A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 970: Pour into the nest

The black and red clouds that cover the sky are unknown, and countless mourning heads are intertwined.

This monster that brought panic to the parasitic spore world provided incredible help to the surviving slaves of the wizarding world. It absorbed the fear of vegetative people and repaired some slave slave wounds under the wizard's will.

The sun in the sky has been covered by these evil clouds.

Not only the low-level vegetative people, but the world **** trees, witnessing such a terrible creature invading the world scene, can not help but be shocked and difficult to breathe.

Perhaps, to a certain extent, this ancient sacred sorcerer who has persisted in panic is even more terrible than the black sacred sorcerer!

Their existence represents an era, which is the most powerful, prosperous and darkest age of the wizards.

"Can't back down, never..."

Those slave monsters are in the panic of fog, almost immortal, playing far more terrible power than ever!

Thus, where the panic is spreading, the vegetative army has been shrinking and has gradually lost control of the space around the world's cracks.

Without the support of a large number of vegetative legions, those world **** trees will never dare to fall into the millions of wizard world monsters.

Just as this insightful third-level vegetative shouted, preventing the vegetative legion from retreating, the black-red, unrecognizable panic cloud had already rushed to the front, and the third-level vegetative did not step back as he snarled.


Panic clouds flowed from the side, the cold penetration, as if entering the field of death, a pair of blood red eyes appeared, the third-level vegetative instinctive attack in the past, but a gimmick phantom silently passed through this strain The vegetative, as if to take away something.

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking...

The green juice flows out of the porcupine's nostrils, in the ear holes, and in the eye sockets.

After a branch of a faint touch, the branches are covered with green blood, which is the liquefaction of the parasitic spores after blood death.

Extreme panic spreads silently in my heart, as if a flame has ignited in my heart. In the next moment, the vegetative man could no longer suppress the panic roar, and the dark red flame burned from inside the body and gradually turned into a pale illusion. Incorporating the body of the scare and sorcerer, it became one of the millions of white gimmicks.

World crack exports.

There is an endless stream of panic, and the clouds are pouring out from behind, as if they are endless, and the panic is like the invasion of the sacred marks, which is much simpler than the physical elements.

"The illusory real body supported by panic emotions? This is a good research direction. The illusory real body supported by emotions is the best war weapon for the low-level biological battlefield. If the research can produce results, my abomination is illusory. It won't be too bad!"

Green, who supported the gap of the world's clothes, thought of it silently.


Suddenly, in the distance, the sky is covered with dark red clouds, and a violent energy wave is coming. There is no doubt that the target is attacked. It’s Green, but it’s a sigh of laughter in the red clouds. It’s hard to count. The phantom of the head rolled up the sky of panic.

Green has not seen any attacks. The attack was blocked back.

This kind of attack, I don’t know it is the tens of times. Every time, it is the power that Green can’t resist. Every time it is stopped by the cloud of panic, it can’t hurt the Green of the world crack.

"The tower of annihilation, my true body is about to come, I am working hard."

With the panic boiling the sacred sorcerer's will, Green's side screamed, and the Dark Wings Nikla appeared.

Nikola is a four-level wizard who has no source of complete magic. The elements are surprisingly small. Only a few tens of meters, can easily squeeze through the huge world cracks supported by Green, and the spread of panic clouds.

“It’s a vibrant and rich world, oh!”

The Dark Wings greeted Green and nodded. Open the wings, through the sky and panic clouds cover up, rushed into the parasitic spore world.

Feeling the pressure behind him, Green knows that another sorcerer has squeezed over the cloud of panic.

"咻", a hundred meters of real body. It is Green's sister, destroying the secluded spring.

"Between the Soul Eater and the Panic Boss, the thin four-level sorcerer will be interspersed, and finally the five-level wizards. You should be careful here. Waiting for the soul-eating After the kiss enters the world, you don't have to worry about it. The passage is enough for those five-level holy marks to squeeze."

After a sigh of relief, Youquan also rushed into the parasitic spore world through the cloud of panic.

After a short moment, the panic cloud gradually became thin, and it was nearing the end. After the battle of the squad, Archangel, followed the influx, and there were several thunders in the world of the three-headed wolf, and the following bursts, followed by Green. Look at the ivory castle sorcerer who is obviously in poor condition.

"If the master is in a bad state, don't follow the invasion."

The ivory castle sorcerer sorcerer is like a mountain hedgehog. He shook his head unwillingly: "I lost a chance to plunder this rich world. I am afraid to regret it for thousands of years, hahaha..."

Said, the ivory bearing castle marks the sorcerer jumped in.

At this time, there was no panic cloud flowing around Green, and the front of the parasitic spore world, but it has been ravaged by the scare sorcerer, like the end of the world, and Green really realized that this can be close to the main body of the world. One of the devils and vines is terrible on the ancient sorcerer.

These ancient old guys, each one has a crazy spirit.

The sorcerer of the hourglass traps, after being staggered from the side of Green in a large number of slavery regiments, half of the hourglass time, a large number of monster slavery regiments poured into the parasitic spore world, followed by a strange fragrance.

It was a blossoming red flower that was covered with dark cracks and spread.

"Hey, the tower of annihilation, my sister can really put it down on your ability."

At this time, in the eyes of two hundred meters of black flame giants, it seems that the firecracker-like soul-eating kiss sits on a small red flower, and a "squeaky" sound, a kiss toward Green, a strange red lip print through The black flame falls on the face of Green Truth!

Although it is insignificant, it does have a secret red lips.

"Master, you..."

"Oh, don't be nervous, just watch your soul of the Stigma is a little weak, and it is a little difficult to control the slaves. I will share your soul in the parasitic spore world and give you a supplement as a future need." Let's deposit a special ability."

As the Soul Eater kisses a bit more difficult to leave the world cracks, the illusion of bright red flowers in the cracks gradually disappears. Xiao Ba is drilled from the black flame of Green ~www.novelmtl.com~Mom, this guy...her pro I! ”

Xiao Ba’s words almost made Green’s blood spurt out, coughing and coughing. He was skeptical of seeing a small one, but he saw that Xiaoyi’s wings were constantly licking his face, and his guilty look was very good.

"Look what, this is not my initiative, I am a victim! Also, don't tell Ye Ye!"

Shaking his head and laughing, Green took back the arc of the world's clothing rules, and followed the small eight to fly out of the world.

After a while, the thundercloud arc sorcerer in the world cracked a sigh.

"This guy, really, don't want to save some effort!"


Ps: Because I want to work hard to complete the four, the workload is a bit large, so I finished, I am sorry. Four more, ask for a starting point to subscribe and vote, hey, later married with the chuck, went to his bird's sister. (To be continued.)


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