A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 919: Confusion (8)

嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜, 轰!

At the time of the setting sun, the sound of the short alarm of the base was just sounded, and it was defeated by a shocking and fierce shock. The entire base was shaking. Thousands of evolutionary soldiers looked up and looked at the attack on the base. The horror creature, suddenly screaming, almost lost the will to resist, staring at it.

Through the chaotic fog, far away from the horizon, the last touch of the sunset is completely obscured by its huge figure, this is a giant tree full of more than a kilometer!

Thousands of branches spread and spread, like a waving arm, claws and claws, filled with thick fog, seemingly have some paralytic nerve effect.

What is even more frightening is that this giant tree is parasitic and cannot count all kinds of morphological vegetative people.

From afar, this giant tree of the terrible world from the parasitic spore world, like a mountain demon walking on the mainland, with its unstoppable horror, swallowed and destroyed everything that blocks it!

"General! General..."

In the office of Wang Sai, the shock wave from the surface shook through the thick layer of building soil, several hanging murals fell, the sensible table lamp broke from the desk, the office furniture fell, and even the two guards evolved. The soldier fell to the ground and his head broke.

In the entire secret underground base, a mess.

"Oh? Did you really come to a world leader? Unfortunately... the Psionic Space Time Detector is no longer at the base, and it is too late for the owner of this exotic world to discover it."

A very strange scene.

It is clear that the base of the last hope of the evolutionary man is suffering a devastating blow. However, many elite evolutionary people gathered around Green have revealed a strange smile, which is such a gloomy evil, as if the devil is about to open the end of the horror.

Many elite evolutionists walked out of the underground fortifications under the leadership of Green, looking at the terrible life of tens of thousands of meters, but there was no fear of death before coming.

In such a scene, Li Qingya, who had stumbled and rushed, was completely shocked, and his incredulous expression was written on his face.

I want to be in front of an unstoppable enemy with my loved one. Carrying out the last sweet talk, turning love into eternity, but reality is like this!


Green turned back and looked at Situ Mo's wife and lover. Li Qingya.

The avatar outside the source of annihilation played the final role in the role of Situ Mo.

"Qing Ya, this is not the destruction before the end of the world, but the new journey of the evolutionary people, I have promised you! Oh, hahahahaha..."

The incarnation of the source of Green's annihilation was laughing. Laughing hysterically.

At this moment, a base was attacked by a long-distance vine of the owner of the parasitic spore unknown world, a devastating attack, and the base was ruthlessly cut into two halves.

The impact wave of the vine attack was more than two hundred meters. The metal buildings were twisted into a ball, and the stone buildings were smeared flat. As for the nearby evolutionary people, they were smashed into blood, or blown by powerful shock waves. I don't know where to go.

A fortification that was once proud of a base, in front of this world-class plant. It is like a castle where children accumulate sand by the sea, and it is hard to beat.

call out! call out! call out!

Three psionic blasting bullets lined the long tail flame, vacated and rushed to the horrible plant.

This is evidence that the spirits once ruled the world, claiming to be able to rely on such weapons to destroy the world's cards!


The avatar outside the source of Green's annihilation shook his head.

As if in theory, the main spacecraft of the Witchcraft spacecraft can effectively threaten the Lord of the World, in fact, from the moment of the ancient world, from the moment when the Wizarding World developed a spaceship, the world of the Demon Expedition does not know how many, every time hunting There are literally hundreds of thousands of spaceships going out in the Magic Expedition. However, the world's lord who really fell under the main gun of the spaceship was so rare that it was sung by every spacecraft singer.

At this time, Green's avatar is just a witchcraft that Green's ontology has created with the source of annihilation. It is not afraid of death. With the magical power of the ontology, if you come in person, it is not a problem to change the two.

boom! boom! boom!

The three psionic blasting bullets radiate a strong radiant aura, dazzling and dazzling, and some low-level evolutionary people still have the prospect of exploration in the future, that is, two vines fall from the glare. Tens of thousands of meters of vines once again ruined a base ruthlessly, and the high-intensity shock wave spread.

"Evolution... no hope."

"Why it came out like this!"

The unwilling roar, the desperate embarrassment, can't stop this from happening.

