A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 661: Tongtianzhu

Glut, whisper, whistle...

"It seems that the parasitic spore world, when the vegetative master is still there, once planned to develop a heterogeneous civilization technology, but ended in failure. After all, this is not suitable for the evolution of the vegetative laws."

The ancient city-state, under the Tongtianzhu, is still objective.

However, as the years passed, it was buried in the ground, but it still played some special functions designed for vegetative people.

Many vegetative people, putting a spar with the property of fire attribute into the inferior rough energy boiler, seems to be collecting steam heat energy, which is quite a simple way of energy application.

Green is in the form of a sinister flower, and it is unremarkable in the underground city of Kano Bangkok.


Under the Tianzhu column.

"The source of the annihilation left over there should be barely able to delay an hourglass time. The little guy is constantly reminding him, and he is bored."

Looking up at the Tongtianzhu, which is straight into the sky, Green is a flash, in the real time, it disappears without a trace, and rushes to the top of Tongtianzhu.

call out!

Suddenly, Green, who was flying a distance along the Tongtianzhu, was blocked by a vine that was extended from the Tianzhu column.

Even if you can detect the green in the real time, the vines obviously got some strength from Tongtianzhu. This is not easy!

"Stop your steps, swearing flowers, and ban ahead."

It’s awkward!

An element teleport, Green chose to circumvent the vine that was born in the Tongtianzhu, and did not attack, for fear of touching some of the warning organs on the Tongtianzhu, and then attracting the world guardian who had just left.

哔啵, 哔啵, 哔啵, 哔啵...

This vine actually burst into a large number of black seeds, making a weird sound, chasing towards Green, but gradually being opened by Green under the real time.

"Intruder! Intruder! Intruder!"

Green rushed into the clouds and came to the chaotic layer, awakening the three seemingly ordinary clouds.

Then these clouds, like foggy clouds, rushed toward Green, and they were the guardians of the world. However, the level has not reached the level of four, and it belongs to the lowest level world guardian.

"It still triggers the warning. The above is the eye of the world. From the underground city to this, it takes about one tenth of an hourglass. The altar of space and time needs to ignite an hourglass to play its role, and cannot be interrupted by any external force. The words of the low-level guardian..."

Three groups of clouds, a thunder cloud, a burning cloud. A frosty cloud cluster, in black, red and blue, chased the figure of Green, which is rapidly rushing toward the eye of the world at the top of the same platform.

Green found that this material of the Tianzhu column is not a natural rule to form a material, it is impossible to evolve from the natural rules of the world.

The material of Tongtianzhu is as hard as metal, but it is not metal. It is like white marble, but it is extremely moist. The interior seems to hide some energy guiding devices. It seems to have the function of some higher altars in the wizarding world.

Similar to... the source of the magical power of the wizard tower.

"I don't want to go any further here! The lurkers of the exotic world, show your true body, I have already noticed the rejection of this world!"

A red strawberry and a large strawberry appeared, the third-level biological atmosphere, the righteousness of the soul will speak, but it is difficult for Green to treat it seriously anyway. The delicious color has caused Green's great appetite!

Green discovered that it is not so much the three clouds of strange clouds and this big strawberry is the guardian of the parasitic spore world. It is better to say that it is the guardian of the Tongtianzhu. Their power is all derived from this Tongtianzhu.

call out!

suddenly. Green pierced the attack range of this red and big strawberry, and slammed the Green Abyss magic wand that showed the human body, inserting this volume into a one-meter-large strawberry. The juice splashed and the wound was frozen.

"Ah... you, what are you doing!"

Green's body swollen to more than 30 meters, turned into a barbarian giant, with two long fangs and big mouths showing a sneer.

"Fresh and juicy, I really don't worry. Ah, oh, click, click, click..."

The barbarian giant actually used the extremely abyss magic wand that did not follow the zoom as a toothpick, and then put the Tongtianzhu guardian big strawberry into his mouth, and then chewed with a face full of intoxication, especially when he chewed his mouth for the first time, from barbaric The screams of juice and big strawberries from the mouth of the people, standing in the perspective of the world's vegetative people, are cruel and urgency, and the most terrible nightmare is just that!

"Strawberry King! Ah... evil cruel alien invaders, kill him!"

The red fire burned the clouds toward Green, and the bursting sound of the surrounding "噼噼啪啪" could not stop. Green, who showed some strength, quickly suffered from a stronger squeeze in the parasitic spore world, but he was indifferent, and he reached the top of Tongtianzhu.

It’s awkward!

The black arc **** the light in all directions, and the sky suddenly disappears and then regains its brightness. With the fearful and intensive high-intensity attack, the half-body of the burning cloud that chased Green disappeared without a trace, as if it had been completely erased by the force, and the other half was intact.

In the first time, the barbarian giant looked to the top platform of Tongtianzhu, and the vision was concentrated on a lotus leaf in the central Qingtan. A wonderful gray energy at the bottom of the pool supported the zero lotus leaf, and the energy texture was clearly visible.

"This is...the eye of the artificial world!?"

Green was surprised by his discovery.

It is worthy of endless dominance. The existence of Tongtianzhu is actually to create an eye of the world artificially, so that the parasitic spore world can be more perfectly evolved.

There is no doubt that this lotus pond is the eye of the world of parasitic spores.

"Ah... give me a sacred trace!"

The fire cloud rushed over, but the barbarian giant turned back and smiled coldly. While gathering a stronger counterattack force, he opened the gap between the dimensions and took out the altar of time and space because of two attempts to ignite.

I am afraid that this time and space altar can no longer afford the third defeat.


"The remains of the ancient city left by the king of the fern are provided for our Kano Bangkok... um!?"

The guardian of the Lonely Cold Pine World is educating many vegetative people gathered here, and suddenly notices what is happening. The energy spar in the inferior melting furnace is burning, and the lonely pine in the underground remains changed. The figure disappeared in place.

However, the next moment, a roar came!

"who are you!?"

I saw a sinister flower that stopped the guardian of the Lonely Cold Pine World. www.novelmtl.com~ The green leaves are covered with ice crystals. The surrounding "嗡", "嗡", "嗡" flies are lingering, and the shape is creeping. , turned into a barbarian giant more than 30 meters.

Because the underground space of the ancient city is too narrow, even if only the third layer of wild instinct becomes a barbarian giant, it can only curl up in the aisle space, and several evil flowers around him are inadvertently crushed by the barbaric giant.

"Ah! Monster..."

"Don't mess, the world **** tree is here!"

嚓, 嚓...

The barbarian giant's rough arm supported the rock aisle, but the hot steam erupted because of the inexhaustible power.

"Oh, of course, the intruder, you can call me to destroy the wizard."

The source of annihilation sneered and slammed the passageway completely. (To be continued.)


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