A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 897: Evolutionary person

"Hehehehe, Situ Mo?"

The Director of the Military Region was physically tough and rejuvenated. He instinctively told Situ Mo. This is a stronger evolutionary person who dared not hesitate. Situ Mo Jingdao said: "Yes, my name is Situ Mo."


Nodded and looked at the documents and there was very little information about Situ Mo. The military district director threw the documents in his hand on the table.

"When did you discover evolution, how many days?"

A pair of deep bottomless eyes looked straight at Situ Mo, and actually let Situ Mo could not help but think of the two-color brilliance in the mirror, and dare not look at it. Situ Mo was low and sad: "Three days, since the last time Reported to the military area in the vicinity of the monks found nearby, and found that the wife and daughter died on the day of the news, they discovered the evolution of the body."

The sad look of Situ Mo did not make any mistakes.

Hey, call...

The spit of the old man nodded and expressed his understanding.

"Well, in addition to the genetic innate evolution of the previous generation, many evolutionary people suddenly evolved after the emotional crisis has gone out of control. The former spiritual people will all be replaced by the evolutionary people who will adapt to the chaotic end of the world in the future. The evolution of psionic technology, which has been eroded by chaotic fog, no longer adapts to the needs of the world. Congratulations on being a member of the evolutionary, and the future evolutionary world will surely rise."

If you are encouraged, it is just a passage.

It is not to touch some high-end secrets, just some rumors at the bottom, Situ Mo also understands the terrible form of chaos in the end of the world.

Not to mention the horrible chaotic world creatures that are known as the devils. Some of the world’s super-evolutionary s-class s-classes can’t fight against terrible creatures, and the underground people of the ancient people who were born are all in the ancient dragons. In the end of the chaos, the biota is better than the evolutionary person. The number of ethnic groups that can be compared with the evolutionary is quite the same. As for the monks who were probed a few days ago, there are almost thousands of stars. Today, one is extinct, tomorrow. Two were born.

The world is too chaotic because of the chaotic fog. Whether the spiritual person can continue to pass on is still unknown...

"Yes, Director, I will definitely contribute my life to the rise of the evolutionary."

Situ ink snarled loudly. This sentence is from his heart.

"Hehehe, young people are good, this era of change, but also the era of heroes, you need such a **** young man. Xiao Li. Test his vitality and strength, prepare a case in the military region."

In the room, in addition to the two evolutionary guard soldiers, there are more than a dozen civilian personnel in the room. This little Li is the female secretary next to the Director. It seems to be an evolutionary person with some special functions.

The black frame eyes are against some spots, and Xiao Li’s pupils are not visible. The white military uniforms that fit the body highlight her graceful posture, and the green cheeks are green on both sides. The Lingren aesthetic seems to be cold and charming.

"Life: 28, Yuanneng: 0."

After Xiao Li saw Situ Mo for a while, he said two short data.

"Well, it has just evolved suddenly, and the vitality has reached twenty-eight. Hehehe, this is even stronger than some old-fashioned evolutionary people. Well, put the evolutionary data of Situ Mo in the military area, and remember each later. Come over the assessment once a month. The assessment data is related to your military treatment."

Said, the Director waved his hand and signaled that Situ Mo could leave.

After Situmo left the room, Xiao Li suddenly whispered: "Director. He is afraid that he is still far from exerting his vitality potential."

"Oh? How much did it play?"

The Director’s interest was that several people were also surprised to see Xiao Li, 28 points of vitality, not weak in the evolutionary people of the base. The spiritual people who can raise their vitality to 15 or more are counted as evolutionary people. Ranks.

"A quarter or a fifth. Even less"

"Just kidding?"

A civilian staff member burst into the room and immediately realized that he was out of his way and closed his mouth. However, the suspicion of the civilian staff clearly represented the people present, and the Director was no exception.


Xiao Li nodded calmly and did not return.

"Oh? That's great. It seems that the c-level evolutionary people in the base have to add one more. Together with two b-level evolutionists, our savior plan will have a better chance to complete, hahaha, this During the period, Xiao Li, take care of this new person, arrange some exercise tasks, and give full play to his potential. I think he is not bad..."

