A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 15 Chapter 769: Sleepy seal (end)

The abyss of the human nest is hidden deep inside the cave.

With the 30-year time limit agreed with Taggie Bailey, Green has been researching self-sealing for more than a thousand years and is finally coming to an end.

At this time, the complete version of Lafite's wonderful time self-sealing is based on the **** rune of the Lafite in the Book of Truth, and the robe of the imagery. The self-sealing technique developed by accumulating memories of self-love is accumulated. .

The robe of the imagery will replace the role of Tagay Belle and become the energy storage medium of Green.

A large number of colorful neon lights are shining, and Green actually draws a rune in the body with colorful neon light. Each rune exudes a wonderful light and colorful colors.

All the bodies that have been drawn by the colorful runes, the robes of the appearances have begun to lose their stealth ability, and become a translucent and fuzzy state, as if a crystal world is a strange life.

this day.

With the completion of the last colorful rune drawn by Green on the body, the eyes flashed a complex look of embarrassment, tension, embarrassment, and anticipation. The whole person became translucent and illusory, and only one faintly visible one could be seen. The human form creature wearing a white mask, wearing a gray wizard's gown, holding a black wand and a blue wand with a powerful wand of magic wand stood quietly.


All the preparations were in place, and Green slowly took out the "Book of Truth" and flew in front of him, trying to abandon all distracting emotions, but found that he could not do it at all.

A trace of wetness, Green rubbed the eyes under the face of the truth, and found that he was unconsciously filled with tears.

Even after so many years, the scene is still profound and inscribed in the heart. Brand the soul.

Green opened the gap between the dimensions, an experimental crystal glass seal device appeared, and the coldness was overflowing.

In the crystal, Lafite stood still, still with a hint of arrogance and arrogance during the apprenticeship of the wizard. At this time, the skull was replaced by a crystal ball, which constantly played the voice and smile of Lafite in the memory of Green. It was a fulfilling day for many partners to explore the knowledge of the wizard during the apprenticeship of the wizard.


The world of representation, the two are close at hand, but because of this layer of crystal glass mirror, the ruler is the horizon. Life and death are separated.

On one side is the tears of endless pain in the corners of the eyes, and on the other hand, the lips and teeth are hard to say, and the smile is touching. The crystal finger touches the tip of the finger at the last moment of Lafite, and seems to see her last minute eyes. Weeping and sobbing.

"On the other side of the door of truth waiting for me! Just open this door. This door of truth must find the real world where you and I are together!"

Resolutely decided, Green will crystal the income gap, leaving only the fierce and wisdom in the eyes and the cold light, the fuzzy and distorted figure flying under the wizard's robe, the magic stirs and transpires, roaring.

"Lafie's wonderful time self-sealing, Kai!"

Oh la la...

The Book of Truth is rapidly flipping. The shadow rune medium, which is mixed with the blood of Lafite, flew out. Every rune is the history of Green's failure, and it is also Green's progress. The endless exploration of the truth and the righteousness of truth and truth, and the communication of the forgotten world.

The rune media is dense and inexhaustible.

As the pages that flipped at a rapid speed flew out and blended into the colorful runes drawn by Green, it seemed to infuse the soul and the vitality of life. These colorful runes exuding the wonderful light seemed to come alive. I began to squirm and kept swimming in Green with mysterious rules.


Until the "Book of Truth" flipped to the last page of writing. After the last rune blended into Green's body, a painful roar. Green's body can't help but curl up, as if he had been ruthlessly squeezed.

Come fast, go fast.

An embarrassing, stirring magical fluctuations stopped, everything seems to have never happened, only Green curled up on the ground and unnaturally twitched, "The Book of Truth" gradually closed.

This is an inevitable phenomenon of self-sealing. The self-sealing will suppress the usual power of the surgeon, and when the seal is released, it will erupt beyond the absolute power of the past.

After a while.

Green, who was curled up in the ground, slowly stood up, holding the book of Truth in his left hand, holding the extreme abyss magic wand in his right hand, wearing the face of truth, an ice and a fire, calm and looking forward, as if it had penetrated the layer. The barrier of the barrier saw the female knight who was waiting anxiously, stepping slowly out of the cave, blurring the twisted translucent figure, and walking around the colorful runes.

Below this self-sealing rune, a terrible monster is born!


"The shadow of despair, you... succeeded?"

