A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 21 Chapter 943: "Witcher's End of the World"

The biggest obstacle to conquering the world of the spiritual world, finally, after the joint efforts of many saint marks and wizards for more than ten years, the super-large creatures that are almost one-tenth of the continent of this small world have been removed.

In this way, Green's second condition of the contract, the restoration of the world of the world, is already barely completed. Only after carefully cultivating enough numbers of spiritual people will rule the future garden of Green's future, just like the spirit of rain and dew.

“Happy cooperation.”

Privately, Green is in close proximity to Tiankui Wolf King, and Green represents the Wizarding World's cooperation in the explosion of the Thunder World.

At the right time, Green put forward his own plans.

"I don't know how to blast the Thunder world, is there any preparation for joining the Wizarding League? It doesn't take too long, for thousands of years, after the Wizarding World has completely solved a strong enemy, hey, it will soon be great. The wizard will pay attention, when the time..."

As the owner of the indigenous world, Tiankui Wolf King is much stronger than the world of some small worlds, but the self-awareness is limited to this world community, exploding the masters around the Thunder world.

I think that the chaotic world is the center of the endless world, and that's it.

As for the wizarding world, Tiankui Wolf King has never heard of it. Until then, he only thought that in addition to several big worlds he knew, this world community is one of those unknown big worlds, and he is familiar with several big ones. The world is no different.

"Oh, this... now the world of the Thunder is still unable to make a decision. I dare to ask about the power of the world at this time. Is it about the world of the wizard?"

Tiankui Wolf King asked tentatively.

Although it is a five-level creature with a stronger power than Green, it is timid because of the wizard's will behind Green, the first time since the advent.

"What is the power of the wizarding world? Hehe..."

Green shook his head and smiled. Under the face of truth, both eyes can't help but close up.

"This invasion of this small world is a medium-sized war that I personally initiated beyond the scale of conventional warfare. It is insignificant relative to the wizarding world. Compared to the big enemy facing the Wizarding League and the Wizarding League, 哼哼It’s a drop in the ocean.”


Obviously, Green's explanation has exceeded the limit of Tiankui Wolf King, and it is difficult to convince Tiankui Wolf King, but he dare not raise any doubts.

The mind is full of thoughts, and the Tiankui Wolf King thinks the most secure response in an instant.

"Since the great wizard is facing the enemy, after thousands of years, I can pay attention to this side and shelter my family. Then the world of blasting thunder will wait for thousands of years. When the great wizard will give enough protection to my family, join the wizard. Union!"


The arc thundercloud sorcerer who paid little attention to this side saw that he could not reach the wizard alliance contract, indicating that he was no longer interested, and got up and left.

"The tower of annihilation, I will first support the kiss of Soul Eater. The power of the exotic plants is not as good as this devil, and the soul of the soul is entangled for so long. It is estimated that I am tired of it. I have talked about it here. You will pass right away."

Saying, the sorcerer of the steel body of the sacred mark left with the sorcerer of the sorrowful wood.

Affected by the two, other sorcerers who had expressed interest in the past also left. Only the sword of destruction is left alone.


Green did not immediately choose to join the Wizarding League for the Tiankui Wolf King, and it should be.

"Trust me, this day will not be too long. Hehe."

Any wizard, including Green, will not have any luck in the face of the war of civilization. He can only believe that the world of wizards will win. Otherwise, the consequences of the extinction of civilization will require the wizards to grow up in a common research and development system. No one can live independently for a long time, even if it is a true spiritual wizard.


The black flame sword of the secluded spring is inserted on the ground, and the eyes under the white stretch have observed the world for a long time. After the unknown chaos dominated the world's turbulent disaster, the spiritual world of the newly restored order has undergone tremendous changes from the original rules.

"The world's repulsive force against us is gradually decreasing. It seems to be accepting the will of the wizard."

"Oh, this is of course. The chaotic rules were taken away by the chaos. The world passed the chaos of the end of the world, the sorcerer's disaster, and the three major disasters of the lord, all things are lost, the vitality is fading, the will is weak, now the world The wizard's will has successfully replaced the chaotic rules!"

Xiao Ba seems to be very familiar with these.

In ancient times, this kind of thing did not happen in the hands of the ancient wizards.

Green stood up, because of the continuous war in this world, which brought a deep disaster to the world. The chaotic end of the world, which was once a crisis in the low-level biological point of evolution, has now become lost after losing most of the chaotic fog. Devastated, ruined, ridiculous.

Those mutant beasts, mutant creatures, and even evolutionary people are also relying on chaotic fog to carry out illusory evolution. Once they are out of the chaotic fog and chaotic random rules, these creatures that gradually return to the real world will adapt. Degraded."

In other words, the world is undergoing the "Sorcerer's End of the World" and it is also a new beginning!

Fortunately, the relatively flat rules of the wizarding world do not conflict with the world of the world, and the two are well integrated.

"Well. Although the harvest in this world has far exceeded expectations, the parasitic spore world is still in full invasion, whether it is a contract or a personal feeling. If you have the guts, you will destroy it in the past and bring it to the world of the wizarding world." The disaster, now that the wizarding world has come, let’s first take a look at what the parasitic spore world is going to use to defend it.”

Under the face of truth, the color of laughter is revealed. Green looks at the head of the world of several wolves that thundered the Thunderbolt.

"If you continue to cooperate ~www.novelmtl.com~ still follow the previous contract, the harvest of the parasitic spore world will be divided into one."

Such a sacred sorcerer came, although I did not know the specific strength of the parasitic spore world, but it was obviously difficult to resist. As a result, the war, the wizarding world was only finally harvested, and the Tiankui Wolf King would be hesitant.

"my pleasure!"

The crystal ball floated in front of the little eight, and the night shadow Saatchi appeared.

At the same time, there was a flash in front of me. The huge body of the mysterious 10,000-headed bird appeared. The two wings were pulling the ground and many heads were snarling. Suddenly, after discovering that so many world leaders gathered, the hard-boiled snarl would scream back, and honestly stand in front of Xiao Ba With an obedient puppy.

Oh, no, Xiao Ba has always raised the mysterious Wantou bird as a son.

In the crystal ball, the night shadow Saatchi, Green's other confidant wizard Teng Mang Waldman is also.

"Hey, hello all the slave corps, to support the soul-sucking kiss, the sorcerer, and invade the parasitic spore world!" (To be continued.)

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