A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 976: Level 4 slave!

Booming rumbling...

It is difficult for the life shackles to resist the two six-level sacred marks, and the rule saw blade collapses.

Only then, a channel that connects to the mysterious space appears.

"Hey, seal, there is a hidden guy?"

Feeling faintly in the depths of the channel, the vegetative strong breath, panic boiling sorcerer sneer sneer in the middle of the desire to shoot, but was stopped by Green.


Saying, although Green's face is calm, his heart is almost excited to cheer out, imagining the scene he is most looking forward to, with many saint marks behind him sneaking out to the sound of life.

"the host."

Tens of thousands of meters of vast space, the most abundant and pure life water that has been filled for more than 10,000 years, has now bottomed out, and I saw a huge Shantou person with a shape of more than 200 meters looking up to Green, and it is full of life. Break through the limits of individual biology!

This is... the Lord of the World!

This Shantou man, even in the same way as the supermodel hand Xavier, advances the energy to the world leader.

"Life force 31441, which has surpassed the new wizards of Archimonde and the Wings of Darkness, and the water filled with amazingly pure life is not completely consumed, and is still growing rapidly."

The "master" of the Shantou people was enough to let the sorcerers of the sacred marks squat for a while, and they gathered their eyes on Green!


The soul-class slave of the world, before the ring of the Seventh Ring of the Lost Tower, is only the frontier research of the wizard's world fantasy technology. Except for those soul wizards who use their own conditions to create the soul slaves of the Lord of the World, only Some extremely rare test pieces were born in the hands of powerful saint marks.

However, the creation of these experimental products is not worth the candle.


The panic boiled and looked at this space. The only remaining amount of water in the roots of the fern was a pity, and I looked at Green. Shake his head.

"You guy..."

Knocking, the panic turned and turned. Got away directly.

Green first sneaked into the parasitic spore world for several years. It is hard to believe that the birth of this head of the world of the Shantou is just a coincidence, but as a six-level wizard who has been handed down from ancient times, the panic is too lazy to say anything.

"Isn't it a small thought? It seems that my sister's advance payment is a bit too much. It really makes people feel bad. Forget it, when you need it later, dare to shirk it..."

The Soul Eater kissed the Shantou man twice.

This guy turned out to be in a dozen years. This is the spring of the world's six-level biological six-ring double-footed dragon king, not forgetting the greed of the pro-Fern roots of life, absorbed a seven-eight-eighth eight, so many such holy marks witches remember.

"I really want to eat you."

The Soul Eater kissed the red lips and scared the Shantou people.

After the Soul Eater's Kiss collected some water of life, he came to the only spring in this underground space.

Tick, ticking, ticking...

The purity of the fountain of life here far exceeds the so-called fountain of life collected by Green. The spring is directly connected to the rules of the world, but it is only a drop of drooling. It is an amazing wealth for the lower-level wizards, and for the sacred witches. It doesn't matter if there is not a huge amount of accumulation for a long time.

With the disappointment of many sacred marks, only the Green, the Taro, and the Little Eight are left in the final space. And Tiankui Wolf King.

"I have already gained enough from this world, huh, huh, it is worthy of being a wizarding world. As long as the future wizarding world can assault my family, the ancient king of the thunder and the wolf will be the first. Join the Wizarding League."

Tiankui Wolf King said quietly.

"But this time it has been a few years since I left the world of blasting the Thunder. There is no guardian of the world in the world of blasting Thunder. I still have some peace of mind. Since the occupation has been completed, my family will not be willing to follow up on the interests. I hope that it will be possible soon. Reach a contract and return to the mainland."

"Wow. Master, I used to drink soup. This guy has gone so far!"

Xiao Ba is flying around the giant Shantou people. The excitement is extremely shocking. The soul of the world’s soul slave is rare in the history of the wizard world.

Although Grinn’s heart was pleasantly surprised, his face was calm and incomparable. He said: “Well, if that’s the case, then go to the spiritual world to solve the contract, and I don’t know if Xivilis has any gains in these years.”

The annihilation of the secret transmission array is under construction.

The passage of the cracks between the world of the human world and the parasitic spore world has been consuming a huge amount of energy for many years because of the sorcerer, the sorcerer, and the wizarding family. In the future, as the mining heat gradually decreases, it will Regularly release or transfer the form of Unicom.

Nowadays, many sacred sorcerers and the world's lords return to the world of the world from the parasitic spore world, temporarily interrupting the follow-up development wizards who are rushing from the wizarding world.

One after another, the sacred sorcerer opened the elemental body, so that the giants one after another squeezed back into another world scene, but it was rare, like a general, leaving a fertile land that surrendered to the wizard's will, attracting a lot. The sorcerer of the righteousness stopped to look up and his heart was awkward.


A month later.

The Great World Rift Valley of the Spiritual World has been concealed by the super-magic hand, Sylverne, with a super-magic ban, and devoted wholeheartedly to the balance of the evolution of the rules of fate.

The pungent poison gas is pervasive, but Xavier does not care at all, measuring the elemental structure of every inch of rocky land in the East Rift Valley, recording the internal substantive rules and lines, and wanting to complete the complete appearance from time to time. Infer the inner truth of the truth, in order to complete his own balance rule seal.

This is a huge project, which was known from Green's observation of the pattern of the world's clothing.

The hand of the Super Devil can be used as an auxiliary means without the face of Green Truth~www.novelmtl.com~ Even if it is clear that he is facing a massive project, some are just very happy, this is immersed in the satisfaction of knowledge harvest. Feeling, every minute and every second is so full, the elemental wizard's self-worth is reflected.

This feeling!

Better than the recovery of a serious illness, better than the sneeze after the sneeze, better than the clear water, better than getting up and found no work, better than the first kiss, better than the satisfaction above others, better than hot water Lying on a clean sofa after a shower is better than anything...

"How is the progress?"

As if the first date kiss was interrupted by the anger!

The hand of the Super Devil turned back and saw Green and the six ancient temples, the Thunder Wolf, and the owner of the vegetative world, wondering: "Why, the parasitic spore world surrendered?"

"Oh, no, this is a harvest for me."

Green looked back at the one-meter-tall little girl, and said with satisfaction. (To be continued.)

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