A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 16 Chapter 784: Drive back to the 6th ring

Just after returning to the ant nest square at the Seventh Ring of the Sorcerer World through the World Transmission Array, Green received a telematic message from the crystal ball ignited by the Zero Stone.

After taking out the crystal ball, Green was shocked!

It turned out to be the sword of destruction, the sorcerer of the sorcerer, the master of the sacred spring.

"Green, immediately to the Sixth Ring of the Holy Nine, the Wrath of the Witch Academy, the fire of the soul of the mentor has reached the final stage."

On the crystal light curtain, the sacred spring is entangled in white stretches. Although the sound has already been seen through life and death, it can't conceal the sadness in the words. Often the process of the finalization of the soul fire goes from several years to several decades. .

"How is it possible?? The mentor’s fire of his soul is clear..."

Green was incredibly exclaimed and just exited, and he realized what he was. He asked: "Is the teacher failed to try to advance to the fourth-level wizard?"

In general, the elemental sorcerer who established the wizarding tower to become a powerful life of the world is divided into four important process steps.

First, the energy of the variable elemental energy is advanced to the fourth level wizard, and the mental power is increased to 400 points, and the real time ability is obtained.

Second, through the heart robbery, the soul quality becomes the soul of the holy mark, possessing the ability to bear the magic power of the wizard tower, and based on this, build a large-scale soul slave army.

Third, to receive the first-class medal of honor, and to be the focus of the wizard's world will be, the source of the wizard tower magic can be passed through the wizarding world to the holy mark wizard anywhere in the endless world.

Fourth, establish a wizarding college, shelter one of the civilians, cultivate the research system of the college witch knowledge and truth, transport the war wizard to the tower, and achieve the holy mark wizard!

Often, in the life of the elemental wizard, any failure of promotion will affect the fire of the soul, greatly weakening, affecting the life of the soul, including the failure of the promotion of the second-level wizard in the Green.

In the crystal ball light curtain, close the eyes under the sacred spring. Concealing that sadness and regret.

"Yes, the third civil war battle preparation meeting has been completed in the Wizarding League. After about a thousand to 1,500 years, it will fully enter the state of readiness. The instructor is also planning to give full strength after receiving my news. ”

Under the face of truth. Green closed his eyes and took a deep breath and said: "I know, I will go back immediately."

After that, Green closed the crystal ball communication with Youquan, and consumed a piece of stone to connect with his disciples. Cappuccino.

"Green Instructor!?"

For Green, there is no long travel trip. For Cappuccino, it is a long journey of life. The life years she experienced are still too short.

Although Cappuccino has been promoted to the official wizard, it is just a change from the identity of the wizard after the return of Green's first hunting expedition.

"Cappuccino, where are you now?"

Cappuccino looked at the Green Instructor, who had not seen it for more than 300 years in the crystal light curtain, and he said: "Teacher, I am now traveling in the Five Rings Santa, and..."

Suddenly, the crystal light curtain turned. There was a handsome male wizard.

This person turned out to be the wizard apprentice who had known Cappuccino in the poisonous period during his knowledge of Cappuccino.

Now that the years have passed, the two have even come together again.

"Green Instructor, I went back to the Seventh Ring Tower and found Ivan."

Cappuccino officially introduced his own wizard's companion to Green. Next to Yifan looked at Green, a grateful color: "Master Green, if not your hospice encouragement, I think I can't insist on Kabu. The day when Kino returned, thank you for your mastery."


Green nodded, and his shoulders were small and he laughed.

"Wow, I didn't want to keep the secrets of the Eight Lords. I didn't know how many times I was dismantled before I knew them. It's the Eight Lords. I see you are interesting until you find out."

After Green took a small eye, he turned to Cappuccino and said, "I will pick you up at the Fifth Ring Santa, and let me go with you for the last time for your Peranos ancestors."

"Ah? Yes, mentor."

Close the crystal ball communication, a receptionist at the world transmission array looked up at the mysterious wizard on the mysterious Wantou bird, waiting quietly.

