A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 908: Thoroughly coming


"what is this!"


Two plant-like exotic life emerged from the space crack, and the breath was not weaker than the strongest Stuart in the secret base at this time, even stronger!

One of them is like a huge thorn ball, and the other is a fern geek tree. After feeling a lot of flesh-and-blood life, there are many strange thorns, which are incomparably fascinating and take the initiative to evolve to secret bases. Rushing away.

These low-level evolutionary people, psionic science and technology personnel, no one can rival, mess up.

Any evolver who attempts to get close to a crack in space is killed by a large number of stout, powerful, incredible plants that are constantly cracking open. These d-level and c-level evolutionary people can't even be close.

The only entrance to the secret base is behind the planted old director, but because of Li Qingya’s relationship, Situ Mo did not dare to attack and try to kill, but only faintly confrontation.

Any evolved or spiritual person who dares to approach the exit and attempt to escape is killed by the old director without mercy!

In the meantime, the secret base is full of flesh and blood, mourning and mourning, and the misery is like hell.

"You... you deceive us and use all of us!?"

The heart is like a knife, and the beautiful cockroaches fall into the despair of the region. Situ Mo only feels that everything has become meaningless. The heavy blow makes him feel too small, even if it seems that the power is strong, but still those Doll tool in the hands of the operator.

"Using? Deception?"

The old director was planted to a height of five meters, and the body stretched out one or two stems and leaves from time to time. At this moment, the laughter was dismissed.

"People, evolutionary people, but one of the countless biological groups in the endless world, the survival of the fittest is the most basic evolutionary rule of the endless world! By relying on the power of the evolutionary people, one day, one day, those who are undersea and underground will be The ancient dragons were completely extinct. Oh, and I am the real savior! In order to completely save the evolutionary, I sacrificed all my sacrifices to the king of the great male fern, and opened the crack of this parasitic spore world. We evolved people to gain priority parasitic rights and transform them into higher vegetatives!"

The high voice of the old director seems to represent justice and represents a more advanced civilization. Singing praises.

"Cough and cough..."

Some of Li Qingya's body is the body of the flesh and blood, and the other part is the parasitic spore plant body. The two are undergoing intense mutual exclusion. At this moment, they can not help but spit out some blood, which is at stake!

For the old director who has become a vegetative person to reason. Situ Mo did not understand, but Situ Mo knew that once the evolutionary people were all transformed into vegetative people, it represented all the civilizations, inheritances, and wills of the past, and the bottom of the test disappeared. The evolutionary people of the spiritual people were completely extinct.

In the end how to do! ?

Li Qingya...

"Hey, Situ Mo, want to save Li Qingya, I will immediately obey my arrangement, otherwise I will ask you to come out of the alien world. You can see if there is any courage to dare to let it go here!" Hey, the King of the Great Male Fern has already told me the secret about you."

With unbridled ridicule, the Director looked at Situ Mo's eyes as if he was looking at an ignorant mouse, and he was arrogant and disdainful, as if everything was in control.


By such ‘red, naked’, the deepest secret in his heart was broken. Situ Mo’s desperate eyes were so horrified, embarrassed, and fearful that it was difficult to say anything, leaving only endless fear.

Behind them, a large number of ferns were poured out in the cracks in the space. There are not many evolutionary people in the secret base, and as the space cracks become larger and larger, the dark cracks are followed by an incredible and more horrible atmosphere. Through the cracks infiltrated into this side, every cell of Situ ink could not help but tremble.

"Hey, are you talking about me??"

Mo Ran, a sinful, unclear evil atmosphere appeared, and Stuart’s blood on his shoulders squirmed, and he gave birth to a second head. The long blond hair is floating, the cold eyes are deep and the mouth is full of violent smiles.

The skull made a 180-degree turn and looked at the darkness of the space crack. The evil angle of the corner of the mouth was even greater. The head turned directly to the 360-degree turn and turned back again to look at the plant. The old director of the system.

"You... seems to be in fear?"

The old director stepped back slightly, feeling the incredible power of Stuart's body at the moment, and his look was unbelievable.

According to the Baron adults, the projection of the will of a world master is only s-class, and it is the power that Situ Mo has shown.

However, if this vast expanse of the sea is so horrible, how could it be the s-class that Stuart showed before?



Situ Mo's **** sword was free to wave, but after seeing the old director in the secret base, a dozens of meters of sword marks appeared. The next moment the old director was planted and broken.

"Great annihilation wizard..."

Situ Moss reveals tears of despair.

All had good, turned out to be so cruel to let the fact that the past two years and always look forward to a better future evolution of man Stuart ink, the heart completely dead, seems to have lost any hope.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, fate ah, really cruel, how cruel ...... bow to fate, despair yet?"

The source of Green's annihilation, the evil laughter reverberates, exuding a majestic atmosphere, and wearing the sultry voice of Situ's heart.

"I... Any hope?"

Situ Moss asked dim and ignorant.

"Oh, humble existence, weak Holy Spirit, have you forgotten, you still have me! Pray for the annihilation of the wizard, worship in front of me, complete the transaction, I will fulfill any of your wishes! Let Li Qingya Continue to live, let these fern people who want to destroy you go to perdition, and let any attempt to block the evolutionary people from standing at the peak of the world and subvert it!"

Green's words made Stuart's eyes wide open and unbelievable.

In desperation to give hope, Situ Mo was actually revealed by the moment, the green of the devil smile, moved to the most sincere tears.

"Great annihilation wizard ~ www.novelmtl.com~ humble Situmo prays to you, as long as you can achieve this, I am willing to dedicate my soul, my body, my life, everything, as you Grateful!"

"嘭", Situ Mou was on the ground, and Li Qingya, who was struggling to see the pain in his arms, was full of reluctance and wishes.

"Qing Ya, please take my good wishes and enjoy the beautiful life of evolutionary people standing at the peak of this world..."

Green's evil laughter gradually calmed down.

Finally, the devil's contract was completely completed, and the soul of the prey was harvested. The avatar of the source of annihilation will replace the projection of the will of the general world and the sacred sorcerer, and will fully fall into this world.



The majestic power swept the entire cf-2 underground secret base, and Green completely fell to the source of the annihilation of the world of chaos in the end of the world. In addition to not being able to mobilize the magic, it will be able to exert all the power of its own body! (To be continued.)


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