A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 905: Incarnation

Six days later.

A group of thirteen people, led by m large base Zhang Xing, once again passed a dn-1 base to get six c-level evolutionary foreign aid, and then went to the m base.

The degree of danger in the wilderness is difficult even if the line is an evolutionary person above c level.

At this moment, Li Qingya’s special Long Xingjiang, a c-class evolutionary foreign aid obtained by Zhang Xing before the cf-2 base, was accidentally invaded by a **** grasshopper.

"how about it?"

Zhang Xing frowned and asked.

An evolutionary person who is good at medical emergency is doing his best to rescue. After the evolution of the chaotic end of the world, this mutant grasshopper is far more powerful than imagination.

The bucket-like swollen arms, the body exudes black dead air, the consciousness has fallen into fainting, and even the lower body is urinating, and the arm is tied by a rope.

"No, there are limited conditions here, this arm can't keep it."

The first-aid evolutionary man shook his head and sighed.

"He should be lucky. This **** grasshopper is invading from his arm. If it is elsewhere, it is not saved."

The comatose evolutionary man had no voting rights. After getting the consent of the evolutionary person who came with him, Zhang Xing nodded, and the medical emergency evolver cleaned his bucket and his arm was black and bloody.


Longxingjiang, two hundred meters wide, the waves rolling, rushing into the sea.

"Everyone is quiet, hidden on the spot, waiting for the night to pass."

Zhang Xing pressed his wrist at the end, and said that the c-level evolutionary person who seems to be the youngest in the group could not help but wonder: "Isn't the mutant beast more terrible at night?"

"Hey, the mutant beast has nothing to do, and it’s good luck to run into a b-class aquatic mutant beast. It’s really terrible than the mutant beast."

Zhang Xingzheng said sullenly, suddenly as if he had discovered something, his look was so big that he slammed his body and pressed down an evolutionary person who was planning to investigate.

Shasha Shasha...

Close to the **** of the soil. Situ Mo tried his best to suppress his own breath, and his eyes looked at the weeds. It turned out that a group of three or four meters of black beetle creatures on the river had a strange energy device and was cruising!

These beetles look like a whole. But it can crawl like a snake, and the tentacles can't shake, as if communicating with some kind of chaotic radiation energy, full of wisdom, and many feet are very flexible.

"Is this the bottom of the sea? It is worthy of the chaotic end of the world."

The number of these people on the sea floor is more than a hundred, and the energy device surrounded by it is like a large pot lid, which makes a heart-like "咕咚", "咕咚", "咕咚" resonance, and gradually swims down the Longxing River.


After the people of the seabed left, the heads of the crowd could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Did not really fight the people under the sea, these guys do not know the terrible of the sea.

I have to admit that this world's evolutionary people, whether it is technology, adaptability or evolution, are far worse than the seabed, in the dark jungle evolution rule. Belongs to species that are being phased out.


Fifteen days later.

For fifteen days, for the Wizarding World Green, no matter what is fleeting, for the evolutionary people who are struggling with these chaotic worlds, it seems to have gone through a tempering journey.

Unfortunately, one person was still swallowed up by a group of cruel cannibal trees while on the way.

"This is the m base!?"

The sounds of humming sounds, "bang", "bang" and "bang" sounded like spiders. The eight-footed self-propelled guns that were once studied by the spirits appeared in twos and threes, which made Situ Mo surprised. A group of vampire bats controlled by psionic helmets guard the sky!

There are ditches everywhere, and there are countless traps. A thick stone wall of more than 30 meters high will firmly defend the m base.

However, what made Situ Mo double-hole shrinking was that this thick and high wall broke through a big hole at this time. The giant footprints on the ground are a few meters wide, clearly printed, surrounded by broken, gully, and apparently experienced a power battle.

"follow me."

Zhang Hang took everyone and walked deep into the combat command room.


late at night. Situ Mo's arms were filled with black air, and Situ Mohe was paralyzed into deeper sleep.

Then, the two arms squirmed and twisted together, and the strength remained at the source of the annihilation between 570 and 4750, standing on the ground with the image of Green, naked and truly out of the field!

In the end, the source of annihilation is nothing more than the similar elements of Green's activity to activate life-like witchcraft. The power ceiling is closely related to Green's own strength.

"Hey, start hunting the first s-class nucleus. As a big world, and across such a distant time and space, the difficulty of opening the world crack is not the same as that of purifying the world."

Gloomy and whispered to himself, this annihilation source turned out to be a new one for Situ Mo's two arms, flying toward the dark night sky outside the door.

"Compared to the difficulty of relying on this avatar to cause blood sacrifices, the model of the cf-2 base, together with some of the second-level three-level biocrystal nucleus of the region, relies on the unique psionic technology of the world to open the world crack, which is obviously more secure and simple. Some. Not much, just need to open a trace of time and space cracks as an introduction, but also enough for the body and the sorcerer of the sacred mark to completely tear open the world passage, and invade, hehe..."

After half an hour of hourglass.

A sawtoothed tortoise in the mud pond suddenly opened his eyes, and the sudden sudden feeling of grief is what happened! ?

A pair of eagle-like apricots and yellow scorpions, quickly noticed that the sky is naked, with an evil and unknown atmosphere.

"who are you?"

The serrated dragon tortoise slowly climbed from the mire, and the huge body of more than 30 meters made the muddy water roll, the giant thorn on the thick tortoise shell, and the phosphorous poisonous silver in the moonlight.

"Oh? I even have the wisdom of soul communication. It seems that this chaotic fog is much warmer than the temperature of the abyss. With more than a hundred years of history, you can evolve such a multi-level creature, this chaotic world...桀桀桀Hey!"

The low laugh echoed.

The sawtooth dragon turtle looked up, this creature does not seem to communicate with himself, full of disdain, arrogant face, as if watching a creeping reptile at the foot, can easily step on death.

"I thought that the world's largest treasure ~www.novelmtl.com~ is the time and space exploration technology that once mastered the spirit. Now it seems that the real treasure should be the information of the chaotic world opened by the original psionic time and space exploration machine. This should be It is the biggest treasure of the world. Oh, it’s so interesting!”

In the wicked laughter of the muttering, the most pure and brutal light of the Dark Wizard, the incarnation of Green's source of annihilation, has completed the second layer of wild instinct!

Since the annihilation of the body is not complete, the witchcraft is not complete, so it is far from the strongest force of Green. However, it is stronger than the projection of the general world. It is not the reluctance to enter the third-level creature in this wizarding world. Can match.

A moment later, a world of singularity was rated as a s-class chaotic nucleus, falling into the second layer of wild instinct spurs.

The source of the annihilation, Green's body, was once again turned into Situ's two arms, flew to the m base, and after a while squirming, the Situ ink shoulders in the slumber were newly parasitized in the world's native creatures.

"It seems that the opportunity to come completely is on the savior plan, and there is really some that can't wait..." (To be continued.)


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