A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 659: Influx

"Hey! What the world of rules is, is this multi-formed guy mixed together, is it the monsters that come out of the chaotic world?"

The king of the fern looks at the source of the sorcerer's world slaves and monsters. It is a bit of a cold-blooded wave of branches, and the vegetative army of the whole equipment is fully attacked.

"Destroy them, kill all, one does not stay!"

After all, there are only a few first-, second-, and third-level creatures. Although the number of emergents is very amazing and fierce, as the king of pro-Fern, which has already entered the sixth-level biological field, these ant colonies are not forming an absolute number. At the time, there is no need to care.

 —{m; What's more, this place gathers all the elite forces of the parasitic spore world. Many world masters and world guardians are here. If it is only these low-level monster corps, it is also a dead end.

Consistent with the idea of ​​the king of the fern, the other world **** trees are just watching in the same place. The monster corps that flows like a torrent of water in the sky, although it has caused considerable impact on the attire of the turret army, but regardless of the number The quality, but can not form a decisive advantage, the rushed slave monster army is being annihilated by more terracotta army horror roar.

The owners of these parasitic spore worlds are very patient.

Behind the slave monster army that the world's cracks are constantly emerging, there must be real terrorist creatures, and they are the key to determining this war!



The Capricorn had a seven-meter-high body, and the branches and arms waved a rocky stick, followed by the vegetative army and rushed to the black crack in the sky.

One of the third-class creatures, the king of the male fern domain, the king of the Drensar mountain range, this life has been more than a thousand years old, and belongs to one of the quite old life.

At this time, the fern city of the fern gathered nearly the entire parasitic spore world power, even if the third-class creature's Capricorn is in it, it is insignificant.

"These are monsters from what the world is. They are so ugly, even more ugly than the world guys recorded in the ancient city inscriptions!"

Next to the cypress, a second-class male oyster flower roared, and there was a lot of toxic breath on the body, mixed with a large number of vegetative army.

It can be seen that in addition to the parasitic spore blood, the world has completely become a passive evolutionary original ecological plant world since the remains of ancient cities.

"Take him, how many kills will be done, if the conditions permit, then spend some of the power of the plant to plant one or two heads as pets. After returning to the territory, with a tour to confirm the prestige, hahahaha!"

Devil's crown banana tree laughed, the body shakes off a lot of banana bombs, and rushes toward the sky one step faster.

"Yes, good idea!"

I was impressed by the good attention of the devil's crown banana tree. The oyster flowers looked at the high and small, the different shapes and the abominable monsters that emerged from the cracks in the world. I imagined that I planted the two ends and used them as pets. When I went to the territory and watched the prestige, I was so happy that my heart was broken.

Excited. Oyster flowers also rushed to the cracks of the world in a faster step.

Although there are quite a few monsters from the unknown world, here is the vegetative army that gathers the entire parasitic spore world. What if these monsters are killed by the spoils?

Compared to these young guys. Capricorn is obviously much more stable.

Through some other ancient vegetative people, some sensational information was obtained. If it was not for the call of the **** tree, Capricorn would not be willing to come to the war this time.


A four-wing octopus giant bird monster is more than 30 meters in size, exuding a three-level biological horrible pressure. It is much stronger than the other monsters that swelled in the cracks of the world more than a hundred meters. At this time, it was being besieged by seven or eight vegetative people, but there was no fear. On the contrary, it seems more fierce and cruel.


The octopus tentacles rolled up a vegetative person about five meters, the suction cup firmly grasped it, and several large branches could not break away no matter how struggling.

"help me!"

This vegetative came a panic-stricken cry.

The Capricorn was cold and the rock stick on the branch swung toward the monster, but it was slipped by the sticky body fluid of the monster's body.


The sky is incomparably chaotic. Although the tens of millions of vegetative people crowded in front of the world cracks are rapidly slaughtering the monster corps that rushed out of the cracks in the world, but because of the endless flow of these corps, there are still some spreads, and more The peripheral vegetative legion was blocked and prevented from flowing into the fern of the fern and even outside the defensive range of the parasitic spores, causing losses.

Keenly aware of a monster trail behind him, the Capricorn Rock Giants defended the past.

It turned out to be a weird cockroach with a flaming pattern on it. It was three meters long and not very strong. The tension that was raised slightly relaxed.


However, the next moment, but the super strong acid in the sky reacted with the energy of the elements in the air, and a terrible explosion occurred. The fire in the sky drowned everything in front of the Capricorn.


Capricorn fell out of the air and his mind was blank.

How is it possible, how can there be any meaning of the existence of a creature, all for the brilliant and suicidal attack of this moment! ?

As a vegetative person, it is naturally impossible to understand the way of existence and existence of an explosion that is derived from the world's nesting social environment.


Compared with the defensive ability of the third-class creature Capricorn, other relatively weak vegetatives who are besieging the octopus's four-winged monsters are screaming and falling in the strong acid flame, trying to extinguish the flame on their body.

Even the four-winged geek including the octopus head was attacked by the explosion, and mourned again and again!

what is this?

Are they not guys from the same world?

"Little guy ~www.novelmtl.com~Get up the spirit, there are more different world invading monsters waiting for you, but don't die like this."

A soft rattan caught the Capricorn and extinguished the strong acid flame on it. The sound was warm and majestic, and the spirit of the Capricorn looked like a guardian tree!

"Yes, guardian tree!"

What Capricorn experienced was only one of the attacks caused by these monsters who attempted to break through the parasitic spore world beasts. The monsters in the dark cracks went to the parasitic spore world.

In general, the vegetative army of the parasitic spore world still has an absolute advantage.

Capricorn flashed and rushed to other monsters.


Ps: Science, the time spent in Xinjiang is more than two hours late, so the update is later. As a fighting power 3, my starling, I will not go out, afraid to be spiked, qaq, hehe. (To be continued.)


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