A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 945: Panic

Booming rumbling...

The corpse is everywhere, the blood flows into the river, and another planter is beaten and fragmented, losing the parasitic spore blood flowing away from the parasitic mother, and quickly entering a dormant state, waiting for the future ignorant devourer to swallow himself and infect the new parasitic mother. .

After all, it is just an invading army led by an ambitious five-level world leader. In the face of the general small and medium-sized world, there is still a fighting force. For the devil, the vine has a relatively restrained plant system, and attempts to complete the parasitic spore catastrophe is incomparable. The tyrannical plant is grafted, and it captures its chaotic origin, and it is the king of the new fern, even...

However, in the face of the flood and tsunami, the Wizarding World Slave Monsters, more than 20 world leaders, are arrogant, devastating and destroying all the irresistible forces along the way. They were proud of the parasitic spore world. The vegetative legion, the collapse, is unstoppable, and several followers of the world have been killed!

In front of the door of the world, I left only myself and the Lord of the Willow World.

Slowly, behind the crowd of sacred marks, a saint mark wizard wearing a white spiral pattern mask, a red and blue two-color ray of light, looked like two groups of calm burning flames, looked over.

"It's you!"

The king of male ferns that broke many branches was only four meters high and was suppressed by the space cage. On the corpse of plants and wreckage, this powerful creature that is familiar with the atmosphere is inductive. Next, the voice said with anger and anger.

Before the world of the spiritual world, it was the projection of this creature in the world of the spiritual world. It was not good for itself, and threatened to destroy the parasitic spore world.


The cold sweat shivered, and the king of the male fern jerked back, perceiving through the space cage, through the **** battlefield of the corpse and the layers of crowded monsters. The two extremely terrible Bodhidian demons are working together in a sneer, and in accordance with the time and space trajectory of the world that has been completely closed, some deductions have been made, and the world of the world has been forcibly restored in the world of the spiritual world. Opened a world crack!

"Do not!"

The roar of the heartbreaking, the king of the male fern seems to have seen these terrible demons rush into the parasitic spore world. Invading and destroying the situation in which you are arrogant.

"I promise you what you want, as long as you..."

Green, who is heading to the coma in the land, will stop slowly and look at the five-level creature that succumbs to the will of the great wizard. It is extremely evil.

"Are you afraid?"


The king of male ferns stopped the words, stopped talking, and stopped all resistance.

"Hey. Don't talk about him. Even the Eight Lords, I am a little scared of myself now. The whole world is shaking for the Eight Lords. This kind of loneliness that stands in the world, no one can Sharing, hey, am I really happy, who can tell me..."

Ignoring this guy who is full of arrogance and narcissism, Green continues to step by step toward the stunned world of the vines of the world.

"Hey, the tower of annihilation. I have already suppressed this guy by your own salary, and the reward will be settled after the invasion of the parasitic spore world..."

"Hey, you can't think about it!"

In the state of suspended animation, Liu Teng suddenly bursts. With a full blow of his own power, he rushed to Green.


However, with the ripples of the space cage, the world's lord, who had long lost his life, would not be able to break through the space cage of the sacred sorcerer of the sacred bell tower. He could only look up at Green on the ground with a pair of hateful eyes.

"The little guy is still playing this, hehe."

The sorcerer of the sacred mark of the bell tower, the sorcerer, sneered at the old willow tree with a bones and ankles.

Green held the left hand of the Book of Truth, indicating that many of the turbulent slaves around the army had retired. Under the face of truth, he looked at this valuable prisoner and smiled.

"I swallowed my incarnation. I want to **** body, hehe..."

Green reached out.狠狠 From the giant willow branches, the next big cluster of catkins, chewed in the mouth, tasted, and nodded with satisfaction.

"How about the young master, is the creamy fragrance? Later, let Rabbu use this guy's catkins to make condiments, then drink some afternoon tea, right, and lemon juice, don't mention more comfort in the days, you can also give Ye Ye Point, oh yeah!"

Xiao Ba’s intoxicating expression is so beautiful that he should not want it.

"Yes, seal it to the 90th floor of the Abyss, as the second collection after the Queen!"

After paying tribute to the sacred sorcerer of the sacred bell tower, Green has slowly moved toward the will to pay attention to the panic of the sacred sorcerer, the soul-sucking kiss, the sacred sorcerer, the king of the male fern.

Leaving this five-level creature is not the meaning of Green, but the meaning of panic boiling the great sorcerer!

As for why?

It seems that collecting the panic power of the five-level world master has certain auxiliary effects for the elemental purification of the elements that fear the boiling of the great sorcerer, and cannot be ignored.

In this way, Green is also willing to cooperate with it.

"What to say... Well, I don't know which world you are the ignorant master, but with what you just said, it has already provoked the disaster for your own world. Now the parasitic spore world is in front of you, with courage. Come over and destroy! If there is no guts, we will find your secret place in the world of the spiritual world after we have come to the past, find your world clues, and invade and destroy!"

Green sneered at ~www.novelmtl.com~ looking to the distant horizon.

"Is it visible, it won't take too long, months? A few years? Along the fluctuations of the gaps that have not yet been extinguished, the panic is boiling the holy sorcerer and the soul-sucking kiss. The great wizard will renew the world door. Open, when, these, those, all the power here, the wizarding world power you once looked down on, will fall into the nest, and succumb to everything you cherish the world to the sorcerer's will..."

In the far direction, the panic boiling sorcerer seems to have an induction, look at this side, and after a secret smile, continue to complete the world door recovery plan.

This high-standard space-time technology, in addition to the soul-sucking kiss, the sorcerer, the Wizarding World may have few people to master this ability.

"Green, there are already a few people who have contacted me secretly. I want to talk to you about the invasion of cooperation. Your ability to forcibly remove the rules of the world's clothing has made many people secretly spy."

Yuquan secretly voiced.

Green has long expected that compared to the danger of the former sorcerer's forcible into the world, Green is so easy to break into the world's shocking and subversive effect, it is amazing! (To be continued.)

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