A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 903: Sharpening

Chaos in the end of the world, cf-2 base. network

"Yeah, as long as you can let yourself have power, as long as Li Qingya continues to love himself, as long as he can save the evolutionary person, even if he sells everything to the devil, what can he do?"

As Situ Mo’s inner consciousness gradually gained the upper hand, his eyes were no longer embarrassed in reality.

"For strength, don't you even have this sacrifice? If you can realistically wish, what the devil wants, even if it is better!"

This is already three days after the hunting annual meeting. At this moment, Situ Mo has become very calm at this moment.

I don't know if Li Qingya shredded his previous insistence.

Once again, Situ Mo seems to have communicated the night of the devil for the first time, summoning the terrible existence of the unknown alien world called the annihilation wizard.

"Hey, why, this time, I actually summoned me, I have already wanted to open it?"

Situ Mo's left hand changed for a while, and the palm of his hand slowly turned into a face. However, Situ Mo did not fear or even felt any abnormality.

"Yes, I want to gain strength, stronger power than now!"

Situ Mo's voice was very calm, and then there was some doubt.

"But you only have 1,200 yuan, how much power can you give me?"

"How much power?"

Green's voice was crazy, as if he had penetrated the heart of Stuart and arrived in his original ‘desire and hope.’

"Beyond the power of your imagination, let the power of the world tremble, subvert the power of all the creatures in front of the evolutionary, and the power that the devil fears!"

"What do I need to pay?"

Situ Mo looks at this face on his left hand, which is similar to the spiritual person.

Is this the true face of himself?

From the perspective of racism, it is not only embarrassing, but even full of wisdom.

"Hey, want to subvert the power of this world?"

The palm of your left hand smiled.

"The price that needs to be paid can be a bit big, that is yours, your soul. Everything about you! How, want?"


After hesitating for a while, Situ Mo low said: "No, this price is a bit too heavy. I want to try it first by myself. Please give me the power of the b-level evolutionary person. What is the price?"

"The principle of foreign trading is fairness, you have to pay fifteen years of life for this, and the cost of your right hand!"

After hearing this price. Situ Mo could not help but ask: "So how much time do I still have?"

"Let me calculate, one, two, three, four... well, you still have fifty years of life, still quite abundant..."

Situ ink left the palm of his hand and said a value.

"After fifteen years, is there still thirty-five years? It should be enough, good! Deal."

Situ Mo even promised in one breath, even if he lost his right hand and fifteen years of life, he did not hesitate!

"Ha ha ha ha, good. I like your experience. You are my first foreign life to actively communicate fair trade. I am very patient with you. You should be very grateful. Well, see you and I have. For some of the same experiences, this is free for you."

With the hands out of control, Stuart's body cell potential is rapidly evolving under the singular energy of the uncontrolled hands. At the same time, a long sword slowly spits out from the mouth of the left palm.

"This is the sword of blood. A good weapon, I believe I will help you in the future, hehe..."

Renewed his hands control, Situ Mo stood up in a slight gasp. Quickly ran to the room of Li Qingya.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Clear, open the door, it is me."

Li Qingya, who was slightly stunned in the room, stood up. After the excitement, she immediately cooled down.

"What are you doing?"

"I... I decided to listen to you and stop suppressing my potential. I will definitely help the Administrator and the Ph.D. to complete the Savior Plan and contribute to the future of the evolutionary person, even if it is life!"

Situ Mo’s high voice was from the heart of the lungs. In the end of the world, such emotional appeal made Li Qingya, who was greatly influenced by the director’s edification, moved. After biting his teeth, “Oh,” he opened the door of the room.

"Stuart, you... um!?"

Li Qingya’s eyes are deep, and there is a glimpse of it.

Situ Mo, vitality: 233, Yuanli: 3500!

"What did you do?"

In the world of the spiritual world, Yuan Li is the energy that drives special abilities, and the power of Situ Mo is naturally the hands that have already belonged to Green. It is also that Green uses the source of annihilation instead of the projection of the will of the general world. More advanced and unique ability, outside the body.

