A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 16 Chapter 793: Unstoppable (7)

"Ah! It came in..."

An old witch looks screaming, hysterically screaming, looking up at the head of the barbarian giant who came in from the loopholes in the high-altitude defense enchantment, and his inner fear was written on his face.

No wonder!

After all, it is only a first-class mechanical wizard in the Wizarding World. It has not experienced the cruel baptism of the Battle of the Demon Expedition World. How can war consciousness be discussed with the demon wizard?

"Give me quiet!"

Holding the college, the female dean of the eight-flame fan of the martial arts was standing in the air, and roared toward the surrounding six gods and the sorcerer. The scene suddenly restored some order. Many of the sorcerers also found the main heart and looked at the female dean. .

The female director secretly swallowed a mouthful of mouthwash, sinking her breath and looking up at the sky.

The Forge Hammer's Tower is full of magical powers, and the defensive enchantment suddenly wants to be restored. However, it is completely unable to heal completely by the barbarian giants and the big heads and the arms that stretched in.

However, due to the squeezing of the hood, it is extremely difficult for the barbarian to completely enter the inside of the hood. It can only be drilled into it in a little bit, and it is difficult to squeeze into the inside of the hood.

In the sky, thousands of college guardian aircraft are crushed, densely packed, and fearlessly rushing into the monsters of the defensive hood. The chaotic shadows obscure the sky.


In the anxious, the barbarian giant roared and snarled, and the sound waves echoed inside the hood.

Like the end of the world, the devil is coming, and the horror power blooms.

Such a scene, with the scene of the world of ivory castle sacred sorcerer who once entered the world of the soul through the door of the world, is strikingly similar!

"Now listen to my orders, all rush to me! Be sure to stop it from coming in! This is the only hope for our college war!"

The female dean ordered the command with absolute command, and the voice was cold and utterly unquestionable. Then an element was teleported and took the lead, and rushed to the head of the savage giant to explore the hood of the defensive hood.

Many mechanical wizards glanced at each other.

On the one hand, the fear of the powerful barbarian giants in the sky, and the other side is out of the emotions of the college. In the hesitant choice, the female sorcerer finally no longer hesitated, and they followed each other and followed the defense. The savage giant, the savage giant, rushed over the head of the sun.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

When many mechanical wizards rushed to the defensive hood, it was the extreme abyss magic wand that was extremely inconvenient in the barbarian giant, slowly coming in slowly.

In this way, the barbarian giant is able to completely extend his arms and head into the hood inside!

"give it to me!"

At the top of the forged hammer wizard tower, the president of Kinders growled, and the giant hammer of the rushing magical force stirred the sky element cloud and slammed into the upper body of the barbarian giant. The intention was again like the previous two attacks. The barbarian giant decided to hit the ground.

The barbarian giant surrounded by the strategists of the stratified aircraft school is continually squeezing into the defensive hood, destroying these annoying little flies with a large abyss of great abyss magic wand, and has destroyed hundreds of them. There is no reduction, and it turns around.

At this time, the source of the magic power at the top of the wizard tower was snarled by Kingdes, and the barbarian giant finally cleared his eyes. These annoying flies were scattered.


The color of laughter is revealed.

The barbarian giant looked at the source of the magical power of the bang, and there was no fear of it. At this time, it was not just outside the defensive hood, and there was no counterattack.

In the sneer, the barbarian giants day-to-day extreme abyss magic wands.

The next moment, the 100-meter extreme abyss magic wand and the source of the magic power giant hammer shadows are both against each other!


Both sides showed their willingness to be unwilling to show weakness. On the one hand, the savage and ridiculous savage of the barbarian giant day by day, on the one hand, Kinders’ full control of the source of magic power spewed, and all the blows, the turbulent waves swayed, and several planes that could not escape The guardian of the college was affected and fell from the sky.


After all, it was the source of Kinders' magic power that was lost to the shadow of the giant hammer, and the inch was dissipated, and it was defeated by the extreme abyss magic wand.

Dean Kinders, who controlled the source of the Forge Hammer's Tower, was in a coma, fell in the sky, and was lifted into the wizarding tower by several college wizards.

"Eight flames fan, fire clouds wings!"

On the other side, the female dean screamed and roared, and the eight-flame fan in the hand gathered a terrible cloud of fire elements, lingering around the body like a hurricane, and eight flames fanned out.


The fire phoenix Changming, a 20-meter-tall giant scorpion fire phoenix gathered the power of the flame of the eight-flame feather fan, the high temperature suddenly caused the surrounding air to be distorted, and the open wings flew straight into the upper body of the barbarian giant into the defensive hood. .

Double squats, the barbarian giants disdain the sun.

At this moment, I can no longer be just as resistant!

The left arm of the bone armor and scales protrudes from the index finger, the long curved nails, the rocky fingertips are dark and staggered, and the light is twisted and converged in all directions. The black lightning flashes away, and the wings are flying in the middle. On the top, the "噗" sounds both annihilated.

The body of the true devil and the extreme abyss magic wand bless, the power of seven thousand degrees of annihilation easily offset the female dean's inheritance of the witch!


Far away, two large aircraft of more than 50 meters flew over, and the muzzle gathered a terrible energy pressure, which turned out to be a giant flying from the bottom space of the wizard tower.

Several third-level wizards led many ant-level mechanical scorpions as pioneers, and “咻”, “咻”, “咻”, and “咻” broke through the air, and they were extremely flexible, and the speed was amazingly fast. The cover hole rushed away.

Then, it was a large number of intensive esoteric college guardian aircraft gathered together, swarming, followed by a number of mechanical wizards ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ these boring resistance ..."

The barbarian giants muttered to themselves with a headache, and although they were not afraid of these low-level creatures, they seemed helpless.


Then, the barbarian giant turned his eyes, seemingly suddenly thought of something, actually revealing the color of joy, a sneer after the skull in the forehead, a diamond-shaped lens from the face of truth flashed, flying out.

This diamond-shaped crystal is the crystal of ice crystal!

With Green's current strength of the third-level wizard, the role of ice crystals is getting so much, so that Green is about to forget its existence.

However, for many years, Green as a three-level wizard, coupled with such long-term accumulation, the energy accumulated by the ice crystal is not comparable to that of a first-level wizard.


The ice crystals fly into the front of these hordes, dense mechanical wizards, college guardians, and mechanical aircraft.

"Ice crystals, ice gyro big ice burst!"

The barbarian giants screamed in the mouth and screamed in the mouth, accompanied by a burst of ice magical violent turmoil, suddenly the overwhelming ice gyro spiraled around in all directions, difficult to count, endless.

In the meantime, Green evolved into a frosty world, blocking the overwhelming interception of the path of the wizard. ☆(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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