it and then swallow it, maybe there is a considerable chance to get some of its capabilities."

With the unique understanding of the three souls, the first introduction of this phoenix egg.


Green's eyes lit up and almost didn't even think about it. He said: "The deal!"

The ancient wizarding world, but summoned a Phoenix master to come against the abyss and ancient demon army, although now has lost contact with the powerful world, but with the wizard world, there must be a considerable number of Phoenix origin.

Do not say anything else, Millie, Mina family, will inevitably hide the origin of the Phoenix. (To be continued.)

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