A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 964: Lonely pine

C_t; "This is..."

At this time, the lone cold pine is like a baby in the parasitic spore world. The protagonist of this world has received the attention of the whole world and given continuous care. (’). More recent chapter visits: ww.

Above the sky pillar.

It seems that a sun blazing with a black 'color' shines, that is, the flame of annihilation **** all directions in the overbearing ray, revealing the high-frequency shock 'swing' wave, exudes strong anxiety, unscrupulous and obvious from the exotic The horror creature atmosphere.

The outer edge of the top layer of Tongtianzhu, the center of the darkness, the gray ‘color’ mask under the double ‘color’ light, makes the lonely cold pine almost unforgettable.

"Lonely pine tree!"

"Tongtianzhu Guardian!"

There are a lot of vegetative strong people gathered under the Tongtianzhu, but because of the restrictions of Tongtianzhu, they were intercepted by the plant vines. At the beginning, Green chose to avoid the vines in an instant, which was quite right, which reduced the trouble.

"All with me, kill the invaders!"

With the cold words, this kind of world security is tied to the sense of mission of a person, the Savior's supreme feelings, so that Lonely Pine has a new vitality.

The vine is retracted into the Tianzhu, it is only responsible for intercepting the warning rules.

Leading more than a hundred people of all ethnic groups, the 'fine' sharp vegetative army, the lonely cold pines look up to the mysterious alien invasion of evil spirits, exudes the glory of this world, the power of the world has been surpassed The limit that was once reached!

This kind of power gives it a feeling that it is about to enter another new field. It is the field of the king of ferns, the field of five-level biology.


The source of annihilation falls on the side of Green's body, overlooking the ‘精’ British army, which focuses on the world and exudes the sleek and secluded guardian of the world, and the shocked **** ‘color’. Read the full text of the latest chapter

"Hey! This is just the care that the protagonist of the world has. He has assembled the air transport of the whole world. It is very powerful. No wonder that the avatar has only stopped for a little while."

The source of annihilation murmurs. Looking back at the altar of time and space.

"You still need two-thirds of the hourglass. The time is not short. It seems that you have something to play with, huh, huh."

The three-meter-high bone skeletal giant embraced both hands. Looking at the body of the dark center next to it, laughing at it.

It can be seen that at this time, the lonely cold pine has been poured into the power of the world, and the strength of strength has been above the body of Green, and it is still growing in an endless stream. To defeat this guardian is almost impossible for Green.


In the center of the darkness, Green's body squats with the extreme abyss magic wand. Under the face of truth, the eyes look at the lonely pine, which is like the protagonist of the world, and hoarse and smile.

"In this way, I have unconsciously changed from invading the evil spirits to destroying the evil spirits! Oh, yes, those myths and legends of the hunters often open the cracks of Unicom’s stronger terrorist world. Evil people, everything I do now. Isn’t that true? It seems... those myths and legends are not unreasonable, hehe."

Although Green is still calm and relaxed, from the swaying degree of the annihilation flame on the extreme abyss wand, Green's power, even if the world guardian is separated by several kilometers, has been subjected to extremes because of the squeeze of the world will. Great impact.

The two sides are getting closer and closer.

Even from the face of truth, Green felt the tingling of the solitary pines.

"Wild ‘sexual’ instinct fourth floor, open! 哼哼. I will help you stop it first.”

At a height of 100 meters, the shadow of the yin is cast, and the outer layer is covered with bone spurs and scales. The barbarian giants swallow a large amount of clouds after a large mouth. The long ‘吟’ of satisfaction has caused the surrounding space to start to sway.

As he stepped across the small Green's body, he swooped down the Tongtianzhu to the guardian of the lonely cold pine, as if the giant was bullying the gnome.

"Get out of my way."

A few hundred meters apart, far from the attack range of the barbarian giants, the cold and lonely pine tree will throw a branch. The extension led to the incredible power of the world. The next moment, the barbarian giants who dive from the heights of the day, suddenly became a huge figure, and their eyes were convex.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Large areas of bone graft cracks spread.

The barbarian giants have more than a dozen bone spurs, and they have slammed back and slammed back. At the same time, the figure was fiercely flipped, avoiding the continuous impact of the follow-up world.

"Cough, the power has reached this level, I am afraid that this body and body defense can not bear more than a few attacks, worthy of the full force of a medium-sized world, even this is far from reaching its limit! ”

call out!

The guardian of the Lonely Cold Pine World did not mean to entangle too much with this source of annihilation. It crushed all the momentum along the way and rushed toward the Green body.

Looking at the horror figure of the world's favorite, although the appearance of only a dozen meters of body, the world's power 'wave' and scope has exceeded the kilometer!

If it is to allow it to fully exert the power of these worlds, it is only in the blink of an eye that it has already opened the level of the six-level body.

However, even if these forces cannot be exerted, and the application is only crude, the area can only play the source of the annihilation of Green's 'meat' body, and it is simply a low-level biological corner 'color' that cannot be broken.

"Or ‘transfer’ to the ontology, and the hunter is not so good.”

After a snoring, this source of annihilation was divided into the barbarian giants, and turned their eyes to the planters who followed the Lonely Pine to the Tongtian Tower.

At this time, in addition to the power of the body, these vegetative people have also been blessed by some of the world's forces, just like the savior's aura.

"Mom, fortunately, I just had the right to destroy the three clouds first, or else I have no fun..."

On the other side, the top of the Tianzhu.

It’s awkward!

The flame of annihilation is based on the arc of the world's clothing. www.novelmtl.com~ squeezing and twisting the light in all directions to cut through the sky, flashing away, 'exciting' 'shooting' to the lonely cold pine that seems to be rushing forward, as if to The space is torn, and the power is enough to make the low-level creatures frightened and warfare.


However, the black 'color' arc reached the range of the body of the Lonely Cold Pine, and it was gradually weakened by the power of the world. It became weaker and weaker, and it barely rushed to the 100-meter error. The arc was completely offset. The power can be lost.

Suddenly jumped, the lonely cold fluttered to Green.

Under the face of truth, Green's double ‘color’ gaze gaze at the power of the whole parasitic spore world, and the world guardian who has thousands of pets, finally clearly sensed the strength and scope of the other party, and the pupils shrank.


The savage and sun-baked 100-meter body supported the real body of more than two hundred meters of black-skinned soul giants. The next moment seemed to suffer from the unimaginable force, and slipped out dozens of meters, leaning against the altar of time and space.


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