As if the last generation of the spirits faced the chaotic devils, they watched as they were proud of civilization and were trampled by ruthless tears.

The strong wind is mixed with debris, but it can't hurt Green's powerful body. However, many so-called elite evolutionists behind him have already died seven or eighty-eight, leaving only a few of the strongest cabinet elders, standing as soul slaves.

Bang, boom, boom!

The glare is scattered, and the kilometer is coming step by step.

The three psychic blasting bombs only wiped out some of the tens of thousands of parasitic vegetatives on this giant tree, destroying some of the fine details, and did not cause too much damage to the body.

Judging from the biological level, this huge plant is probably four peaks!

"The reptiles that have been drilled in the exotic world, I am the parasitic spores of the world, Liu Teng, who dare to speak out and insult the king of the great male fern. Your body will be dedicated to your majesty!"

With the stepping of this kilometer giant willow step by step, in addition to just a few of the longest and strongest wicker, thousands of branches at this moment have swept over the same time, the attack has not yet arrived, the strong wind pressure has already come first.

What is even more frightening is that the vegetative people are leaping high at the same time, and they are rushing over. The relatively rare emotions are also not afraid of any way of death.

"Oh, let's play again."

The source of Green's annihilation is a strange smile. The base surface is close to the ruins, and the underground space has been damaged by a large area. There is no need to exist, and it can no longer be guarded.

In the real time, Green jumped up like a cannonball. The ground stood suddenly spread a 20-meter-diameter giant pit, and the sound of "嘭" disappeared without a trace.

Completed the transformation of the barbarian giant day by day, more than a hundred meters of giant objects surrounded by terrible power ripples, some low-level vegetative people who attacked in the opposite direction of Green, was instantly shattered by the horrible power ripples, and few powerful vegetative people were difficult to Green The savage giants cause daily damage to the sun.


With a roar, the barbarian giants opened up a few wickers that they wanted to entangle themselves, rushing toward the brown-black stunned giant willow body, going forward.


The dull sound of the broken, a lot of wood chips flying, as the incarnation of the body that has barely entered the world, Green does have the power to hurt the main body of the world.

However, it is just that!

After all, it is just an incarnation of the body that has just grasped the pure power of the holy mark wizard.

These flying sawdust is insignificant for the huge body of giant willow.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped……

The battle of the half hour of hourglass time, most of the time is the full outburst of the incarnation of Green's body, and it is constantly struggling, more than the ease of the giant willow, not worth mentioning.

Finally, with the deepening of the entanglement, the brutal giants’ daily injuries are getting heavier and heavier. Hundreds of giant pythons with waving wickers appear, revealing only the head of the barbarian giants who are breathing.

"Oh, it’s enough to leave only your body."

The three roots of the wicker tip are turned into three giant mouths, and the spiral tooth sucker in a circle looks like some kind of underwater prehistoric creature.

The barbarian giants are looking at the giant willows with a sneer.

"If you want to take it, this incarnation has already fulfilled its mission of existence. You and your world will soon realize the horror of the wizard... oh..."

The three fundamental life wickers are inserted into the mouth and eyes of the barbarian giant Sunstrider, desperately drilling, taking some flesh and blood extracts, and injecting a lot of polluted spores.


Ok! ?

In the excitement of the giant willow ~www.novelmtl.com~ suddenly noticed what, the huge body slowly turned around, looking into the distant space, a strange space ripple, swaying out of the exotic, unknown, let it feel Incomparable repression, as if to smell the excitement and greed.

"This... is the world in which this creature is located?"

With many foreign world invasion experiences, Ju Liu did not feel nervous.

The newly opened world crack, the huge body of the world's Lord can not quickly descend to the exotic world in a short time, must first pass a large number of low-level creatures, and then continue to expand the world crack into the body.

Some of the owners of the barbaric world will try to open up the world's cracks with their own bodies and forcibly invade.

"Oh, I don't know which side is behind the big world. I really dare to forcibly invade the world. If it has already come, let's see what kind of bio-community it is."

The giant willows are fearless, step by step toward the anomalous direction of space, and the body of the world is unstoppable. (To be continued.)


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