A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 923: The Witch's Disaster (3)

Seven days later!

The chaos of the world at the end of the chaos has been stretched by a thousand meters. The panic of the sacred mark is composed of the fog of emotions. It strives to struggle in the cracks and squeeze into the world of the spirit.

Together with the first Green, who came into the world of the spiritual world, the twenty-story sorcerer of this line, only the most powerful panic of the body, the scare sorcerer, failed to fully come.

"Sure enough, compared to the once black sacred sorcerer, I am afraid that it is already in the middle."

Feeling the chaos of the sky, the turbulent elements of the sky and the turbulence of the earth's collapse, as if the world was crying because of the inability to withstand the invasion of huge foreign objects, Green's innermost thoughts surging, quietly guarding the cracks.

Because the panic is too large, the body has already blocked the entire passage of the passage, and there is no gap. The remaining part of the slave army can only be blocked in the passage and crowded with each other.

"Oh, it really is the atmosphere of the illusory world, called the chaotic world? The tower of annihilation, you have opened a world crack that connects the distant world community. After this victory of civilization, your world, I’m afraid it’s worth the price of a big world!”



One after another, the mourning phantom flashed, and the black panic was unclear, and the vast areas of the world that Green could perceive were boiled up.

After all, this is just a small world that is tainted with a illusory atmosphere and is being transformed into a illusory.

Constantly struggling, the panic bogged to note that there was only a sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower Green in front of the world. He couldn’t help but cry out: “These **** can’t wait until they just come, so hard to squeeze into this side. Small world, if you don't leave me with some guys who can see you, don't blame me for not making sense!"

A large part of the distribution of the interests of the Green is distributed according to the resistance of the various sacred wizards.

"Hehehehe, panic, the great sorcerer is too worried..."

Green suddenly burst into laughter and has completely fallen to the world. Green is able to clearly sense some changes in the world, and there is a perceptual enhancement of the face of truth. At this moment, Green can't help but shake the ground below.

"It's coming."


The panic-stricken sorcerer who has squeezed most of his body into the world of the world has stopped struggling. He also looked at the world's ground. After being taken away by many sacred marks, only a few millions of slaves were scattered around the monster army. The sky, the earth, guarding the panic and boiling the great sorcerer.

During this time, these battle-fighting monster regiments have already adapted to the chaos caused by the panic-stricken witches, and the ground cracked and shook.



Suddenly, a large area of ​​the veins collapsed, and thousands of slaves and monsters were caught off guard, and were smashed by a hundred-meter giant roots deep beneath the earth. The giant roots carried the hardest stones in the earth's crust. The rock formations, rising from the sky, will be turned into a five or six hundred meters tall tree giant in the blink of an eye, slowly stand up, claws and claws.

Take a closer look, this giant claw tree giant is made up of thousands of roots that must be entangled, and the endless source of life is spewing out from the ground and guiding the body.

"Elements are real!"

In a flash, the fourth layer of barbarian giants turned into a green, turning on the elemental body and wrapping the elements of the element. The extreme abyss magic wand in the hands of the black flame giant was turned into three hundred under the abundance and magical blessing. The giant of rice, the extreme ice crystals of the stick head is like an iceberg-like volcano, which is chilling.

The body of the Green is superimposed and boosted by the power of annihilation, and the extreme abyss magic wand in the hands of the Ugly Soul Giants falls.

Booming rumbling...

At the moment when the giant of the tree was just formed, the extreme deep cold and superimposed attacks in the field of strength followed, and the time surface condensed a layer of hòu heavy frost on the surface, and quickly eroded into the inner layer.


It’s just the chill of the glory, so that tens of thousands of meters are within the reach of a human town base, and completely enter the glacial cold winter era.


As the gravity field is crushed and twisted, a large piece of spreading frost cracks and shatters, and the four abundances fly. The extreme abyss magic wand brings the destruction of the earth to destroy the earth, and is branded on the giant of this tree.

As if it was some kind of broken sound, the tree giant fell down.

At the right time, the voice behind the cracks in the cracks behind the greens came.

"Oh, isn't it true that one of the districts has not officially commented on the sacred mark wizard, and is able to exert such a level of strength, and the element jī increases the physical wizard?"

In the high air, Green was so low that he smiled.

"Oh, but this part of the body can only play a small part of the strength of the other side, the vitality of life is not only the present, it seems that you have to deal with it for a while, I will take the opportunity to seize the time!"

The panic was boiling and the sorcerer was laughing. The struggle was even stronger. Even the space near the door of the world began to be unstable. There were several cracks in the space and it immediately healed.

Ok! ?

In Green's gaze, this tree giant was smashed by the extreme deep cold and gravity field, and he was completely attacked by a tree giant who smashed a small part of his body. The root of the broken root recovered at the super-regeneration speed of the mysterious 10,000-headed bird. The surface glows incredibly vibrant, and in the blink of an eye it compensates for the damage that Green has just caused.

At the same time, "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻." The sound of breaking through the air continued, one after another with the giant thorn vines tentacles to attack, exudes a superb life vitality.

"Hey! If it's the richness of that huge body, plus the chaotic fog..."

However, this place is not only Green, but also the millions of remnants of the slave army!

Although it is only the size of the remnants, but this amount is enough to match the number of all the monster corps carried by the hunters.

These monster army regiments were dragged by Green Will, and they rushed to the giant tree that emerged from the bottom of the earth, as if they were to be completely submerged.

Green's extreme abyss magic wand top, smashing, a smashing of inflammation in the world's clothing regular arc lift, as if the candle wick burns like burning, but let all sides of the light twisted and forcibly torn to attract ~www.novelmtl.com~ light Dark intersections, emitting high-frequency shock waves.

At this moment, Green is the strong life of this space between the light and dark, mastering the truth.

In the black air, a **** looks down to Green.

"Oh? Is this the power of annihilation that he has mastered? It is actually instigating such high-intensity energy rules, and this is an increase with the body. It is no wonder that it has just been promoted to the holy mark, which is already so powerful!"

Struggling constantly, the panic screams the sorcerer and does not forget to observe the core figure who first opened the world crack and launched the invasion mission, the mysterious annihilation tower sacred sorcerer.

Booming rumbling...

Just as Green held the extreme abyss magic wand and spurred the force of a large area to sway, suddenly it collapsed and collapsed, which was much larger than the size of the area.

One, two, three, four, five!

There were only five giants who had battled against Green, and the giants slowly lifted their heads. Millions of roots entangled and mingled with each other and attacked Green.

In time, the thorns and vines are endless, and they are overwhelming.

"The panic is boiling the great sorcerer, it seems that the powerful life of this world has enough will to be attracted, and I will help you to come to the world completely!" (To be continued) [This text was updated by sailing Team leader @刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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