Green is low: "Take me to the five-ring Santa tower."

Cappuccino can be paid without the payment of witchcraft. The mentor of Green is naturally going to pick it up in person, otherwise it will not take much time to fly to Cappuccino to reach the nine angry colleges.


Space distortion, Green came to the Fifth Ring Santa through the transmission array.

Cappuccino was not within the scope of the five-ring Santa Shield, and the mysterious 10,000-headed bird flew for a little while, only to find cappuccino and Ivan in the Kakis Mountains.

Two first-level sorcerers stared at the 50-meter mysterious 10,000-headed bird, huge, strong, and sturdy, with ninety-five heads flying.

On this terrible monster, there is a colorful rune flowing by a wizard, a vaguely translucent figure with a mysterious magic secretary in the left hand, a cold ice stick in the right hand, and a bicolor light in the gray mask. Mysterious and powerful!

"Green Instructor..."

"Master Green!"

After hundreds of years of travel and growth, the two stood in front of Green and finally realized that Green's true power, oppressive atmosphere has surpassed any of the great wizards the two have seen in the wizarding world.

At this moment, Cappuccino couldn't help but be proud of being such a mentor and full of security.

"Hey, little guy, do you want to go to the Lord?"

Xiao Ba stood on Green's shoulder, and his two wings smirked and asked with a smile.

"Eight Rainbow Nevis!"

Cappuccino greeted the small eight.

Green is eager and low: "I am coming up, I will take you through the transmission to the Sixth Ring Santa, and there are other things to tell you, be prepared."

The so-called other things are naturally about some of the insider interests that are about to be opened in the Third Civilization War of the Wizarding World, and the construction plan of the Wizarding School of the Tower of the Destruction that Green wants to build.

Of course, this is all about Green's future arrangements, and it has been a long time.


Six Rings Santa 9 Nine Worship Academy.

The huge body of the mysterious 10,000-headed bird came, causing a horror and chaos in the academy's apprentices. After the college guardian and the patrolling sorcerer confirmed the identity of Green, the honourable wizard was ushered in the 99th floor of the Witch Tower.

The space was distorted, and Green came to the nine angers with cappuccino and Evan.

The secluded spring is next to the transmission array, patiently waiting for the appearance of the third division of Green.

"How about his sister, the teacher?"

Green eagerly asked, and did not notice the shocking eyes of other wizards gathered in the vicinity of the transmission array. Ivan and Cappuccino quietly followed Green.

"There is a black soul to support, and it should be able to support one or two years."

The secluded spring gaze at Green, and was surprised: "You have grown to this stage. I am afraid that you have rare rivals under the sacred world of the sorcerer. I have seen the Samsung Santa Accord who had been raging in the abyss of the underground. Is it true?"

"Well, I have seen it once, it is very powerful."

Green nodded, sure.

"To him, how much do you have now?"

Green followed the back of the fountain and walked back. While recalling the power of the Archangel, he thought about Green and said: "If it is only the strength he shows, he has more than nine points."

"The Wizarding World has arranged a surprise mission for me. A world between the Wizarding League and Skynet has once contacted the metal destroyer Skynet master. www.novelmtl.com~ So the Wizards Alliance will organize a assault expeditionary army. Will you give this world a devastating attack, is there any interest? Maybe some robots of metal destroyers will come across the time, but there should be no uncontrollable danger. We are only responsible for the raid and destruction. It is good for you to get in touch early. ”

Skynet main brain? smart robot?

"it is good!"

Greening nodded.

With the master of Youquan, who is taking care of him, he can get to know the enemies encountered in the Third Civilization War earlier, and Green certainly will not let go of this precious opportunity.

not to mention……

It is time to see some real world war scenes. The war cannot always be the world of the wizard world coming to a weak and exotic world, carrying out a planning and war system.

Earlier contact with pioneering horizons, Green is more likely to survive in the battle of civilization, and even leave his own name in history books. (To be continued.)


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