Li Qingya does not know these things. If such a high force is exerted, this is the power possessed by s-class creatures!

Even Situ Mo doubled his vitality at this time. However, his potential in the eyes of Li Qingya is far from being fully realized. He has more potential to surpass the potential of the Director.

With such power, it is no wonder that Li Qingya was shocked.

Situ Mo looked at Li Qingya with tenderness and used it in his arms.

"My family has communicated with the exotic world hundreds of years ago. Every Situ family is afraid, because there is a demon hidden in their bodies. Once they are greedy for the power of the devil, they will gradually move toward the abyss and destroy the world. ”

Situ Mo holds Li Qingya's face.

"For you, in order to evolve the future of man, I decided to play the unlimited power it should have, but please help me keep this secret, okay?"

Li Qingya only felt that at this moment, she was almost melted by the man's tender eyes, tears, and nodded.


The Wizarding World, the tower of the annihilation.

"Little eight! Little eight!"

In the high voice of Green, soon, Xiao Ba took the Rab from the outside of the mechanical warehouse and excitedly smiled and said: "Hey, what happened to the young master, is there progress?"

"Well, although I have not yet been able to come to a complete body of incarnation, I believe that it is only a matter of time. Even even these forces should be barely enough to complete the task."

Green laughter is especially exciting.

Being able to conquer a world of other world communities before the war of civilization, even if the 10,000-step retreat, the wizarding world is really defeated in the battle of the third civilization, Green can also rely on the special evolutionary way of breaking through the shackles. As the evil spirit, the world continues to sneak and steal.

"You will inform thousands of giant crabs, foggy demon crabs, the slave army, and several deans at the college. Many sorcerers will carry out a large-scale world invasion in a decade!"


Xiao Ba was extremely excited and quickly left the virtual mothership.

Green took out the crystal ball.

A moment later, the crystal ball appeared in the crystal ball of the Destruction Sword that had just been separated.

"What is it, Green?"

Yuquan asked doubtfully.

Different from Green’s choice of cultivating his own slavery corps, these years, the abyss of the abyss, and some sacred sorcerer slaves who are familiar with the sacred springs, some of the slain slaves, and the sacred springs A lot of wealth.

"Hey, sister, I found a middle school with a rather chaotic and rich, and I have no interest..."

Invite the Sword of Destruction, the Heart of Nether, the Nine Fury, the Hand of the Super Devil, the Wing of Darkness, the Arch of Arkmond, the Castle of Ivory, the hourglass of the gloom, the nine sorcerer of the bell tower, and the seven-ring Santa The dish of the sacred marks has fallen, and Green is a little sorry.

The hand of the super-magic is infused with the energy to promote the holy mark, and Accord has promoted the holy mark, the wing of darkness, and even the source of the magical power of the wizard tower without the establishment of the world.

Even in addition to the bones of the bell tower, the other sacred sorcerers are only four levels of existence, in the face of the world's greed, the world of greed is in the incomparable chaos in the world of chaos. www.novelmtl.com~ is not insured.

The war of civilization is just around the corner, and it is Green’s incompetence to give some benefits a precious time and a secure conquest.

In this way, Green couldn't help but fly to the Second Ring Santa, and released a joint invasion mission with some of the ancient and powerful sacred sorcerers, and all the idle sorcerers and sorcerers.

Since it is not a hunter-destroy expedition, naturally, there is no need to go through the expedition procedure of the sacred hunter, nor to buy a space fortress for the sorcerer's declaration. This is entirely a private war initiated by Green!

In a short period of time, several qualified and powerful wizards have expressed strong interest.

Among them, there is a sorcerer who left the ancient sacred mark, and the panic is boiling!

One after another, the sacred sorcerer and the secret territory, reorganized the slavery regiment, summoned the wizarding sorcerer, and some of the sorcerers who learned the news in the abyss field, ready to go, sharpen their swords, ready to go to the tower of annihilation In a secret environment, invade the crack in the world that is about to open in the mouth of the sacred tower. (To be continued.)


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