A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 925: The Witch's Disaster (5)

C_t; This chaotic two-tailed scorpion smashed his body and looked up at Green at high altitude. []

"Time and space seals me? Hey, useless, chaos as the center of the world, is already the deepest layer of known time and space, otherwise chaos can not be blocked by such a strong time and space, it is difficult to freely enter and exit, anything will drag me down Seals to low-level time and space are meaningless!"

It seems that he is quite confident in himself, and the chaotic two-tailed scorpion, whose chaotic atmosphere is constantly broken, disdains.


Hundreds of barbaric giants day by day, brutal barbarism with the prehistoric barbarian giants for the wisdom of the pursuit of truth, the double-sentence slowly opened the "Book of Truth" moved to this chaotic creature.

¥-wan¥-书¥-ロ巴,w●nshub←□m This world community, and this statement?

But then again, the Wizarding World rarely uses time-space seals to seal illusory creatures. At least the nightmare creatures have never left the illusory world, just to control the biology as a medium.

The only experience of Green was the scent biological invasion caused by the accident of the cappuccino grandfather in the city of Bethel in the seven-ring Santa Gem.

But those scent creatures are nothing but shallow semi-real creatures, and there is nothing special about them.

Say deeper illusory creatures...

Green couldn't help but look sideways and quietly looked at the little eight on his shoulder.

This guy was surrounded by two wings, smiling with a look of disdain, and found that Green was looking at himself, thinking that he was asking himself, and suddenly he was more proud, and his tail was going up to heaven.

"Hey, this blind arrogant guy is just a native of this world community. Don't ignore it, thinking that this world community is the whole endless world. [] Well, like the ancient civilization before the first civilization. The general ignorance of the wizard."

Little gossip, full of faces.

"The great world of the wizarding world has the ability to freely enter and exit the dimensional gap. The great bird's fear of time and space seals, it is unreasonable that this illusory creature can have the ability to resist the time and space seal. Master, it must be jealous of you. !"


It is no wonder that Green is so cautious, the consequences of the failure of the seal will be the magic of the reverse, and Green, who has had such experience, does not want to experience the second time.

Green no longer hesitated.

The book of Truth is swept away from page to page. The illusory atmosphere comes from the forgotten world. The innumerable wizard runes recorded by Green's numerous failures are distorted from the Book of Truth. Chaotic two-tailed owl, wrapped it layer by layer.

time flies. The Green Magic consumes more and more. In this large area of ​​the world of chaos, the illusory atmosphere is becoming more and more dignified. This chaotic two-tailed owl can no longer maintain the previous confident readings.

"Useless! Useless! Useless! Ah..."

Above the book of Truth, forgotten in the illusory cracks of the world, one after another like a variety of palms composed of turbid sweat, baby-like chubby, like the claws of hell, like the slenderness of the wizard. They have stretched out from the depths of darkness and illusion, and they are endless, endless, and they are chasing the chaotic two-tailed scorpion that is forgotten by the forgotten runes.

Surprisingly. After the contact of the forgotten hand, the chaotic two-tailed scorpion, a considerable part of it was slipped open, and the other part was forced to catch the chaotic two-tailed scorpion through chaotic fog. And as the Green Magic stirs, it continues to pull into the cracks of the Forgotten World.

"Hey!? Mommy, can really resist the time and space seal!?"

Xiao Ba screamed in surprise. Later, seeing Green's Forgotten Time and Space Sealing, although the effect was greatly reduced, but still functioning normally, he could not help but quietly breathe a sigh of relief.

"Call... Fortunately, the forgotten world opened by the Green Beast is deep enough in the illusory world, even under the media world, to be in the same level as this chaotic world. It seems that you can't be lazy, waiting for his years of experience to shake. After enough imagination, you should immediately put up the teaching schedule of dimensional gap seals. Hey, where should I start?"


The book of Truth was closed, and Green slightly swayed a little, and the magic of the body was empty.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

In the respite, Green whispered: "The information that these chaotic creatures can resist the seal is passed on to all the wizards! Even the forgotten truths of time and space seals are so reluctant, fearing that the wizarding world has a few more legendary and more powerful seals. Other seals simply cannot seal these chaotic creatures, but instead cause their own magic to fight back."

This reminds Green of the world of shadow mystery that once hunted the demon expedition.

The mysterious seal of the mysterious Amonro can be easily broken by the talents of Green and Xiaoba. Therefore, the mysterious group Amonro who dared to release the seal of Green, all broke and died.

Youquan, Sivilnis, and Archimonde saw that Green was so extreme that it took five days to seal the Lord of the World, and realized that these chaotic creatures were not afraid of what they had imagined before. It has become one of the huge wealth of this plunder.

"Green, you should try not to shoot these few days."

Youquan submitted a contract to Green. The above terms are the three hundred years of development rights of the other half of the world. This is of great significance for Green to continue to strengthen the slave army.


Green put away the contract, although it was hard work, but the heart was very satisfied with the harvest.

Take out the crystal ball and consume the zero boundary stone. Green will pass these hard-to-sealed chaotic biological information to other holy marks.

"Green, according to your intelligence, the underground people of this world communicated with the dark night world. I intend to confirm with the hand of the super magic and the sword of destruction. Is this dark night world the one I used to pass in the fountain? The dark night world. The world's dark night wandering soul, night elf, night leprechaun, and other old friends who have been trading for many years."


"It turned out to be this purpose, I said how you ran to such a remote place, and happened to meet this single chaotic creature ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Green nodded.

I don’t know what the fountain of fans said by Accord is a communication medium.

However, when it comes to trading friends in the exotic world, Green also has a reluctance to have a three-level bone demon in the bone-devil world, and traded the shofar magic wand from Green's hands at the extreme price of the cold crystal.

"Well, with my current magical level to the center of the world where the old wizards are raging, it is really dangerous to fight with the parasitic spores of the world, the chaotic devils, and simply hand it over to the old guys."

After deciding on the itinerary, Green couldn't help but jokingly said: "However, if you really dare to intervene in this world, even if you are in the world of your old friend, you can't blame me."

"This is nature!"

Archimonde, Youquan, Green, and West Vernis chuckled and led the crowds of nearly 10 million slavery corps, tens of thousands of sorcerers, and hunters, and continued to march forward. (.)


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