A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 899: Savior plan

"咚", the lift is in the end, some warm look, warmer than the above.

"Don't worry, although the evolutionary people are not optimistic in this world, they are not without the opportunity to rule the world again. After the spiritual people, they will reproduce their glory, because our director secretly started this savior plan seven years ago!"

Li Qingya thought that Stuart's pale face was because of the despair of the world. He rushed through the real plan of bringing Situ Mo to this secret base. His expression was a little excited, and his tone was incomparable. I feel very proud of this plan.

"Savior plan!?"


As the elevator door opened, several soldiers armed with psionic weapons guns came over. After confirming the identity of the three men, they were neatly and uniformly saluted, showing a very high disciplinary quality.

"Well, it’s hard."

The Director expressed condolences, and several soldiers answered in unison, and the voice was very exciting, as if the most loyal believers were generally: "Dedicating everything for the future of evolutionary people!"

The director took Situ Mo to leave the lift. Some psionic researchers were curious to see the new face of Situ Mo. Situ Mo felt a very weak breath from them. It was weaker and weaker than before. Like a wooden stick, it can easily be broken.

"These are the descendants of the base who have secretly carried out research and research by high-end meta-energy researchers. They have inherited the research of the elders. Since this secret base has never been contaminated by chaotic fog, they are truly spiritual people, according to the original spirit of the spirit. The evolutionary way is that they have never been to the ground in their lifetime."

The Director explained to Situmo behind him.

A row of rows of scientific research instruments can pass by. It seems that it is because of these residual scientific instruments that the base maintains some psionic ordnance and can constantly update the psionic energy polluted by chaotic fog. Maintain the reliability of the ordnance.

"The real spirit!! Those above..."

The Director shook his head, and next to Xiao Li explained: "In fact, all the spiritual people who can survive the end of the chaos have more or less passive evolution, but evolved more slowly than those mutant animals. Something is gone. It’s no exaggeration to call them f-level evolutionists."

The worldview of Situmo was subverted and he could only nod passively.

"Oh, come, this is the new promotion c-class Situ Mo, right?"

In front, an evolutionary person wearing a white coat walked over, the repressed atmosphere, the strong energy fluctuations, and Situmo first thought of the cf-2 base in addition to the director. Another b-level powerhouse, Dr.!

"Well, he has been promoted to the c-level evolutionary person. He is qualified to know the plan. Next month is the hunting annual meeting. This time, the energy crystal nucleus needs a thunder attribute ripple, and the base can detect the ripple with the property of the mine. The mutant beast of level b or above, only it..."

The silent sigh after it, let Situmo look a glimpse.

After the old director explained to the doctor, he looked at Situ Mo. Pointing to a giant ball in front of the general 诡 诡 能 机器 machine, low excitement: "Stuart, this is the savior plan of the cf-2 base to save the evolutionary."

"Explore time and space!?"

Most people don't know this machine. Situ Mo is clearly aware!

Situ Mo screamed, unbelievable, looking at the old director and all the people present, as if looking at a group of madmen.

Once this beautiful world, it was this psionic technology that tried to explore the foreign world to open up the chaotic cracks, which caused the world to fall into the end of the disaster. Now, the base is still trying to open the door to the exotic world. Director, is he crazy? ?

He wants to get the world into a deeper catastrophe?

"Stuart. You are worried that this psionic exploration of time and space will make the world into a deeper disaster. Do you hate these exotic creatures?"

The old director seemed to have penetrated Situmo’s heart and asked in a loud voice. A doctor wearing a white coat wearing a glove mask and entering a closed laboratory seems to have long been accustomed to the incomprehension and fear of the new plan of Stuart for the savior plan, taking two experimental beakers out.


Situ Mo is unquestionable and said quietly.

"Young people, the development of civilization cannot be feared by the death of a disaster, or they will remain in their own narrow world forever. Through this chaotic end of the world disaster, at least let the once spiritual person evolve into an evolutionary person, let us see the world. Powerful creatures other than them, they are called the Lord of the World! Even, we can also evolve the world's lords who belong to our evolutionary people! In general, from the perspective of biological evolution, once the spiritual people opened A catastrophe, but also a chance to give yourself a higher level of biological evolution!"

The doctor explained in an orderly manner.

"Because of fear, I will always close my own world? Have you ever thought that since the spiritual people can communicate with other worlds and open up the world cracks, will these worlds also open the crack of the world of the spiritual people one day? How do these alien creatures face the invasion of these alien creatures?"

The doctor's continuous questioning, let Situ Mo do not know how to answer.

Shaking his head, the doctor suddenly flashed a flash of unspeakable excitement, placing two experimental beakers in front of Situ Mo, filled with two different gases.

One of the bottles of gas is gray, it is the chaotic fog that the world is full of, while the other flask is green, a clear feeling.

Then, in the excitement of the doctor, the two beaker gases merged together, and there was a neutralization!

"This is another exotic world gas that I discovered seven years ago from the debris of an alien world found by an ancient family brought by the Administrator! In addition to the world of people, the world of chaos, there are in fact various The endless world of infinity, not every world is as violent and disorderly as the chaotic world, as long as we can open the cracks in this world, ignite part of the world's breath and chaotic fog, believe..."


Is this the secret savior plan of the cf-2 base?

Half an hour later ~www.novelmtl.com~ Situ Mo followed Li Qingya to leave this secret base.

It is only because of the doubts of other evolutionary people, and later believe that Situ Mo, who has had contact and deeper understanding with the alien devil, has a deeper alert for this plan.

If you want to sneak out another group of monsters from this space crack named by the cf-2 base to purify the world...

"Situ Mo, you have to prepare for it. Another month is the annual hunting annual meeting. Exploring the space-time machine to open the space crack, you need to find ten chaotic crystal nucleus with different properties above b level according to the doctor's attribute calculation. As an energy source, this year is already the eighth. There are still two years, our savior plan will be opened! But the hunting target is too strong, even if the entire base takes the initiative to attack, I don’t know if I am sure..."

Li Qingya smiled a little bit sad, and sighed and left.

"If it is not suitable for this savior plan, the Director may have relied on these chaotic crystal nuclei to be promoted to a-level evolutionary person..." (To be continued)

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