Under the black robe, the female knight only showed her eyes to Green. In the original awe, I couldn’t help but have a trace of fear. I want to know that the Peacock Xiangqi Taji Baili is in the Apocalypse Knights Perseverance Academy, but several of them are the most promising. Advance to one of the legendary knights of the St. Mark Knights.

"This shadow of despair is probably enough to fight Arkmond, the king of the strongest abyss in the past three hundred years!"

When Taggie Bailey looked at the unfinished Abyssal Magic Wand in the hands of Green, he couldn't help but sip a sip of water and his eyes bounced.

"No! I am afraid that I have surpassed Accord and become a hidden monster under the sacred mark of the wizarding world! It is a pity..."

Tajibelle didn't think about it anymore, and he couldn't stop it.

It’s a pity that even if it is stronger, what is stronger in this seal space, but the more serious the life consumption, the faster the death, the best way to cope with self-seal or forever sleep, just like those of ancient wizards Die in the middle.

"This is your reward."

After returning the second fundamental life Xiang to the Tajibelle, Green suddenly took out the ring of the shadow, and said: "There is no seal on the ring of this shadow. It can be used arbitrarily. Of course, this seal is only used. Can use some of the abilities, the phantom ring overlaps with my witchcraft ability, how about changing your oil lamp?"

The black knight under the horsewoman is a sneer.

"Why, are you still planning to go out, don't expect those guys who seal the export, I am afraid that the devil will be slaughtered in a flash."

Said in the mouth, almost indifferent attitude, Taji Berry handed the oil lamp to Green, and took the ring of the shadow.

Green calmly said: "Since you are no longer planning to go out, is this the last one to be alive?"

Taji Berry's meal, bitterness means revealing.

Although the sound of the mouth has not embraced the hope of escaping from this seal space, my heart is still looking forward to eagerness, otherwise it will be useful to reclaim these life-savings.

"Do you have a way to get out of here!?"

Tajibelle woke up and asked excitedly.

Green smiled and took out a fate contract and the third fundamental life, and the content of the contract was almost the same as the fate contract that Green had signed in order to obtain the truth of the sixth phase of the project on the city of the sky.

Once Green's establishment of the Wizarding Tower, once the source of the magic is destroyed, Taggie Bailey will forever lose three fundamentals, until she advances to the St. Mark Wizard contract.

Excited and difficult to conceal, Taggie Bailey did not hesitate to sign this fate contract, and regained his third fundamental life.

After the fate contract disappeared, Green smile filled with trust and calmly said: "Wait, wait until my soul partner Ba Hong Ni Weixi opens the seal again."

While the horsewoman’s eyes were bright and hopeful, Green turned his head and slowly walked into the distance.

"But you don't want to hope to go out right away. This guy is very cautious. Don't gather enough people before he can take risks. Maybe he will spend a lot of time with his wife and have a good sleep on the road. Feel, taste some local food, time does not have much concept for it. So you can feel the history of the ancient war here, as a vacation, I will also restore some problems after the magic counterattack here..."


This is the time that 140 years have passed.

Bang, boom, boom...

On this day, after the seal ruins have just studied the ancient abyssal magic to reflect the cells of a specimen, the Green, who is slowly meditating and regaining spiritual strength, suddenly looks up at the sky, as if the entire ruins have collapsed.

"The shadow of despair, what's going on!?"

Tajibelle appeared in the side of Green~www.novelmtl.com~ Surprised to look at the sky, the cracks in the collapsed sky spread in all directions, the entire seal relics space is turbulent, the rock is broken, like the end of the world.

Greene couldn't help but swallow his mouth, unbelievable, and muttered: "This guy, which ancient wizard is summoned!"

"The real spirit wizard!?"

Taji Belle exclaimed.

The ground collapsed, the collapses and cracks in the sky continued, and the seals were like the desperate scenes of the end, and the familiar screams of Xiao Ba came.

"Hey! The Green Beast gives me a hold, don't be afraid, I have already summoned enough people to save you, I don't want to die, Mom, give me all the troops, clean up all the abyss monsters here! ”

The sorcerer's army, the slave monster army, and the sacred sorcerer appeared in the cracks in the sky. The vast lineup is almost ten times more than the invisible ancient abyss call, and the sky and the earth outside the entire seal are It’s packed. (To be continued)


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