A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 921: The Witch's Disaster (1)

It’s awkward!

From time to time, the black flame giant body emerged one or two beams of light, and the scorpion shot around the black space-time crack, which offset a part of the time and space regular extrusion.

This is a powerful feature of the Green World's clothing rules.

I couldn’t see anything during the formal wizarding. Now I am promoted to the holy mark. Green has invaded from the outside world with brute force. The powerful features of the world’s clothing rules have finally come to light. Not only can Green expand the world, but also expand the world’s cracks. It is able to make the wizard world annihilate the towers with many saint marks, and assist in defense when they are subjected to retaliatory attacks in the invading world.

"Wow, stupid guy!"

Xiaoba flew in the black flame of Green's element, smirked with disdain, while manipulating the black flame of the Green Element, and rolled a tidbit on the broken branch of the giant willow.

"Hey? Can you eat!? This, this, the taste... Young master, wow, it is creamy!"

As if the nectar is fragrant, the small eight eyes are sparkling, the excitement is almost screaming, and the birth of another precious and unique flavoring spice is in the world!

As a famous pouting food that has been handed down from the ancient times of the wizarding world, like all food prisoners, the species that are labeled with precious ingredients are basically dying in the long-term development of the wizarding world.


If these ingredients add special effects, such as conception, ‘immortality’, excitement, clarity, etc., it is basically equivalent to announcing extinction...

A white bandage stretched out from the cracks in the stone gate altar of the wizarding world. It was the Green Spring sister, who cares: "What is the situation there?"

Saying, the stretcher handed the roots of the willows to the roots and gave them to Green. It was obviously the harvest of the many sacred marks, and it was also given to Green, who was fully cracking the crack.

"Don't worry. It's my descending projection over there, a guy who accidentally caught it."

Green did not care about it.

"Hey, the tower of annihilation, you are only the new sacred mark here in the second ring. You don't have to be stubborn. Although I and the Soul Eater are not good at this aspect. This old steel is cast on the body. The skill has a special liking, the number of worlds that he forcibly invaded..."

The panic was boiling and the sorcerer’s dark and swaying sounds came from the sounds of the sorcerer.

This is the ancient wizard who experienced the wizard from the weak to the brilliant, the unique pride of the cruel character.

The tower of the annihilation tower is in the sky, the black mist is floating around, and the illusion of strange creatures is constantly swimming around, making a hoarse sound sand, millions. Countless, the sky is completely shrouded.

Under the dark mist, a pair of dark evil eyes, like the devil's tomb in the abyss of hell, panic!

On the other side, the soul-sucking kiss is a great wizard, but it is like a deadly poisonous mushroom in the depths of the rain forest, although it is beautiful. But it is extremely poisonous, deadly temptation. A colorful spotted snake snakes around, and the devil smiles, sitting quietly.

The panic-speaking sorcerer is the five-level sacred sorcerer who is willing to join the sacred sorcerer who is willing to join the sacred sorcerer.

This holy mark wizard is good at body transformation. It is not a mechanical wizard, another way to complete the real metal casting, wisdom, courage, insight, not equal leisure.

"Hehehe. Tower of annihilation, need to be replaced?"

The sacred mark of the sacred sorcerer of the steel body came from the annihilation of the soul slave army after the world's crack channel.

"Oh, I can't do it. I can count it as one. I want to come to the Second Ring Santa Claus. I rarely see the practice of the seven-ring Santa wizarding. Well, in addition, this ivory castle is a sorcerer. It is also very painstaking to study in this area."

The skeleton of the bell tower, the sorcerer of the sacred mark, the fire of the souls of the two groups of eyes and eyes, jumping and burning, gloomy smile.

In contrast, Archimonde fights the sacred mark of the sorcerer, the sacred sorcerer of the sacred sword of the sacred spring, as the two new world leaders, is not suitable for interjection.

"You are a little bit safe, the body of the steel is the sorcerer of the sacred mark, the sorcerer of the bones of the bell tower, the sorcerer of the sacred mark, I am already almost here, and I am going to bother with the two subsequent expansions, hahaha!"

The voice of Green, from the infinite endless soul slave monster army into the Shimen altar in the dark twisted world cracks, revealing incomparable excitement.


"How is it possible to have a quarter of an hourglass in this area?"

"Well, is it because of these strange thunder energy that can help restore the collapse of the space-time tunnel..."

Many incredible sorcerers are incredible colors. According to the truth, it is not a few days to open up the crack in the world...

However, it is true that since Green used the strange thunder energy to hit the cracks in the world, the original cracks in the world were so distorted that they were distorted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This new sacred mark has the incredible ability to quickly invade the exotic world, and it is enviable.

The sorcerer's world annihilates the tower.

More than 400 sorcerer's school sorcerers, like a small light spot, and other sorcerers and sorcerers summoned by other sacred sorcerers in the secret, flying in the sky, exuding layers of majestic elements and waves Under the sorcerer, the endless slaveless monsters in the middle of the ocean.

I heard that the mentor said that the cappuccino who led the team could no longer stand the eager excitement.

"The tower master is about to come to the world of chaos in the end of the world, following the steps of the great annihilation tower, the sorcerer, rushing!"

As a result, hundreds of sorcerers turned into small light spots, and they were immersed in the infinite and endless slave sea monster army, and they poured into the cracks of the stone gate altar world in front of many sacred marks and wizards. Thousands of sprinting monster corps are constantly moving forward, and the passage is so long.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

Among the many screams, roars, and screams, the space-time passages are crowded with all kinds of monsters, stinking and bloody.

A black scorpion hard-shelled giant beetle, but behind a smashing tower, the instructor of the annihilation tower suddenly extended the magic wand. The double pupils were shrunk into the eyes of the eagle, and the excitement pointed to the front.


Cappuccino looked up ~www.novelmtl.com~ trying to adjust his vision to the best.

this is……

A black flame giant of more than two hundred meters, huge and majestic, majestic 凛凛 is fully supporting the crack at the end of the passage, as if opening the door of the wizard's hope, a loud roar, the crack is getting bigger and bigger, the alien rules Breath and light shine.


Cappuccino has just screamed, this black flame giant has been in the excitement of the big laughter, the body thunder flashes, stepping out of the dark passage, disappearing in the water-like twisted world passage In the door.

"Oh, since the body of the steel is the sorcerer of the sorcerer, you are welcome!"

In the door of the world at the other end of the sorcerer's tower of the annihilation of the sorcerer's world, the sorcerer's sorrowful sorcerer was heard. (To be continued.)


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