At the end of the day, the Director had a bit of a ridiculous tone.

Li Qingya’s face flashed a shyness. Whenever a good evolutionary person appeared, the director who seemed to be his father would always arrange it. It was really embarrassing.

For the Administrator, all the top leaders of the military region have no admiration.

In addition to his strongest force on behalf of the military region, it is also related to his savior plan...

When other bases, even with the a-level evolutionary person and even the legendary s-level evolutionary base, are still struggling in the turbulent chaos, the director’s adult has already opened the savior plan in this relatively closed base. Trying to save the spiritual evolution of human civilization.


A month later.

Screaming and screaming...

In accordance with the command of Li Qingya, Situ Mo rushed in the playground of the military area at night, and with all the military evolutionary people, this enabled the evolutionists to more effectively absorb the relatively soft chaotic fog at night and accumulate self-evolution.

Chaotic fog is a chronic poison for ordinary people. However, for evolutionary people and many creatures that adapt to the end of the chaos, it is the source of the source of evolution.

After an hour, many evolutionary people dispersed, Situ ink sweated with a wet towel, watching the results of the evolutionary test on the list last month, this is the driving force of his rise.

Situ Mo, vitality: 56, Yuanneng: 0, ranking: 276.

More than 700 evolutionary people were registered in the military region, and the Situmo district increased from more than 500 to 276 in one month. This shows that the potential is great, and it has been regarded as a competitor by many evolutionary people in the military region.

Anyone whose vitality or meta-energy exceeds 100 will be separated from the lowest-level d-class evolutionary person and become a c-level evolutionary person. At this time, there are only 18 people in the entire base. More than two hundred b-level evolutionary people are only Two.


Li Qingya said that he did not feel good about Situ Mo, and he could not say that he was disgusted.

However, in addition to his enormous potential, the spirit of dedicating everything to the spiritual people, while unconsciously attracting Li Qingya, coupled with some of the director's care words, has also turned into a boat.


Breathing, Situ Mo has been familiar with the evolutionary people who have the power in this base for a month. At this time, he can't help but ask: "How is my vitality rising?"

"Well, it’s already seventy-one, and your life potential is really amazing. I have never found such an amazing evolutionary person in the base except for the director of ten years ago. I saw you for the first time. It really surprised me."

Li Qingya said with a smile: "If you continue this way, you will soon become a c-level evolutionary person. You will be better able to protect the base. You will also have higher authority in the base and know some high-level plans."

"Just a c-level evolutionary person..."

Situ Mo smiled and said: "What if I want to be a b-level evolutionary person like the Administrator?"

Li Qingya frowned and thought: "Your potential is amazing, but it is far from reaching the level b evolutionary person. The director is also relying on perennial exercise accumulation and constantly absorbing chaotic crystal nucleus. The b-level evolutionary person, so after you have your full potential, you should also try to hunt the mutant beast outside and gain the evolution of chaotic crystal nuclei, which is what our evolutionary people know... well, the only rapid evolutionary way."

Thinking of the Savior plan, Li Qingya changed his sentence, and his eyes were full of excitement.

The only rapid evolutionary way?

I can't help myself~www.novelmtl.com~ Situ Mou thought of the sacrifice contract on the chest, and the low, hoarse laughter of 12 o'clock every night still sounded on time.

No, you must never open this devil seal. You must save the world in an evolutionary way. I can do it.

Constantly cheering for himself, Situ Mo smiled and doubled after Li Qingya left.

Time has passed unconsciously, and the chaos has changed a lot. The hard work of Situ Mo has finally arrived. With the 19th c-level evolutionary person in the base, the vitality reaches 112 points, Situ Mo obviously feels himself. The accumulation of exercise can no longer provide a high-speed evolution for yourself.

"It's time to go out hunting and get chaotic crystals."

"Hey, have you reached the limit, humble creatures, pray for my forgiveness, dedication to your life, you will get stronger power..."

Situ ink ignored it. To be continued.


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